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Exercise 1: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. She would rather ______a salad than a hamburger.
A. eating
B. to eat
C. eat
D. ate
2. They ______dogs. They don't like cats.
A. would rather B. prefer
C. would prefer D. All are right
3. I ______stay home today.
A. would rather B. prefer
C. like
D. love
4. We ______watching basketball.
A. would rather B. like
C. would prefer D. prefer
5. Usually people ______warm weather.
A. would love
B. would like
C. would rather D. prefer
6. I ______buy the blue shirt.
A. would rather B. prefer
C. would like
D. would prefer
7. Why do you ______going out with Tom?
A. would like
B. would rather C. prefer
D. would prefer
8. I ______ have the meeting at 6 pm.
A. like

B. love
C. would rather D. prefer
9. Normally, we ______going to the beach.
A. would rather B. prefer
C. would like
D. would prefer
10. I ______watch the football game than basketball game
A. like
B. would rather C. prefer
D. would like
11. Jane would rather that it ______ winter now.
A. were
B. be
C. is
D. had been
12. Would you rather ______ in ink or in pencil?
A. write
B. writing
C. to write
D. wrote
13. I would rather that you ______ me tomorrow.
A. call
B. to call
C. calling
D. will call
14. He would rather that I not take this train.
A. not to kake
B. to take
C. not take
D. don’t take

15. Henry would rather that his girlfriend ______in the same department as he does.
A. work
B. to work
C. working
D. worked
17. Jane would rather that it ______ winter now.
A. were not
B. isn’t
C. not be
D. was not
18. Bob would rather that Jill ______ to class yesterday.
A. go
B. went
C. had gone
D. have gone
19. Bill would rather that his wife ______ him.
A. didn’t divorced B. hadn’t divorced C. not divorced
D. doesn’t divorced
20. John would rather ________ than worked last night.
A. slept
B. was sleeping C. have slept
D. had slept
Exercise 2: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. We wish we_______ a large house but we can’t afford it now.

A. have
B. had
C. can have

D. will have
2. My friend won’t lend me his car. I wish_______.
A. he lent me his car
B. he didn’t lend me his car
C. he would lend me his car
D. he will lend me his car.
3. My mother is not free today . I wish_______.
A. my mother is free today
B. my mother won’t be busy today
C. my mother would be free today
D. my mother were free today
4. I’m sorry I haven’t got any money on me. I wish_______
A. I have got no money on me
B. I have some money on me
C. I had some money on me
D. I had got no money on me
5. I’m fraid our team will lose the game today. I wish _______.
A. Our team won the game today
B. our team would win the game today
C. our team didn’t lose the game today D. our team had won the game today
6. My friends didn’t take part in the game. I wish_______.
A. my friends took part in the game
B. my friends had taken part in the game
C. my friends would take part in the game D. my friends did take part in the game
7. It wasn’t fine yesterday. I wish_______.
A. it was fine yesterday
B. it would fine yesterday
C. it will fine yesterday
D. it had been fine yesterday
8. I wish I _______more time now to help you with your lesson

A. have
B. had would have C. had
D. had had
9. I wish I_______psychology when I was a college student.
A. had studied
B. would study
C. studied
D. studied
10. I wish someone _______to help me with that work tomorrow.
A. offer
B. offered
C. would offer
D. had offered
11. If only I _______play the guitar as well as you!
A. would
B. should
C. could
D. might
12. When I saw Tom, he looked _______he had been ill.
A. so
B. such as
C. the same
D. as if
13. I wish I_______my letter of application earlier.
A. wrote
B. had written
C. could write
D. should write
14. If only he _______me a chance , I could have told him the truth.
A. gave

B. has given
C. could give
D. had given
15. I wish you _______so much noise. I’m trying to work.
A. shouldn’t
B. couldn’t
C. needn’t
D. wouldn’t
16. If only he _______ us the true in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone so wrong.
A. had told
B. has told
C. would have told D. should have told
17. Mrs White always talks to her baby as though he _______an adult.
A is
B. were
C. had been
D. will be.
18. When he came out of the room, he looked_______ he had seen a ghost.
A. as
B. as though
C. when
D. if
19. Susan’s doctor insists ______ for a few days.
A. that she is resting
B. her resting

C. that she rest
D. her to rest

20. The doctor suggested that his patient_______ .
A. stop smoking
B. stops smoking C. stopped smoking D. to stop smoking
Exercise 3: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. It is necessary that he _______ the books.
A. find
B. doesn’t find
C. don’t find
D. did not find
2. It has been proprosed that we _______the topic.
A. to change
B. changed
C. changing
D. change
3. It has been proprosed that we _______ the topic.
A. do not change
B. didn’t change C. not change
D. are not change
4. It is necessary for him _______ the books.
A. find
B. to find
C. finding
D. found
5. I’d rather you______ home now.
A. going
B. go
C. gone
D. went
6. We would rather _________at home tonight.
A. stay

B. to stay
C. staying
D. stayed
7. Mr Jone would rather __________at home last night.
A. have stayed
B. to stay
C. had stayed
D. staying
8. I’d rather you ____________now.
A. go
B. went
C. gone
D. going
9. It’s time we all ____________now
A. leave
B. to teave
C. left
D. have left
10. He acts as if he ________English perfectly.
A. know
B. knew
C. have known
D. had known
11. It’s high time you __________a haircut.
A. have
B. had
C. to have
D. had had
12. I’d rather you _________me now.
A. paid

B. pay
C. paying
D. have paid
13. She acted as though she____________him before.
A. knew
B. know
C. had known
D. has known
14. He was wet as if he _________for hours
A. swim
B. swam
C. had swum
D. has swum
15. Jack spends his money as if he ___________a lot of money.
A. has
B. had
C. had had
D. has had
16. I would rather that I ___________him to my birthday party yesterday.
A. invited
B. have invited
C.had invited
D. invite
17. Mary would rather that she ___________the test yesterday.
A. didn’t fail
B. doesn’t failed C. hadn’t failed
D. hasn’t failed
18. She would rather Mary ____________here right now.
A. be
B. were

D. B and C are right
19. We would rather that they _________last night.
A. don’t arrive
B. doesn’t arrive C. hadn’t arrived
D. haven’t arrived

20. The old lady dresses as if it __________winter even in the summer.
A. be
C. is
D. being
Exercise 4: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. Tom looked tired as though he __________very hard.
A. has worked
B. worked
C. work
D. had worked
2. Jane would rather that we _______yesterday.
A. didin’t go
B. don’t go
C. hadn’t gone
D. haven’t gone
3. Minh would ratrher that it ________winter now.
A. was
B. were
C. has been
D. A and B are right

4. Hoa would rather that her parents _______in Ha Noi now.
A. live
B. living
C. lived
D. had lived
5. Jane would rather _________to Ha Noi yesterday than today.
A. go
B. went
C. have gone
D. had gone
6. It’s time __________a car.
A. go
B. buy
C. to buy
D. buying
7. Henry talks with his dog as if it _________him.
A. understand
B. understood
C. understanding
D. had understood.
8. We would rather________ coffee than tea.
A. to drink
B. drink
D. drank
9. She sings as if she ________ a singer.
A. was
B. is
C. had been
D. has been

10. I feel as if my head ________fire now.
A. was
B. is
C. had been
D. has been
11. I’d rather you _________in here.
A. don’t smoke
B. didn’t smoke C. hadn’t smoked D. haven’t smoked
12. It’s time you _________the house.
A. paint
B. painted
C. painting
D. paints
13. I would rather she __________too much.
A. hasn’t talked
B. didn’t talk
C. hadn’t talked
D. doesn’t talk
14. Mary dresses as if she _______ a queen.
A. is
B. be
D. had been
15. I would rather that I _______Bill Gate.
A. was
B. is
C. be
D. are
16. It’s time we ________the bus.
A. catch

B. to catch
C. catching
D. caught
17. I’d rather ________hamburgers.
A. to eat
B. eating
C. eat
18. She acted as if she_______ big amount of money.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. had had
19. It’s about time she __________about her lateness.
A. explain
B. explained
C. explaining
D. explains
20. He spends his money as though he ________ a millionaire.
A. were
B. is
C. be
D. has been

Exercise 5: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. It’s high time we _________home.
A. went
B. go

C. going
D. to go
2. He talked about Paris as if he ____________there before
B. been
C. has been
D. had been
3. I suggest that he _______harder.
A. should study
B. study
C. studied
D. A and B are right
4. Is it essential that we _______there?
A. be
B. are
C. were
D. have been
5. I recommended that you _________the committee.
A. joined
B. join
C. have joined
D. joining
6. It is important that you ________to study often.
A. tried
B. try
C. to try
D. trying
7. Dr. Smith asked that Mark ________his research paper before the end of the month.
A. submit
B. to submit

C. submiting
D. submited
8. Donna requested that Frank _____to the party.
A. came
B. coming
C. to come
D. should come
9. The teacher insists that her students ________on time.
A. be
B. should be
C. being
D. A and B are right
10. It’s about time we__________.
A. left
B. leave
C. leaving
D. had left
11. The boys proposed that their group leader .................. a camping trip.
A. organized
B. organize
C. organizes
D. organizing
12. The teacher demanded that Tom ................... the room.
A. leave
B. leaves
C. has to leave
D. leaving
13. It was urgent that she .............. the robbery to the police immediately.
A. reported
B. reports

C. report
D. must report
14. “What instructions did your boss give you?” - “He requires that Alice ............ the
A. would attend
B. attends
C. attended
D. attend
15. “What is your opinion?” - “It is necessary that an employee ............. his work on time.”
A. finish
B. finishes
C. can finish
D. to finish
16. Dan’s parents insist that he .................... home every week.
A. must call
B. call
C. called
D. has to call
17. It is essential that she ................... the truth about her illness.
A. tell
B. tells
C. is told
D. be told
18. The director requests that all packages ..................... at the central office.
A. send
B. be send
C. be sent
D. are sent
19. I hate driving. I’d much rather you __________
A. drove

B. drive
C drive
D. drive
20. It’s high time they __________ this road.
A. mend
B. mending
C mended
D. to mend
Exercise 6: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.

1. “I’ll pay you by cheque monthly.” - “I’d rather you __________ me cash weekly.”
A. paying
B. have paid
C pay
D. paid
2. Tom acts as if he __________my boss.
A. had been
B. have been
C be
D. were
3. He talked as if he __________ all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it.
A. has done
B. have done
C did
D.had done
4. Barbara looked at me as though she ___________me before.
A. has never met
B. have never met C had never met

D.never met
5. If it _________not rain, we would have gone swimming.
A. didn’t rained
B. haven’t rained C hadn’t rain
D.hadn’t rained
6. The doctor suggested that Tom __________smoking.
A. stopped
B. should stop
C stops
D.had stopped
7. I demand that I__________ allowed to be free now.
A. be
B. should be
C am
D.A and B are right
8. It’s high time you_____________in bed
A. staying
B. should stay
C stay
D. B and C are right
9. She behaved as though she _________ crazy
A. has been
B. had been
C. be
D. B and C are right
10. He treats us as if we__________ all idiots
A. has been
B. have been
C. be

11. I wish I ______ to retake my exams.
A. do not have
B. will not have C. am about
D. did not have
12. The spacemen felt as if he ______ in a paradise.
A. had been
B. falls
C. fall
D. has fallen
13. He behaved as though he __________to the USA.
A. has been
B. had been
C. were
D. was
14. I wish the more effective teaching method______ used.
A. is
B. was
C. were
D. has been
15. She wishes she ______ a fairy now.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. had been
16. She spent money as if she always______ plenty of it.
A. have
B. had
C. had had
D. has
17. Mr Nam ate as if he ________anything for days

A. didn’t eat
B. haven’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten
D. not ate
18. She talks too much but I wish she______
A. didn't
B. doesn't
C. won't
D. wouldn't
19. They will drink wine but I wish they______
A. didn't
B. don't
C. won't
D. wouldn't
20. I wish she______ so many mistakes
A. didn't make
B. hadn't made
C. wouldn't make D. did make
Exercise 7: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. My wife wishes she______ the guitar now
A. could play
B. can play
C. could have played D. plays

2. Yesterday he missed the lesson. He wishes he______ it.
A. didn't miss
B. hadn't miss
C. hasn't missed
D. hadn't missed

3. I suggest that the doctor_____ up his mind without delay.
A. makes
B. make
C. made
D. makes
4. This poor old man wishes he_____
A. wasn't born
B. has never been born
C. had never been born
D. would never be born
5. I am not a teacher of English, but if I _____a teacher, then I _____ set up a language
A. am/ can
B. were/ can
C. was/ could
D. were/could
6. His friends suggest that the _____ for that job.
A. applies
B. apply
C. applying
D. will apply
7. It's high time we_____ these mice.
A. killed
B. kill
C. had killed
D. has killed
8. It is necessary that children_____ of their old parents.
A. to take care
B. takes care
C. took care

D. take are
9. I wish this English course_____ the whole year.
A. will last
B. may last
C. lasted
D. last
10. It is essential that they _____it five earlier.
A. make
B. makes
C. made
D. making
11. The clients demanded that the doctor's office_____ earlier.
A. opening
B. opened
C. open
D. to open
12. He was not a dutiful son. I wish he_____
A. was
B. were
C. has been
D. had been
13. It is cold now. The homeless child wishes he_____ in a cosy family
A. has been
B. will be
C. were
D. is
14. What would you suggest that he_____?
A. will do
B. would do
C. do

D. did
15. I wish my wife_____ better now.
A. would be
B. was
C. be
D. were
16. He wishes he_____ the college that year.
A. entered
B. had entered
C. would enter
D. has been entering
17. It is necessary that he_____ a certificate in English?
A. will get
B. gets
C. get
D. would get
18. I demand that I_____ to retake the exam.
A. be allowed
B. am allowed
C. will be allowed D. were allowed
19. I am not a interpreter, but I certainly wish I _____
A. shall be
B. was
C. were
D. am
20. I wish you_____ quiet a moment, I can't hear what_____
A. would keep/ the compere is saying B. kept/ the compere said
C. will keep/ the compere saying
D. had kept / had the compere said
Exercise 8: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.

1. We will answer you in writing, If needs_____

A. is
B. will be
C. would be
D. be
2. Do not play in the sunshine unless you _____ sunstroke.
A. will get
B. get
C. are going to get D. shout get
3. It is our wish that she_____ in her life.
A. succeeds
B. succeed
C. succeeded
D. will succeed
4. It was a lovely day; we wish we_____ at Long Hai beach.
A. have been
B. were
C. are
D. had been
5. The king ordered that Gulliver_____ ser free
A. be
B. is
C. will be
D. would be
6. It is essential that Mary_____ speak English.
A. be able to
B. is able to

C. was able to
D. must be able to
7. He suggested that I_____ tolerant of other people.
A. am
B. was
C. be
D. would be
8. My doctor insisted_____
A. that I diet
B. me to diet
C. for me dieting
D. for me to diet
9. Everyone urged that Bill_____ his education.
A. continue
B. continuing
C. to continue
D. continued
10. The director requests that all packages_____ at the central office.
A. to mail
B. be mailed
C. to be mailed
D. mailing
11.It is necessary that she_____ now.
A. gone
B. goes
C. go
D. went
12.It is important that your sister_____ information technology.
A. chooses
B. choose

C. chose
D. chose
13. It is imperative that you_____ careful on construction site.
A. to be
B. were
C. are
D. be
14. It is advisable that she_____ care of he mother.
A. to take
B. takes
C. take
D. took
15. The teacher ordered that the students_____ talking.
A. stop
B. should stop
C. stopped
D. A or B
16. I wish I _____ David Beckham.
A. am
B. is
C. was
D. were
17. I wish you_____ here yesterday.
A. were
B. had been
C. to be
D. were
18. I wish the rain_____ soon.
A. stop
B. stops

C. stopped
D. would stop
19. I wish I _____how to control the tsunami.
A. know
B. knew
C. to know
D. to have known
20. She insisted that we _____ our holiday in Dalat.
A. sped
B. spent
C. should spend
D. a or b
Exercise 9: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. May you_____ happy all your life!
A. are
B. were
C. be
D. to be
2. It is our wish that you_____ enough rains to love the sun shines.

A. having
B. had
C. have
D. to have
3. "Should I begin typing these letters?" "I suggest_____ bookkeeping first".
A. you finished
b. you to finish
c. you finish

D. you will finish
4. "Did your grandmother give you that watch?"
"Yes, she insisted_____ it".
A. that I took
B. I will take
C. on my taking
D. for me to take
5. "Have you received the shipment of bicycles yet?".
"No, but it's possible that it_____ in a few days"
A. will come
B. comes
C. come
D. has come
6. "Marie practices the piano so early in the morning".
"We asked_____, but she won't".
A. that she stops
B. her to stop
C. her stopping
D. for her stop
7. "The weather seems very dry here".
We urged that _____ in this area".
A. it rains
B. it rain
C. rains it
D. it does rain
8. Only in the last few years_____ to use home computers.
A. have begun people
B. when people began
C. have people begun
D. people have begun

9. "What did the teacher tell you?".
"She recommended_____ with an American family"
A. that I live
B. I living
C. me to live
D. living for me
10. "What time should Eric start to work?"
"I suggest_____ here about 7.30"
A. that he be
B. that he will be C. him to be
D. him being
11. We recommend that he__________ with us.
A. goes
B. would go
C. went
D. had gone
12. It is necessary that he__________ the book
A. finds
B. found
C. find
D. has found
13. It was urgent that she __________ at once
A. leave
B. leaving
C. left
D. has left
14. Our suggestion is that income tax__________
A. be abolishing
B. abolishes
C. abolish

D. be abolished
15. It’s time we __________ back home
A. came
B. coming
C. come
D. had come
16. The child ate as though he _______ hungry for days.
A. had been
B. has been
C. was
D. were
17. He looked as though he ________ bath for months.
A. hasn’t taken
B. haven’t taken C. didn’t take
D. hadn’t taken
18. It’s time we _______ to work.
A. start
B. starting
C. to start
D. started
19. It’s time for you _________to bed.
A. go
B. to go
C. went
D. going
20. I would rather that the weather __________fine tomorrow morning.
A. was
B. were
D. A and B are right


Exercise 10: Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
1. I’d rather you ______ by train.
A. go
B. goes
C. to go
D. going
2. I’d rather she _______ with you.
A. doesn’t go
B. don’t go
C. weren’t go
D. didn’t go
3. She walks as if she_______ a wooden leg.
A. has
B. have
C. had
D. have had
4. He ate his dinner as if he _______ for a week.
A. didn’t eat
B. doesn’t eat
C. hadn’t eaten
D. hasn’t eaten
5. I wish you_______ him my phone number.
A. won’t give
B. can’t give
C. didn’t give
D. not give
6. I wish I ________my work last night.

A. finish
B. had finished
C. finished
D. would finished
7. I would rather you _______in here.
A. don’t smoke
B. weren’t smoke C. hadn’t smoke
D. didn’t smoke
8. Yesterday I didn’t go there. I wish I ______there.
A. went
B. have gone
C. go
D. had gone
9. Minh’s Mother would rather ______ her friend last week.
A. met
B. meeting
C. have met
D. had met
10. They don’t have a car. They wish they ______a car.
A. have
B. to have
C. had
D. having
11. It is crucial that you ______ there before Tom arrives.
A. are
B. be
C. was
D. were
12. It is important she ______the meeting.
A. to attend

B. attending
C. attend
D. attended
13. It is recommended that he ______ a gallon of water with him.
A. take
B. took
C. taking
D. takes
14. The boss insisted that Sam ______ at the meeting.
A. isn’t
B. weren’t
C. wasn’t
D. not be
15. The company asked that employees______ personal calls during business hours.
A. don’t accept
B. didn’t accept C. not accept
D. haven’t accepted
16. I suggest that you ______ the job without renegotiating the salary.
A. not take
B. don’t take
C. didn’t take
D. haven’t take
17. Jake recommended that Susan ______ immediately.
A. be hired
B. is hired
C. was hired
D. are hired
18. Christine demanded that I ______ to take part in the negotiations.
A. is allowed
B. be allowed

C. allowed
D. was allowed
19. We suggested that you ______ to the organization.
A. are admitted
B. were admitted C. be admitted
D. have been admitted
20. It is important that you ______ there when he gets off the plane.
A. are standing
B. am standing
C. be standing
D. was standing

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