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Đề thi viết lại câu anh 12 có đáp án số 14B

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Đề thi viết lại câu anh 12 có đáp án số 14B
1. This is too hard a question for her to answer.
 The question
2. Since she was not certain of the way, she asked the policeman.
 Not
3. She wanted to know if he had studied French.
 She asked him “ ”
4. I’m sorry that I didn’t study French last year.
 I wish
5. The children will go swimming if it is sunny.
 Unless
6. “Bring your swimming things in case it is rainy.
 He told
7. There’s no need for you to talk so loudly.
 You don’t
8. I haven’t been to Bristol for three years.
 The last time
9. No one has signed this cheque.
 This cheque
10.Tim will be eighteen next week.
 It’s Tim’s
Đề thi viết lại câu anh 12 có đáp án số 14B
1. The question is too hard for her to answer
2. Not being certain of the way, she asked the policeman
3. She asked him “Have you studied French?”
4. I wish I had studied French last year
5. Unless it isn’t sunny, the children will go swimming
6. He told me to bring my swimming things in case it was sunny
7. You don’t have to talk so loudly
8. The last time I went to Bristol was three years ago
9. This cheque hasn’t been signed

10.It’s Tim eighteenth birthday next week
