:MAY 2014
Ho Chi Minh City, August 2015
Advisor’s signature
Nguyen The Khai, DBA
Business Research Method Assignment
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In fact there is no success without associated with the upport, although more or less
help, whether directly or indirectly by the other. During the time from the start to
join the science MBA of OUM to date, I have received a lot of attention, help
Teachers, family and friends. With deepest gratitude, I'm sending you to the
teachers in the HUTECH International Training Institute has along with his
enthusiasm and knowledge to convey precious knowledge for us during his time
studying at the school. And specifically, in this semester, the Institute has organized
for us to have access to very useful courses and full of science. That is the course
"Business research Methods". I sincerely thank DBA. Nguyen The Khai has guided
us through each class on the class as well as the talk, discuss scientific research
field. If no specific instructions, taught by the master, then I think the assignment to
me very hard to complete. Again, I sincerely thank maste. The assignment is
performed in approximately 3 weeks. Initially go into practice, learn about the field
of scientific research, the knowledge to us are limited. Therefore, the inevitable
shortcomings is for sure, I'm looking forward to getting the valuable opinions of
Teachers and classmates to my knowledge in this field are more perfectly.
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LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................................. 6
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 8
1.1 Profile company .............................................................................................. 8
1.2 Business lines ................................................................................................. 8
1.3 The process of formation and development .................................................... 9
1.4 Organization model and Human. .................................................................... 10
1.5 Board, supervisory board ................................................................................ 10
1.6 Company’s board of directors ........................................................................ 10
1.7 Departments ................................................................................................... 10
1.8 Functions ........................................................................................................ 11
1.9 Mission ........................................................................................................... 11
1.1 0 Problems ...................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................ 13
2.1. Career commitment. ..................................................................................... 13
2.2. Supervisor support. ........................................................................................ 14
2.3. Goal and process clarity .............................................................................. 16
2.4. Work control.................................................................................................. 17
2.5. Value attainment ......................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES ..................................... 21
3.1. Research model ............................................................................................ 21
3.2 Constructs ....................................................................................................... 22
3.3.Research Hypotheses:................................................................................... 22
3.4. Instruments .................................................................................................. 23
3.5. Research Participants.................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS........................................ 26
4.1. Reliability Statistics ..................................................................................... 26
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TABLE 1: CRONBACH'S ALPHA- INTERNAL CONSISTENCY .......................... 26
4.2. Reliability Statistics ..................................................................................... 26
COMMITMENT .......................................................................................................... 27
SUPPORT. .................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.Descriptive Statistics..................................................................................... 28
TABLE 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS........................................................................ 28
4.4. Correlations Among Variables ................................................................... 29
TABLE 8: CORRELATIONS AMONG VARIABLES................................................. 30
TABLE 9: MULTIPLE REGRESSION OF HYPOTHESIS ....................................... 31
CHAPTER V: DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................... 32
5.1. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 32
5.2. Significance of research................................................................................. 32
5.3. Limitation of the study. ................................................................................. 32
5.4. Conclusions. .................................................................................................. 33
REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................ 33
APPENDIX 1: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................ 52
1.CAREER COMMITMENT: ................................................................................................... 52
2.GOAL AND PROCESS CLARITY: ....................................................................................... 53
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TABLE 1: CRONBACH'S ALPHA- INTERNAL CONSISTENCY .......................... 26
COMMITMENT .......................................................................................................... 27
SUPPORT ..................................................................................................................... .27
TABLE 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS........................................................................ 28
TABLE 8: CORRELATIONS AMONG VARIABLES................................................. 30
TABLE 9: MULTIPLE REGRESSION OF HYPOTHESIS ....................................... 31
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This study examined the impact of goal and process calrity, supervisor support,
work control, and value attainment on Viettet post’s employee career commitment.
Data is collected through the use of standardized questionnaires. Questionnaires
were given personally to 514 on all 3 regions of Vietnam; There were 309 returning
questionnaires and analysis of generation on 309 votes responses were used for the
statistical analysis. The collected data were computed and analyzed through factor
analysis, alpha Cronbach's, descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple
regression analysis. Result: The results supported the hypothesis that Goal and
process calrity, supervisor support, work control and value attainment to career
commitment. Conclusion: The findings in this study would help managers of
Viettel post to design policy and build the perfect system. supervisor aware of the
need to support more workers, the laborers control at work better.
Keywords: career commitment, goal and process clarity, supervisor support, work
control, value attainment.
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Profile company
The name is written off: VIETTEL POST., JSC
Transaction office: 58 Truc Khe - Lang Ha - Dong Da District – Hanoi
Phone: 04 62660306 Fax: 522 490 069
Business lines
Post corperation to participate in business
Courier services, business postcards, parcels of goods.
Dealer business services press release
Commercial services on the postal network, e-commerce
Business Telecom Services: sale of telecommunications equipment last head.,
telecommunications cards, cell phones, Internet card
Office rental
Provide advertising services on the package courier company
Maintenance and repair of cars and other motor vehicles
Sale of spare parts and auxiliary parts on other motor vehicles.
Insurance agents.
Transportation services in international transport by road, waterway.
Dealer business card types
Import and export trading company goods
Production of paper and cardboard products.
Print, print-related services.
Logistic services (includes: service unloading stock, warehousing and storing row,
customs services, making loading and unloading plan, reception, storage and
management of information related to transportation and storage cart throughout the
Logistic chain; cargo handling activities were customer returns, inventory, stock
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expired, error distribution and re-fad that; container hire and leasing activities and
other support services related to transport) (follow the law logistic specialist).
Fiduciary services to import and export goods (follow legal specialization on
import-export trade).
Cargo transportation by specialized and non automotive model professional under
Passenger transportation by taxi, by car within federal.
Supporting services for road transport, inland waterways, coastal and ocean.
Organize introduction and promotion.
Purchasing agent, dealer, dealership commercials.
Wholesale of computers, peripherals, software in the cac store specializing.
Telecommunications equipment retail in stores specializing.
Wholesale, retail sale books newspapers magazines, stationery store specializing.
Record retail audio, images (including tape, blank disc) in stores specializing
On-demand retail ordering by mail or the internet.
The postal service.
Ad delivery services market research and exploration project reviews (does not
include investigative services and state information is prohibited).
Repair of computers and peripheral equipment.
Bark repair machinery, equipment (including company goods trading) to repair
communications equipment
The process of formation and development
On 1 July 1997 the official postal center services PHBC here is truly a memorable
milestone of the postal Center in telecommunication electronic company Army
(now the postal company Viettel).
In May 2005 the postal center was developed into the postal company Viettel
Telecom Corporation in the military-Defense Ministry decision No. 2492/QDTCTVTQĐ on 17/5/2005.
As of January 2006 the postal company's independent accounting.
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On January 14, 2009 Ministry of defence decision No. 123/QD-BQP approving
conversion postal company Viettel Corporation to new models of postal company,
On 18/06/2009-State firms post members 1 Viettel shareholders established the
postal company, Viettel.
Organization model and Human.
Organizational structure the postal company, Viettel are divided according to
specific management level 4 as follows:
Level 1: Management Board.
Management level 2: Board Of Directors.
Management level 3: functional departments, branch company.
Level 4: management of The Board, of the production team, postal 2 level directly
under the functional departments, affiliated (directly under the management of level
Board, supervisory board
Comrade: Duong Van Tinh-Chairman of the Board.
Comrade: Luong Ngoc Hai-member of the Board.
Comrade: Pho Duc Hung - member of the Board.
Comrade: Luu Trung Thai - member of the Board.
Comrade: Tran Van Phuc - member of the Board.
Company’s board of directors
Comrade: Nguyen Duy Tuan General Director of the company.
Comrade: Pho Đuc Hung Deputy General Director
Comrade: Hoang Quoc Anh Deputy General Director.
Comrade: Nguyen Dac Luan Deputy General Director.
The labor organization room.
Finance and accounting.
Business strategy Dept..
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Sales Office.
Customer care unit.
Planning and investing.
Business training.
News room.
Corporate Office.
Internal control room.
Backbone Center consists of 4 parts: KV1 KV2 KV3 KV4,,,.
The system branches, post offices spread all over 63 provinces and cities across the
country and the branch 01 Combodia.
Organize production and business activities, including mining, transceivers,
connected BPBK, journalism, development of telecommunications services, the
services of the company; manage output, revenues, public debt, service quality...,
Advised the Board Of Directors of the enterprise.
Business organizations, the development of postal courier service parcel, press
release, etc..
Business Telecom services and other value-added services ….
Management, customer care, the development of new customers.
Sales Manager, public debt, costs.
The proposal, building, staff development.
Managing service quality.
0 Problems
Viettel is the company has a large number of employees, in the process of building
systems, construction of the standard kpi, to serve the rapidly growing needs and
become the great company. The need to consider the following elements to the
process and goal clarity, supervisor support, work control, value attainment. To
meet this demand requires that the system needs, the model must change in a timely
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manner, the necessary policy, one of the crucial part that is human. To understand
system status, policies, is appropriate and meets the reality doesn't. We conducted
the study perceived by workers against the company, thank you design career,
professional design and orange teams with the profession, with the work in the
Viettel post.
In summary we study to the goal and process clarity, supervisor support, work
control, value attainment to measure employee’s career commitment.
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2.1. Career commitment.
The career commitment could be considered of an attitude for career or vocation,
where career commitment regarding the development of your personal career goals
and an identification with and involvement in the goals, so that a person is willing
to exert the effort to assist in their career , congruent with the values (Blau
1985:278; Goulet and Singh 2002:75; Kalleberg and Berg 1987:159; Porter, Steers
and Mowday Boulian, 1974:604). This article intends to provide a review of the
literature and empirical studies that focus on career commitment to the line. The
paper will begin with a brief introduction to the area of literature, leading into a
discussion focused more on career commitment and that the commitment to drive in
Orange. This study provided two important goals. First of all, it provides a summary
of the modern research in the area, and secondly it identified a list of lines that can
assist researchers and practitioners in the better management of the career
commitment of workers.
This category of commitment include: career commitment and professional
commitment. While each of these areas has a number of small differences most
researchers consider them to be quite similar, and each of them can be used to coin
the entire directory, and therefore are interchangeable (Mueller, Wallace et al. 1992;
Meyer, Allen et al. 1993; Wallace 1993; Snape and Redman, 2003). There is,
however, important arguments for the use of the career commitment of professional
commitments in position (Aryee and Tan 1992; Mueller, Wallace et al. 1992;
Morrow, 1993; Wallace 1993; Blau and Lunz in 1998; Snape and Redman, 2003),
for many reasons. Latest at the right of that is a fact from professional can seem to
exclude many types of work. His career is so non-specific career. In addition,
Morrow (1993:47-48) explained that the pattern of job changes, and workers now is
more focus on his career instead of a job or career. She also found that research on
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the industry vis-à-vis the profession is much more cohesive, reliable and valid (Blau
and Lunz in 1998:264; Morrow 1993:48). Commitment of a career is an important
value for many reasons (Colarelli and Bishop 1990:158-159). His career takes time
to develop; they are a separate but related position accumulate over time through
their career progression. Only through career development strategy is a staff can
develop and hone professional skills and higher level. The career commitment also
provides the durability needed to foster professional relationships and business
network. The career commitment can also lead to a potential for greater income and
high self-esteem (Kalbers and Fogarty 1995:68). Finally, the business world is no
longer a discrete gathering and safe location. Today the work climate is dynamic
and permanently changed: "committed to a career in internal identified could
become an important source of meaning and continuous career when became more
fluid security organization and less likely to secure employment" (Colarelli and
Bishop 1990:159). Different foci of commitment was discussed in this section. The
foci are not mutually exclusive. People can have many committed (Meyer, Allen et
al. 1993:546; Swailes 2002:156-157; Scarpello and Vandenberg 1994:544), for
example for their careers and their organizations-as discussed above. Other
commitments, outside the Organization, can also be a priority. The next section will
review the career commitment line.
2.2. Supervisor support.
Supervisor support interest in employee career goals, give credit for the work well
done, and help employees develop relevant job skills and competencies. A monitor
like this can make all the difference in the staff each day of work experience.
Powerful monitoring support to improve the quality of jobs and is associated with
the increase in satisfaction, perception of a better fi between the staff and the
Organization, and reduce turnover.
A meaningful connection exists between the perception monitoring support staff
(PSS) and the awareness of employees of support organizations (POS), General. 2
control is the agent of the organization. As such, they are responsible for monitoring
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the performance of their subordinates, conduct periodic reviews of the work of their
subordinates, and give feedback to improve their subordinate contribution and
commitment to the organization. So, it is natural for employees to explain their
interactions with their supervisor as indicators of the Organization's judgment of
their promise to work and career.
Evidence suggests that supervisor support can reduce the level of work/family
conflict that experienced staff and the consequences of such a conflct. Studies show
that employees who have high demands of work and family responsibilities and
those also support supervision tend to experience greater job satisfaction, stronger
work commitment, loyalty to the Organization, and a better balance between work
and family life. Active monitoring as well as effective intermediaries "main
implementers of the work and family policies of different organizations." For
highlights of the work/family issues among employees at the time today, has a
supportive supervisor is a characteristic of the family friendly workplace efficienc.
In this framework, we present fidings about supervisor support was drawn
from the data that we collect from the staff working in seven 8.784 countries:
Brazil, China, India, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States.
We evaluate:
Difference in perception of employee monitoring supports the main.
Sociodemographic indicators related to the variation in employee
Support monitoring the relationship between the presence of a supervisor
support and the level of satisfaction with work/family balance that staff report.
Consistent with previous studies, we find that there is a signifiant monitoring
support, the positive impact on balance of work/family of employees.
However, the relationship between supervisor support and satisfaction with
the work/family balance differ according to gender. At every level of supervisor
support (low, medium and high), men who reported high satisfaction (and relatively
lower levels of dissatisfaction) with work/family balance than women did. This gap
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in the satisfaction of men and women with work/family balance is the most
extensive among workers with a high level of awareness of monitoring support. It
would be interesting to investigate the reasons why men tend to be more satisfid
than women with a balance between their work and family life, regardless of the
level of support they feel from their supervisors, and the reason why the divergence
in satisfaction with the balance of work/family is the largest among men and
women who feel a high level of supervisor supportive.
Although awareness of monitoring help increase the level of satisfaction with
the balance of work/family beginnings staff reports, they do not seem to affect
between career and end his career employees in a similar way (positive).
2.3. Goal and process clarity
To goal and process clarity we perform research and reviews as follows: this study
was designed to evaluate three questions.
The first question is, do the proces and goal clarity accounted for the two distinct
but interrelated building? Well, the evidence strongly supports this concept. An
analysis of factors confirm that shows a two-factor solution fits the data
significantly better than a solution a factor. All the available evidence using
measurement data type supports the validity of the two structures discriminant. The
only approach, and will provide the support more convincing of the two-factor
model will be a multitrait-multimethod analysis. Future measurement studies should
try to confirm these measures with alternative methods to assess the equivalent
structure. These results support the contention (Jackson & Schuler, 1985; VanSell et
al., 1981) that many of the structures of the ambiguous role should be investigated.
The second question related to a theoretical model of the target's Association and
the building goal and process clarity constructs with antecedents and consequences.
Despite the strong confirmation for an explanation of causes can be obtained only
through longitudinal methods or testing, the analysis confirmed that reasonable
provision to a priori a theoretical model is at least suggestive of the causal
interpretation. A theoretical model was launched based on a substantial literature on
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the role ambiguity and contradiction. Process clarity said to be both directly related
to job satisfaction and indirectly related through its impact on clear objectives. In
this form of hospital staff semi-skilled, only indirectly linked to appear to hold.
Many of the tasks performed by the employee are routine, and much work is
standardized by the policy. In General, the subjects scored higher on the scope of
processes clearly. It-can the direct Association of process clarity with satisfaction
can hold in the form of professional workers, which is not likely to be less sure of
how to perform job duties.
The third question addresses the possibility that the moderators of associations
between the role of construction and their consequences. Three moderators were
investigated: employment tenure, need for clarity, and classification. Each
moderator is expected to affect the link between role ambiguity and satisfaction. Analysis shows no significant difference in the path links the process and goal
clarity objectives to their consequences. In addition, the path from the process and
goals clarity lack a significant direct effect of the process is clear about the
satisfaction is consistent on the subsamples. The nurses don't subsample may be
analyzed because of its small size and the result is the difficulty in estimating the
measurement model. With larger samples of professional-level staff, who
coordinated the job level can effect.
2.4. Work control.
Control (sometimes called the autonomy or the latitude) is getting personal level
feel they can directly affect their environment. Employees experiencing a high level
of control at work have the opportunity to manage in that they are free to exercise
their individual initiative and a verdicts of deciding what the goals of the work and
responsibility should be (that is, that the task or project they should work on) , how
their work should be done (i.e., the methods should be used), and the schedule on
which they will use to perform various tasks (activity Dwyer & Ganster, 1991;
Frese, Kring, Soose, & Zempel, 1996; Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Jackson, wall,
Martin, & Davids, 1993; Karasek, 1979). A high level of control at work often
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implies that the staff involved, and therefore have an effect on the decision of the
upper level that affect their work (Frese et al., 1996; Spector, 1986).
Control at work. To control at work, we use Frese et al. (1996) the four-item scale.
Respondents were asked to indicate how much they usually experienced drivers at
work. We add two more fully capture the breadth of the control in the workplace.
The first of two entries ("you have flexibility in choosing when you perform your
job respon-sibilities?") was added to match the scale of the control that influence
taken during work activities (e.g., Dwyer & Ganster, 1991; Jackson et al., 1993).
The second ("how much control you have in your selection/target responsibili-ties
at work?") was added to better capture the impact of employees on the job goals and
accountability, which is consistent with the control measures in the workplace (e.g.,
Dwyer & Ganster , 1991).
2.5. Value attainment
When we think about our values, we think about what is important to us in our lives
(for example, security, independence, success, wisdom, kindness, fun). Each of us
has many values with different levels of importance. A particular value can be very
important to a person, but not important. The consensus about the way most useful
to the concept of basic values has emerged gradually since the 1950s. We can
summarize the main features of the concept of fundamental values implicit in the
writings of many theorists and researchers are as follows.
The value is the belief. But their belief is inextricably tied to emotion, not the
goal, the idea of conditioning.
Values is a construction of motivating. They point to the desired targets
people strive to achieve. Values pass specific actions and situations. They are
abstract goals. The abstract nature of values to distinguish them from the standard
concept and attitude, which often refers to specific actions, objects or situations.
Values guide choices or reviews of actions, policies, people, and events. That
is, a value that serves as the standard or standards.
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Values are required by the importance relative to each other. The artificial
values into a system of priority feature them as individuals. Ofvalues hierarchy this
feature also distinguishes them from the norms and attitudes.
The theory of value determine value as desired, trans situations aim, change in
importance, which serve as guiding principles in the life of the people. In the above
characteristics are common to all values. The important aspect is that the distinction
between the values is kind of motivating the target they present. To coordinate with
others in pursuit of goals that are important to them, groups and individuals
representing the required cognitively (language) as the specific values they
communicate. Ten distinct motivationally, broad and fundamental values are
derived from the three universal human requirement: the needs of the individual as
the biological organisms, requisites of coordinating social interactions, and survival
needs and welfare of the groups.
The ten basic value aims to include all core value recognized in cultures around the
world. The value of 10 includes the different types of content found in the theory of
the previous value, the value in question from different cultures, and in the
discussion of religion and philosophy of the value. It can classify almost all items
found in list of specific values from other cultures, into one of the basic values
motivationally different ten.
Schwartz [Schwartz, 1992, 2005a] details from France of ten basic values. For
example, a suitable value comes from the prerequisite of interaction and group
survival. For interaction to proceed smoothly and for the group to maintain
themselves, individuals must restrain impulses and inhibiting the action can hurt
other people. A self driven value derived from organismic to master and needs from
the requirements of autonomy and independence.
Each of the ten basic values can be characterized by describing the goals motivating
1. Self direction. Independence of thought and action; choose, create, explore.
2. The stimulation. The excitement, novelty and challenge in life.
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3. Hedonism. Fun and sensuous satisfaction for yourself.
4. Achievement. Personal success through the proven capacity of social standards.
5. The power. Social status and prestige, control or dominance over the people and
6. Security. , In harmony, and the stability of society, relationships, and of
7. The fit. Limitations of actions, and trends likely to upset or harm to others and
violate social norms or expectations.
8. Traditional. Respect, commitment and acceptance of customs and the idea that
cultural or religious traditions offer self.
9. Benevolence. Preserving and enhancing the welfare of the people with whom one
is regular personal contact (' people ').
10. Universalism. The understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the
well-being of all people and for nature. Any set of values orientation in full
including the motivating goals can not be tested explicitly. However, some evidence
is consistent with that of the ten basic values. Local researchers in 18 countries in
the survey value of importance in their culture that they think may be missing. They
were assigned to the a priori value of existing basic goals motivating them was
expected to receive. The analysis includes all the items of value reveals that these
items correlate as expected with the core, marked items from the basic values to
which they were assigned. They determined no additional basic value.
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Research on the model with the main goal is to check the goal and process clarity,
supervisor support, the control work, value attainment and career commitment of
Viettel Post. Research methods, research models, research data collection, research
data processing, research analysis of data to help us better understand level career
commitment of Viettel post.
3.1. Research model
Goal and
process clarity
H1 +
H2 +
Work control
H3 +
H4 +
Figure 1: model for career commitment of Viettel Post
3.1.1. Dependent Variables:
Careeer commitment.
3.1.2. Independent Variables:
Goal and process clarity.
Supervisor support.
Work control
Value attainment.
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3.2 Constructs
Key construct: Career commitment (CC)
Orther constructs:
Goal and process clarity(GPC)
Supervisor support (SS)
Work control (WC)
Value Attainment (VA)
3.3.Research Hypotheses:
Career commitment of Viettel post are manifested through attitudes of workers, the
nature of love to job, high motivation in work, the employees feel happy and feel
confident when sharing about their careers and a high fighting spirit. The career
commitment could be considered of an attitude for career or vocation, where career
commitment regarding the development of your personal career goals and an
identification with and involvement in the goals, so that a person is willing to exert
the effort to assist in their career , congruent with the values (Blau 1985:278; Goulet
and Singh 2002:75; Kalleberg and Berg 1987:159; Porter, Steers and Mowday
Boulian, 1974:604).
But keep career commitment of Viettel post we have
Hypothesis 1: goal and process clarity is positively related to career commitment.
To employee love their job, we need to have gool and process clarity, employee
know what do they do? With Viettel post have employees and industries, all
manage dependent process clarity and with wolume revenue need goal clarity.
Hypothesis 2: supervisor support is positively related to career commitment.
The support of the people is very important to control the operation of the system
with, especially systems of Viettel post. Viettel post maximum modelled system
happy state enterprises should focus on people power to command, so the
commander must be dynamic and support employees in good operating system.
When workers who support the good of the people, it will help them complete tasks,
creating large, help them love career more .
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Hypothesis 3: work control is positively related to career commintment.
The working environment in the post is great and New competitive should Hill
asked the employees to be very high job control, to control the good work the
employees to be creative and proactive high, leading to you achieving your goals
and complete the tasks. Had Starhub 8 core values in veins that help workers love
the company, love and career commitment.
Hypothesis 4: value attainment is positively related career commitment.
The value of achieving a clear disclosure policy and help create the motivation to
compete and to strive high. Had StarHub in the value network leave for workers that
outside there for example the work environment hard to help promote professional
workers, was credited with bringing value ethnic, humane task, created for the
workers counted very high professional commitment.
3.4. Instruments
The total number of questions is 47 and broad deployment all 3 regions of Viettel
post. The design was based on the question: 5 Career commitment, goal and process
clarity, supervisor support, work control, value attainment.
Career commitment: the total number of questionnaires to be used is 7, the
questionnaires are designed to measure computer professional commitment,
measured attitude to work, computer love, career motivation, career development
and professional commitment in the work. Reposonse are obtained using a 5-piont
likert-type scale where 1= strongly agree, 3=unsure, and 5=strongly disagree.
Goal and process clarity: total questions used are 10, questions are divided in two
section design. Goal clarity: the question is designed to measure the extent to which
the objectives clearly Viettel. post Process clarity: the question is designed to
measure the level of a clear understanding of the process of work of the Viettel post
launched. Reposonse are obtained using a 6-piont likert-type scale where 1= very
uncertain and 6=certain. Respondents are asked to indicate the degree of certainty
about each of following items.
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Supervisor support: t ng s c u h i
m c
c s d ng l 9, c u h i
h tr c a c c v tr supervisor v
nh gi m c
nh h
c thi t
n ng
m c n o. Reposonse are obtained using a 5-piont likert-type scale where
5= strongly disagree, 4=disagree to some extent, 3=uncertain, 2= agree to some
extent, and 1=strongly agree.
Work control: total questions used is 7, the question was assessing the ability to
control and understanding of the work of employees in Viettel post. Instructions and
items: below are listed number of statements which could be used to describe a job.
Please read each statement carefully and indicate the extent to wich each is an
accurate or an inaccurate description of your job by writing a number in front of
each statement. The reposonse options are 1=very little, 2=little, 3=a moderate
amount, 4= much, and 5=very much.
Value attainment: the total number of questions used are 14, questions are divided
in two section design. Terminal valuates: reviews of the level of the average
completion that workers must reach, at the level of hard or medium level.
Instrumental valuates: reviews in the challenge levels at any rate, have the ability to
achieve or illusions. Evaluate the satisfaction of employees about the policy when
the gain value. For likert – type measure of attainment of terminal values, reposonse
are obtained using a 7-piont likert-type scale where 1= least important. Responses
may also be obtained by requsting respondents to rank the values in order of
importance (brief, Dukerich, & Doran, 1991)
3.5. Research Participants
Participants answered questions that included 3 regions of company Viettel post,
deployment time within 1 month from 03/06/2015 to 30, 2015, the questionnaire
was sent by e-mail and have setup feedback mode automatically from the workers.
The information collected is only used to analyze.
3.6.Procedure for Data Collection and Analyze
Questions sent by e-mail to each person and get automatic feedback via e-mail is
received, the number of outgoing e-mail 615 wage received feedback from 514
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dynamic has viewed for e-mail, about 111 e-mail view or faulty e-mail not received
and the number of questions be answered in full 309.
In this study, questionnaire has a lot of questions (items). So, first of all use the
factor analysis to delete bad items that aren't good discriminators, and separates the
items into groups (elements).
Cronbach's alpha was used to test the reliability of the measurement scale
(hair et al., 1998).
Cronbach's coefficient was used to get the inter entry consistency reliability
(Walsh, 1995).
By using the methods of descriptive statistics to find the means, standard
deviations of all the independent and dependent variables.
Using Bivariate correlation analysis method to find the Pearson's r
correlation coefficient and correlation of all the independent and dependent
To test the hypothesis, multiple regression analysis is used to find out how
the impact of the goal and process clarity, support supervisor, work control, value
attainmnet, Viettel's commitment to career articles.
The SPSS software was utilized to analyze the data
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