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Key, scripts Big step Toeic 3 - Actual Test 5

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(A) The gỉ rls are reaching torthe notebooks.
(B) The girls are looking at a laptop Computer.
(C) The girls are moving the monỉ tor to the side.
(D) The girỉ s are gettỉ ng up from the chaỉ rs.
(A) The man is driving a machine.
(B) The tractor is pullỉ ng back tovvard constructỉ on materials.
(C) The tractor ỉ s movỉ ng equỉ pment.
(D) The man ỉ s using a hand tool to fix the machỉ ne.
(A) The man is speaking to the children.
(Đ) The man is holding both chiidren ỉ n his arms.
(C) Some people are vvaỉ king outside.
(D) Some people are climbỉ ng the mountain.
(A) The man is steppỉ ng toward the copier.
(B) The man ỉ s carrying a backpạ ck.
(C) The copier is unplugged.
(D) The man is loading paper into the machine.
(A) The train is carrying containers.
(B) The train is leaving the stationề
(C) The trees are being cut down.
(D) Containers are being put on the train.
(A) Some peopíe are putting tables away.
(B) One man is vvalking ỉ nto the building.
(C) All the chairs are occupied.
(D) The tables and chairs are in a hallvvay.
(A) The woman is touching the Computer screen.
(B) They are standing side by side.

(C) They are looking at the monitor.
(D) The man is trying on some clothes.
(A) The Computer has been tumed off.
(B) The man is seated around a round table.
(0) The Computer is OIÌ the table
(D) The man is hoỉding a cup of coffee.
(A) They are ỉookỉng in the same dỉrectỉon.
(B) They are wearing workỉng clothes.
(C) They are restỉng at the edge of the sidewalk.
(D) They are vvaỉtỉng for the light to change.
(A) The people have ỉeft the buỉldỉng.
(B) The lights are being ỉnsỉalledắ
(C) The seats have been arranged ỉn rows.
(Đ) Some of the seats are occupíed.
Ị 11. CA) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14.(C) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17; ỈA) 18. (B) I
19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (Â) 23. (C) 24. ÍC) 25. (A) 26. (B)
27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (A) 3a <B) 33. (C) 34. (B)
I 35. ÍC) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (C) 40. (C)
11. Where are the attendees?
(Â) In the conterence room, ỉ beỉíeve.
(B) lt’s about two miles trom here.
(C) At the regỉstratỉon desk, ỉn ten mỉnutes.
12. How do you record a message?
(A) l’li certainỉy pass it on to him.
(B) Go to the menu and check.
(C) There’s a studỉo here, lf you ỉike.

f3 . What tỉme is your tlight?
(A) We’lỉ be there in two hours.
P ) ỉt got here at 7:40 in the momỉng.
(C) lt*s at 5:30, this evening.
14. Would you care for a cup of coffee now?
(Â) Noỉ mỉne, i’m sure.
(B) Pỉease try some.
(C) 1’d ỉove that.
15. Do you have sortie tim e to help me wỉth the Doughson
(A) Pm atraỉd, l’m a bít busy now.
(B) i’ve had enough, thank you.
(C) lt’s eight-thirty.
16. Why aren’t the computers workỉng?
(A) By next week, I supposeề
(B) There’s been a power shutdown.
(C) Not until the attemoon, ỉ’m sure.
17. Who will rep resent the com pany at the annual stock
holder’s meeting?
(A) I ỉhink he will.
(B) ỉ am ỉnterested in the stock market.
(C) Aỉl the senior members wilí be there.
18ế Do you have an account at that bank?
(Â) Yes, thỉs one please.
(B) Of course, and so does Maya.
(C) No, there’s one at the maíỉ.
19. Who wilỉ be vice-president after Mr. Giuliani retires?
(A) We doiVt know yet.
(B) Yes, he certaỉnỉy wilỉ.
(0) He retỉres next yeaí.

20. Hasn’t the boss approved the proposals yet?
(A) Not yet, but he said he would.
(B) Píí go wỉth him, ỉater.
(C) The boat’s at the dock, í think.
21. When does he retum from Hong Kong?
(A) At home, mostỉy.
(B) Tomorrow, as I know of.
(C) Actually, he had to go.
22. Do you have a pair of scissors I can borrow? 32.
(A) Yes, but they’re not very good.
(B) Anytime, yoiTre welcome.
(C) Last week, at the sale.
23. Where’s the restroom, please? 3 3 .
(A) At the hotel, betore dỉnnerế s
(B) In the lounge, vvaiting for you.
(C) Down the hall, ỉo your lett.
24. You were away on vacation last week, weren’t you? 34.
(A) lt’s a beautitul placeế
(B) I did, a few years ago.
(C) No, I was on an assignment.
25. Have the Computer parts been shipped from Chicago? 35.
(A) No, ì rn still waiting for the export Ịicense to come
(B) No, ỉt has been sent by ship.
(C) lỉ takes aỉ least 5 days by air.
m ắ
26. Why is the Client so upset?
(A) Perhaps, but I don’t have the tỉme.
(B) He doesn’t like our suggestions.

(C) TheyVe climbed it by now, I think.
27. Should I send items by ovemight mail or by delivery
(A) No, ỉt should be sent by tomonễow.
(B) ri| send them right now.
(C) Whỉchever ỉs taster. 38*
28. When do we discuss this project with him?
(A) On Monday, most likelyẳ
(B) Why not, he’s very helptul.
(C) Oh, I doiVt protect him.
29. She went to see the parade yesterday, didn’t she?
(A) I really don’t know.
(B) Airíght, if you insistỆ
(C) No, I haven’t seen her for a whỉle.
30. Have you been to the new cafe next to the gym?
(A) Not yet, let’s meet there after work.
(Đ) Delicious, I must sayể
(C) Linda goes there regularìy.
31. We need to start immediately, don’t we?
(A) Yes, if we want to be on tỉme.
(B) Tvventy mỉnutes, I suppose.
(C) Work starts at 9 o’clock, usually.
Could you remind the staff of our new company policy?
(A) ril be accompanied with Jason.
(B) Absolutely, ru do it todayỆ
(C) No, I don’t think theyll mind.
Why hasn’t he come to the gathering?

(A) Not untiỉ tomorrow, ỉ guess.
(B) I know, he should have calledề
(C) He said he was busy.
He is willing to go to the London branch, right?
(A) He left, just now.
(B) Yes, he said he’d be delighted.
(C) He’s going to the beach.
She seems to be a quite closed-minded person.
(A) Of course, she’s perfect for that position.
(B) Quite weỉl-behaved, to be honest.
(C) Actually, she’s open to new ideas.
Should we complain to the manager?
(A) No, let’s just wait for a bitề
(B) He’ỉl manage ỉt very soon.
(C) We should certainỉy.tind it out.
Will our supplies get delivered on time?
(A) A shorl vvhile ago.
(B) Let’s hope so.
(C) At the vvarehouse.
Is anyone else vvorking overtime or have they all gone
(Â) No, l’m working part time.
(B) Everyone punched out except us.
(C) I vvorked late yesterdayẺ
Didn’t you say you were quitting?
(A) Of course, riỉ joỉn soon.
(B) 1*11 say ít later, after ỉ taỉk to Bob.
(C) I did, but I changed my mind.
Mr. Carter seems so busy lately.
(A) It was delivered late.

(B) ỉt seems quite big for him.
(C) Why is that?
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W: Dan, I need someone to fix my Computer immedỉatety.
There’s important data on it thai I need for my
presentation tomorrow.
M: ru arrange it right awayễ Aiso, Max can help you access
the íiles on my system if 'rt’s very urgent.

Wẽ. ThanksỄ That will be really usefulẼ How soon can Max
M: Weli, he should be here in five minutes. ril send him over
M: How’s the response to our advertisement for
W: Well, we have about torty applications, but there’s
hardly anyone with experience.
M: I think we should contact an agency to help us find the
W: Prakash, I am stuck in heavy traffic on Faleon Street and
will be late for the meeting. Could you do mé á tavor?
M: Certainly. What would you like me to do?
W: Please teli Mr. Ramesh about the client’s new
requirements. His cell phone is switched off.
M: Yes, Tll pass on your message. Mr. Ramesh doesn’t
take calls when he is drivingế
I M: This is Papyrus, the paper shop. How may I help you?
1 W:1 saw some of your handmade paper at a friend’s place.
Could I see more designs, maybe, on your web sỉte or
your cataiog?
M: It would be best to come over and look at our wide
range of paper to suit different budgetsỆ You’11 see why
our Products are so popularỄ
Ị W: I think ril do that. Where are you located?
M: lsn’t that a new restaurant? Right across from our ottice,
too! I wonder how it is!

W: Sam said the food was just great. Shall we have lunch
there thỉs attemoon?
M: Sorry, but I have a meeting at noon and l’m sure it’s
going ỉo be a long oneề
W: Weli then, maybe we could go and get a snack after
work this evening.
W: Hello, Mr. Lim. ỉ’m calling to confirm your booking for
the 7 o’clock show at the Grand City Theater.
M: Thank you, where can I collect the passes? We’re quite
a large group, you know.
W: Yes, Mike at Counter #1 wỉll hand them over. Please
remember to take your seats by 6:50 pẳm.
M: NI do that. We’U all come in straight from work.
M: ỉ’d like to pick upa package that arrived yesterdayỆ My
name’s Walỉer Crane.
W: Please wait whỉle I check. Apparentỉy there was no one
at your address when it was delivered yesterday.
M: That’s right. t was away on a holiday and couldrTt
arrange for it to be colỉected eỉther.
W: Here you are, sir. Please sign this receipt betore you
W: Vỉren, will you be back from London by Friday?
M: ỉ shouíd bé, unỉess something urgẹnt tums up ạfter the
meeting on Thursday. Why do you ask?
W: l’ve planned a party for Afzal that night. He’s going off to
New York on training next week.
M: Thanks for reminding me. rd love to come. What can I

bríng for the party?
M: The weekend sale went very well, don’t you think?
W: Yes, our new line of chairs and coffee tables has sold
out completely.
M: We stỉll need to sell the accessories, though. Do you
have any suggestions?
W: We could announce a special discount for the tabỉe
lamps and mirrors, perhaps?
VVelcome to the Good Health Show. We’re pleased to have
well-known dietician Paulina Cruz on the show today. She
1 will tell us how drinking a few extra glasses of water can
help us lose weight and keep fit. In our regular exercise
segment with Nina Jose, we will ỉeam simple exercises to
tight íatigue at work. Also, stay tuned for intormation on the
latest health toods in the market.
M: Hi, could you telỉ me where the coníerence is being
held? I’ve already registered for ít.
W: In the Cọnvention Hall on the second floor, sir.
M: Thanks. Aỉso, do you know when Protessor Ferguson’s
presentatỉon is going to be? I hope ỉ haven’t missed it!
W; One of the voiunteers at that desk will be able to tell
Our company can only protit when we are able to develop
entirely new Products. In your efforts to develop new
1 Products ỵou will have to use many sources. You will also

have to know all about the potential customers. After more
than 30 years in thỉs industry, I can tell you that the best
way to get ỉdeas about new Products is customer surveys.
They’11 give you an idea of what kinds of Products
customers are interested ỉn. Also, take the time to speak to
customersẾ Betore you go into the research lab, make sure
you are developing Products that customers really need.
• 7íế (B) 72. (C) m u
I 79. '(D) 80. (D) 81 (D)
87. (B) 88, (Gì 89. n
• 95. ĨD ) 96. (B) 97. (C)
f7l -731
Ladies and gentlemen, l’m sorry to announce that tonight’s
concert will be delayed by an hour due to technical
difficultiesẵ The program wỉỉl now begin at 7 p.m. We
encourage you to visit the cateteria in the basement, and
our display of vintage photographs on the first tloor. Please
be sure to carry your passes with you when you ỉeave the
halỉ. You wỉll need to show them at the entrance when you
come back for the pertormance.
The next stop on our tour is Jacoby Park. This is one of the
oldesỉ parks ỉn the town, buiỉt in memory of Trevor Jacoby,
a íàmous poet and statesman. The flower clock you see to
your right dates back to the nineteenth century. The park
also has a musỉcal fountain, with a spectacuỉar sound and
light show held every evening. Boatíng tacỉiities are
available at ỉhelake for a small feeẼ Enjoy your visit and
pỉease be back here at 3 p.m. torthe trip backto the hotel.
74. (D) 75. (0 76ề ( d 77. (A) 78; (C);-

82. ÍB) .83. (0 84. (B) 85. (B) 86ế (B)
90. (C) 91. (B) 92. ( 0 93. (D) 94; (ố)
98. (A) 99. (B) 1Ó0ế 10} '
You have reached the inquiry system of Parson’s
Telecommunications. Dial 011 followed by the extension
number if you wish to speak to an employee. For
ỉntormation regarding our services and offers, dial 012. To

enquire about bills or payment options, dial 013 and wait
I for turther instructỉons. Press the star button to hear this
message agaỉn. You may also vỉsit our web sỉte for more
details. Thank you for calling and have a nice day.
Hello, ỉ’m Janeỉ Hỉlt, Senior Chef with Wonderfoods. We
believe that while good food is an important part of our
lỉves, making it shouỉd not be tiresome. At today’s
demonstration, I will show yọu how to make wholesome
and tasty treats for your children using Wonderfoods
Products. The tỉrst isa dessert that is healthy but delicỉous.
The second recỉpe is a snack that you can make quickly to
send to school. Please feeỉ free to ask questions, and
please remember to collect the order íorms and free recỉpe
booklets betore you leave.
Thank you alỉ for being here today. As ỷou know, wè’re
here to say goodbye to Ms. Lỉng, who’s retiring as
presiđent after 35 years of Service with Axion Electronics.
Wỉth her hard work and commitment, she has become an

ỉnspiration to all staff, from new recaiits to the board
members. Her ỉnterest in innovation has led to the créatỉơn
of the Axion fund for market research and the commission-
ỉng of the new research center. We wilỉ all miss her
outstandmg leadership. Let’s wỉsh her all the besỉỆ
101. B m h ) :i f 104 m ' m m ím A s ị ÌỎT. m
Ị to a (Đ) io ã (CỈT10 ■ 111 (B) 112 (B) 1 I I 1 m
§ £ b É m à J1 7 . íữị iia jB F tia (Đ> 120. (D) i a l i
(ừz (Ở 1123. p 8 §ÈỄ 125. ■ 126. (B) 121 (8) m ịii
129. (B) 130. (C) 131, (B) 132, (A) 133. (A) 134. (Dì 135. (0
ịỵỵ. íữịýíW. H 138. H 139. (B) 140. (p)
Hỉ, ỉ’m Mark Spendertrom Human Resources. I will be
taking you on a tour of our tacilities, starting at the shop
tỉoor m this buildỉngế As you can see, this is where our
company’s Products are made. llp ahead is the Delỉvery
sectỉon from where our Products go out ỉnto the market. Ori
the first tloor we have the Accounting sectỉon. Lét’s now go
ỉnto Human Resources to colỉect your empioyee
identitication badgesỂ Once youVe receỉved the badges
we’ll go into the cateteria for a cup of coffee, and lff be
happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Heỉlo, Msẵ Lee. This is Aaron Parks from Axỉs Corporation.
Tm calling to ỉet you know that your presentatỉon yesterday
impressed us all. We’d like you to send us a prỉce quote for
the Branden project. Please respond by the 10th of June at
the latestễ Ị must remind you that we cannot accept any bid
submitted atter that dateế lf you have any questions, please
contact me at 555-9802. We íook forward to hearing from

Part 6
'141. <é) 142. '<D)'l43. (Đ) 144. (B) 145. ÍB> 146. (0 )'t47. (D)
.148. (A) 149. (C> 150JB) 1 9;.(A).; 152 CA),
Part 7
- 153. (Sì 154^ Í3,' Ì55. u ;j 15& 0 : 1 ^ . iA i I58: (Bi 159. ÌC!
160. (C) 161. (D) 16a (A) 163. (B) 164. (D) 165. ÍB) 166, <Ai
167. (B) 168. (D) 169. (A) 170. (A) 171. (D) 172. (C) 173. (8 ):
174. (C) 175. ỈB) 176. (D) 177. (C) 178. (D) 179. (B) 180. ÍDỊ
181. (A) 182. p m (A) 184 ( 0 185, (D) 186. (B) 187. (D ),
188, (B) 189. -(Ấ) 190. (C) 191 (D) 192. (A) 193. ( Bi 194, (Cỉ
195 (O 196. (D) 197. (A) 198, (C) 199. (B) 200. (C)
The City Council has just approved aplan to install a new
pipeline on Madison Avenue between 25th Street and the
Town Hall. The work wiỉl begin on July 7th and is expected
totake a month. Though much of the work is scheduled for
the night, some roads in the area may be closed to traffic in
the daytímeẩ Commuters are advised to use other routes
whiỉe work is going on. Visit the council web site for
updates and associated newsế
