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Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns or relative adverbs. Put commas when they are needed.
1. The street …………… leads to my school is very wide.
2. That man …………… name I didn’t remember is an architect.
3. That was the reason …………… I couldn’t come early.
4. Do you know the girl …………… Tom is talking to ?
5. The novel …………… you need can’t be found in the library.
6. Can you suggest the time …………… we can have another discussion about this problem ?
7. Tell me the countries …………… peole drive on the left.
8. Is there anyone …………… can help me do this ?
9. Marie Curie, …………… discovered radium, is one of the greatest in our time.
10. The hotel …………… we are looking at is the biggest in Ho Chi Minh City.
II. Use the proper relative pronoun or relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences.
1. This is my favourite author. I have read his books for many years now.
2. That road is lined with bamboo trees. It leads to my village.
3. Do you see my pen ? I have just written the lesson with it.
4. He was born on the day. His father was away on that day.
5. Please post these letters. I wrote them this morning.
6. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was born in this house.
7. I do not know the reason. She left school for it.
8. The taxi driver is friendly. He took me to the airport.
9. The meeting was interesting. I went to it yesterday.

10. I’ve sent him two letters. He has received neither of them.
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Mr. Pike, …………… is our boss, has just come back from Paris.
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. that
2. The botanists are examining the plants …………… were brought from Africa.
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. that
3. Do you know the hotel …………… ?
A. at which she is staying
B. where she is staying
C. she is staying at
D. all are correct
4. That is the new teacher about …………… the students are talking.
A. that
B. who
C. whose
D. whom
5. This subject, …………… going to discuss, is very important.
A. which we are
B. which are we
C. that we are
D.A and Care correct
6. The scientist …………… invention was a success became famous.
A. who

B. whose
C. which
D. that
7. I knew some people …………….
A. who could help you
B. whom could help you
C. whose help could you
D. could help you
8. That is the dress …………….
A. which made by Mary
B. which making by Mary
C. was made by Mary
D. made by Mary
9. The bicycle …………… is very modern.
A. I told you about which
B. which about I told you
C. about I told you which
D. about which I told you
10. Many diseases …………… are no longer dangerous today.
A. why people died of year ago
B. which people died years ago
C. of that people died years ago
D. that people died of years ago
11. Have you made a decision on the day …………… ?
A. which you will set off
B. when you will set off
C. at which you will set off
D. where you will set off
12. The road …………… is shaded with trees.
A. on which we go to school every day

B. at which we go to school every day
C. from which we go to school every day D. where we go to school every day
13. I’m standing at the window …………….
A. in which I can see the lake
B. where I can see the lake
C. at which I can see the lake
D. from which I can see the lake
14. I’ll show you the second hand bookshop …………….

A. when you can find valuable old books
B. why you can find valuable old books
C. where you can find valuable old books D. which you can find valuable old books
15. Lan’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a man …………….
A. that she hardly knows him
B. whom she hardly knows him
C. she hardly knows
D. she hardly knows him
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. They are sending him abroad on business.
2. You must do your homework before class.
3. He has just sent me a greeting card.
4. Did people see the thieves run past the shop ?
5. They don’t let workers use the office phone for personal calls.

6. They say that she is the best singer in town.
7. Nobody has used this room for ages.
8. You must clean the wall before you paint it.
9. Don’t speak until someone asks you.
10. Tom broke the chair and the teacher punished him severely.
II.Choose the best word, phrase or sentence.
1. “He got a terrible punishment from his father” means ……
A. He punished terribly from his father.
B. He was terribly punished by his father.
C. His father was got a terrible punishment from him D. A, B, and C are correct.
2. People say that playing football is the most interesting.
A. The most interesting thing is playing football.
B. It was said that play football is the most interesting.
C. It is said that playing football was the most interesting.
D. Playing football is said to be the most interesting.
3. Oil lamps …… for years before electricity was discovered.
A. had used
B. has been used
C. are used
D. had been used
4. “They will build a new hospital in our town” means ……
A. A new hospital will be built in our town.
B. Our town will build a new hospital.
C. A new hospital is built in our town.

D. Our town will be built a new hospital.
5. “The laser beam can remove bone” means ……
A. They can remove the laser beam.
B. Bone can be removed by the laser beam.
C. Bone can remove the laser beam.
D. Bone can remove by the laser beam.
6. “She is said to be 40 years old” means ……
A. She said she’s about 40 years old.
B. She was told not to be over 40 years old.
C. It is said that she is 40 years old.
D. People guessed she was not 40.
7. They had to post the football match because of the rain.
A. The football match had to be postponed because of the rain.
B. The football match had been postponed because of the rain.
C. The football match had been to be postponed because of the rain.
D. The football match had postponed because of the rain.
8. No one has used this machine for 3 years.
A. This machine has been used for 3 years by anyone.
B. This machine has not been used for 3 years.
C. This machine has not to be used 3 years.
D. This machine has not used for 3 years.
9. They are building a bridge across that river.
A. A bridge are built across that river.
B. A bridge is built across that river.
C. A bridge is being builted across that river.
D. A bridge is being built across that river.
10. You cannot wash this dress; you must dry-clean it.
A. This dress cannot being washed; it must being dry-cleaned.
B. This dress cannot washed; it must dry-cleaned.
C. This dress cannot be washed; it must be dry-cleaned.

D. All are correct

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