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Yoga for glowing skin

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Yoga For
Glowing Skin

 Wondering how on earth these celebrities manage to keep the
glow of their skin on for years.

 Magic or expensive cosmetics?
 No, the name of the magic is yoga.
Yoga is the answer to all physical,

mental and spiritual

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

2. Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

3. Matsyasana (Fish Pose):

4. Halasana (Plow Pose):

5. Trikonasana (Triangle pose):

6. Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving pose):

7. Breathing Exercise:

Glowing Skin Remedies For Normal Skin Types:
• Mix the juice of half a tomato or orange with two tsp yoghurt. Massage
your face with this preparation with upward strokes for a few minutes.
Keep on till it dries and then wash off with cold water.
• Massage your face using the inner part of a papaya peel. When it dries,
wash with cold water.

• Grind half cup cabbage or press out the juice from the resulting pulp. Apply and
cleanse it off after it dries. You can do the same thing with a small carrot.
• Use the inner part of apple peels to massage your face and wash off with cold
water when dry.
• Rub an ice cube on your face. Pat dry. This helps to improve blood circulation
and brings a natural glow to the skin.

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