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Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Ngày kiểm tra: …./../2014

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………

Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently: (1 pts)
1. a. folk
2. a. list
3. a. semester
4. a. fitness
5. a. typhoon


b. hold
b. underline
b. necessary
b. differ
b. groom

c. photo
c. highlight
c. term

c. establish
c. door

d. neighbor
d. night
d. mother
d. tidy
d. kangaroo

Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.(2pts)
1. I suggest _________ up the beach.
A. to clean
B. clean
C. cleaning
D. cleaned
2. Where _________ you go if you have acar ?
A. will
b. would
C. did
D. do
3. We feel very _________ today.
A. excited
B. exciting
C. excite
D. to excite
4. We are saving money _________ we want to buy a new car.
A. so
C. because
D. but

5. Nguyen Du was famous _________ in Viet Nam.
A. musician
B. poet
C. designer
D. singer


Supply the correct verb form: (1 pts)

1.I ......... (have) these cards since my birthday.
2.The last time I ........(go) to Bristain was in August
3. .If Ba ( come )……………. here tomorrow, I will phone you
4.Nga’s house ( build )……………… in 1995

IV. Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (2,5pts)
1. It started to rain ,so we stopped playing tennis.
We stopped playing……………………………………………………..
2. Nam always gets bad marks. He is very lazy. (so)
3. They are going to build a new bridge in the area.
A new bridge...................................................................................................
4. People should stop experiments on animals.


Read the following passage carefully then answer questions: (2,5 pts)

On January 17,1995, a strong earthquake ..(7)…………below Awaji Island across the bay
from Kobe . It was the most deadly earthquake to hit Japan since 1923 . The quake ..(8)
……………buildings and bridges to collapse and fires..(9)…………out throughout the
city. In all, about 5000 people died and more than 21,000 people were injured. ..(10)
…………than 30,000 buildings were damaged by the quake and resulting fires, and
hundreds of thousands were left homeless.
7. A. strike
8. A. made
9. A. broke
10.A. Much

B. struck
B. helped
B. found
B. Many

C. has struck D. strikes
C. caused
D. had
C. caught
D. taken
C. More
D. Most

VI. Circle an incorrect word A, B , C or D (1pts)

1. It is luckily that she is still here

2. Join was happy that he passing the exam
...............The end ............


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Ngày kiểm tra: …./../2014

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………

Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently: (1 pts)
1. A. torch
2. A. tower

B. sport

C. record

B. slow

3. A. balloon

B. hand

4. A. prepare

B. prepayment


C. flower

C. band

5. A. competition B. competence

D. colorful
D. down

D. bamboo

C. preposition

D. prescribe

C. competent

D. compete

Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.(2pts)
1. Hung wishes he __________ a new bike.
A. can have

B. have

C. has

D. could have

2. He arrived ________ Japan _______ Tuesday evening.
A. in/in

B. in/at

C. in/on

D. at/on

3. Nam is sick today, _________ he won’t go to school.
A. so

B. because

C. as D. so that

4. I've known him ________ I left school.
A. when

B. before

C. until

D. since

5. She has two children to look after, so she's looking for a _________ job in the
neighborhood to work at weekends.
A. part-time

B. full-time C. low-paid D. skillful

6. She __________ me if I spoke English fluently.
A. told

B. said

C. asked

D. spoke

7. She asked me _________________?
A. which grade are you in
C. which grade I am in

B. which grade were you in
D. which grade I was in

8. Tommy suggested _________ the shrine on the mountain.
A. visiting


B. visit

C. to visit

D. visited

Supply the correct verb form: (1 pts)
1. He wishes he ………a teacher . (be)
2. Is Lan used to……….. to Maryam? (write)
3. She (often take)………. to the theatre by The Greens.
4. Water can`t (find)………. here.


Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (2,5pts)
1. I haven`t seen her for a long time.
I didn`t ......................................................................
2. I last saw her 10 years ago.
I haven`t ………………….
3. I / arrive / Hanoi / 5 o`clock yesterday morning,
4. He / do / homework / two hours ago.


Read the following passage carefully then answer questions: (2,5 pts)


Hoa was born in Hue, but now she is living in Ha Noi with her aunt and uncle. She
went to Ha Noi two years ago. Now she is studying at Quang Trung School. Yesterday
was her thirteenth birthday. She had a small party with her friends. They ate a lot of
food, fruits and cakes. In the evening Hoa had a stomachache. Her aunt was worried.
She called a doctor. The doctor arrived and gave Hoa some medicine. She took the
medicine and went to bed. Today Hoa feels better.
1. Where was Hoa born?
2. When did she go to Ha Noi?
3. Did they eat a lot of food, fruits and cakes?
4. Why did Hoa’s aunt call the doctor?
Circle an incorrect word A, B , C or D (1pts)
1. It is luckily that she is still here
2. Join was happy that he passing the exam

...............The end ............


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Ngày kiểm tra: …./../2014

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………
Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently: (1 pts)
1. A. exhaust
B. faucet
C. toad
D. enormous
2. A. place
B. surface
C. slavery D. waste
3. A. however
B. crowd
C. town
D. show
4. A. prepare
B. prepayment

C. preposition
D. prescribe
Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.(2pts)
1. We can’t distinguish him ……..his twin brother.
A. with
B. for
C. of
D. from
2. She suggested ……………..a plumber …………..all the pipes.
A. to get/ to replace B. getting/ replacing C. getting/ to replace
D. get/ replace
3. It started to rain; …………we decide to stop playing tennis.

A. however B. so C. therefore D. although
4. It’s possible to store solar energy for ………….days.
A. a number of
B. the number of C. lot of
D. plenty
5. Scientists are trying to find…………..sources of power before we use up all the fossil
A. alternative
B. clean
C. natural D. cheap
6. They forgot to pay the bill and their electricity was cut………..
A. down
B. up
C. out
D. off
7. These products ………….work effectively …………save money as well.

A. only/but also
B. not also/but
C. not only/but
D. not only/and also
8. The students have two weeks off………….. Tet.
A. on B. at C. in D. before
Supply the correct word form: (1 pts)
1. The electricity ……..in big cities is always enormous. (CONSUME)
2. The street was……….(CROWD) with people watching the colorful parade.
3. The ………..of solar panels for buildings costs a lot of money. (INSTALL)
4. My friend is an (ENERGY) …………man who always takes part in social activities.
Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (2,5pts)
1. The faucet is dripping and water is going all over the floor.
Because of......................................................................
2. He was successful, but he felt dissatisfied.
Even though…………………………………………..
3. She said:” Why don’t you finish your assignment before going to bed?”
She suggested………………………………………..
5. Viet Nam exports rice to other countries. It is in South-East Asia.
Viet Nam, …………………………………………………….
Read the following passage carefully then decide whether the statements that
follow are True or False: (2,5 pts)
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of
pollution. However, little is known about the long term effects of such low poisoning. The
most serious of modern times is that man is destroying the earth’s natural resources,
and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely
difficult to grow enough to feed the rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all
the wildlife on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of
disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The danger, however, are not

confined solely to the land and the sea. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is
increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man’s
whole environment is being changed in a serious way.
1. The world’s oceans are becoming more polluted
2. The dangers are confined solely to the land and the sea …………
3. The environment is being changed seriously.
4. Feeding the rapidly increasing population of the world is very easy ……….

Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (1pts)
1. They …………. A picnic yesterday because of the awful weather. ( not have)
2. You’ better not …………… out alone at midnight. (go)
3. My school……………………. A show to raise money for the poor next week.
4. Those workers were made ………..eight hours a day. (work)
...............The end ............

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Ngày kiểm tra: …./../2014

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………
Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently: (1 pts)

1. A. however
B. crowd
C. town
D. show
2. A. place
B. surface
C. slavery D. waste
3. A. exhaust
B. faucet
C. toad
D. enormous
4. A. prepare
B. prepayment
C. preposition
D. prescribe
Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.(2pts)
1. The students have two weeks off………….. Tet.
A. on B. at C. in D. before
2. Scientists are trying to find…………..sources of power before we use up all the fossil
A. alternative
B. clean
C. natural D. cheap
3. It started to rain; …………we decide to stop playing tennis.
A. however B. so C. therefore D. although
4. It’s possible to store solar energy for ………….days.
A. a number of
B. the number of C. lot of
D. plenty
5. She suggested ……………..a plumber …………..all the pipes.

A. to get/ to replace B. getting/ replacing C. getting/ to replace
D. get/ replace
6. They forgot to pay the bill and their electricity was cut………..
A. down
B. up
C. out
D. off
7. These products ………….work effectively …………save money as well.
A. only/but also
B. not also/but
C. not only/but
D. not only/and also
8. We can’t distinguish him ……..his twin brother.
A. with
B. for
C. of
D. from

Supply the correct word form: (1 pts)
1. The electricity ……..in big cities is always enormous. (CONSUME)
2. My friend is an (ENERGY) …………man who always takes part in social activities.
3. The ………..of solar panels for buildings costs a lot of money. (INSTALL)
4. The street was……….(CROWD) with people watching the colorful parade.
Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (2,5pts)
1. The faucet is dripping and water is going all over the floor.
Because of......................................................................
2. She said:” Why don’t you finish your assignment before going to bed?”
She suggested………………………………………..
3. He was successful, but he felt dissatisfied.

Even though…………………………………………..
4. Viet Nam exports rice to other countries. It is in South-East Asia.
Viet Nam, …………………………………………………….
Read the following passage carefully then decide whether the statements that
follow are True or False: (2,5 pts)
The world’s oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of
pollution. However, little is known about the long term effects of such low poisoning. The
most serious of modern times is that man is destroying the earth’s natural resources,
and transforming huge areas into wasteland. As a result, it is becoming extremely
difficult to grow enough to feed the rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all
the wildlife on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of
disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The danger, however, are not
confined solely to the land and the sea. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is
increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man’s
whole environment is being changed in a serious way.
1. The world’s oceans are becoming more polluted
2. Feeding the rapidly increasing population of the world is very easy ……….
3. The dangers are confined solely to the land and the sea …………
4. The environment is being changed seriously.


Supply the correct tense form of the verbs (1pts)
1. They …………. A picnic yesterday because of the awful weather. ( not have)
2. You’ better not …………… out alone at midnight. (go)
3. Those workers were made ………..eight hours a day. (work)
4. My school……………………. A show to raise money for the poor next week.
...............The end ............


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Đề A
Ngày kiểm tra: …./..../2015

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………
I. Chọn từ gạch dưới có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. (1 điểm)
A. invite
B. pick
C. ticket
D. kitchen
A. lock
B. shock
C. block
D. program
A. bad
B. sad
C. day
D. catch

A. greet
B. teeth
C. deer
D. knee
A. sign
B. high
C. sit
D. mind
II. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào chỗ trống. (2.5 điểm)
1. Lan have been Dave's penpal _______ two years.
A. for
B. since
C. about
D. on

2. I wish I ________ a computer.

A. have
B. had C. will have
D. having
3. Jeans are _________ by the young all over the world.
A. wear
B. wore
C. wearing D. worn
4. I wish I _________ in the Brazil now.
A. be
B. were
C. was

D. am
5. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese __________.
A. poetry
B. poem
C. poet
D. poetic
6. When I was a child, my family _________ go to Da Lat for summer vacation.
A. are used to
B. get used to
C. use to
D. used to
7. He is a small boy. He has to depend ________ his parents.
A. on
B. to
C. with
D. for
8. We were having dinner when the telephone ___________.
A. rings
B. ringing
C. rang
D. was ringing
9. I used to ________ to school in the afternoon, but now I don't go any more.
A. going
B. go C. went
D. gone
10.You can take part in sport activities or not that depends on you. It`s ____________.
A. optional B. forceful
C. compulsory
D. required
III. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hoặc dạng thích hợp (1.5 điểm)

1. We (not see) ……….her since she ………….(leave) school.
2. My father (work) ……………..in this factory for ten years.
3. This house (build) ………………in 2000.
4. ……………you …………(eat) Vietnamese food yet?
IV. Điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống. (1,5 điểm)

symbols - and - traditional - wear - continue - mentioned - modify - fashionable

The Ao dai is the (1) ……………dress of Vietnamese women. However, many Vietnamese
women today like to (2) …………..modern clothing at work, because it is more convenient.
Poets, writers and musicians have (3) ………………..the Ao dai in poems, novels, and songs.
Now the fashion designers want to (4) ………………the traditional Ao dai so they look
modern and (5) ……………... The designers have added (6) …………………such as: suns, stars,
crosses, etc to the Ao dai, so Vietnamese women can (7) ………………….to wear the unique
dress, which is now both traditional (8) …………….fashionable.
V. Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời đúng. (1.5 điểm)
Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is
located in the Eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing,
friendly, and fun- loving nature. Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed
in the world.
Brazil is a federal republic with 23 states. The capital city is Brasilia. Portuguese is the official
language and it is spoken with a distinct Brazilian accent. Brazil has a population of over one
hundred and thirty-eight million, which is made up of people of many different races and ethnic
A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships,
machines, and military weapons. Mining is also an important industry. Agriculture is another
important industry. Many crops are exported, including coffee, cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa,
rice, corn and fruit.
1. Where is Brazil ? - It is located in _______.

A. Eastern half of South America
B. Eastern half of America
C. South America
D. Western half of South America
2. What is Brazil's official language?
A. English
C. Portuguese

B. Brazilian
D. Portugal

3. What is the population of Brazil?
A. Around 158 million
C. 128 million

B. Over 138 million
D. Not mentioned

4. What are the people of Brazil famous for ?
A. Their outgoing, friendly, and fun- loving nature.
B. Their cars, chemicals and ships.
C. Their machines, and military weapons.
D. Their coffee, cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn and fruit.
VI. Viết lại câu dựa vào gợi ý trong ngoặc. (2 điểm)
1. I don’t have a new dictionary. (wish)
2. People repaired this computer an hour ago. (passive voice)
3. Did someone broke that vase? (passive voice)

4. We began driving when I was eighteen. (present perfect tense)
5. I last saw him two days ago. (present perfect tense)


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Đề B
Ngày kiểm tra: …./…./2015

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………
I. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hoặc dạng thích hợp (1.5 điểm)
1. We (not see) ……….her since she ………….(leave) school.
2. My father (work) ……………..in this factory for ten years.
3. This house (build) ………………in 2000.
4. ……………you ………(eat) Vietnamese food yet?
II. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất trong A, B, C hoặc D để điền vào chỗ trống. (2.5 điểm)
1. When I was a child, my family _________ go to Da Lat for summer vacation.
A. are used to
B. get used to
C. use to
D. used to

2. I wish I ________ a computer.

A. have
B. had C. will have
D. having
3. Jeans are _________ by the young all over the world.
A. wear
B. wore
C. wearing D. worn
4. I used to ________ to school in the afternoon, but now I don't go any more.
A. going
B. go C. went
D. gone
5. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese __________.
A. poetry
B. poem
C. poet
D. poetic
6. Lan have been Dave's pen pal _______ two years.
A. for
B. since
C. about
D. on
7. He is a small boy. He has to depend ________ his parents.
A. on
B. to
C. with
D. for
8. We were having dinner when the telephone ___________.
A. rings
B. ringing

C. rang
D. was ringing
9. I wish I _________ in the Brazil now.
A. be
B. were
C. was
D. am
10.You can take part in sport activities or not that depends on you. It`s ____________.
A. optional B. forceful
C. compulsory
D. required
III. Chọn từ gạch dưới có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại. (1 điểm)
A. invite
B. pick
C. ticket
D. kitchen
A. lock
B. shock
C. block
D. program
A. bad
B. sad
C. day
D. catch
A. greet
B. teeth

C. deer
D. knee
A. sign
B. high
C. sit
D. mind
IV. Điền từ còn thiếu vào chỗ trống. (1,5 điểm)

symbols - and - traditional - wear - continue - mentioned - modify - fashionable
The Ao dai is the (1) ……………dress of Vietnamese women. However, many Vietnamese
women today like to (2) …………..modern clothing at work, because it is more convenient.
Poets, writers and musicians have (3) ………………..the Ao dai in poems, novels, and songs.
Now the fashion designers want to (4) ………………the traditional Ao dai so they look

modern and (5) ……………... The designers have added (6) …………………such as: suns, stars,
crosses, etc to the Ao dai, so Vietnamese women can (7) ………………….to wear the unique
dress, which is now both traditional (8) …………….fashionable.
V. Đọc đoạn văn dưới đây và chọn câu trả lời đúng. (1.5 điểm)
Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is
located in the Eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing,
friendly, and fun- loving nature. Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed
in the world.
Brazil is a federal republic with 23 states. The capital city is Brasilia. Portuguese is the official
language and it is spoken with a distinct Brazilian accent. Brazil has a population of over one
hundred and thirty-eight million, which is made up of people of many different races and ethnic
A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships,
machines, and military weapons. Mining is also an important industry. Agriculture is another

important industry. Many crops are exported, including coffee, cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa,
rice, corn and fruit.
1. What is the population of Brazil?
A. Around 158 million
C. 128 million

B. Over 138 million
D. Not mentioned

2. What is Brazil's official language?
A. English
C. Portuguese

B. Brazilian
D. Portugal

3. Where is Brazil? - It is located in _______.
A. Eastern half of South America
B. Eastern half of America
C. South America
D. Western half of South America
4. What are the people of Brazil famous for?
A. Their outgoing, friendly, and fun- loving nature.
B. Their cars, chemicals and ships.
C. Their machines, and military weapons.
D. Their coffee, cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn and fruit.
VI. Viết lại câu dựa vào gợi ý trong ngoặc. (2 điểm)
1. I don’t have a new dictionary. (wish)
2. People repaired this computer an hour ago. (passive voice)

3. We began driving when I was eighteen. (present perfect tense)
4. I last saw him two days ago. (present perfect tense)
5. Did someone broke that vase? (passive voice)




Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Ngày kiểm tra: …./../2014

Họ tên học sinh: ……………………………………….. Lớp: ………. SBD: ……………..
Phòng thi: ………………

Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently: (1 pt)
1. a. crack
2. a. plumber
3. a. solar
4. a. sheet

b. label
b. bulb
b. coal
b. heat

c. family
c. tumble
c. purpose
c. idea

d. standard
d. consumer
d. poster
d. freezer

XIII. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the blanks.(2pts)
1. Tet is a festival which ..................in late Janary or early February.
A. occurs
B. Occur
C. Occurred
D. occurring
2. What do you like best about your uncle? – It’s his...................... of humour.
A. mean
B. character
C. sense
D. jokes
3.I live in Nha Trang..................is one of the most beautiful city in VietNam.
A. who
B. where
C. whose

D. which
4.Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all............people.
A. English
C. Japenese
D. Jewish
5. Last night we came to the show late _________ the traffic was so heavy.
A. although
B. despite
C. and
D. Because
6. Her grandmother turned the TV.......... to see the weather forecast.
A. down
B. Off
C. On
D. Up
7. It was very ......... that yo won the first prize.
A. amaze
B. Amazed
C. Amazing
D. Amazement
8. I won’t go ..................... you pay me money back.
A. as well as
B. As long as
C. Unless
D. As soon as
XIV. Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses: (1 pts)
1. Forest fires start ................................ during drought. ( easy)
2. She looked with ................................. at the result of her work.
( proud)

3. The result of the experiment was .................................. ( satisfy)
4. My parents are very sad because of my .............................. exam
results. ( disappoint)

Supply the correct Tense or Form of the Verbs in parentheses: (1pts)
1. Get him (fix)…………………… the washing machine.
2. Mary’s key (lose) …………… two days ago.
3. I suggest she ( study) ....................... harder if she wants to pass the exam.
4. Uncle Ho...................... (live) in France for three years.


Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. (2 pts)
1. We should use energy-saving bulbs to save electricity.
2. My mother took a girl to hospital last night. Do you know her?
Do you
3. The sign was in front of him; however, he didn’t notice of it.
4. It would be better if you use public buses instead of motorbikes.
suggest ...........................................................................................................................


Read the following passage carefully then answer questions: (1 pt)
Pollution can kill or sicken plants, animals, and people. Pollution can change
environment. Things that cause pollution are called pollutants.
Pollution can get in the air. Air pollution can irritate people’s lung. Polluted air can
mix with rain to make acid rain. Acid rain kills trees and harm fish in lakes.
Pollution can also get into soil and water. From there, pollutants can get into food
chain. Plants take in the pollution from the ground. Animals that eat the plants can be
harmed, too. Bigger animals and even people might eat the damaged animals.
1. The passage mentions three kinds of pollution.
2. Acid rain is a result of air pollution.
3. Fish in lake are harmful.
4. Water and soil pollution can cause plants polluted.

XVI. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage :
(1,25 pts)
In western countries, electricity, gas and water are not luxuries but necessities.
Companies now realize that ………… (1)……..want …..(2)……. That will not only
work effectively, but also save money.
For most North American households, lighting accounts …….. (3)………. 10 percent
to 15 percent of the electricity bill. However, this amount can …… (4)………. By
replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb by an energy-saving bulb. These bulbs use a
quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. …. (5)…….,
consumers can save about US$7 to US$21 per bulb.


1. A. seller

B. worker

C. consumers

D. servers

2. A. production

B. products

C. produce

D. product

3. A. in

B. at

C. from

D. for

4. A. reduce

B. reduce

C. is reduced

D. reduced

5. A. however

B therefore

C. so

D. because

Translate these sentences in to English (1pts)
1. Cô ấy không uống gì cả mặc dù cô ấy rất khát nước.

2. Nếu bạn không cẩn thận, bạn sẽ đánh rớt cái ly đó.
...............The end ............

ktra cuoi nam khoi
9 av2.doc

I.Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. gather
b. pagoda
c. relax
d. banyan

2. a. bamboo
b. took
c. afternoon
d. soon
3. a. gather
b. earth
c. theater
d. thanks
4. a. collection
b. question
c. inspiration
d. nation
5. a. hard
b. grandmother
c. delicious
d. wonderful
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
6. a. institute
b. scenery
c. regional
d. religious
7. a. material
b. dormitory
c. minority
d. officially
8. a. advertise
b. institute
c. candidate
d. deposite
9. a. enjoy

b. ringgit
c. relax
d. bamboo
10. a. baggy
b. region
c. admire
d. poet
III. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English
11. I wish I could swim so I would feel safely in a boat.
12.Columbus made his first voyage from Europe till America in 1492.
13. My thirteen – years – old daughter wishes she weren’t so tall and that her hair were
black and straight.
14. Students will take a two – hour examine at the end of the year.
15. They complained that there isn’t any water in the swimmming pool.


16. I will lend you this money if you will promise to pay it back.
17. Mary suggested to go to see a new film at the local cinema.
18. Sally said that we cooked a meal each other.
19. The boys promised not to make so many noise the following day.
20. Parents are sent a reading list a few weeks on advance of the start of the school year.
IV.Find the one choice that best completes the sentence.

21. I wish the sun ……………shining right now.
a. is
b. are
d. would
22. The first man walked on the moon …………..21 July 1969.
c. at
23. The two sides agreed an ………………of prisoners of war.
a. exchanges
b. exchanging
d. exchanged
24. First prize is three days of ………….in a top health spa
a. relaxation
b. relax
c. relaxed
d. relaxing
25. Easter is one of the best times for a family …………….
a. gather
b. gathering
c. gatherings
d. gathered
26. We would welcome your comments ……………our work.
c. in
d. on

27. They went for a …………through the woods on Sunday
a. hiking
b. hikes
c. hike
d. hiker
28. I have the greatest ……………..for his courage.
a. admire b. admiration
c. admired d. admiring
29. We did a lot of …………….when we were in London
a. sightseers
b. sightseer
c. sightseeing
d. sighting
30. The office will be closed …………..Christmas and New Year
a. behind
b. among
c. inside
d. between
31. The company wants to ……………. the factory on land near the railway tracks.
a. be located
b. locating
c. located
d. locate
32. If the weather ……………… we’ll go for a walk
a. cleared
b. clears
c. be clear
d. will clear
34. Peter said he was sure it ………………..
a. would be raining

b. rains
c. will rain
d. was goimg to rain
35. …………….increased by 5% at state universities this year.
a. Fee
b. Fees
c. Tuition
d. Tuitions
V. Choose the word ( a, b, c, or d ) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
English has for more than a century and ( 36 ) …………half ( 37 ) ………… called a
world language. The number of people who speak English ( 38 ) ……………their mother
tongue has been estimated at between three hundred million and four hundred million . It

is recognized as an ( 39 ) …………language in countries ( 40 )………. 1.5 billion people
live. In China, the importance attached to ( 41 )…………English is such that a televised
teaching course drew audience of up to one million. But this spread of English throughout
the world is relative recent.
In the ( 42 ) ………..sixteenth century English was spoken by just under five million
people. The ( 43 )…….. of English in North America was the ( 44 ) …………….in it
worldwide expansion. The United States is a huge commercial market and this has tended
to promote the English language in many other nations. About eight per cent of the data
stored on the world’s computers ( 45 )………….believed to be in English and nowadays
insufficient knowledge of English can be a problem in business..
36. a. a
b. one
c. about
d. the
37. a. was b. being
c. be

d. been
38. a. like b. as
c. such as d. with
39. a. offices’
b. office
c. officious d. official
40. a. where
b. what
c. which
d. when
41. a. being learn b. learning c. learn
d. be learn
42. a latest
b. late
c. late
d. lately
43. a. arrival
b. arrived c. arrive
d. arrriving
44. a. chain
b. rope
c. key
d. lock
45. a. were
b. has
c. is
d. are
VI. Read the passage and choose the item ( a, b, c, or d ) that best answers each of the
questions about it.
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become

the dominant language of international comunication. English as we know it today
emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were
introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066.
Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and hadn’t
extended even, as far as Wales, Scotland or Ireland. However, during the course of the
next two countries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration,
trade ( including slave trade ), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of
English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these
communities profilerated, English gradually became the primary language of international
business, banking and diplomacy.
Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these
are non - native speakers, constituting the largest number of non – native users than any
other language in the world.
46. What is the main topic of the passage ?
a. The number of non – native users of English.
b. The French influence on the
English language.
c. The expansion of English as an international language. d. The use of English for science
and technology.
47. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England ?

a. In 1066
b. Around 1350
c. Before 1600
After 1600
48. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English
around the world except……...
a. the slave trade b. the Norman invasion c.missionaries

49. The word “ enclaves “ in paragraph 2 could be the best replaced by which of the
following ?
a. communities
b. organizations c. regions d. countries
50. The word “ proliferated “ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the
following ?
a. prospered
b. organized
c. dispanded


1. A. torch

B. sport

C. record

D. colorful

2. A. tower

B. slow

C. flower

D. down

C. band

D. bamboo

3. A. balloon B. hand

4. A. prepare B. prepayment
5. A. competition

C. preposition

B. competence

D. prescribe

C. competent D. compete

1. Hung wishes he __________ a new bike.
A. can have B. have

C. has

D. could have

2. He arrived ________ Japan _______ Tuesday evening.
A. in/in

B. in/at

C. in/on

D. at/on

3. Nam is sick today, _________ he won’t go to school.
A. so B. because

C. as D. so that

4. I've known him ________ I left school.
A. when

B. before

C. until

D. since

5. She has two children to look after, so she's looking for a _________ job in the neighborhood to
work at weekends.
A. part-time B. full-time C. low-paid D. skillful
6. She __________ me if I spoke English fluently.

A. told

B. said

C. asked

D. spoke

7. She asked me _________________?
A. which grade are you in

B. which grade were you in

C. which grade I am in

D. which grade I was in

8. Tommy suggested _________ the shrine on the mountain.
A. visiting

B. visit

C. to visit

D. visited

III. Give the correct tense/ form of the verbs in the brackets. (1 pt)
1. He wishes he a teacher . (be)
2. Is Lan used to to Maryam? (write)
3. She (often take) to the theatre by The Greens.
4. Water can`t (find) here.
IV. Supply the correct word form:1pt
1.Her clothes look very modern and (fashion)
Many designers took from Vietnam`s ethnic

minorities. (inspire)
3. They have just a new style of jeans in the USA.
4. Some designers have the Ao dai by printing
lines of poetry on it. (modern)
VI.Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi. (2 pt)
Hoa was born in Hue, but now she is living in Ha Noi with her aunt and uncle. She went to Ha
Noi two years ago. Now she is studying at Quang Trung School. Yesterday was her thirteenth
birthday. She had a small party with her friends. They ate a lot of food, fruits and cakes. In the
evening Hoa had a stomachache. Her aunt was worried. She called a doctor. The doctor arrived
and gave Hoa some medicine. She took the medicine and went to bed. Today Hoa feels better.
1. Where was Hoa born?
2. When did she go to Ha Noi?
3. Did they eat a lot of food, fruits and cakes?

4. Why did Hoa’s aunt call the doctor?
VII. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means the same as the first one.
(1 pt)
1. I haven`t seen her for a long time.
I didn`t ......................................................................
2. I last saw her 10 years ago.
I haven`t ………………….
VIII. Use the words and phrases provided to make meaningful sentences. 1pt
I / arrive / Hanoi / 5 o`clock yesterday morning,

2. He / do / homework / two hours ago.


Ngày kiểm tra: …/ …/ …
LỚP: 9
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
(Đề kiểm tra này gồm 2 trang)

I. Phonetics. (0.5 pt)
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A.economic
B. equal
C. ethnic
D. evening
2. A. subject
B. sale
C. mausoleum
D. occasion
II. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence. (2.5 pts.)
1. We will have Math class ... Monday morning.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. during
2. The workers love wearing jeans because the material was very …
A. strong
B. cheap

C. soft
D. fashionable
3. My mother will be away for two weeks, … I have to cook myself.
A. so
B. in order to
C. because
D. so that
4. If you want to … the course, you must pass the coming examination.
A. collect
B. visit
C. attend
D. make
5. “What is your hometown like?” “…”
A. I’m not sure. I think it’s about 85 kilometers.
B. I prefer the country.
C. It’s a small beautiful village.
D. Twice a year.

6. I haven’t met him again ... last year.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. since
7. He can’t write, … he has hurt his hand.
A. because
B. as
C. so
D. although
8. “Do you love your hometown?” “…”

A. I usually travel by train.
C. Oh yes, I really love it.
B. I’m going home.
D. My grandparents, my parents
9. Some designers have ... the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it.
A. modernize
B. modernized
C. modern
D. modernly
10. Her father never drinks coffee, ...?
A. is he
B. does he
C. isn’t he
D. doesn’t he
III. Identifying mistakes. (0.5 pts.)
1. He said he can’t find his friend’s housein that square.
2. What would happen if you don’t go to school tomorrow?
IV. Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in parentheses. (1.5pts.)
1. If Tom (finish) the book before Saturday, he can give it to me.
2. My uncle (not visit) us since he (move) to the new town.
3. He used to (take) a bus to his office.
4. I dislike (wait) in line.

5. These students wish they (speak) English fluently.
V. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (1.5 pts.)
farmers electronic traditional fresh aspect internet grocery store
1. The ___ computer is one of the most important inventions in this century.
2. She asked me what ___ of learning English I found most difficult.
3. The Aodai is the ___ dress of Vietnamese women.
4. We often enjoy the ___ air in the countryside.
5. The ___ were working in the fields.
6. Most of students know how to use ___ nowadays.
VI. Read the passage and answer the questions. (1.5 pts.)
Nobody likes staying at home on a public holiday, especially if the weather is fine. Last
September we decided to spend the day in the country. The only difficulty was that millions of
other people had exactly the same idea. We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of
cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road and after some time stopped at a lonely farm. We
had brought plenty of food with us and we got it out of the car.
Now everything was ready so we sat down near a path at the foot of a hill. It was very
peaceful in the cool grass until we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us
pick up our things and run back to the car as quickly as possible. There were about two hundred
sheep coming towards us down the path.
A. Write TRUE or FALSE after the statements about the passage.(0.5 pts.)
1. Everyone likes staying at home on a public holiday.
2. We decided to spend ten days in the country.
B. Answer the questions.(1 pt.)
1. Why couldn’t we run fast ?

2. Where did we hear bells ringing?
VII. Do as directed. (2 pts.)
1. The teenagers haven’t bought that model for these days.(Change into passive.)
That model ………………………………………………………………………………

2. She said, “I’ll be here again tomorrow.”(Change into reported speech.)
She said …………………………………………………………………………………
3. Mary doesn’t know how to use the Internet.(Rewrite, using “wish”)
Mary wishes …………………………………………………………………………….
4. When I was a child, I often followed my mother to the market. (Rewrite, using “used to”)
I used ……………………………………………………………………………………
-The end-
