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10. Being good for agricultural purposes, soil must have in it the minerals plants
a. Being good
b. must have
c. it
d. require
> a

III. Grammar and Vocabulary:
11. My brother has just bought a new ……
a. accommodation
b. housing
c. flat
d. rental
12. What he says makes no …………. to me.
a. reason
b. truth
c. sense
d. matter
 c
near the shopping center.
13. Malaria, which can be fatal if left untreated, is transmitted by the female,
…………… by the male mosquito.
a. not
b. however

c. despite
d. instead
14. He said that he ……… badly sick since he returned from abroad.
a. had been
b. has been
c. was
d. would be
 a
15. We’ll never
a. manage
b. arrive
c. succeed
d. able
16. How did you
a. come into
b. come by
c. come to
d. come at
 b
to get there by nine. The roads are quite busy today.

this document?

17. He wasted ……
a. priceless
b. costly
c. expensive
d. valuable
> d

time searching for the door key.
18. High schools offer a wide
a. field
b. scope
c. list
d. range
 d
19. Sometimes we use
a. hand
b. gesture
c. head
d. signal
 d
of subjects.

. language in communication.
20. It’s a foregone
a. concept
b. conclusion
c. proposal
d. prediction
that Jim will be top of the class again.
21. I like to wear a beautiful
a. string
b. ring
c. band
d. bracelet
22. My shoes need
a. to clean
b. clean
c. cleaning
d. be cleaned
 c
of pearls round my neck.
23. The judge her never to do it again.
a. warned
b. explained
c. threatened
d. said
24. When he came , he found himself in the bed.
a. round
b. off

c. over

d. out
 a
25. Our family has gone on a
a. turn
b. route
c. tour
d. round
> c
of the Alps for our holiday.
26. Don't worry about next interview. It's just a
a. form
b. format
c. formation
d. formality
 d
27. This is my business and you have no right to
a. intervene
b. interfere
c. interrupt
d. disturb
28. The . of the motor car on TV last night attracted many viewers.
a. approach
b. inauguration

c. initiation
d. advert
 d
29. The taxi up by the kerb.
a. turned
b. stopped
c. came
d. drew
> d
30. You can choose an idea place for your holidays after browsing these

a. booklets
b. yellow pages
c. brochures
d. propaganda
 c
31. We began early
a. so that
b. in so far
c. in order
d. as long as
to miss the worst of the traffic.
32. We shouldn't live beyond our

a. income

b. earning
c. gaining
d. attainment
 a
33. After a day of hard work I am totally
a. weak
b. exhausted
c. strained
d. dull
34. She was . in the film on TV and didn't hear the phone.
a. engrossed
b. submerged
c. gripped
d. distracted
 a
35. We could cut the grass if
a. ever
b. just
c. only
d. even
36. He will phone if he
a. has changed
b. changes
c. changed
d. will change
 b
. it would stop raining for an afternoon.

his mind.
37. The students were warned
a. not
b. about
c. from
d. out of
> b
. sailing alone on the lake by the instructor.
38. I suggested going to the seaside but they turned it down.
a. made (it) shorter
b. refused
c. threw (it) to the floor
d. rejected
 d
39. All of us would be very ……
a. hopeful
b. enjoyable
c. fond
d. interested
to go to China one day.

> a
40. She is certainly a very

for a short time.
a. imaginary
b. imaginable
c. imaginative
d. imagining
 c
. girl, she can make up an interesting story
41. The wheels . as the car went over an icy patch.
a. skipped
b. skidded
c. slid
d. slipped
42. They have . me to buy their house.
a. suggested
b. persuaded
c. argued
d. resulted
 b
43. Most of the double rooms are the size.
a. same
b. similar
c. equal
d. like
44. The police . the thief and then took him to the police station.
a. chased
b. looked
c. captured
d. hunted

 c
45. The army defeat at the hands of its enemies.
a. tolerated
b. suffered
c. bore
d. supported
> b
46. In the . of success, you must entertain us.
a. event
b. condition
c. chance
d. fact
 a
47. In an attempt to get to the of the problem, he took his car engine to

a. root
b. gist
c. base
d. centre
> a
48. All at once, black clouds appeared and it started to rain.
a. Suddenly
b. At times
c. Occasionally
d. Immediately

 a
49. He sport to keep fit, not because he likes it.
a. plays
b. makes
c. practises
d. trains
50. There have been protests from animal rights group about . on
a. experience
b. experiments
c. expiration
d. trials
 b

I. Pronunciation:
1. a. weight b. height c. straight d. late
 b
2. a. jumped b. smiled c. picked d. looked
 b
3. a. forget b. forty c. former d. fortunate
 a
4. a. blew b. flew c. new d. crew
 c
5. a. thank b. thick c. they d. thin
 c
6. a. either b. neither c. height d. leisure
 d
7. a. chief b. of c. leaf d. thief

 b
II. Find the mistake:
8. He had to explain the lesson very clear so that his students could understand
a. had to

b. clear
c. so that
d. could
> b
9. Doctors are using laser beam to remove of bone in ear surgery.
a. are using
b. to remove
c. of
d. in
> c
10. We wish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the country
communing with nature.
a. was
b. so that
c. could spend
d. in the country
> a

III. Grammar and vocabulary:

11. The students left the room
a. while
b. soon
c. once
d. during
they had finished their exam.
12. Direct speech: "Why did he move to San Francisco?" (Change into Indirect
a. I wondered that why he had moved to San Francisco.
b. I wondered that why he hadn't moved to San Francisco.
c. I wondered that why he moved to San Francisco.
d. I wondered that why he would move to San Francisco.
 a
13. The brothers are so alike that I cannot
a. say
b. notice
c. tell
d. mark
one from the other.
14. Nancy was on her own when she lived in London.
a. free
b. alone
c. sick
d. uncommitted
 b

15. The tallest bird on the North American continent, the white whooping crane,
………… four and a half feet tall.
a. stands
b. which stands
c. it stands
d. standing
> a
16. It was that I couldn't eat it.
a. such a hard cake
b. such hard cake
c. so a hard cake
d. so hard cake
 a
17. The prisoner
a. refused
b. declined
c. denied
d. rejected
that he had assaulted a policeman.
18. Robert opened the drawer and …… a knife.
a. taking out
b. taken out
c. took out
d. take out
 c
19. Do you mind
a. controlling

b. checking
c. assuring
d. knowing
> c
. that everyone has got a ticket?
20. "I have bought this washing machine for two months but now, it is out of
order." "Don't worry. Your car is being "
a. stopped
b. broken
c. serviced
d. rented
 c
21. With every he took, he got more and more tired.
a. walk
b. march
c. step
d. foot
22. The robber made the bank manager . the money.
a. hand over

b. to hand over
c. handing over
d. handed over
 a
23. I wish I could give you the

a. answer
b. conclusion
c. reply
d. end
24. How long is it since you
a. has seen
b. saw
c. had seen
d. see
 b
. to your problems.

25. His youngest brother intends to take
a. to
b. up
c. on
d. in
> b
skating next winter.
26 his old age, Mr. Johnson runs seven miles before breakfast.
a. Though
b. Although
c. In spite of
d. Instead of
 c

27. The fire was
a. finished
b. off
c. away
d. out
28. I remember
a. to send
b. sending
c. sent
d. to have sent
 b
. by the time the firemen arrived.

. the package a few days before going to the
29. My teacher was very conscious his bald head.
a. of
b. with
c. about
d. for

30. Seeing all that food made me very
a. hunger
b. hungry
c. hungrily
d. hurry
 b
31. It took us five hours of negotiation to a compromise.
a. make
b. do
c. arrive
d. reach
> d
32. You have to run or
a. instead
b. else
c. therefore
d. though
 b
33. The police car
a. persisted
b. ensued
c. sued
d. pursued
34. He was brought
a. back
b. down
c. up
d. in

 c
. you will miss the train.

the suspect for over 100 miles.

. in the spirit of communism.
35. The offer of a place at a good university is not to be at.
a. coughed
b. sneezed
c. laughed
d. rejected
36 the time you reach the airport, the plane will have taken off.
a. At
b. On
c. By
d. In
 c
37. It never his mind that his dishonesty would be discovered.
a. crossed
b. came
