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BÀI LUẬN TIẾNG ANH HAY the importance of computers in the modern world

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The importance of computers in the modern world

Computers play a huge role in the modern world. We can get an idea of how huge a role this is if
we examine some of the things in the modern world that we rely on and mostly take for granted.
Telecommunication, transport, banking and finance the most important features of the modern
world are heavily dependent on computers in order to function. A computer failure in any of
these areas can incapacitate it, and perhaps the other areas too. The consequences can be
anything from inconvenience to disaster. You may have experience the inconvenience of being
unable to withdraw money from a bank because its computer is 'down'. So you wait until they fix
the computer and you can withdraw money again. What happens if the down time should last
several days ? The inconvenience could turn to indignation for you and disaster some businesses.
Can you imagine what can happen if crucial computers fail in the transport systems, for example,
the airlines ? Flight schedules can be severely interrupted, passengers can miss flights or board
the wrong ones, or worst of all, accidents can happen. Air-traffic controllers rely on computers to
direct aircraft landing and taking off. In a busy airport, aircrafts take off and land within seconds
of each other. This is clearly impossible without computers.
Another area in which computers are very important is telecommunication. Today we
communicate with one another via the telephone, fax machine and the Internet. The ease and
speed of communication is unprecedented in the history of mankind. All we need is to press
some buttons or log on to the Internet and we get to communicate instantly with each other.
Physical distance matters little. Satellites, fiber optics and other devices make sure that we can
communicate from the comfort of our homes, anywhere in the world as long we have the
equipment to do it.
Certainly this is all fantastic, but what can happen if the computers stop working, even if it were
to be for a short while. Have you ever felt the exasperation of being unable to ring your friend or
retrieve an email ? We are literally plunged straight back to the days of our forefathers when
messages took days and weeks to reach their destination.
Computers are here to stay and their importance is undeniable. In fact, they areindispensable.
More and more they become part of our lives. Without computers, living will be like a hundred

years ago no email, no ATM machines, no credit cards, no Internet and no video games. For us
in this modern world, that would be unimaginable.


to make someone unable to work or do things normally


never having happened or existed in the past


Something or someone that is indispensable is so good or
important that you could not manage without them
