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thi chọn HSG tiếng anh lớp 11 (with key)8

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SỞ GD-ĐT HÀ TĨNH 
TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI 
: Tiếng Anh11( Ln 2)
 ! 150 phút
Lưu ý! Đề thi gồm 05 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi
 Thi sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. Giám thị không giải thích
gì thêm.
#$%&! Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from
that of the others.
1. A. intelligent B. population C. opportunity
D. economics
2. A. unspeakable B. accomplish C. emotional
D. tendency
3. A. address B. millionaire C. believe
D. mislead
4. A. protect B. improve C. conservation D. abroad
5. A. activity B. painter C. community D. authority
6. A. champion B. composer C. decide D.
7. A. pesticide B. separate C. slavery D.
8. A. capable B. personal C. interact D.
9. A. theatre B. cinema C. interesting D.
10. A. appliance B. activity C. adventure D.
II. '&(%)*++*!
$ ,!Circle the letter A, B, C or D that corresponds to the word or phrase

that best completes each sentence.
1. They hardly do anything nowadays, __________?
A. aren’t they B. do they C. don’t they D. isn’t it
2. I’m tired of my neighbors _________ noise every night.
A. make B. made C. to make D. making
3. This new law will take ________ from the beginning of next month.
A. influence B. power C. effect D. force
4. We all enjoy Tony’s companion. He’s ________ a man.

A. such honest B. so honest C. too honest D. such an
5. Has anyone got any ________ to changing the room we usually practise in?
B. objection C.
D. complaint
6. I’m afraid none of our material will exactly ________ the colour of your
A. fit B. imitate C. equal D. match
7. His wife has excellent ________ in clothes.
A. taste B. flavour C. choice D. gusto
8. The teacher always ______that the student make an outline before writing the
complete essay.
A. reports B. tells C. says D. recommends
9. I’m sure you will have no difficulty __________ the exam.
A. pass B. to pass C. passing D. on passing
10. Peter: Excuse me! Is there a chemist near here?
A passer-by: “__________”.
A. Yes. Take the first turning at the

B. No, he lives far from here.
C. Ok. I will help you. D. Not at all.
11. On the battle field of Waterloo, about 45,000 men were left ________.
A. dead and
B. dead and
C. to die and
D. death and
12. __________ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use
its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
13. I want 200 worth of Swiss Francs. What is the ________ rate, please?
A. market B. exchange C. currency D. money
14. I ________ her number but the line was engaged.
A. dialed B. made C. found D. counted
15. He ________ on the bed staring at the ceiling wondering what to do next.
A. lay B. laid C. lain D. lied
16. The phone rang but you didn’t hear it, you ________ asleep.
A. were B. must be C. must have
D. would have
17. What are the qualifications of a good worker? - It is essential that he
________ efficient.
A. is B. be C. will have

D. could be
18. The flight was cancelled at the last moment, otherwise we ________ in
Saigon now.
A. am B. would be C. were D. had been
19. Marry: Thank goodness! It’s Friday!
Ann: “__________”
A. Congratulations! B. Yeah. Have a nice weekend!
C. I have no idea. D. It doesn’t matter.
20. They delayed ________ so long that they almost missed the last train.
A. for leaving B. to leave C. in leaving D. leaving
Your answers
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/# 0# 1# 2# #
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #

$ ,#34456,,4576,867496,:;344 5<, 5=46568>?44
476??69> ;; 449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B>,63:4:#
Students learning English as a second language are sometimes given
a word by their teacher and asked to give an/a ___1__ (4B>? ) as
to what that word means; in other words, to provide a __2__
(:474). The __3__ ( ;;A84) is that if you know a word, you can
define it. __4__ (?65), that might make sense, but in reality it is
not always __5__ (,4 ;6) to assume that. There are words and
phrases that even native speakers use in conversation without much
__6__ (=) which can lead to __7__ (567A;4) when you ask a
native speaker to define them. Take the __8__ (565434) of
‘zeitgeist’, for example, which has entered English from German.
It’s __9__ (:6A<) much easier to use than it is to define. With a
word like ‘zeitgeist’ it may be more __10__ (;4;4) to test the

student’s understanding in ways other than asking them to define it.

Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
$ ,!68>?444 5;4454964674:68 5>, ;4;34#;4
4 5>, ;46546?@#
made her blood boil jumped out of her skin had a
lump in her throat
kept her head lost her head gave me
the cold shoulder
pulled her legs took her breath away
1. Pauline completely ignored me this morning. She
2. It really to see her friend copy a poem she had written and then
present it to her boyfriend as one that she had written for him.
3. Saying goodbye to her son was a very emotional occasion for her and
she as she watched him get on the train.
4. The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic. It
5. Susan panicked when the fire broke out. She
6. When I dropped that tray behind her, she got a shock. She almost
7. My sister remained very calm. She
8. Sally didn’t believe us, did she? We only joked! We only !

$ ,-!=676496,:6?@955 <4A;4: >>,6>, 4?@ ??,44
;4454;#4,4; 4B 8>?4 4<4#
##### >>,45 4#####
* One doesn't need to be an expert to >>,45 4the beauty of classical music.
* He seems confident that houses in this area will >>,45 4in value in thae
next few years#

* I'll always >>,45 4 your help and support.
* The birds build their nests in early September and begin to _________their
eggs two weeks later, always being on the lookout for predators.
* The press speculated whether the new telecommunications company was going
to _______cables on the seabed to improve the existing system.
* One of my responsibilities at home is to ________the table in the evening.
* The aim of this task is to ________your knowledge of vocabulary.
* The drug company has decided not to _______ its products on animals in
* In order to __________out his new theory, the scientist has taken over the
university laboratory.
* Blankets and shelters were in ___________ suply in the aftermath of the
* Nobody in this business knew his real name. he was called Bill for _________
* She reacted angrily when her name hadn't been included on the _______list for
the job.
* Marijuana is not regarded as a _________ drug. That's why some countries are
thinking of letting people use it, at least for medical purposes.
* It's ________to believe that there are no good people out there. I'm sure you
can find some good-natured individuals in this area.
* I'm trying to spare you learning things the _______ way. Follow my advice and
you don't need to make mistakes.
* He was afraid that his revolutionary proposals would __________with strong
opposition from hardliners.
* The Chinese factories were operating non stop churning out shoes to ______

the demand in Europe and the US.
* With only 200 dollars a month, the family struggled to make ends ________
III. Reading
$ ,!*4 :476??694B :47??4 5 >9%&;A <?4
I was reading an article last week in (1) the writer
described (2) her children has changed as they
(3) up. When they were small she had to
(4) up with noisy games in the house, or join in interminable
games of football in the garden which (5) her out. If the
house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were getting up to, or what
crisis she would have to (6) with next. She dreaded the
fact that they might (7) after her husband, who admitted
having (8) an uncontrollable child who
(9) most of the time showing off to his friends by breaking
things or getting into fights. What was worse was that (10)
else thought he was a sweet child, and he got away with the most terrible things!
However, she had experienced an even greater shocked with her children. They
had (11) out of all their naughty behavior, and
(12) up serious hobbies (13) as chess
and playing the piano. They never did anything without (14)
it over first, and coming to a serious decision. She had to face up to the fact that
they made her feel rather childish as they got (15) , and that in
some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy.
Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
# # # -# .#
$ ,#6A ,466,4 : 49;> >4, ,5?4 <6A 54,65= ,#

66;44 ;94,+CDC6,E95@6A=7;<4; 556,:64
4B49,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#
Tens of thousands of ancient pictures
carved into the rocks at one of France’s
most important tourist sites are being
gradually destroyed. Scientists and
researchers fear that the 36.000 drawings
on rocks in Mont Bego in the French
Alps are being damaged so rapidly that
4@ will not survive for future
The mountain, believed to have once
been a site for prayer and worship, is
scattered with 4,000 year-old drawings
cut into bare rock. They include pictures
of cows with horns, cultivated fields and
various gods and goddesses. But as the
popularity of the site increases, the
pictures are being ruined by thoughtless
Jean Clottes is the chairman of the
International Committee on Rock Art. He
says, “People think that because the
picture have been there so long they will
always continue to be there. But if the
damage continues as this rate there will
be nothing left in 50 years.”
He describes seeing tourists stamping on
the drawings, wearing away the rock and

definition of the artwork as they do so.
Some visitors, he says, even chop off
parts to take home as souvenirs
“When people think they can’t take a
good enough photograph, they rub the
drawings to get a clearer picture,” he
said. “The drawings are polished by the
weather, and if the sun is shining and the
visitors can’t see them properly they
simply rub and scrape them to make them
look fresher.”
Other researchers describe hoe people
arrive carrying long sticks with sharp
ends to scratch their own drawings, or
even their names, in the rock.
But experts are divided over the best way
to preserve the drawings. Henry de
Lumley, director of the Museum of
Natural History in Paris, believes that the
only way to save the site is to turn the
whole mountain into a “no-go” area,
preventing the public from going
there except on guided tours.
Otherwise, he says, not only will the
site be completely destroyed but
important research work will be
Clottes disagrees. “The measure
proposed by Henry de Lumley is the
most severe, and while it is the most

effective, it is also certain to bring
about protests from people who live
there,” he said. “The site was
classified as a historic monument
years ago by the Ministry of Culture,
and we must do as much as possible
to save what is there.”
David Lavergne, the regional
architect, also wants to avoid closing
the site. “Henry de Lumley’s idea
isn’t ideal,” he said. “Our department
feels that the best solution is to let
people look at the site, but because
the area is very big it is difficult to
prevent visitors from damaging it. I
would prefer that everyone was able
to look at it, but the main problem is
financial. We don’t have the funds to
employ the necessary number of
guards. We may have to consider
charging a fee. There seems to be no
prospect of government funding.”
In Nice, Annie Echassoux, who also
worked on researching the site, is
alarmed that as the mountain
becomes easier to reach – tourists
can now avoid the three-and-a-half-
hour walk by hiring vehicles – the
damage will increase rapidly. She
thinks that the only solution is to

rope off the area and provide guides.
“You can’t say the plan can’t go
ahead because there is no money,” he
said. “That is not good enough.
Money must be provided because the
Ministry of Culture has classified this
area as a historic site. If we don’t
take steps, we will be responsible for
losing the drawings for the next
1. What does ‘4@’ in line 5 refer to?
A. the rocks B. the French Alps
C. the drawings D. the tourist sites
2. Jeans Clottes says that people who visit the mountain ________.
A. do not believe the drawings are old B. believe they are allowed to paint
C. think the drawings should be left
D. assume the drawings will not change
3. According to Clottes, some of the visitors to the area have ________.
A. helped to clean the drawings B. taken bits of rocks home
C. been unable to take photographs D. misunderstood what the pictures
4. Henry de Lumley is keen to ________.
A. set up research projects B. safeguard public rights
C. keep out individual visitors D. ban traffic in the area
5. Clottes disagrees with Henry de Lumley’s suggestion because he thinks
A. it won’t work B. visitors will protest about it

C. he has a better idea D. it will annoy local people
6. David Lavergne would refer to ________.
A. limit the number of visitors to the
B. arrange security to protect the site
C. reduce the overall area of the site D. use tourist fees to finance on the site
7. Which word best describes Annie Echassoux’s attitude?
A. determined B. despairing
C. unforgiving D. understanding
8. The article has been written about Mont Bego to ________.
A. advertise the closure of the site B. warn visitors about the dangers of
the site
C. encourage scientists to visit the
D. describe fears about the future of
the site
Your answers
# # # -#
.# /# 0# 1#
$ ,#*4 :4> ;; 44566;44<4; ;94,+CDC6,E6
568>?444 5;> 5449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the
world's climate. Many scientists __1__ the blame for recent natural disasters on
the increase __2__ the world's temperatures and are convinced that, more than
ever before, the Earth is at __3__ from the force of the wind, rain and sun. __4__
to them, global warming is making extreme weather events; such as hurricanes
and droughts, even more ___5___ and causing sea levels all around the world to
__6__. Environmental groups are putting __7__ on governments to take action to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given __8__ by factories and

power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in __9__ of more
money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which
could then replace existing power stations. Some scientists, __10__ , believe that
even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere
tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results.
Global warming, it seems, is to stay.
1. A. give B. put C. take D. have
2. A. in B. at C. by D. to
3. A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm
4. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According
5. A. strike B. strong C. severe D. heavy
6. A. raise B. arise C. lift D. rise
7. A. force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement
8. A. off B. away C. up D. over
9. A. belief B. request C. favor D. suggestion
10. A. because B. however C. despite D. although
Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
$ ,! Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it!
1. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.

2. Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer.
- So long as the

3. They believe the students were educated in Canada.
- The

4. That’s an insulting name to use for him.
- Don’t call
5. She is proud of being such a good cook.
- She

$ ,! Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter
these words:
1. The film wasn’t as good as we expected ( 5684H

2. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success ( 8 4,H

3. The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months ( :45?4H

4. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. ( 5 84H

5#Final year students don’t have to attend lectures. ( 6>6 ?H

$ ,! G,4 568>6;667 ,6A:.96,:;6,:4,6 ;94,4

76??69IA4;6!It is very important that children should study hard at
school. Time spent studying on the Internet is time wasted. Do you agree or
disagree? State the reasons for your answer.



SỞ GD-ĐT HÀ TĨNH 
TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI 
: Tiếng Anh11( Ln 2)
 ! 150 phút

#$%&! Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from
that of the others.(1.5 points L#.>76,56,,45 ;94,)
#+ #E #D -# .#D
/#+ 0#E 1# 2#E #E
II. '&(%)*++*!

Part 1!Circle the letter A, B, C or D that corresponds to the word or phrase
that best completes each sentence. ( 4 points; L#>76,56,,45 ;94,)
#D #E # -#D .#D
/#E 0#+ 1#E 2# #+
#D # #D -#+ .#+
/# 0#D 1#D 2#D #E
$ , ! 34 4 56,,45 76,8 67  4  96,:; 34  4 5 <, 5=4 6
568>?44476??69> ;; 449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B>,63:4:#
M#.>6;L#.>76,56,,45 ;94,H
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Part 4: =676496,:6?@955 <4A;4: >>,6>, 4?@ ??,44
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#? @  #4; #;6, -# ,: .#
III. Reading
$ ,!*4 :476??694B :47??4 5 >9%&;A <?4
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.#E /#D 0#+ 1#E
$ ,! Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it!M>6L#>76,56,,45
#69434, ,:;496,=;C;4434,;448;6;A5544:#

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@6A, ;94,#
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$ ,! Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter
these words:( 1 pointL#>76,56,,45 ;94,)
#47?8::O5684A>66A,4B>45 6;#
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$ ,!G,M>6;H
- Y;>SUZ , C-?Y:656;T?T 5[5\ 8]#^_
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SỞ GD-ĐT HÀ TĨNH 
TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI 
: Tiếng Anh11( Ln 2)

 ! 150 phút
Lưu ý! Đề thi gồm 05 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi
 Thi sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. Giám thị không giải thích
gì thêm.
#$%&! Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from
that of the others.
1. A. intelligent B. population C. opportunity
D. economics
2. A. unspeakable B. accomplish C. emotional
D. tendency
3. A. address B. millionaire C. believe
D. mislead
4. A. protect B. improve C. conservation D. abroad
5. A. activity B. painter C. community D. authority
6. A. champion B. composer C. decide D.
7. A. pesticide B. separate C. slavery D.
8. A. capable B. personal C. interact D.
9. A. theatre B. cinema C. interesting D.
10. A. appliance B. activity C. adventure D.
II. '&(%)*++*!
$ ,!Circle the letter A, B, C or D that corresponds to the word or phrase
that best completes each sentence.
1. They hardly do anything nowadays, __________?

A. aren’t they B. do they C. don’t they D. isn’t it
2. I’m tired of my neighbors _________ noise every night.
A. make B. made C. to make D. making
3. This new law will take ________ from the beginning of next month.
A. influence B. power C. effect D. force
4. We all enjoy Tony’s companion. He’s ________ a man.
A. such honest B. so honest C. too honest D. such an
5. Has anyone got any ________ to changing the room we usually practise in?
B. objection C.
D. complaint
6. I’m afraid none of our material will exactly ________ the colour of your
A. fit B. imitate C. equal D. match
7. His wife has excellent ________ in clothes.
A. taste B. flavour C. choice D. gusto
8. The teacher always ______that the student make an outline before writing the
complete essay.
A. reports B. tells C. says D. recommends
9. I’m sure you will have no difficulty __________ the exam.
A. pass B. to pass C. passing D. on passing
10. Peter: Excuse me! Is there a chemist near here?
A passer-by: “__________”.
A. Yes. Take the first turning at the
B. No, he lives far from here.

C. Ok. I will help you. D. Not at all.
11. On the battle field of Waterloo, about 45,000 men were left ________.
A. dead and
B. dead and
C. to die and
D. death and
12. __________ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use
its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
13. I want 200 worth of Swiss Francs. What is the ________ rate, please?
A. market B. exchange C. currency D. money
14. I ________ her number but the line was engaged.
A. dialed B. made C. found D. counted
15. He ________ on the bed staring at the ceiling wondering what to do next.
A. lay B. laid C. lain D. lied
16. The phone rang but you didn’t hear it, you ________ asleep.
A. were B. must be C. must have
D. would have
17. What are the qualifications of a good worker? - It is essential that he
________ efficient.
A. is B. be C. will have
D. could be
18. The flight was cancelled at the last moment, otherwise we ________ in

Saigon now.
A. am B. would be C. were D. had been
19. Marry: Thank goodness! It’s Friday!
Ann: “__________”
A. Congratulations! B. Yeah. Have a nice weekend!
C. I have no idea. D. It doesn’t matter.
20. They delayed ________ so long that they almost missed the last train.
A. for leaving B. to leave C. in leaving D. leaving
Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
$ ,#34456,,4576,867496,:;344 5<, 5=46568>?44
476??69> ;; 449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B>,63:4:#
Students learning English as a second language are sometimes given
a word by their teacher and asked to give an/a ___1__ (4B>? ) as
to what that word means; in other words, to provide a __2__
(:474). The __3__ ( ;;A84) is that if you know a word, you can
define it. __4__ (?65), that might make sense, but in reality it is
not always __5__ (,4 ;6) to assume that. There are words and
phrases that even native speakers use in conversation without much
__6__ (=) which can lead to __7__ (567A;4) when you ask a
native speaker to define them. Take the __8__ (565434) of
‘zeitgeist’, for example, which has entered English from German.
It’s __9__ (:6A<) much easier to use than it is to define. With a
word like ‘zeitgeist’ it may be more __10__ (;4;4) to test the
student’s understanding in ways other than asking them to define it.

Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
$ ,!68>?444 5;4454964674:68 5>, ;4;34#;4
4 5>, ;46546?@#
made her blood boil jumped out of her skin had a
lump in her throat
kept her head lost her head gave me
the cold shoulder
pulled her legs took her breath away
9. Pauline completely ignored me this morning. She
10. It really to see her friend copy a poem she had written and then
present it to her boyfriend as one that she had written for him.
11. Saying goodbye to her son was a very emotional occasion for her and
she as she watched him get on the train.
12. The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic. It
13. Susan panicked when the fire broke out. She
14. When I dropped that tray behind her, she got a shock. She almost
15. My sister remained very calm. She
16. Sally didn’t believe us, did she? We only joked! We only !
$ ,-!=676496,:6?@955 <4A;4: >>,6>, 4?@ ??,44
;4454;#4,4; 4B 8>?4 4<4#
##### >>,45 4#####
* One doesn't need to be an expert to >>,45 4the beauty of classical music.
* He seems confident that houses in this area will >>,45 4in value in thae
next few years#
* I'll always >>,45 4 your help and support.
* The birds build their nests in early September and begin to _________their

eggs two weeks later, always being on the lookout for predators.
* The press speculated whether the new telecommunications company was going
to _______cables on the seabed to improve the existing system.
* One of my responsibilities at home is to ________the table in the evening.
* The aim of this task is to ________your knowledge of vocabulary.
* The drug company has decided not to _______ its products on animals in
* In order to __________out his new theory, the scientist has taken over the
university laboratory.
* Blankets and shelters were in ___________ suply in the aftermath of the
* Nobody in this business knew his real name. he was called Bill for _________
* She reacted angrily when her name hadn't been included on the _______list for
the job.
* Marijuana is not regarded as a _________ drug. That's why some countries are
thinking of letting people use it, at least for medical purposes.
* It's ________to believe that there are no good people out there. I'm sure you
can find some good-natured individuals in this area.
* I'm trying to spare you learning things the _______ way. Follow my advice and
you don't need to make mistakes.
* He was afraid that his revolutionary proposals would __________with strong
opposition from hardliners.
* The Chinese factories were operating non stop churning out shoes to ______
the demand in Europe and the US.
* With only 200 dollars a month, the family struggled to make ends ________

III. Reading
$ ,!*4 :476??694B :47??4 5 >9%&;A <?4
I was reading an article last week in (1) the writer
described (2) her children has changed as they
(3) up. When they were small she had to
(4) up with noisy games in the house, or join in interminable
games of football in the garden which (5) her out. If the
house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were getting up to, or what
crisis she would have to (6) with next. She dreaded the
fact that they might (7) after her husband, who admitted
having (8) an uncontrollable child who
(9) most of the time showing off to his friends by breaking
things or getting into fights. What was worse was that (10)
else thought he was a sweet child, and he got away with the most terrible things!
However, she had experienced an even greater shocked with her children. They
had (11) out of all their naughty behavior, and
(12) up serious hobbies (13) as chess
and playing the piano. They never did anything without (14)
it over first, and coming to a serious decision. She had to face up to the fact that
they made her feel rather childish as they got (15) , and that in
some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy.
Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
# # # -# .#
$ ,#6A ,466,4 : 49;> >4, ,5?4 <6A 54,65= ,#
66;44 ;94,+CDC6,E95@6A=7;<4; 556,:64
4B49,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#

Tens of thousands of ancient pictures
carved into the rocks at one of France’s
most important tourist sites are being
gradually destroyed. Scientists and
researchers fear that the 36.000 drawings
on rocks in Mont Bego in the French
Alps are being damaged so rapidly that
4@ will not survive for future
The mountain, believed to have once
been a site for prayer and worship, is
scattered with 4,000 year-old drawings
cut into bare rock. They include pictures
of cows with horns, cultivated fields and
various gods and goddesses. But as the
popularity of the site increases, the
pictures are being ruined by thoughtless
Jean Clottes is the chairman of the
International Committee on Rock Art. He
says, “People think that because the
picture have been there so long they will
always continue to be there. But if the
damage continues as this rate there will
be nothing left in 50 years.”
He describes seeing tourists stamping on
the drawings, wearing away the rock and
definition of the artwork as they do so.
Some visitors, he says, even chop off
parts to take home as souvenirs

“When people think they can’t take a
good enough photograph, they rub the
drawings to get a clearer picture,” he
said. “The drawings are polished by the
weather, and if the sun is shining and the
visitors can’t see them properly they
simply rub and scrape them to make them
preventing the public from going
there except on guided tours.
Otherwise, he says, not only will the
site be completely destroyed but
important research work will be
Clottes disagrees. “The measure
proposed by Henry de Lumley is the
most severe, and while it is the most
effective, it is also certain to bring
about protests from people who live
there,” he said. “The site was
classified as a historic monument
years ago by the Ministry of Culture,
and we must do as much as possible
to save what is there.”
David Lavergne, the regional
architect, also wants to avoid closing
the site. “Henry de Lumley’s idea
isn’t ideal,” he said. “Our department
feels that the best solution is to let
people look at the site, but because
the area is very big it is difficult to

prevent visitors from damaging it. I
would prefer that everyone was able
to look at it, but the main problem is
financial. We don’t have the funds to
employ the necessary number of
guards. We may have to consider
charging a fee. There seems to be no
prospect of government funding.”
In Nice, Annie Echassoux, who also
worked on researching the site, is
alarmed that as the mountain
becomes easier to reach – tourists
can now avoid the three-and-a-half-
hour walk by hiring vehicles – the
look fresher.”
Other researchers describe hoe people
arrive carrying long sticks with sharp
ends to scratch their own drawings, or
even their names, in the rock.
But experts are divided over the best way
to preserve the drawings. Henry de
Lumley, director of the Museum of
Natural History in Paris, believes that the
only way to save the site is to turn the
whole mountain into a “no-go” area,
damage will increase rapidly. She
thinks that the only solution is to
rope off the area and provide guides.
“You can’t say the plan can’t go

ahead because there is no money,” he
said. “That is not good enough.
Money must be provided because the
Ministry of Culture has classified this
area as a historic site. If we don’t
take steps, we will be responsible for
losing the drawings for the next
1. What does ‘4@’ in line 5 refer to?
A. the rocks B. the French Alps
C. the drawings D. the tourist sites
2. Jeans Clottes says that people who visit the mountain ________.
A. do not believe the drawings are old B. believe they are allowed to paint
C. think the drawings should be left
D. assume the drawings will not change
3. According to Clottes, some of the visitors to the area have ________.
A. helped to clean the drawings B. taken bits of rocks home
C. been unable to take photographs D. misunderstood what the pictures
4. Henry de Lumley is keen to ________.
A. set up research projects B. safeguard public rights
C. keep out individual visitors D. ban traffic in the area
5. Clottes disagrees with Henry de Lumley’s suggestion because he thinks
A. it won’t work B. visitors will protest about it
C. he has a better idea D. it will annoy local people
6. David Lavergne would refer to ________.
A. limit the number of visitors to the

B. arrange security to protect the site
C. reduce the overall area of the site D. use tourist fees to finance on the site
7. Which word best describes Annie Echassoux’s attitude?
A. determined B. despairing
C. unforgiving D. understanding
8. The article has been written about Mont Bego to ________.
A. advertise the closure of the site B. warn visitors about the dangers of
the site
C. encourage scientists to visit the
D. describe fears about the future of
the site
Your answers
# # # -#
.# /# 0# 1#
$ ,#*4 :4> ;; 44566;44<4; ;94,+CDC6,E6
568>?444 5;> 5449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the
world's climate. Many scientists __1__ the blame for recent natural disasters on
the increase __2__ the world's temperatures and are convinced that, more than
ever before, the Earth is at __3__ from the force of the wind, rain and sun. __4__
to them, global warming is making extreme weather events; such as hurricanes
and droughts, even more ___5___ and causing sea levels all around the world to
__6__. Environmental groups are putting __7__ on governments to take action to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given __8__ by factories and
power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in __9__ of more
money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which

could then replace existing power stations. Some scientists, __10__ , believe that
even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere
tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results.
Global warming, it seems, is to stay.
1. A. give B. put C. take D. have
2. A. in B. at C. by D. to
3. A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm
4. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According
5. A. strike B. strong C. severe D. heavy
6. A. raise B. arise C. lift D. rise
7. A. force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement
8. A. off B. away C. up D. over
9. A. belief B. request C. favor D. suggestion
10. A. because B. however C. despite D. although
Your answers
# # # -# .#
/# 0# 1# 2# #
$ ,! Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it!
1. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.

2. Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer.
- So long as the
3. They believe the students were educated in Canada.
- The


4. That’s an insulting name to use for him.
- Don’t call
5. She is proud of being such a good cook.
- She

$ ,! Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter
these words:
1. The film wasn’t as good as we expected ( 5684H

2. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success ( 8 4,H

3. The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months ( :45?4H

4. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. ( 5 84H

5#Final year students don’t have to attend lectures. ( 6>6 ?H

$ ,! G,4 568>6;667 ,6A:.96,:;6,:4,6 ;94,4
76??69IA4;6!It is very important that children should study hard at
school. Time spent studying on the Internet is time wasted. Do you agree or
disagree? State the reasons for your answer.



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TRƯỜNG THPT MINH KHAI 
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 ! 150 phút

#$%&! Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from
that of the others.(1.5 points L#.>76,56,,45 ;94,)
#+ #E #D -# .#D
/#+ 0#E 1# 2#E #E
II. '&(%)*++*!
Part 1!Circle the letter A, B, C or D that corresponds to the word or phrase
that best completes each sentence. ( 4 points; L#>76,56,,45 ;94,)

#D #E # -#D .#D
/#E 0#+ 1#E 2# #+
#D # #D -#+ .#+
/# 0#D 1#D 2#D #E
$ , ! 34 4 56,,45 76,8 67  4  96,:; 34  4 5 <, 5=4 6
568>?44476??69> ;; 449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B>,63:4:#
M#.>6;L#.>76,56,,45 ;94,H
#4B>?  6#:476# ;;A8>6-#?65 ??@
.#,4 ;6 <?4
$ ,!68>?444 5;4454964674:68 5>, ;4;34#;4
4 5>, ;46546?@#
M#>6L#.>76,56,,45 ;94,H
4.  3484456?:;6A?:4, .#?6;4,4 :
5. 8 :44,<?66:<6? /#NA8>4:6A674,;=
6.  : ?A8>4,,6  0#=4>4,4 :
-#66=4,<,4  9 @ 1#>A??4:4,?4;
Part 4: =676496,:6?@955 <4A;4: >>,6>, 4?@ ??,44
;4454;#4,4; 4B 8>?4 4<4#M>6;L#>76,
56,,45 ;94,H
#? @  #4; #;6, -# ,: .#
III. Reading
$ ,!*4 :476??694B :47??4 5 >9%&;A <?4
96,:#M>6;L#>76,56,,45 ;94,H
/# 95
0# 69
1# ,69

2# >A
# 96,4
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# 66=
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568>?444 5;> 5449,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#M#.>6;;
#.>76,56,,45 ;94,H
#D #+ # -#E .#
/#E 0#D 1#+ 2# #D
$ ,#6A ,466,4 : 49;> >4, ,5?4 <6A 54,65= ,#
66;44 ;94,+CDC6,E95@6A=7;<4; 556,:64
4B49,4@6A, ;94,;4<6B34#M#>6;L#.76,
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# #E #D -#
.#E /#D 0#+ 1#E
$ ,! Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it!M>6L#>76,56,,45
#69434, ,:;496,=;C;4434,;448;6;A5544:#
#6?6 ;44B 84,5 ,4 :45@6A, :9,C49?? 554>
@6A, ;94,#

#4;A:4; ,4<4?434:6 34<444:A5 4:  : #
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<4;A5 66:566=#
$ ,! Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter
these words:( 1 pointL#>76,56,,45 ;94,)
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