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d. have left
 a

34. Cars, buses and bicycles are means of
a. conversation
b. transport
c. competition
d. preparation
 b

35. Belinda, the girl you at the party, my young brother.
a. meet / marries
b. will meet / is going to be married
c. have met / will be married
d. met / is marrying
 d

36. She had a few rest after working in the garden.
a. hour
b. hours
c. hours's
d. hours'
 d

37. I my homework when the bell rings.
a. finish
b. shall have finished
c. shall be finishing
d. have finished

 b

38. She has left her handbag in the underground with the …… sum of money in it.
a. extraordinary
b. important
c. considerable
d. valuable
 c

39. “I wonder where Mr. Ban is.” “Didn’t you know the committee forced him ?”
a. resigned
b. resign
c. resigning
d. to resign
 d

40. The building of motorway ……. major cities …… goods to be transported faster.
a. connecting / enables
b. connecting / enable
c. connect / enabling
d. connected / enable
 a

41. Since he came, we able to work on the project.
a. are

b. have been
c.have to be
d. were

 b

42. the rain, I was late this morning.
a. Despite
b. Because of
c. Because
d. Although
 b

43. Although my sister likes classical music and my brother likes light music, I like
a. folk songs
b. folk’s song
c. folks’ songs
d. folk song
 a

44. One of the golf clubs ………… in the corner of the room.
a. stands
b. stand
c. is stands
d. are stands
 a

45. No one Mary arrange those books.
a. had
b. wanted
c. asked
d. advised
 a

46. “I thought you bought a new fountain-pen last week.” “Yes, I did but I’ve left it at home.
Can I borrow for a moment?”
a. the one of you
b. one of yours
c. one pen of you
d. the one of your pen
 b

47. Would you mind if I get you …… my sister off at the airport tonight?
a. seen
b. seeing
c. see
d. to see
 d

48. He still can’t believe it! His motorbike last Sunday.
a. was stolen
b. was stealing
c. stolen
d. stole
 a

49. Lan returned the borrowed book ………….
a. the next very day
b. the day next very
c. the very day next
d. the very next day
 d

50. The boy’s arm was swollen because he by a bee.
a. stung
b. had stung
c. had been stung
d. had being stung
 c

Test 16
1. a. tear b. hearer c. bearish d. weary
 c
2. a. mood b. look c. wood d. good
> a
3. a. baggage b. fragile c. gen d. bargain
> d
4. a. cloud b. sound c. courage d. south
> c
5. a. congress b. unless c. messy d. useless
> d
6. a. walk b. wash c. sonic d. hot
> a

Find the mistakes
7. At the Hermitage, Andrew Jackson's home in Tennessee, even his glasses have been
leftexactly where he laythem.
a. have been left
b. exactly
c. lay
d. them

 c

8. Laser disks provide images of best quality than those of either television signals or video
a. provide
b. best quality
c. those
d. either
 b

9. Most of the Cajun French who live in Louisiana can neither read nor writing the French
variety that they speak fluently.
a. Most of
b. who
c. neither
d. writing
 d

10. A mature grove of aspen trees oftenhave a signal root system that supportsnumerous
a. often
b. have
c. supports
d. numerous trunks
 b

11. One-cent coins issued in the United Statessince 1982is 90 percent zine.
a. One-cent

b. issued
c. since 1982
d. is
 d

Grammar and Vocabulary
12. There are only a few minutes left, and the student is writing ………….
a. with a pressure
b. under pressure
c. under the pressure
d. to pressure
 b

13. Let’s go ahead and do it now. Nothing by waiting.
a. accomplishes
b. accomplished
c. has accomplished
d. will be accomplished
 d

14. My brother has gone …… to continue his education.
a. to abroad
b. for abroad
c. in abroad
d. abroad
 d

15. A shortage of water is a problem in many parts of the world. In some areas,
water from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply.
a. is being taken

b. has been taking
c. is taking
d. has taken
 a

16. I am so worried. I think the …… is the most unreasonable.
a. examination third question
b. question third of the examination
c. third examination question
d. examination of the third question
 c

17. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop by every little thing that
a. bothering
b. being bothered
c. to bother
d. to be bothered
 b

18. It is necessary that this letter ……… at once.
a. were sent
b. sent
c. be sent
d. send
 c

19. By the time their baby arrives, they hope painting and decorating the new

a. having finished
b. having been finished
c. to have finished
d. to have been finished
 c

20. I wish I ……… that girl's name.
a. know
b. knew
c. had known
d. have known
 b

21. Paula mentioned in an accident as a child, but he never told me the details.
a. having injured
b. having been injured
c. to have injured
d. to have been injured
 b

22. "What would you like for your birthday?" " ……… will do."
a. Anything
b. None
c. Something
d. Somebody
 a

23. She finally finished at 7:30 p.m. and served dinner.
a. cooking

b. being cooked
c. to cook
d. to be cooked
 a

24. Though you have been advised to talk less, you need not …… your opinion when
a. should reserve

b. reserving
c. to reserve
d. reserve
 d
25. Their children were lucky from the fire before the building collapsed.
a. rescuing
b. to have rescued
c. to rescue
d. to have been rescued
 d

26. A person performs operations is a surgeon.
a. who
b. whom
c. which
d. whose
 a

27. Jack pretended not hurt when his younger brother bit him.
a. having

b. be
c. to have
d. to have been
 d

28. A person who speaks on the radio is a ………
a. radiator
b. loudspeaker
c. newsman
d. broadcaster
 d

29. He’s sure it’s not his fault that Daisy found out what they were planning. He doesn’t
remember anybody about it.
a. having told
b. being told
c. to tell
d. to be told
 a

30. The employees stopped working because they asked their boss to pay them a higher
salary. This means they were on ……….
a. protest
b. strike
c. scorn
d. split
 b

31. My father was upset by him the truth.
a. our not having told

b. us not tell
c. we didn’t tell
d. not to tell
 a

32. There are many wild animals at the zoo. The opposite of wild is ………
a. timid
b. big
c. tame
d. savage
 c

33. My uncle offered care of our garden while we were out of town.
a. take
b. taking
c. to have taken
d. to take
 d

34. The candidate for I voted lost the election.
a. who
b. whom
c. no word
d. that

35. My mother should have asked for my father's help instead to do it herself.
a. of trying

b. to try
c. try
d. from trying
 a

36. People in my office exchange cards with during the holidays.
a. ourselves
b. themselves
c. the others
d. one another

37. Do you have an excuse late to class this morning?
a. for to be
b. for being
c. to be
d. being
 b

38. The department store has been in business many years.
a. during
b. since
c. in
d. for

39. Who is the man talking to Mrs Been? I don’t recall him around the office before.
a. to have seen
b. seeing
c. to see

d. being seen
 b

40. I'm looking forward to on vacation.
a. go
b. be going
c. going
d. having gone

41. She made no effort to hide her amusement. She .
a. didn’t try to
b. didn’t afford to
c. couldn’t afford to
d. didn’t have a trail
 a

42. There was an accident on the motorway, and we were for over half an hour.
a. held down
b. held up
c. put back
d. put up

43. John urged me to accept a cigarette. He wanted me to one.
a. take
b. agree to
c. receive

d. undertake
 a

44. I'll see you outside the cinema. Make sure you're I don't want to miss the
beginning of the film.
a. at times
b. in time
c. before time
d. on time

45. In the distance, I heard the church clock in the early morning.
a. beat
b. hit
c. strike
d. ring
 c

46. The winner of the competition was with a cheque for $5,000.
a. made
b. given
c. awarded
d. offered

47. Jim knocked that thief down with a sharp blow. He

a. beat him
b. blew him over

c. knocked him
d. struck him
 d

48. I really need your help, so don't , please.
a. let me through
b. let me in
c. let me off
d. let me down

49. I hope you don’t mind my asking a personal question, but what do you do for a ?
a. living
b. profession
c. life
d. line
 a

50. He was homesick, and all his friends and family.
a. missed
b. lost
c. lacked
d. desired

Test 17
1. a. eight b. neighbour c. height d. weigh
> c

2. a. curriculum b. concern c. circle d. conception
> c
3. a. divisible b. devise c. disease d. tension
> d
4. a. rather b. sacrifice c. farther d. card
> b
5. a. pair b. chair c. heir d. aisle
> d
6. a. bargain b. plain c. gain d. campaign
> a

Find the mistakes
7. The average temperature of rocks on the surface of the earth are 55 degrees F.
a. The average
b. on the surface
c. are
d. degrees
 c

8. Scientists who study animal behaviorthinks that only human beings get headaches.
a. who
b. animal behavior
