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Key, scripts Big step Toeic 3 - Actual Test 2

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(A) Two men are walking past a bench.
(B) People are moving the chairs nearthe trees,
(C) One man ỉ s leanỉ ng on the other.
(D) Some people are restỉ ng outdoorsế
(A) He ỉ s walkỉ ng đown the corridor.
(B) He is entering the room.
(C) He ỉ s wỉ pĩng the ha!ỉ way wỉ th a mop.
(D) He ỉ s sỉ tting orì the tloor.
(A) The ATM is out of order.
(B) The machỉ ne is against a waỉ ỉ .
(C) Peopie are withdrawing money from the machine.
(D) The machỉ ne ỉ s beỉ ng inspected.
(A) They are watching the race.
(B) They are parking theỉ r bikes.
(C) They are riding bikes over rocks,
(D) They are getting on bỉ cycỉ es.
(A) The man ỉ s typỉ ng â document.
(B) The cup ỉ s sỉ ttĩng on the tabỉ e.
(C) The woman is tacing the man.
(D) The plant ỉ s beíng vvatered.
(A) People are packing their bags.
(B) People are boarding the bus.
(C) The windows are open wideỉ y,
(D) The tires are being repỉ aced.
(A) The peopỉ e are gettíng ỉ nto boats.
(B) The boats are tỉ oatỉ ng on the water.
(C) The boats are docked near the trees,
(D) The peopỉ e are taking the boats out on the water.

(A) The people are getting off the buses.
(B) The buses are on a City Street.
(C) The people are vvaiting for the bus to come.
(D) The buses are approaching the bus stop.
(A).The dessert is being made.
(B) The man is stirring something in the pot.
(C) The meal is being served at the table.
(D) The food is being spooned onto a plâte.
(A) The people are boarding the airplane.
(B) The airplane is sitting indoors.
(C) The airpiane is on the runway.
(D) The truck is moving tovvard the airpiane.
Ị (A) 12. ịc) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15 (C) 16. ÍA) 17. (C) 18. (A) J
.19. p 20. (AL-21 (A) 22. <B) 23. ipể) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (C)
2 t (B) 28 (C) 29. ÍB) 30. (B) 31. (C) 3 Z A Q 33: (B) 34. (A)
11. HowdoyougettoyouroRice?
(A) I drive myselí.
(B) I was here about forty-five iránutes ago.
(C) I work downtown.
12. Can we postpone our dinner meeting until Thursday?
(A) They mainly serve seatood.
(B) Yes, I postponed it mysetf.
(C) No, l’m already booked on Thursday.
13. Do you think we can tinish the project this week?
(A) lf we work on nothing else.
(B) No, l’m not vvorking on a project.
(C) The projector is out of order again.
14. How long have you been waiting?

(A) Less than an hour.
(B) l’ve vvorked here since my graduation.
(C) I don’t mind vvaiting.
15. What does Audrey do for a living?
(A) She’s reading a mystery book.
(B) She likes to play golf.
(C) I believe she’s a teacher.
16. VVhich restaurant do you want to go to?
(A) The one right across the Street.
(B) l’m allergic to seafood.
(C) I tlke coffee in the moming.
17. Do you know where the convention will be held?
(A) She’s holding onto it for me.
(B) l’m looking forward to it.
(C) Why don’t you ask Mr. Edmonds?
18. Payday is every two weeks, isn’t ít?
(A) Yes, I always look forward to that.
(B) You can And it everywhere.
(C) Peter is in charge of payroll.
19. May I ask you a question?
(A) lt’s hard to answer. ;
(B) Yes, go ahead.
(C) Last March.
20. Will you meet your deadline this time?
(A) Pll do my best.
(B) I haverTt seen him for a while.
(C) Meeting someone is tiring.
21. When does the library close today?
(A) You can check it at the entrance.
(B) You can check them out at the circulation desk.

(C) lt's closed for the holiday.
22. Don’t you have any plans for the weekend?
(A) Yes, that’s my plan.
(B) Normally I do, but not thỉs weekendẵ
(C) I had so much tun last weekendỄ
23ẵ Would you break this ten dollar bill for me?
(A) Because my car broke down.
(B) Sure, how do you want it?
(C) Here is your billệ
24. When are the conterence proposals due?
(A) On January 25th.
(B) Three days ago.
(C) He will propose it at the conterence.
25. My car has been making strange noises recentlyẼ
(A) Yes, I just needed a new car.
(B) You should get a car inspection.
(C) ỉ have recently vvorked on a project.
26. Do you happen to know where Karen wỉll be relocated?
(ệ | lt’s períectly located.
(B) She always knows the answer.
(C) I wish I knew.
27. You didrTt íorget to pick up the copy paper, did you?
(Ả) riỉ pick you up on the way to the ottỉce.
(B) Actually, it completeỉy sỉipped my mỉnd.
(C) l’m atraid we’re out of paper.
28. Could you check the inventory this atternoon?
(A) Pm short-handed.
(B) Mine is a checking accounỉ.
(C) ỉ’ll take a rain check,

29. Qpnt we need to leave for the airport right now?
(Â) At the port.
(B) Yes, in a few mỉnutesắ
{CJ No, ỉt’s on your letỉ.
30. How can I reach Dr. Shawn?
(Aị By express bus.
(B) You can ừy his celỉ phone.
(C) ỉt’ll be a long joumey.
31. Isn’t this copier vvorking?
(A) Yes, momỉng coffee boosts me.
(B) It took me 30 minutes to get to work.
(0) Yes, it’s workỉng fineắ
32. Do you know how long this fax machine has been out of
(A) Yes, ỉt was 5 pages aỉtogether.
(B) lt’ll be tixed any mỉnute now,
(C) Only Cindy knows for sure.
33. How would you lỉke your meat?
(A) l’m not a big tan of meat.
(B) Medium, please.
(C) Of course, I liked it a lotẵ
34. Have you found a new place to live or are you still looking?
(A) I carVt decide on a locatỉon.
(B) I think I misplaced itỆ
(C) Yes, I live downtown.
35. Why don’t you come wỉth us to dinner on Friday?
(A) I dỉdn’t bring anyone along.
(B) That would be greatễ
(C) I saw one on the dining tabỉe.
36. Do you live down by the river?

(A) The teny terminal ỉs on the river.
(B) The river runs north to South.
(C) Yes, that’s where I reside.
37. ril send you a iisting with some updated prỉces.
(A) I hope prices haverVt increased too much.
(B) My Computer was updated yesterday.
(C) The second prize.
38ề Did you test-drive the new car beíore you bought it?
(A) You bet I did.
(Đ) I passed the testỀ
(C) I bought it yesterday.
39. Are you going to Đob’s retirement party or do you have to
work on the project?
(A) Pd better stay in the offỉce.
(B) Yes, I heard about his retỉrement from my boss.
(C) No, l’m too tired.
40. This new network system is much easier to use, don’t you
(A) I think it’s a new system.
(B) Yes, it’s quỉte an ỉmprovement.
(C) ỉt’s a brand-new Computer.
41. (B) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (D) 45. (C) 46. .(D) 47, (C) 48. (D)
49. (D) 50. (C) 51. (A) 52, (C) 53. (À) 54ắ (B) 55. (A) 56. (D)
_ : ■ ■ _ ' ỉ : • „11

.•••” ' ''1 • 1 ,
;57. (D) 58. (B) 59, ịQ I 00. (A) 6 ỊJ A Ì 82. tB) 63. (A) 6 4 (D)
65. ÍC) 66. (A) 67. (B) 68. ÍO 89. (C) 70. (35 i , . ; •

M; Heỉlo, is this the right place to sỉgn up for the Creative
process semỉnar?
W: Yes, it is, Can ỉ have your name and the company to
whieh you belong so that 1 can write up your name tag
and assign you a seat?
$ấ: My namé is Gary Smith and ỉ’m wỉth Beanpole Media.
Wouỉd you be abỉe to seat me with the representatỉve
trom Global Artvvorỉd?
W: Well, let’s see. Ms. Àmett from Gíobai is at tabĩe 12, but
Pm afraỉd her tabỉe is fullề Wouỉd you lỉke to sỉt at tabỉe
10? There are many representatives from ỉnternational
tirms at that table.
iễ W: Helỉo? I booked a cab last night under the name
Winslow to pick me up for an eariy tỉight today. Ifs now
7:10 ạ.m. and a cab hasn’t arrived yet.
I M; Ah, yes, Ms. Wỉnslow, I tound your booking. You’re at
1216 Queen Street West, right?
W: No, rm at 1216 Queen Street East. What am ỉ goỉng to
do? ’ve got to get to the airport.
M Don’t worry, Ms. Winslow. Pve aỉready dispatched
another cab drỉver to your address, and he wỉll be there
ỉn two minutes. We’re very sorry about the eontusion.
I M: Melanie, thỉs dip is realíy good. Thank you for bringing a
dairy-free version. At the last office potluck party, ỉ
accỉdentalỉy ate some that had eheese in it, and I had a
stomachache fo r the rest of the attemoon.
I W: Matt, j-m atraid that the dip I made hasn’t been put out

yet. Cheryl put it in the trỉdge because she thought that
there was enough food out already, and more peopỉe
from accountỉng wĩỉỉ be coming later.
Okay. í wỉll stop eatỉng this one. Perhaps it won’t be so
bad. I onỉy ate about two or three mouthtuỉs.
I W; Have ỵou tried that new medìcine for people who can5t
dỉgest dairy toods? My sister takes it, and she says it5s
very effectỉveấ You can buy some from the drugstore
W: Mr. Silver, I íinaỉly tracked down Carl. He came down
with a sudden case of the flu this moming and won’t be
able to make the one o’c!ock meetỉng.
M; Weil, okay. ỉ stilỉ need the report that he was goỉng to
present at the meeting, and our partners are going to
start ầrriving in ten minutes.
W: Carl told me to get the report and give ỉt to you.
Íằ :
Good. Get it to Bryan as soon as possỉbỉe, and tell him
that he’s going to have to present Carl’s report. I’ll meet
the partners and try to give Bryan enough time so that
he can famỉliarize hỉmselt with the key points.
W: ỉt was so nice catching up with you over ỉunch. Lỉsten,
before we go, tell me quickly how the retirement party
fo r your oỉd boss went.
ụ : Ít was all right, but ỉ’ve now got to tỉnd a different
caterer. The party was supposed to start at 4:30 p.m.,
and the caterers d id n l arrive until 4 p.m. They weren’t
compỉeteỉy set up by the time everyone started arriving.

W: Have you tried Urban Caterers? ỉ useđ them for the
annual general meeting at my company last month, and
I was reaỉỉy pỉeasedỄ
M: l’ve only heard about them. They’re a new company, so
: I haven’t had a chance to check them out, Do you have
a contact number for them? I already have to start
planning for the annuai Chrỉstmas party.
M: Helio, Miss Jones. Thỉs is lan trom Wi-Fi Neighbors. I*ve
followed up on the trouble you’ve been having
accessing our Internet Service provider, and basicaily, I
think the problem is at your end.
Ị W; But ỉ’ve aỉready been without my Internet Service for the
I whole moming now. f*m going to have to find Internet
access soon ỉo make a deadline.
M; ì have already put ỉn a request for a technician to visỉt
your offỉce, but ỉ’m atraid I can’t telỉ you exactly when he
will arrive.
[ W: All right. Can you give the technician my celỉ phone
number? I’m goỉng to an Internet cafe just down the
road to e-maiỉ these documents. Please have him caH
me as soon as he reaches my offỉee.
W: Mr. Smith, you’re going to be staying at the Dhaka Plaza
Hotel for the tirst two nights of your trip, then yoiTII be
going up to Bogra, where you’ll be staying with the tield
officer Roland Headly, for three nights. Then, you’ll be
heading back to Dhaka Plaza for the iast night.
M: Thank you, Penny. Have you had a chance to find a

different travel route? Those stopovers will consume a
lotottim e.
W: Yes, Mr. Smith, I tound you a red-eye tlight from Toronto
to London with just one stopover of two hours and then
directiy onto Dhaka.
M: Very good. If l’m ỉeaving on the red-eye, it wilỉ mean I
can make that tamily dinner with the Singhs. NI most
likely sleep during the trip, which wi!l help with adjẾusting
to the time difference.
M: After you complete your presentation points, I can go
over the detaiỉs of the new hardvvare features using the
prototype blender.
W: I took the hardvvare home last night so that I could do
more graphỉcs for the presentation. It’s stỉỉl there.
M: All right. It’s only 10 a.m. We still have time to bring jt
back to the offỉce. How long wilỉ it take you to go home?
W: Actually, I don’t think I have time for that. I have a
meeting right after I íinish rehearsing this with you. If I
give you my house keys, can you bring it back to the
M: Did you go to the annual sale at MandaTs? I hear the
offers are really good.
W: Not yet, but I plan on going this evenỉng atter work. I
need to tinish shoppỉng for Christmasế
Mử. Good, can you check out the kids’ wear sectỉon? I have
to buy something for my daughter.
W: Sure, I can even buy something for her if It’s really nice.
It may not be there tomorrovv, you know.

M: Hello, is this Mrs. Jones?
W; Yes, this ỉs she. How may I help you?
M: My name is Brett, and rm callỉng from the National
Public Television Service. I hope ỉ’m not interrupting
your dinner. I notice that your subscriptỉon with us has
endedệ As you know, we depend greatly on the
support of generous donors like yourselt so that we can
provide high quality televisỉon programming without
W: Yes, that’s right! I really enjoy the British mysteries you
import. I was meaning to renew my subscription but I
torgot. Thank you for reminding me. But would you
mind calling later?
71. (B) 72. (C) 73ẳ (A) 74. (A) 75ễ (B) 76, (C) 77. m 78. (C)
I 79. (A) 80. (C).ẽ81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (B) 84. (D) 85. (C) 86. (C)
1 8 7 . (B) 88. (B) 89. (0 . 90. (A) 91 (D) 92. ( 0 93. (B) 94. (D)
Ị 95. (B) 96. (A) 97. (D) 98. (A) 99. (A) 100; (D) I
This message is for Luis Pertin. My narne is Bamey
Feldman, and I am a building contractor with Weston
Homes. I understand that you vvould like an estimate on a
possible renovation to your kitchenỆ I believe you want to
have a new set of cupboards installed as well as a larger
kitchen window built. Although I do not know exactly what
type of wood or other materials you vvould like to use,
generally such a renovation would take approxỉmateiy two
weeks to complete. Our cupboards can be built using oak,
maple, or birch. If you can let me know what type of wood
you would preter to use, we can determine a better

estimate for the renovation. I wiil be available Monday and
Tuesday evening to drop by your home and see what the
job entaỉís. Please call me at 647-2687 to determine which
evenỉng is best for you. Thank youẾ
Welcome to the Intelliverse exhibit here at the National
Safety and Security Expo. My name is Sheryl London, and I
would like to show you what Products Intelliverse ỉs
creating to make your home safe and secure. Fỉrst, we
have a tiny gadget called the Saíesensor, which will
automaticaíly lock the front door of your home. ỉf you go to
bed and leave the door accidentally unlocked, Satesensor
is programmed to automatically lock the door at a certain
time of your choosing each evening. Another new product
Intelliverse ỉs quite proud of is the Quicklock. Designed for
bicycles, the Quỉcklock aỉlovvs users to keep their bicycles
safe while at work or in school. The third product is the
Keyvauỉt. The Keyvault is a small device which stores
house and car keys on the back of a persorVs mobỉle
phone. The key Chain will be soon obsolete thanks to the
Welcome to The Daily Money Minute. I’m your host Benson
Hollinger, and ỉoday we’re taỉking about time management.
Companies strive ỉo do thỉngs more efficiently and quickly
each and every day. First, set hourỉy goals durỉng your
vvorking day. Do not aliovv yourseif to waste ỉime through ỉdle
chatting or being distracted by others. Secondly, be
reasonabỉe in plotling your work schedule. Planning to do 20

things in one day when perhaps only 10 things can be tully
accomplished leaves empỉoyees teeling heỉpless and
depressed. Aiso, rushing to f inish those 20 tasks couỉd otten
result in errors that could cost the company money and time.
Remember, it is al ways a good idea to set goals throughout
the day. Reaching those goals WẾ||Ị result m ateeling of
satistaction and self-confidence after a productive work day.
For The Daily Money Minute, l’m Benson Hollinger.
The national torestry industry has seen a ỉarge increase ỉn
the demand for lumber over the last 12 months. According
to torestry statistics, revenues increased by 21 percent to
$1.2 bilỉion. The main reason for this increase has been due
to the risẹ in home construction. This has resulted in a
shortage of workers ỉn the torestry sector. Hovvever, thỉs
shortage of vvorkers should be resolved within the next four
months. Employees are eaming more pay for their work
compared to ỉast year. The amount of trees planted last
year was a record for the country. There is also healthy
competition among lumber companies vvithin the country
that is expected to continue for the next two years. The
only toreseeable threat to the lumber industry ỉs the
possibility of the spruce budworm iníecting large torests
and destroyỉng trees. Fortunately, scientists and
researchers believe the risk is mmimal.
Ị The Weaver Community Center is pleased to announce
I that we wiỉỉ be adding three new cỉasses for senior citizens
Ị thỉs summer. We are addỉng a new Exercỉse class designed
to give partỉcipants a light aerobics vvorkout. The class wilỉ

ị be held three tỉmes a week for one hour each day. Another
new class is our Arts and Cratts class that will introduce
senỉors to paintỉng as well as teach them how to etch glass.
This cỉass will be held twice a week for 90 minutes per
cỉass. The third class is a Business cỉass. The Business
ciass will be held once a week vvith the class being two
I hours ỉn ỉength. The Business class aỉso has a lỉmited
I enrollment of 30 people, so pỉease register for thỉs cỉass as
Ị soon as possibỉe. Registration tees for the Exercỉse cỉass
I and the Arts and Cratts class are $75 per class, or you can
I regỉster for both for $125. The Business class has a
Ị regỉstration fee of $80.
Ị lf you’re plannỉng a holiday but can’t decide where to go,
; visit sterling Holidays tcxiay. We offer you the widest
I choice of destinations. Our speciaỉty is holidays in the Far
East, but we’ll give you the best bargains for holidays
I anyvvhere in the worid. To know more about our services
and best offers, meet our traveỉ specialists today or visit
our vvebsite - www.sterling.com.
7„_ ,


Good attemoon and vveleome to our monthíy business
meeting. Let me first explain the order of the meeting. Our
I Treasurer Faisa Azbal wỉỉl reveal the outlook for the tourth

I quarter of this fiscal year. She will answer questions the
I board of directors may have regarding her tindings. This
I should take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Following that,
I our Financial Director Eric Wentỉ will discuss where Optra
I can excel ỉn the current business cỉimate, specitically in our

I technology sector, which has seen ỉmproved grovvth. Our
! Human Resources Manager Fred Penget will then speak on

the upcoming job openings vvithin Optra and where he sees
those positions benetiting the company. There are two
openings set for thỉs fall, and depending on how quickly the
company grows, there couỉd be two additional openings
created. Following FrecTs talk, our Executive Director
VVitma Seacress wỉll make a speciaí announcement that
ỉnvolves Optra joining torces with a large multinational
I Corporation.
This is VVilỉiam Marshall with this hour’s top story. The City
of Plasburg today has announced plans.to create a brand
new sports compỉex in downtown Plasburg. According to
Mayor Jackson Tuttle, the $50 million project wilỉ begin
next August and should be completed in 30 months. The
sports complex wịlỉ teature an 11,000 Seat hockey arena, a
30,000 square foot gymnasium and four additional titness
tacỉỉỉties. Located near the Plainsvỉew Bridge, the compỉex
wỉll complement the new tootball and soccer tield that
opened last May. The complex is expected to be called the
VValden Center after Plasburg’s tirst mayor Henry Walden.

An estimated 500 fulỉ-tỉme jobs are expected to be created
from the new compỉex. The compỉex is also said to be a
necessity shouỉd the City hope to host the Commonvvealth
Games six years trom now. This is VVỈỈỈiam Marshall for
This message is for Bethany MacKay. This is Lars Vensin
calling with Magno Models, Incorporated. I am calling with
regard to the documẹnts and photographs you sent us
concemỉng our need for tashion models. We are presently
signing contracts wỉth Breedz Department Store for their
sprỉng and summer product catalogues. As you probably
know, Breedz is the leading department store in the
country, and the catalogue is distributed to more than
400,000 homes ỉn the regỉon. We noticed that you have
Ị previous experience posing for catalogue photos, and we
! would ỉike to invite you to our offices for an interview. You
will íirst meet with our directors and our stylists for a briet
dỉscussion in the moming. Then, in the attemoon, you wỉll
be posing for two different photo shoots for our spring
tashions and summer fashionsẳ lf our company feels you
have what it takes, we will offer you a contract wlth a
$4,000 signing bonus. Please call me at 429-0031 betore
Friday at noon if you are interested in this opportunity.
Thank you.
The Inver Village Transportation Commission is alerting
drivers to the changes that will be taking effect beginning
June 1. A portion of Highway 10, the main highvvay going
through ỉnver Vilỉage, will be closing each night from the

hours of 1 a.mỄ to 6 am . to allow potholes to be repaired.
This portion wiỉl extend South to Creedmill Lane and north
to Piedmont Crescent. Drivers WIẾII have to ỉake altemate
highways and streets during this time period. We suggest
that you take the Exit 8 Ramp West to access Creedmill
Lane. Drivers can also use the Exit 9 Raiĩtp West to
Piedmont Crescent. Drivers who attempt to travel along
Highvvay 10 during road closures wili be fined a minimum of
$400 and could lose their driver’s license for six months.
The repairs and ỉmprovements are expected to take
approximateiy two weeks. We will keep you updated if
there are any delays or changes.
101. (D) 102. (D) 103. (B) 10 4(C ) 105, (A) iỉ)6 ề ( 0 107. (D)
108. (D) 109. (B) 110. (C) 111. ÍD) 112. (D) 113. (B) 114. (D)
115. (D) 116. (D) 117. (D) 118. (c) 119Ế (A) 120ễ <D) 12i. (D)
122. (O) 1 2 3 -(0 124. (D) 125. ( 0 126. Ccj 127. (Đ) 128. (B)
! 129. (A) 130. (C) 131. (B) 132. (B) 133. (Ạ) 134. (B) 135. (B)
136; ÍD) 137. (Bì 138. (c) 139. (D) 140. (D)
141. (D) 142. (B) 143. (C) 144. (D) 145. (A) 146.(0) 147. (D)
148. (B) 149. (C) 150. (C) 151. (D) 152. (B)
153. (D) 154. (B) 155. (D) 156. (C) 157. (B) 158. (D) 159. (C)
160. (D) 161. (A) 162. (B) 163. (D) 164. (A) 165; (D) 166. (B)
167. (8) 168. (B) 169. (C) 170. ịD) 171. (A) 17Z (0) m . ỈD)
174 (D) 175. (B) 176. (A) 177. (B) 178. (A) -179. (D) 180. (D)
181. (A) 182. (B) 183. (C) 184. (C) 185. (D) 186. (A) 187. (A)
188: (C) 1® . (A) '190. (b) 191. (B) 193. (D) 194. (A)
195. (D) 196. (D)
197 (C) 198. <B) 199. (B> 200. (C)
