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BAI TAP G ldl Tlf VA

L 6l G ldl THIEU
Cac ban than men,
Gidi tit dong m ot vai trb vd ciing quan trong tron g c&u
tien g A nh. N eu ban quen hay dung sai gidi til cua m ot c&'u
true c&u, c&u do se bi hieu sai nghla.
D e giu p ban gd roi van de tren, chung toi to chtic bien
soan cuon sack “Bai tap gidi tit vd 360 dong tit bat quy
tac tie n g Anh”.
N hitng bai tap ve gidi tit tieng A nh trong sach nay la rat
can thiet cho nhitng ai muon n&ng cap von A nh ngit cua
minh. Cuon sach gom cac bai tap co dong, xuc tich, ph an Idi
gidi d cuoi sach se g iu p ban tra citu dap an kh i khon g tim ra
hitdng gidi quyet.
Sach trin h bay ngan g on , ro rang, de hieu de ban co the
tiep thu kien th itc m ot cach hieu qua nhat.

H i vong qua cuon sach nay, cac ban se cai th ien dang ke
trinh do Anh n g it cua minh. Chuc cac ban thanh cong !
I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
to for again st with o f towards on
1. She showed great appreciation.^
good music.
2. There was a picturesque approach

the house.
3. Ted has an aptitude ^ / arithmetic.
4. She showed great ardour. music.
5. An intelligent clerk is a great asset

a firm.
6. An attack was launched

the enemy.
7. He made an attempt past the exam.
8. The attendance

the meeting was large.
9. He showed his great attention

his work.
10. What is your attitude


11. We have no authority

increase your
12. Nielson is authority

that subject.
13. The soldier received an award i

14. You have no basis

such a belief.
15. We had many battle

the US troop.
16. The others put the blame

17. Nobody believed him due to his breach

18. He gave her a bunch

19. John does business

a firm.
20. I am a candidate

that post of teaching.
II. Choose the best answer.
1. Don’t be familiar

him; he’s a dishonest man.
a. into b. to c. with ctxfor
2. These facts may be familiar

a with b. about c. to d. into
3. She is famous

her intelligence.
ai for b. in c. with d. into
4. She is fond

„ music.
a to b. with c about d. of
5. I’m always forgetful

^.students’ names.
a to Id, of c. in d. about
6. These goods are free

,, duty.
a from b. with a in d^ of
7. He is good all sports.
a at b. in c. into d. with

8. She is greedy

a with b. into cJ for d. in
9. He was i l l

a to b. in c.) with cL for
10. If you earn a good salary, you can be independent

a for b. to .c. of d. by
11. Is he guilty or innocent

the crime?
ai of b. to c. with d. for
12. He is jealous

his rival’s success.
a by b of c. with d. for
13. He is mad

a about b. after c. for d all are correct.
14. This table is made

a from b„ of c. into cL to
15. Gas is made

*bof b< from c. with d. to
16. He is negligent

his duties.
a with . to c. for d/ of
17. This work is new

a with b. to a about cL for
18.1 am very much opposed

your going abroad.
a to b. with c. by d. for
19. She was offended

her husband.
'a >with
b. by
c. to
cL a and b are correct
20. He was offended

my remarks.
ai at
h. by
c. a and b are correct < .,0

21. He made himself pleasant

a )to b. for c. by
d. with
22. He is qualified

. teaching English.
a. to By for
c. by
d. with
23. Are you ready

,,the journey?
.a) for b. to
c. with d by
24. Can we be sure

.his honesty?
a- of b. with
c. to
d for
25. I’m tired. boiled eggs.
a. to hj of
c with
cL by
A t a cost o f - They were bulding a bridge at a cost of 10,000,000
A t a d isadvanta ge (under difficult conditions) - The opposing team

were at a disadvantage.
A t a d iscou n t (at less than nomal cost) - Things are sold here at a
A t y o u r d iscretion (as you with) - You can deal with this at your
A t ease (comfortably) - He was sitting at ease in the best
A t fa u lt (in the wrong) - You were at fault in not keeping to the
A t fir s t (at the beginning) - 1 didn’t like him at first, but now I do.
A t a glan ce (quickly) - The policeman saw at a glance what was
(clo se) at hand (close, near)-Is there a chemist’s close at hand?
A t h eart (deep inside) - at heart he is romantic.
Complete sentence with one of the above expressions.
1. He was

in not asking for permission.
2. Supermakets often sell things

3. The road was bad

, but it soon improved.
4. He took in the situation

5. The champion was

because of his age.
6. The cattle was rebuilt

7. I never feel

in his company.
8. The church isn’t far; it’s quite

9. He pretends not to like hr 'ob, but

he does.
10. Don’t hurry; come

appreciation for
sit ddnh gia coo
approach to
ditdng den, sit tiep can
aptitude for
kha ndng ve
ardour for
sit say me ve
asset to
ta isa n d o i vdi
attack against
sit tan cong chong lax
attempt to
S *
sit co gang
attendance at
sithien dien

attention to
sit chu y den
attitude to/towards
thai do doi vdi
authority for doing Sth/ to do Sth
quyen lam g i
authority on
co tham quyen ve
award for
phan thitdng cho
basic for
battle against/with
tran danh vdi
blame on
sitd o ldi cho ai
breach o f
sit vi pham
bunch o f
business with
sit lam an vdi
candidate for
itng cit vien cho
- to be familiar with S.O
than mat, la tinh nh&n
- to be familiar to

ranh re, quen thuoc
- to be famous for
noi tieng ve
- to be fond of
- to be forgetful of S.T
hay quen ve
- free of duty
mien thue
- to be good at
gidi ve (m ongi)
- to be greedy for S.T
ham muon dieu g i
- to be ill with fever
- to be independent of
doc lap vdi, khong le
- to be guilty of
co toi: to be innocent
of vd toi
- to be jealous of
ganh ti ve
- to be mad about
say me, ham me
- to be made of
lam bdng (vat diMc lam
ra con g iit chat lieu ban
- to be made from

lam tit (vat ditOc lam ra
khong con g iit chat lieu
ban dau)
- to be negligent of
- to be new to S.O
rrtcfi la doi vdi aL
- to be opposed to
phdn doi, phan khang
- to be offended with (by) S.O
bi xuc pham bdi ai, gian
- to be offended at (by) ST
U 'l'
gian dxt, bite minh, vi
- to make oneself pleasant to S.O
vui ve chieu chuong, lam
- to be qualified for doing S.T
du tieu chuart, du trinh
do lam v iecg i
to be ready for
to be sure of
chdc chdn
to be tired of

at a cost of
vdigia, trigid
at a disadvantage
dang bi bat Idi
at a discount
gidm gia
at your discretion
th eoy
at ease
d i chiu
at fault
colo i
at first
dau tien
at a glance
chi thoang nhin
at hand
gan h i
at heart
tan day long
I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
for o f against about over to on from
1. Take no notice JWY.;. him.
2. He is an object

3. He has no objection.^.,.his son’s visit.
4. This is an occasion.celebration.
5. It was an offence

the state.
6. We had a low opinion ^ Sanders.
7. Wrong is the opposite Right.
8. He gave a big order

plastic flowers.
9. We received an order

his firm.
10. Death is the penalty

11. He had a keen perception human nature.
12. He had no permit

the gun.
13. It is a pity

John’s failure.
14. He felt a lot of pity

the beggar.
15. Have pity

16. The lawyer made a plea

17. The dictator has great power the people.

18. The judge said ther e was no precedent

this case.
19. I wrote a preface

his book
20. He made no pretension

II. Choose the best answer.
1. What is the advantage

doing this?
a. of b. about c. with d by
2. What did Mr. Brown die

a with b. by c. in d of
3. In spite

his ill health, Johnson did very well.
a to b. with c. of d. for
4. He is a friend

a with b. in a of d to
5. It was story

adventure and romance.
a in b. with a of d to

6. You are never

want of money.
a on b. in c. for d out of

time of war we have to agree to things we should

time of peace.
a. in - in b. on - in c. on - on d. in - on
8. Vegetarians live

vegetables, fruit and nuts.
a. for b. with c. in d. on
9. Did you come here

a. in b. on c. by d. for
10. She is

a. of b. in c. for d. off
11. I’m

my food.
a. at b. in c. for d. off
12. She came here


a. on b. by c. in d. with
13. Turn

the main road here and you will come to the take.
a . right b. left c. off d away from
14. He is

a in b. off c. to d into
15. We are really looking forward

our ship

Hawaii and
a on - to b. at - to c. to - to d in - to
mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this
a Through b. by c. with d. in
17. Professor Morre called my attention

that particular
a about b. with c. by d. to
1 8 the most part, his explanations are quite easy to
a for b. through c. with d. toward
1 9 general, that is true. However, there are many

a on
b. in c. by d. through
20. The teacher said we had to learn all these expressions

a with
b. By c. through d. in
21. That is
last year’s telephone directory. It’s

date now.
a into
b. out of c. besides d. out
22. What’s the matter

Howard? He seems to be very angry.
a to
b. With c. from d. of
23. Can you recommend me a good book

life in the sixteenth
a of b. About c. in & from
24. He put his hand

his back so that I couldn’t see what was
in it.
a behind b. in back of c. in d. into
25. The temperature today is

freezing point.
a down b. behind c. below d. before
A t lib erty (free to) - You are at liberty to say what you like.
A t a loss (unable, confused) - We were at a loss to understand his
A t (the) m ost (as maximum) - He earns at most 10 a week.
A t once (immeadiately) - Come here at once.
A t p eace (in a state of peace) - 1 feel at peace with the world.
A t p la y (playing)-There was a noise of children at play.
A t a p r o fit (profiably)-He sold his house at a profit.
A t random (without system, plan) - I chose a book at random.
A t a rate (at a speed) - He wo^ks at a great rate.
A t a risk (on one’s own responsibility) - If you take these pills, it is
at your own risk.
Complete sentence with one of the above expressions.
1. Children

often make a lot of noise.
2. Persons crossing the railway line do so


3. Stop that

4. After years of war, the country is now.
5. There isn’t a very big audience; there are

50 people in the

6. I picked up a record

7. He is very sure of himself and never

for an answer.
8. Nobody can force you to accept; you ar

to refuse.
9. We quickly sold the house we had bought

10. These stockings are selling


notice o f
sitc h u y den
object for
doi tiffing cho
objection to
sitph a n d oi vdi
occasion for
offence against
sit vi pham chong lax
opinion o f
y kieh dank gid
opposite o f

titphan nghxa cua
order for
sitdatm ua
order from
dan dal hang
penalty for
hinh phot cho
perception o f
sitnhan thxtc ve
permit for
phep sit dung
- pity about
- pity for
- pity on
- plea for
- power over
- precedent for
■ preface to
- pretension to
- advantage doing S.T
- to die of
- in spite of
- a friend of mine
- a story of adventure
- to be in want of money
- in time of war
- to live on
- on foot

- off drugs
- off (one’s) food
- on horseback
- to turn off a road
- off smoking
- to look forward to
- by mistake
- to call S.O’s attention to S.T
- for the most part
: sit thi&Jng hoi ve
: stfthi/ctnghmdoivdi
: siC thitcJng xot doi vdi
: sUndixin
: quyen liCc tren
: tien le doi vdi
: Idi mb dau cho
: siC khoe khoang
: itu diem cua viec lam cong
: che't vi
: mac du
: mot ngitcfi ban cua toi
: mot cdu chuyen phieu liCu
: thieu tien
: vao luc chien tranh; In
time of peace: vdo luc hod
: song nhd vdo
: (di) bo, (di) bdng chan
: bo thuoc

: bo thticdn
: tren litng ngi/a, citdi ngita
: Idi xe ra khoi mot con
: nhin thuoc la, bo thuoc la
: mong, mong moi, to a
place: tdi mot ncfi
: donhdm lw i
■ litu y ai ve dieu g i
■ phdn Idn, dai bo phan
In general
noi chung
to learn S/T by heart hoc thuoc Ibng dieu gi
out of date
Idi thcfi, khong con hap thxJi
What’s the matter with Howard
sao the ?
A book about S.T quyen sach ban ve dieu g i
ddngsau, dd&ng sau
Below freezing point
ditcri diem dong doc
At liberty
tit do
At a loss
16 von
At most
toi da

At once
ngay lap titc
At peace
coh oabin h
At play
dang chcfi
At a profit
co Idi
At random
khong nam trong ke'hooch
At a rate
At a risk
rid ro, nguy hiem
in about o f for on with
I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
1. There were millions of stars * the sky.
2. Richard made a mistake

his calculations.
3. My firm has a monopoly ,

4. There is a good deal of mystery

his disappearance.
5. This book is about the mystery

the missing diamond.
6. This company has a name

7. She writes under the name

Aunt May.
8. He was a native

9. There is no necessity

rudeness: you can rebuke him
10. There is no need

11. There has been no news

the mountaineers.
12. He has a lust

13. The rocket is a marvel

modern science.
14. Every man is master

his own destiny.
15. This little boy was no match

the bully.
16. This is a matter

17. It is a matter

life and death.
18. What is the matter

19. Jackson is a member

our club.
20. He begged the judge to have mercy

II. Choose the best answer.
1. This car belongs

my brother.
a. by b. with
c. to cL all are incorrect
2. I shall wait

a about b. by c. to d. for
3. He succeeded

opening the door.
a in b. by c. with d. at
4. Listen

our teacher!
a with b. to
c. for d. all are correct
5. An accident has happened

that family.
a to b. with c. against d. for
6. He aimed

the tiger.
a for b. at a with d. to
7. The government must care

the families of invalid soldiers.
a about b. for c to d. at
8. She complained

the heat.
a to b. on c. by d. with
9. She complained

the heat.
a to b. of c. with & against
10. My wife looks

my daughter.

a after b. into c. at d. for
11. He is looking

his glasses.
a after b. for c. into d by
12. The child is looking

the pictures on the walls.
a at b. for c. after d. with
13. Tell me

your work.
a at b. into c. about d. after
14. Put yourself.

my place.
a in b. on c. near d. against
15. May I trouble you

a match?
a with b. about c. for d. into
16. He provides his son

a. for b. of <r, with d. in
17.1 really respect that man

his honesty.
a by b. about c. with d. for

18. Sometimes I wonder

that very much.
a of b. about c. with d. by
19. Keep away

those electrical wires.
a to b. of c, off d. from
20. She treated me cake, ice-cream and tea.
a with b. for c. into d. to
21. She sacrifices her life

her family.
a with b. for c. into cL to
22. It isn’t an answer

my question.
a for b. of c. to d. with
23. He was accused

stealing a Honda.
a of b. in c. to d. with
24. She spent a lot of money

a in b. on c. into d. for
25. He wasted little time

social formalities.
a for b. on c. to d. in

n i. - v V c
F o r life (good) (until death) - He was crippled for life and never
walked again.
F or a livin g (to earn a living) - She sells antiques for a living.
F or lo n g (for aperiod) - It was for long believed the earth was flat.
F or lunch
(tea, etc.) - We always have eggs for breakfast.
F or th e m ost p a rt (in the majority)- They are for the most part
French, but some are Italian.
F or on ce (on one occasion) - He doesn’t usually agree, but for once
he did.
F or the sake o f (thinking of) - Parents usually make sacrifices for
the sake of their children.
F or sake (hire, rent) (to be sold) - The firm has a number of house
for sale.
F or sh ort (in short form) - His name is Nicholas, Nick for short.
F or show (to produce an effect) - The room is furnished for show,
not for comfort.
Complete sentence with one of the above expressions.
1. He’s not often punctual, but

he was.
2. I’m sorry, I can’t sell you that one, it’s not

3. We call him ‘Imp’

; his real name is Impington.
4. Even if he recovers, he’ll be blind

5. He repairs radios

6. My relatives are

farmers, but one or two are not.
7. It was

thought that the earth was the centre of the
8. I don’t like the idea, but I’ll do it

peace and quiet.
9. He always has coffee

10. They have a Rolls-Royce purely

- millions of
hang trieu
- mistake in
sitloi lam ve
- monopoly in
doc quyen ve
- mystery about
sit bi mat ve
- mystery of
sit bi mat cua
- name for
sitn oi danh

- name of
ten cua
- native of
dan ban oat cua
- necessity for
sit can thietcho
- need for
sit can thietcho
- news of
tin tiicve
- lust for
sit them muon, khat khao
- marvel of
dieu la lung cua
- master of
ngitdi chu cua
- match for
sit can xitng doi vdi
- matter for
- matter of
- matter with
- member of
- mercy on
- to be long to
- to wait for S.O
- to succeed in
- to listen to
- to happen to

- to aim at
- to care for
- to agree with S.O
- to complain of S.T
- to look after S.O
- to look for
- to look at
- to tell S.O about S.T
- In one’s place
- To trouble S.O for S.T
- to provide S.O with S.T
- to respect S.O for S.T
- to wonder about
- to keep away from
- to treat S.O to S.T
- to sacrifice one’s life to
- An answer to a question
- to accuse S.O of S.T
- to spend money on S.T
: van de cho
: van die ve
: van de ve
: thanh vien cua
: sit thitdng xot doi vdi
: cua, thuoc ve
: chddcfiai
: thanh cong
: langnghe
: xdyra
: nham vdo

: chdm soc, chu y tdi
: dong y vdi ai
: keu ca, phan nan ve dieu g i
: chdm soc ai
: tim kiem
: nhin vdo
: he cho ai nghe ve dieu g i
: d vdo hoan canh cua ai
: phien ai giup dieu g i
: cung cap cdi g i cho ai
: kinh trong ai ve dieu g i
: tit hoi ve, ngac nhien ve
: trdnh xa khoi
: d a iaim o n g i
: hy sinh ddi minh cho
: Idi gidi, cau trd Idi cho mot
cdu hoi
tocdo ai ve toi g i
' tieu xdi tien ve mdn g i
to waste time on S.T
p h i pham then gian ve vik
g i
- For life (good)
- For a living
dekiem song
- For a long
thdi gian ddi

- For lunch
cho biia tnia
- For the must part
phdn Idn
- For once
mot Ian
- For the sake of
vi, de
- For sale
- For short
goi tdt
- For show
trien lam
I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
over in to fo r o f with from on about against
1. The traveler must have fallen a prey

the wolves.
2. He took pride

his work.
3. Your claim takes priority

4. John has made great progress

his work this term.

5. Did you receive any recompense

the trouble?
6. He made no reference

his early life.
7. He had a great regard

his friend’s ability.
8. The torn coat was proof.

his guilt.
9. He had little prospect

10. This coat is no protection

the rain.
11. There was much protest

the new law.
12. He had all the qualifications

the job.
13. Fred had a quarrel

his friend.
14. The detective asked everyone

the scene.

15. It was a quotation macbeth.
16. The police made a raid

the hotel.
17. What was his reaction

the news?
18. What was the reason

his dismissal?
19. I produced a receipt

the camera.
20. Mrs. Thompsons gave me a recipe

fruit cakes.
II. Choose the best answer.
1. You are welcome

any book in the library.
a to b. with c. for d by
2. That type of music is quite popular

teen-age boys and girl
a. for b. about c. with l a by
3. He was courteous

a with b. to c. about d for
4. She is beneficent

the poor.
a for b. on c. with d to
5. It’s contrary

our custom.
a to b. with c. about cL for'
6. In our country, gentlemen are gallant

a to b. with c. for ' d by
7. I’m astonished

that matter.
a with b. against c to d at
8. She is bad

a with b. for c. in d at
9. My children are important

a to b. for c. with d by
10. She was offended

my remark at the meeting yesterday.
a at b. by
c. with d a and b are correct
11. The students were shocked

the news.
a in b. with c. for d at
12. She is indifferent

a to b. into c. with d for
13. Let’s drink

his success.
a in b. to c. into d for
14. The mud adhered

my shoes.
a for b. with c. in d to
15. I don’t agree

you at all about that. y
a to b. on c. with d towards
16. Have you all brought your books

a for
b. in

c. about
d. with
17. You must try to live,
a within
b. during

c. in
d. about
18. You see, I was right

a for b. after
c. before d in
19. He rested his bicycle.,,,

the wall.
b. for
c against d. inside
20. He spent many years
a in
b. between ,c. among d. into
21. Although his last name is the same as mine, I’m not

a with by to c. by d. for
22. Mary married a wealthy man. She got m arried

him last
a. by b. for c. about cL to
23. She was engaged

him for ten months belore they got

- O —
a. to b. with c. for d. by
24. This text book is intended

beginning and intermediate
a. to b. for c. with d. by
2 5 .1 don’t think that I’m acquainted

a with > b. to c. by d. for
F or the b en efit (in order to benefit) - They run a medical scheme
for the benefit of their employees.
F or certain (sure) (certaily) - 1 don’t know for certain who he is.
F or a chan ge (to produce variety) - This year we’re going to Spain
instead of France for a change.
F or con venien ce (to make things easier) - I’ll leave the key with
the porter for convenience.
F or effe c t (to produce an effect)-He often says things for effect, not
because he believes them.
