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Cảm ơn bạn: Cầu. Nguyễn Hoàn" đã đánh máy bài viết này:
1. Who was the first man to on the Moon?
a. start up
b. board
c. set foot
d. mount
2. The worst aircraft happened at Tenerife Airport in 1977.
a. event
b. matter
c. explosion
d. accident
3. There is a severe in Ethiopia, and thousands of people are dying from hunger.
a. starvation
b. lacking
c. famine
d. disease
4. The worst earthquake to recently was the Tangshan earthquake in 1976.
a. cause
b. occur
c. result
d. turn out
5. The Blue Whale is probably the biggest which has ever existed.
a. happening
b. body
c. being
d. creature
6. There are now even to see who can spit the furthest!
a. happenings
b. competitions

c. prizes
d. examinations
7. You should find the number of the book from the library
a. stock
b. list
c. shelf
d. catalogue
8. There are several books by CK Corner on this
a. sbelf
b. platform
c. cupboard
d. piece
9. Have you got any books on business methods or any similar ?
10. "Can you tell me where the dictionaries are?"
"Yes, they're over three with all the other books"
a. encyclopaedia
b. reference
c. quotation
d. directory
11. When was that book ?
a. made
b. produced
c. published
d. created
12. How are the books in this library ?
a. divided
b. named
c gathered
d. classified
13. The New Oxford Garage is for more salesmen.

a. advertising
b. informing
c. requesting
d. advising
14. One of the new salesmen has me to buy a new car.
a. convinced
b. argued
c. persuaded
d. resulted
15. First, he gave me a very interesting about the car.
a. information
b. fact
c. news
d. brochure
16. It contained a lot of about how little prtrol the car used.
a. examination
b. news
c. fact
d. information
17. The car is for one year. The garage will pay for any repairs within this period.
a. promised
b. advised
c. guaranteed
d. attended
18. I hope everything is true and that the salesman isn't trying to anyone.
a. lie
b. mislead
c. mistake
d. steal
19. "How many can you speak? "Only Arabic and English".

a. conversations
b. languages
c. communications
d. speeches
20. What is the of the noun formed from "advertise"?
a. writing
b. formation
c. spelling
d. lettering
A combination of sewage, salt, air pollution, sun, sand, and wind may destroy the huge
state on the outskirts of Cairo. This statue of the Sun God has the body of a lion and the
face of a human being. It is five thousand years old, but it is too badly damaged to be
completely saved.
The statute had already been dug out of the sand three times. However, the latest
problems are much more serious. First, there are no proper drains and water pipes in the
neughborhood and the underground passage round the satue have become blocked. Too
much water has been running into the stone statue for several years. As a result, tiny
pieces of salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it.
Secondly, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying
the ancient statue . The air is so full of poisonous gases that it is making the stone
crumble and decay even faster.
Thirdly, the statue is being damaged by extremes of temperature for example. Although
the air is very cold at night, during the day the stone of the statute becomes very hot
under the trong sun. Other natural forces, such as severe sandstorms, also attck the statue.
1. The statue was build years ago.
a. 50
b. 500
c. 5,000
d. 50,000

2. The underground passages round the statue are full of
a. waste and water
b. gold and water
c. silver and copper
d. drains and water pipes
3. Part of the statue looks like a lion and part like
a. the sun
b. the moon
c. a star
d. a person
4. What leave polluted the air near the statue?
a. the weather and the temperature.
b. the sun and the moon.
proper drains and water pipes.
d. cars, buses and lorries.
5. Cairo is in
a. France
b. Iran
c. Egypt
d. Japan
Traffic lights
The first signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed (1) the
Houses of Parliament 1n 1868. It (2) like any railway signal of the time , and was
operated by gas. (3) , it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident (4) further
development until cars became common.
(5) traffce lights are an American invention. Red - green (6) were installed in
Cleveland in 1914. Three color signals, operated (7) hand from a tower in the (8) of
the street, were installed in New York in 1918. The (9) lights of this type to (10) in
Britain were in London, on the junction between St. James's Street and Peccadillo, in

1925. Automatic signals were installed (11) year later.
In the past, traffic light were (12) In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los
Angeles the lights did not just (13) silently, but would ring bells to (14) the sleeping
motorists of the 1930s. These are gone and have been (15) by standard models which
are universally adopted.
1. a out side
b. out
c. out of
d. outdoors
2. a. resembled
b. looked
c. showed
d. seemed
3. a. However
b. Therefore
c. Although
d. Despite
4. a. forbade
b. disappointed
c. avoided
d. discouraged
5. a. New
b. Recent
c. Modern
d. Late
6. a. methods
b. ways
c. systems
d. means
7. a. by

b. with
c. through
d. in
8. middle
b. heart
c. gocus
d. halfway
9. a. original
b. primary
c. first
d. early
10. a. show
b. appear
c. happen
d. become
11. a. a
b. in the
c. in a
d. the
12. a. various
b. particular
c. rare
d. special
13. a. change
b. alter
c. vary
d. move
14. a. rise
b. raise
c. wake

d. get up
15. a. reproduced
b. replaced
d. removed
d. remained
The changing American family
The family is important to people all over the world although the structure of the family
is quite (1) from one country to another. In the United States, as in many (2) in the
world, the family is changing. A generation or two (3) , the traditional family, in which
the father was boss, was customary. Now, the modern family, in which (4) the father
and the mother are equal partners, is (5) common. Although there are several
similarities between the (6) and the modern family, there are also some very important
(7) The traditional husband (8) the head of the household because he was the only one
who worked (9) the home. If the wife worked for pay, then the husband was (10)
considered to be a good provider. In many families today, bothe husband and wife work
for (11) . Therefore, they share the role of head of household.
1. She/studying English/ two/year/hasn't?
2. Jane/go/that school/and so/do/my brother.
3. We took many/picture/though/sky/cloudy
4. you/give/best wishes/your husbank/children?
5. government/used/restrich/these/pill.
6. You/seem/suggest/do/nothing/case/they/wrong.
7. She takes/same courses/her husband.
8. I/be/sure/we will have/finish/all the things/we/want/do/house/by then.
9. She/not very polite/but anyway/I helped.
10. Her address/same/Rita.
1. When I was younger I used to go climbing more than I do now.

2. England no longer had dreadful fogs.
There used
3. It's years since we decordated this room.
We haven't
4. By the time we arrive, the other guests will have already started dinner.
The other guests will start
5. I would like the school holidays to be longer.
I wish
6. John is not old enough to join the club.
John is too
Write a letter to a foreign friend of your introducing him (or her) one aspect of the
Vietnamese culture.
1. C 2. D. 3. C. 4. B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. D 17.
C 18. B 19. B 20. C
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B
1. different
2. countries
3. ago
4. both
5. more
6. traditional
7. differences

8. was
9. outside
10. not
11. pay
1. She's been studying English for two years, hasn't she?
2. Jane goes to that school, and so does my brother.
3. We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy.
5. Would you please give my best wishes to your husband and children?
6. You seem to suggest doing nothing in case they are wrong.
7. She takes the same courses as her husband.
8. I'm sure we will have finished all the things we want to do in the house by then.
9. She wasn't very polite, but anyway, I helped her.
10. Her address is the same as Rita's.
1. Now I don't go climbing as much as I used to.
2. There used to be dreadful fogs in England.
3. We havent's decorated this room for years.
4. The other guests will start their dinner before we arrive.
5. I wish the school holidays were longer.
6. John is too young to join the club.
Write a letter
Dear John,
I am very happy for writing this letter to you today because this is a happy time of the
year in Vietnam. It is the time of Ted, our New Year.
Later I will write to tell you about some other aspects of our Vietnamese culture, but now
let me just tell you about this special holiday, Tet.
Tet is the start of our lunar year. It does not fall on the same date as your New Year -
January 1^st, but we usually celebrate it somewhere from January 15^st to February
28^st. At this time of the year, the shops are busy, especially those in the Central Market

where gaily - wrapped sweets and other goodies fill the shelves. Many people come to
buy and the shops are very crowded.
Everyone likes to wear new clothes to start the New Year. Then, gifts must be bought for
all relatives, especially for grandparents. Some streets are lined with pretty flowers and
big watermelons are for on sale along others. From what I have read and heard, it is
similar to your Christmas.
Tet is a favorite holiday of most Vietnamese people. The culture and traditions of Tet
have been passed on to us for so many generations. Before and during Tet we observe
these customs and traditions.
In my next letter I will tell you more about some of the special customs we observe
during this time.
May I close by wishing you "Cung Chuc Tan Xuan", our words for "Happy New Year"
Your friend,
