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Trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 11

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Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

ĐỀ: 931 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )
I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a unselfish b mutual c together d friendly
2/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to have left b leaving c leave d to leave
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a helpful b pleasant c selfish d enthusiastic
4/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a wonder b humour c pleasure d understanding
5/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a holder b clip c cartoon d picture
6/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / had finished b drank / finished
c had drunk / finished d were drinking / finished
7/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a started b glanced c caught sight d looked
8/ It's important for her the office.
a rang b ringing c to ring d ring
9/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrives / leaves b had arrived / left c arrived / had left d arrived / left
10/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b works c is working d was working
11/ The children were eager their parents
a seeing b to see c see d saw
12/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / had met b wore / was meeting

c were wearing / had met d were wearing / met
13/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a helpful b good - natured c quick - witted d honest
14/ The children were about opening their presents.
a thrilling b exciting c excited d heady
15/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laugh b laughed c laughing d to laugh
16/ He refused us the truth.
a telling b to tell c being told d told
17/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a sincere b generous c successful d mutual
18/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tiring b tire c happily d tired
19/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / see b didn't see / saw c didn't see / had seen d hadn't seen / saw
20/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / had broken b was cutting / broke
c cut / broke d cut / was breaking

The end
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 932 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.

a friendly b mutual c together d unselfish
2/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to have left b leave c to leave d leaving
3/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idea b fan c idol d ideal
4/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snowed c snows d is snowing
5/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a pleasant b enthusiastic c helpful d selfish
6/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a humour b understanding c wonder d pleasure
7/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a staying b stay c to stay d having stayed
8/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a picture b cartoon c clip d holder
9/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrived / left b arrives / leaves c had arrived / left d arrived / had left
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a let b allowed c obliged d simply
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a smell b feel c see d notice
12/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b saw c see d seeing
13/ If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
a loyalty b constancy c sympathy d unselfishness
14/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a were wearing / met b wore / was meeting c wore / had met d were wearing / had met
15/ I'd rather at home
a staying b to stay c stayed d stay
16/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.

a felt b is felling c has felt d feels
17/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a happily b tired c tire d tiring
18/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / saw b hadn't seen / see c didn't see / saw d didn't see / had seen
19/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / had broken b was cutting / broke c cut / broke d cut / was breaking

20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b begun c begins d began

Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 933 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a leaving b to have left c leave d to leave
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idea b fan c ideal d idol
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a helpful b selfish c enthusiastic d pleasant
4/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a is raining b rained c rains d was raining
5/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a sum b amount c wad d piece
6/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.

a caught sight b looked c started d glanced
7/ It's important for her the office.
a to ring b rang c ringing d ring
8/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b works c is working d was working
9/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a feel b notice c see d smell
10/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a saw b seeing c to see d see
11/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a generous b unselfish c helpful d sneaky
12/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a good - natured b quick - witted c honest d helpful
13/ I'd rather at home
a staying b stay c stayed d to stay
14/ He refused us the truth.
a told b to tell c telling d being told
15/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a successful b generous c sincere d mutual
16/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b happily c tire d tiring
17/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / see b didn't see / saw c didn't see / had seen
d hadn't seen / saw
18/ A good marriage is based
a trust b A and B c secret d loyalty
19/ It is difficult on time.
a get there b to get there c for getting there d in getting there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a begun b begins c began d was beginning

Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 934 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a mutual b unselfish c friendly d together
2/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a snows b was snowing c snowed d is snowing
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a pleasant b selfish c enthusiastic d helpful
4/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a understanding b humour c wonder d pleasure
5/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a to stay b having stayed c stay d staying
6/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rained b was raining c is raining d rains
7/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a piece b sum c amount d wad
8/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a started b glanced c caught sight d looked
9/ Don't make so much over the children.
a noise b fuss c reprimand d blame

10/ When he at the station, the train already
a had arrived / left b arrived / left c arrives / leaves d arrived / had left
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a feel b smell c notice d see
12/ The children were eager their parents
a see b saw c to see d seeing
13/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a generous b helpful c sneaky d unselfish
14/ I'd rather at home
a staying b stay c stayed d to stay
15/ He refused us the truth.
a to tell b telling c told d being told
16/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a happily b tiring c tired d tire
17/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a didn't see / saw b hadn't seen / see c hadn't seen / saw d didn't see / had seen
18/ A good marriage is based
a secret b loyalty c A and B d trust
19/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a cut / broke b was cutting / broke c cut / was breaking
d was cutting / had broken
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a begun b began c was beginning d begins
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 935 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :

1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a friendly b mutual c together d unselfish
2/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snows c snowed d is snowing
3/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a wonder b pleasure c humour d understanding
4/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a staying b to stay c having stayed d stay
5/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a picture b holder c clip d cartoon
6/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a were drinking / finished b drank / finished c had drunk / finished
d drank / had finished
7/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a sum b piece c wad d amount
8/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a glanced b looked c caught sight d started
9/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a decorated b painted c invented d discovered
10/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b was working c is working d works
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a notice b feel c smell d see
12/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a seeing b to see c see d saw
13/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a helpful b quick - witted c honest d good - natured
14/ The children were about opening their presents.
a excited b exciting c thrilling d heady
15/ He refused us the truth.

a being told b to tell c told d telling
16/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a generous b successful c mutual d sincere
17/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a feels b has felt c felt d is felling
18/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a happily b tiring c tire d tired
19/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / see b didn't see / had seen c didn't see / saw d hadn't seen / saw
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b began c begun d begins

The end
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 936 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a unselfish b mutual c friendly d together
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idea b fan c ideal d idol
3/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a is snowing b snows c snowed d was snowing
4/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a selfish b enthusiastic c pleasant d helpful

5/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a pleasure b wonder c understanding d humour
6/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a is raining b rains c rained d was raining
7/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / finished b had drunk / finished c drank / had finished
d were drinking / finished
8/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a started b glanced c caught sight d looked
9/ It's important for her the office.
a to ring b rang c ringing d ring
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a allowed b let c simply d obliged
11/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b is working c was working d works
12/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b saw c seeing d see
13/ The children were eager their parents
a seeing b saw c see d to see
14/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a unselfish b sneaky c generous d helpful
15/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / had met b were wearing / had met c wore / was meeting d were wearing / met
16/ I'd rather at home
a stayed b to stay c stay d staying
17/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a successful b generous c sincere d mutual
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / had broken b cut / broke c was cutting / broke d cut / was breaking
19/ It is difficult on time.

a for getting there b get there c to get there d in getting there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a began b begins c begun d was beginning

Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 937- CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to have left b leave c to leave d leaving
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idol b fan c idea d ideal
3/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b is snowing c snows d snowed
4/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a was raining b rains c is raining d rained
5/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / finished b had drunk / finished c were drinking / finished
d drank / had finished
6/ I hate a child
a see / crying b seeing / to cry c see / cry d seeing / cry
7/ Don't make so much over the children.
a reprimand b fuss c noise d blame
8/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a painted b discovered c decorated d invented
9/ When he at the station, the train already

a arrived / had left b arrives / leaves c arrived / left d had arrived / left
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a simply b let c obliged d allowed
11/ The children were eager their parents
a see b seeing c to see d saw
12/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a sneaky b helpful c generous d unselfish
13/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / was meeting b were wearing / met c were wearing / had met d wore / had met
14/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a honest b helpful c good - natured d quick - witted
15/ He refused us the truth.
a being told b telling c told d to tell
16/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a happily b tired c tiring d tire
17/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / see b hadn't seen / saw c didn't see / saw d didn't see / had seen
18/ A good marriage is based
a A and B b loyalty c trust d secret
19/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / broke b was cutting / had broken c cut / was breaking d cut / broke
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a began b begins c begun d was beginning

Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 938 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a mutual b friendly c together d unselfish
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a fan b idol c idea d ideal
3/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a cartoon b picture c holder d clip
4/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rains b was raining c is raining d rained
5/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a were drinking / finished b drank / had finished
d had drunk / finished c drank / finished
6/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a looked b started c caught sight d glanced
7/ Don't make so much over the children.
a blame b fuss c reprimand d noise
8/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a discovered b painted c decorated d invented
9/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a see b feel c smell d notice
10/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a see b seeing c saw d to see
11/ If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
a constancy b unselfishness c sympathy d loyalty
12/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / was meeting b wore / had met c were wearing / had met d were wearing / met
13/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a honest b helpful c quick - witted d good - natured

14/ I'd rather at home
a stayed b staying c stay d to stay
15/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a to laugh b laugh c laughing d laughed
16/ He refused us the truth.
a to tell b being told c told d telling
17/ A good marriage is based
a trust b secret c A and B d loyalty
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a cut / broke b was cutting / had broken c was cutting / broke d cut / was breaking
19/ It is difficult on time.
a to get there b in getting there c get there d for getting there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a begins b begun c began d was beginning


Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 939 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a leave b leaving c to have left d to leave
2/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snows c snowed d is snowing
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.

a enthusiastic b selfish c pleasant d helpful
4/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a pleasure b humour c wonder d understanding
5/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a picture b cartoon c holder d clip
6/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a was raining b rained c is raining d rains
7/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a started b glanced c looked d caught sight
8/ I hate a child
a see / crying b seeing / to cry c see / cry d seeing / cry
9/ It's important for her the office.
a ringing b to ring c ring d rang
10/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b works c was working d is working
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a feel b see c smell d notice
12/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b seeing c saw d see
13/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a unselfish b sneaky c helpful d generous
14/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a to laugh b laughing c laughed d laugh
15/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a sincere b generous c successful d mutual
16/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / saw b didn't see / saw c hadn't seen / see d didn't see / had seen
17/ A good marriage is based
a trust b A and B c loyalty d secret
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.

a was cutting / broke b cut / broke c was cutting / had broken d cut / was breaking
19/ It is difficult on time.
a in getting there b get there c for getting there d to get there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a began b begins c begun d was beginning

The end

Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 940 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a is snowing b snowed c snows d was snowing
2/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a helpful b selfish c pleasant d enthusiastic
3/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rains b rained c was raining d is raining
4/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / finished b had drunk / finished c were drinking / finished d drank / had finished
5/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a started b caught sight c looked d glanced
6/ I hate a child
a see / cry b seeing / cry c see / crying d seeing / to cry

7/ Don't make so much over the children.
a fuss b blame c reprimand d noise
8/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a seeing b to see c see d saw
9/ If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
a sympathy b constancy c loyalty d unselfishness
10/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a were wearing / met b wore / had met c wore / was meeting d were wearing / had met
11/ The children were about opening their presents.
a heady b thrilling c excited d exciting
12/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laughed b to laugh c laugh d laughing
13/ He refused us the truth.
a telling b to tell c told d being told
14/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a mutual b successful c generous d sincere
15/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a feels b has felt c is felling d felt
16/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b tire c tiring d happily
17/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a didn't see / had seen b hadn't seen / see c hadn't seen / saw
d didn't see / saw
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a cut / was breaking b was cutting / broke c was cutting / had broken d cut / broke
19/ It is difficult on time.
a get there b in getting there c for getting there d to get there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b begun c begins d began
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 941 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a unselfish b mutual c friendly d together
2/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to have left b leave c to leave d leaving
3/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a ideal b idol c idea d fan
4/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a snows b is snowing c snowed d was snowing
5/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a helpful b pleasant c enthusiastic d selfish
6/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a understanding b humour c pleasure d wonder
7/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a was raining b rained c rains d is raining
8/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a were drinking / finished b drank / finished c drank / had finished d had drunk / finished
9/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a wad b piece c amount d sum
10/ Don't make so much over the children.
a noise b blame c fuss d reprimand

11/ It's important for her the office.
a ringing b to ring c ring d rang
12/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a decorated b painted c discovered d invented
13/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a simply b allowed c obliged d let
14/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b see c saw d seeing
15/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a sneaky b generous c unselfish d helpful
16/ The children were about opening their presents.
a thrilling b heady c exciting d excited
17/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laughed b laugh c to laugh d laughing
18/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a is felling b feels c felt d has felt
19/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tiring b happily c tire d tired
20/ A good marriage is based
a A and B b secret c loyalty d trust
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11 ĐỀ:
942 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :

1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.

a mutual b together c unselfish d friendly
2/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to have left b to leave c leaving d leave
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a selfish b helpful c pleasant d enthusiastic
4/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a having stayed b staying c stay d to stay
5/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a holder b clip c picture d cartoon
6/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rained b rains c is raining d was raining
7/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / had finished b drank / finished c had drunk / finished
d were drinking / finished
8/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a amount b wad c piece d sum
9/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a painted b decorated c invented d discovered
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a obliged b simply c let d allowed
11/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b works c was working d is working
12/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a seeing b see c saw d to see
13/ If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
a sympathy b loyalty c unselfishness d constancy
14/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a helpful b good - natured c honest d quick - witted
15/ He refused us the truth.
a told b to tell c being told d telling

16/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a generous b successful c sincere d mutual
17/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a feels b is felling c has felt d felt
18/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tiring b tired c tire d happily
19/ A good marriage is based
a A and B b loyalty c secret d trust
20/ It is difficult on time.
a for getting there b to get there c in getting there d get there
The end
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11
ĐỀ: 943 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to leave b leaving c to have left d leave
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a fan b ideal c idol d idea
3/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snows c is snowing d snowed
4/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a enthusiastic b pleasant c selfish d helpful
5/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a pleasure b wonder c understanding d humour

6/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a staying b having stayed c stay d to stay
7/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a had drunk / finished b drank / finished c drank / had finished
d were drinking / finished
8/ I hate a child
a seeing / cry b see / crying c seeing / to cry d see / cry
9/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a decorated b painted c discovered d invented
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a obliged b let c simply d allowed
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a notice b see c feel d smell
12/ The children were eager their parents
a seeing b see c to see d saw
13/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a sneaky b generous c helpful d unselfish
14/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / was meeting b were wearing / had met c were wearing / met
d wore / had met
15/ I'd rather at home
a staying b stay c stayed d to stay
16/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laughed b laughing c laugh d to laugh
17/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a successful b mutual c generous d sincere
18/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b tire c happily d tiring
19/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / had broken b was cutting / broke c cut / was breaking

d cut / broke
20/ It is difficult on time.
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 944 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a unselfish b mutual c friendly d together
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a ideal b fan c idea d idol
3/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snowed c is snowing d snows
4/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a enthusiastic b selfish c pleasant d helpful
5/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a having stayed b to stay c stay d staying
6/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a caught sight b started c looked d glanced
7/ I hate a child
a see / cry b seeing / to cry c see / crying d seeing / cry
8/ It's important for her the office.
a rang b ring c ringing d to ring
9/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a invented b discovered c decorated d painted
10/ When he at the station, the train already

a arrived / left b arrived / had left c arrives / leaves d had arrived / left
11/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a was working b worked c is working d works
12/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / had met b were wearing / had met c were wearing / met
d wore / was meeting
13/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a quick - witted b honest c helpful d good - natured
14/ I'd rather at home
a staying b stay c stayed d to stay
15/ The children were about opening their presents.
a heady b excited c thrilling d exciting
16/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a mutual b successful c generous d sincere
17/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tiring b tired c happily d tire
18/ A good marriage is based
a A and B b trust c secret d loyalty
19/ It is difficult on time.
a in getting there b get there c to get there d for getting there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b begins c begun d began
The end
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Time allowed : 15 minutes
Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 945 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a unselfish b mutual c friendly d together
2/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a selfish b helpful c enthusiastic d pleasant
3/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a wonder b understanding c pleasure d humour
4/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a stay b to stay c having stayed d staying
5/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a holder b clip c cartoon d picture
6/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rained b rains c was raining d is raining
7/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a looked b started c glanced d caught sight
8/ It's important for her the office.
a ringing b rang c to ring d ring
9/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a invented b decorated c discovered d painted
10/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrived / had left b arrives / leaves c arrived / left d had arrived / left
11/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b seeing c saw d see
12/ If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
a sympathy b loyalty c unselfishness d constancy
13/ The children were about opening their presents.
a thrilling b heady c exciting d excited
14/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laughed b laughing c laugh d to laugh

15/ He refused us the truth.
a being told b told c to tell d telling
16/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a is felling b felt c has felt d feels
17/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b tire c tiring d happily
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a cut / was breaking b was cutting / had broken c cut / broke
d was cutting / broke
19/ It is difficult on time.
a for getting there b to get there c in getting there d get there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b begun c begins d began
The end
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

Time allowed : 15 minutes
Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 946- CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a mutual b unselfish c together d friendly
2/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to leave b leaving c leave d to have left
3/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.

a was snowing b snowed c is snowing d snows
4/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a enthusiastic b helpful c selfish d pleasant
5/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a wonder b understanding c pleasure d humour
6/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a having stayed b stay c to stay d staying
7/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a clip b picture c cartoon d holder
8/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a wad b sum c amount d piece
9/ It's important for her the office.
a ringing b rang c ring d to ring
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a allowed b obliged c simply d let
11/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a seeing b saw c to see d see
12/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a unselfish b helpful c sneaky d generous
13/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a were wearing / had met b wore / was meeting c were wearing / met d wore / had met
14/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a honest b helpful c good - natured d quick - witted
15/ I'd rather at home
a stayed b to stay c stay d staying
16/ The children were about opening their presents.
a thrilling b heady c excited d exciting
17/ He refused us the truth.
a telling b to tell c being told d told
18/ I the film last night because I it several times before.

a didn't see / saw b hadn't seen / saw c hadn't seen / see d didn't see / had seen
19/ A good marriage is based
a loyalty b secret c A and B d trust
20/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

a was cutting / had broken b cut / broke
c cut / was breaking d was cutting / broke

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 947 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ I hear you are preparing for Australia.
a to leave b leaving c leave d to have left
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idol b idea c fan d ideal
3/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a wonder b pleasure c understanding d humour
4/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a clip b cartoon c picture d holder
5/ It was midnight. Outside it very hard.
a rains b was raining c rained d is raining
6/ I hate a child
a see / cry b see / crying c seeing / cry d seeing / to cry
7/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.

a is working b worked c was working d works
8/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a to see b saw c see d seeing
9/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a were wearing / had met b wore / was meeting c were wearing / met
d wore / had met
10/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a good - natured b helpful c quick - witted d honest
11/ I'd rather at home
a to stay b stay c staying d stayed
12/ The children were about opening their presents.
a heady b exciting c excited d thrilling
13/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a to laugh b laughed c laugh d laughing
14/ He refused us the truth.
a telling b being told c told d to tell
15/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a generous b mutual c successful d sincere
16/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b happily c tire d tiring
17/ A good marriage is based
a secret b trust c loyalty d A and B
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a was cutting / broke b cut / broke c was cutting / had broken d cut / was breaking
19/ It is difficult on time.
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

a get there b for getting there c in getting there d to get there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.

a begins b begun c was beginning d began
The end

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 948 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a together b unselfish c mutual d friendly
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a ideal b idea c idol d fan
3/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a pleasure b humour c wonder d understanding
4/ A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a
a holder b picture c cartoon d clip
5/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a wad b amount c sum d piece
6/ Don't make so much over the children.
a noise b reprimand c fuss d blame
7/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a invented b discovered c decorated d painted
8/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrives / leaves b arrived / had left c had arrived / left d arrived / left
9/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a simply b obliged c allowed d let
10/ Mary has got an exam soon, so she very hard at the moment.
a worked b works c was working d is working
11/ Can you that strange perfume she is wearing.
a feel b notice c see d smell

12/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a honest b quick - witted c good - natured d helpful
13/ I'd rather at home
a to stay b stayed c stay d staying
14/ The children were about opening their presents.
a excited b thrilling c exciting d heady
15/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laugh b laughed c laughing d to laugh
16/ He refused us the truth.
a told b being told c to tell d telling
17/ I the film last night because I it several times before.
a hadn't seen / see b didn't see / saw c hadn't seen / saw
d didn't see / had seen
18/ As I the glass, It suddenly into two pieces.
a cut / broke b was cutting / had broken c cut / was breaking d was cutting / broke
19/ It is difficult on time.
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

a for getting there b in getting there c get there d to get there
20/ Ann learning English when she was eight years old.
a was beginning b begun c begins d began
The end

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 949 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :

1/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idol b ideal c idea d fan
2/ It quite often in Britain during the winter.
a was snowing b snows c snowed d is snowing
3/ They let their children up late at weekends.
a staying b to stay c stay d having stayed
4/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a drank / had finished b had drunk / finished c were drinking / finished d drank / finished
5/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a sum b piece c amount d wad
6/ She shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
a glanced b started c caught sight d looked
7/ Don't make so much over the children.
a noise b fuss c reprimand d blame
8/ It's important for her the office.
a to ring b ring c rang d ringing
9/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrived / had left b arrived / left c had arrived / left d arrives / leaves
10/ You aren't to smoke in here. It's a no - smoking apartment
a allowed b obliged c simply d let
11/ I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better a doctor.
a seeing b saw c see d to see
12/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a sneaky b generous c helpful d unselfish
13/ You your new hat when I you yesterday.
a wore / was meeting b wore / had met c were wearing / met
d were wearing / had met
14/ He is a person because he is always friendly with everyone
a quick - witted b helpful c honest d good - natured
15/ I'd rather at home

a to stay b stayed c stay d staying
16/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laugh b to laugh c laughed d laughing
17/ He refused us the truth.
a being told b to tell c telling d told
18/ A friendship is a precious relationship.
a mutual b sincere c generous d successful
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

19/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tired b tiring c tire d happily
20/ It is difficult on time.
a in getting there b for getting there c get there d to get there
The end

Fullname Class: 11

ĐỀ: 950 - CƠ BẢN ( ĐỀ CÓ 1 TRANG - 20 câu )

I - Choose the best answer ( A, B, C, or D ) :
1/ Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of aid.
a mutual b friendly c unselfish d together
2/ A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the
a idea b fan c idol d ideal
3/ He is too to lend me his bicycle.
a enthusiastic b pleasant c helpful d selfish
4/ Suddenly she recognized the of the situation that made her laugh.
a pleasure b wonder c understanding d humour
5/ They let their children up late at weekends.

a stay b staying c having stayed d to stay
6/ They small cups of coffee after they dinner.
a were drinking / finished b drank / had finished c had drunk / finished
d drank / finished
7/ He pulled a(n) pf 10 pound notes out of his packet.
a wad b amount c piece d sum
8/ I hate a child
a see / crying b see / cry c seeing / cry d seeing / to cry
9/ Don't make so much over the children.
a blame b fuss c noise d reprimand
10/ Picasso was a famous artist who some extremely interesting pictures.
a discovered b invented c painted d decorated
11/ When he at the station, the train already
a arrived / left b had arrived / left c arrived / had left d arrives / leaves
12/ The children were eager their parents
a to see b seeing c see d saw
13/ This girl was disliked by rest of the class.
a helpful b unselfish c generous d sneaky
14/ I'd rather at home
a stayed b staying c to stay d stay
15/ The children were about opening their presents.
a excited b thrilling c heady d exciting
16/ Peter is very funny. He makes me a lot
a laughing b to laugh c laugh d laughed
17/ He refused us the truth.
a told b being told c telling d to tell
18/ She should be here. I'm afraid that Lan sick.
a felt b feels c has felt d is felling
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

19/ I felt after a hardworking day.
a tire b tired c happily d tiring
20/ It is difficult on time.
a in getting there b to get there c get there d for getting there
The end

Đáp án của đề thi anh 11- 15’

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:950
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]c 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]d 5[ 1]a 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]c 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]a 13[ 1]d 14[ 1]d 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]c 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]b

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:949
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]a 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]a
9[ 1]a 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]a 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]c 16[ 1]a
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]b 19[ 1]a 20[ 1]d.

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:948
1[ 1]c 2[ 1]c 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]d 5[ 1]a 6[ 1]c 7[ 1]d 8[ 1]b
9[ 1]c 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]a 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]d 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi: 947
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]b 6[ 1]c 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]c 10[ 1]b 11[ 1]b 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]d 15[ 1]d 16[ 1]a
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]a 19[ 1]d 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:946
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]c 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]a
9[ 1]d 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]c 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]c 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:945
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]b 6[ 1]c 7[ 1]c 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]d 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]d 14[ 1]c 15[ 1]c 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]a 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:944
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]d 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]b 5[ 1]c 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]d 8[ 1]d
9[ 1]d 10[ 1]b 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]d
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]a 19[ 1]c 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:943
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]c 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]c 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]c 7[ 1]c 8[ 1]a
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]a 14[ 1]c 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]a 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]d
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:942
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]a 4[ 1]c 5[ 1]b 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]b
9[ 1]a 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]b 13[ 1]d 14[ 1]a 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]c 18[ 1]b 19[ 1]a 20[ 1]b

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:941
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]c 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]c

9[ 1]a 10[ 1]c 11[ 1]b 12[ 1]b 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]d
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]d 20[ 1]a

Đáp án của đề thi anh 11- 15’

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:940
1[ 1]c 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]d 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]d 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]a
17[ 1]a 18[ 1]b 19[ 1]d 20[ 1]d
¤ Đáp án của đề thi:939
1[ 1]d 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]b 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]a 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]d
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]d 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]d
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]a 19[ 1]d 20[ 1]a

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:938
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]d 4[ 1]b 5[ 1]b 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]b
9[ 1]c 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]a 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]c 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]a
17[ 1]c 18[ 1]c 19[ 1]a 20[ 1]c

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:937
1[ 1]c 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]a
9[ 1]a 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]a 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]d 16[ 1]b
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]a 19[ 1]a 20[ 1]a

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:936
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]d 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]a 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]c 8[ 1]b
9[ 1]a 10[ 1]a 11[ 1]b 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]d 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]d 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]c 18[ 1]c 19[ 1]c 20[ 1]a

¤ Đáp án của đề thi: 935
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]b 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]d 5[ 1]c 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]c 8[ 1]a
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]c 11[ 1]c 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]a 14[ 1]a 15[ 1]b 16[ 1]d
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]b

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:934
1[ 1]a 2[ 1]a 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]b 5[ 1]c 6[ 1]b 7[ 1]d 8[ 1]b
9[ 1]b 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]b 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]c 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]d 18[ 1]c 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]b
Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:933
1[ 1]d 2[ 1]d 3[ 1]b 4[ 1]d 5[ 1]c 6[ 1]d 7[ 1]a 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]d 10[ 1]d 11[ 1]d 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]b 15[ 1]c 16[ 1]a
17[ 1]c 18[ 1]b 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]c

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:932
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]c 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]c 5[ 1]d 6[ 1]a 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]d 10[ 1]b 11[ 1]a 12[ 1]c 13[ 1]b 14[ 1]a 15[ 1]d 16[ 1]c
17[ 1]b 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]b 20[ 1]d

¤ Đáp án của đề thi:931
1[ 1]b 2[ 1]d 3[ 1]c 4[ 1]b 5[ 1]b 6[ 1]a 7[ 1]b 8[ 1]c
9[ 1]c 10[ 1]c 11[ 1]b 12[ 1]d 13[ 1]a 14[ 1]c 15[ 1]a 16[ 1]b
17[ 1]a 18[ 1]d 19[ 1]c 20[ 1]b

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