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ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐH 2011 (114)

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Môn: TIẾNG ANH; Khối: D
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Họ, tên thí sinh:………………………………………………………
Số báo danh:………………………………………………………….

Mã đề thi 114

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of
the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. discover
B. computer
C. dimension
D. colonize
Question 2: A. conquer
B. punctual
C. comment
D. commit
Question 3: A. loudspeaker
B. viewpoint
C. supermarket
D. landmark
Question 4: A. philosophy
B. personality
C. machinery
D. entitlement

Question 5: A. reconcile
B. recompense
C. resentment
D. recognize
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct sentence which is closest in meaning to
each of the ones given before.
Question 6: Unless we get some orders without delay, we are going to be in deep financial trouble soon.
A. Since new orders are flooding in at the moment, we are having trouble filling them all.
B. Our financial situation is stable at the moment, but we need some new orders to guarantee our future.
C. We would be suffering from great financial problems now if we had delayed taking on new orders any longer.
D. We need to receive new orders right away, or we’ll soon find ourselves in a bad situation financially.
Question 7: They only have two installments left to pay on their car, and then they will be freer to spend their money.
A. They are having financial problems because of their car, for which they’ll pay two more installments.
B. Ever since they bought a car, for which they still have too installments to pay, they have been careful with their
C. They will have a lot of money to spend when they have finished paying the installments on their car.
D. Once they have paid the last two installments on their car, they won't have to be so strict with their money.
Question 8: As a result of recent bomb attacks, Americans are increasingly mistrustful of foreigners.
A. Because of recent bomb attacks, a lot of countries are more and more frightened of people from other countries.
B. An effect of recent bomb attacks is that Americans are more and more suspicious of outsiders.
C. After recent bomb attacks, Americans began to treat outsiders differently.
D. Since recent bomb attacks, Americans have been scared of the increasing number of foreigners in their country.
Question 9: Despite being ordered to stay in bed by his doctor, he got up and suffered an immediate relapse.
A. If only he had obeyed his doctor and stayed in bed, he might not have suffered a relapse.
B. He had better stay in bed as his doctor ordered, or he may suffer a relapse.
C. Having defied his doctor’s instructions to stay in bed, he became ill again as soon as he got up.
D. As he was trying to get up, he realized the reason for his doctor ordering him to stay in bed.
Question 10: Upon proving that they hadn’t been in the city on the day of the robbery, the police let the suspects go.
A. The police released the suspects when they provided evidence of their being outside of the city on the day the
robber happened.

B. The police told the suspects that they could only release them if they provided their whereabouts on the day of
the robbery.
C. The police had to give the suspects their freedom as they didn’t have any proof that they were in the city when
the robbery occurred.
D. As the suspects hadn’t even been in the city on the day of the robbery, the police couldn’t charge them.
Question 11: “You must pay attention to your teacher’s lesson in class,” Tom’s mother said to him.
A. Tom’s mother advised him to pay attention to his teacher’s lesson in class.
B. Tom’s mother suggested him to pay attention to his teacher’s lesson.
C. Tom’s mother insisted that he pay attention to his teacher’s lesson.
D. Tom’s mother warned him to pay attention to his teacher’s lesson.
Question 12: “You broke my glasses”, said the woman to me.
A. The woman blamed me of breaking her glasses.
B. The woman asked me to break her glasses.
C. The woman blamed me for breaking her glasses.
D. The woman accused me for breaking her glasses.

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Question 13: “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary.
A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.
B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report.
C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.
D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report.
Question 14: Few people realized the importance of his role in the company.
A. Quite a few people realized the importance of his role in the company.
B. Not many people realized that he played an important part in the company.
C. Many people realized his important role in the company.

D. He was realized as an important role in the company by a few people.
Question 15: You can try as hard as you like but you won’t succeed.
A. Although you won’t succeed, you can try as hard as you like.
B. You can hardly try as you like, but you won’t succeed.
C. You won’t succeed because you can’t try as hard.
D. However hard you try, you won’t succeed.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 16: - “Would you mind opening the window please?”
- “_________”
A. Yes, It is very cold outside.
B. Sure. Go ahead.
C. I’d rather you didn’t do that.
D. No problem.
Question 17: - “You look great in the new dress!” ~ “_________”
A. That’s fine. Thank you.
B. Thank you. I spent a lot of money on it.
C. Of course not. You bet!
D. Yours is lovely too.
Question 18: - “Didn’t you go to the cinema last night?”
- “________”
A. Yes. I lost my ticket.
B. No. It was too cold to go out.
C. OK. That was a good idea!
D. Yes, I stayed at home.
Question 19: - “________” ~ “Every two months.”
A. How long do you see your dentist?
B. How much time do you see your dentist?
C. How frequently do you see your dentist?
D. How many times do you see your dentist in a year?
Question 20: - “Would you rather have wine or coke?”

- “_________”
A. It doesn’t matter
B. No problem
C. Sure
D. None, please
Question 21: They had hardly arrived at the airport ________ Glenda realized that she had left her passport at home.
A. when
B. than
C. that
D. then
Question 22: - “Did Susan ever graduate?” ~ “No, _______ in college for two years, she quit to get married.”
A. had she been
B. while being
B. since being
D. after having been
Question 23: - “Do you know where Barb is?” ~ “Strange _______ sound, she is in Angola.”
A. may it
B. as it may
C. like it may
D. does it
Question 24: _________ good advice it was!
A. Which
B. How
C. How so
D. What
Question 25: He ________ to anyone suspicious when the class was over.
A. was not seen to talk
B. was not seen talking
C. was not being seen talking D. had not seen to talk
Question 26: You must lend me the money for the trip. ________, I won’t be able to go.

A. Consequently
B. Nevertheless
C. Otherwise
D. Although
Question 27: I drove downtown. _______ the meantime, Dorothy prepared dinner.
A. For
B. At
C. In
D. By
Question 28: When the war ________, the tourists were trapped in the American embassy.
A. started out
B. broke out
C. came out
D. broke down
Question 29: You’d better make the ________ of your free time. You’re going to be very busy soon.
A. best
B. holiday
C. relax
D. most
Question 30: I used to think she was really pretty, but I’ve changed my ________ now.
A. mind
B. notions
C. concepts
D. thoughts
Question 31: The yachtsman sailed around the world ________-handed.
A. solo
B. two
C. single
D. short

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Question 32: The two countries have reached an agreement through dialogues described as ________.
A. counterproductive
B. unproductive
C. productivity
D. productive
Question 33: ________ her inexperience her failure to secure the contract was not surprising.
A. In view of
B. By virtue of
C. With regard to
D. In recognition of
Question 34: This machine is ________ to overheat if you leave it switched on.
A. susceptible
B. probable
C. conducive
D. liable
Question 35: It is a brave man who ________ for his beliefs when under attack.
A. stands out
B. stands forward
C. stands up
D. stands by
Question 36: I wonder if there’s any connexion _______ his disappearance and the theft?
A. to
B. between
C. about
D. of

Question 37: This company is in the __________ of modern technological search.
A. foreground
B. foretaste
C. forefront
D. foremost
Question 38: It is difficult to say exactly what _______ the present dissatisfaction with the management.
A. brought in
B. brought about
C. brought out
D. brought over
Question 39: From the top of the hill the village looks quite close, but distances are ________.
A. deceptive
B. surprising
C. false
D. illusory
Question 40: If only we _______ more people, then we wouldn’t be feeling so lonely.
A. had known
B. were known
C. have known
D. knew
Question 41: It’s high time you _______ the balcony. It’s covered in leaves and dust.
A. to be cleaned
B. cleaned
C. had cleaned
D. to have cleaned
Question 42: The manager was very pleased because he could see that sales were increasing _______.
A. ever since then
B. from then on
C. up until now
D. all the time

Question 43: - “Susan looks ready to cry.” ~ “It looks as if Peter ________ her birthday again!”
A. has forgotten
B. had forgotten
C. has been forgetting
D. had been forgetting
Question 44: Frozen foods are usually cheap, ________ fresh products can be quite expensive.
A. however
B. whereas
C. nevertheless
D. despite
Question 45: “I can’t think of a good excuse for being late.” ~ “You ______ be honest and tell the truth.”
A. had better
B. would better
C. would have been better
D. had better to
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 41 to 50.
All mammals feed their young. Beluga whale mothers, for example, nurse their calves for some twenty months, until
they are about to give birth again and their young are able to find their own food. The behavior of feeding of the young
is built into the reproductive system. It is a nonelective part of parental care and the defining feature of a mammal, the
most important thing that mammals – whether marsupials, platypuses, spiny anteaters, or placental mammals –
have in common.
But not all animal parents, even those that tend their offspring to the point of hatching or birth, feed their young.
Most egg-guarding fish do not, for the simple reason that their young are so much smaller than the parents and eat food
that is also much smaller than the food eaten by adults. In reptiles, the crocodile mother protects her young after they
have hatched and takes them down to the water, where they will find food, but she does not actually feed them. Few
insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with
caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that
their larvae might have a supply of fresh food when they hatch.
For animals other than mammals, then, feeding is not intrinsic to parental care. Animals add it to their reproductive

strategies to give them an edge in their lifelong quest for descendants. The most vulnerable moment in any animal's life
is when it first finds itself completely on its own, when it must forage and fend for itself. Feeding postpones that
moment until a young animal has grown to such a size that it is better able to cope. Young that are fed by their parents
become nutritionally independent at a much greater fraction of their full adult size. And in the meantime those young
are shielded against the vagaries of fluctuating of difficult-to-find supplies. Once a species does take the step of
feeding its young, the young become totally dependent on the extra effort. If both parents are removed, the young
generally do no survive.
Question 46: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The care that various animals give to their offspring.
B. The difficulties young animals face in obtaining food.
C. The methods that mammals use to nurse their young.
D. The importance among young mammals of becoming independent.

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Question 47: The author lists various animals in at the end of paragraph 1 to _______.
A. contrast the feeding habits of different types of mammals
B. describe the process by which mammals came to be defined
C. emphasize the point that every type of mammal feeds its own young
D. explain why a particular feature of mammals is nonelective
Question 48: The word "tend" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. sit on
B. move
C. notice
D. care for
Question 49: What can be inferred from the passage about the practice of animal parents feeding their young?
A. It is unknown among fish.

B. It is unrelated to the size of the young.
C. It is dangerous for the parents.
D. It is most common among mammals.
Question 50: The word "provisioning" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. supplying
B. preparing
C. building
D. expanding
Question 51: According to the passage, how do some insects make sure their young have food?
A. By storing food near their young.
B. By locating their nests or cells near spiders and caterpillars.
C. By searching for food some distance from their nest.
D. By gathering food from a nearby water source.
Question 52: The word "edge" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. opportunity
B. advantage
C. purpose
D. rest
Question 53: The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. feeding
B. moment
C. young animal
D. size
Question 54: According to the passage, animal young are most defenseless when _______.
A. their parents are away searching for food
B. their parents have many young to feed
C. they are only a few days old
D. they first become independent
Question 55: The word "shielded" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. raised

B. protected
C. hatched
D. valued
Mark the letter on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting.
Question 56: She mustn’t read the book if she doesn’t want to, but if she wants to be accepted to the university, she
needs to have some knowledge.
Question 57: I have never dived in a twenty-metre-deep lake before, so I’m a bit afraid of doing it.
Question 58: You have little to boast about, haven’t you?
Question 59: Were you to win a huge sum of money, what would you have bought?
Question 60: Scarcely had we introduced when he punched me for no reason.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for

each of the blanks from 61 to 70.
Communication is a process (61) ______ which information is exchanged between or among individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, and behaviour. It is anything done so as to (62) _____ messages to others.
Sometimes it involves persuading people to come round to our (63) ______ of view; sometimes it is meant to educate
or enlighten; and sometimes its only purpose is to make us feel comfortable. (64) _______, communication is a
dynamic interaction that both affects and is affected by a great deal of variables.
There are a number of different (65) _____ of communication, the most common of which are the auditory, such as
speaking or singing, and the physical, such as sign language, body language, touch and eye contact. One major (66)
_______ people communicate is because they want to be heard by others and appreciated. Obviously, then,
communication is in some (67) _______ meant to help people to feel good about themselves. Not only individuals, but
also communities and organizations express their individual (68) ______ through how and what they communicate.
Through the process of communication, individuals can develop understanding and respect (69) ________ one
another, share information, challenge one another to think differently, and find the best possible solutions to life’s
dilemmas. Communications, as a whole, not only (70) _______, but is intimately connected to who we are.
Question 61: A. from
B. at
C. in
D. by
Question 62: A. confide
B. confess
C. convey
D. conceive

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Question 63:
Question 64:

Question 65:
Question 66:
Question 67:
Question 68:
Question 69:
Question 70:

A. state
A. Thus
A. means
A. consequence
A. senses
A. hobbies
A. at
A. betray

B. point
B. Nevertheless
B. types
B. reason
B. methods
B. identifications
B. about
B. reveal

C. way
C. However
C. actions
C. hint
C. aspects

C. points
C. for
C. leak

D. matter
D. Moreover
D. identifications
D. motivation
D. fields
D. identities
D. in
D. state

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 66 to 75.
During a recent game between two of Brazil’s biggest football teams, the country’s top striker head-butted an opponent
and was sent off. ‘Idiot’ he shouted at the referee. ‘Just what you would expect from a woman.’ It was this comment
rather than his aggression to his opponent that really landed him in trouble. He was punished for this by being banned
from the next four matches. The target of his venom, Gisele Fabio, has become the most high-profile woman in
Brazilian football.
Times are changing in British football, too. Not long ago the manager of a Scottish team was forced to resign after
criticizing the country’s first woman referee by saying: ‘I knew it wasn’t going to be our day when I found out we had
a woman running the line. She should be at home making the tea or dinner for her man after he has been to the
football.’ An attitude like this may have been relatively uncommon a few generation ago, but over the last decade or
two the vast majority of men have changed their view of the place a woman should have in society.
Annie Macintosh has been a referee for six years and currently the highest level female official in Britain. During
her rise to this position, she has learnt to be tolerant of criticism, and not to become excited or get offended by hurtful
verbal attacks. She takes the comments with a pinch of salt. ‘He is entitled to say what he likes. There is no point
getting yourself all upset. From the experiences that I have had he is in the minority.
You have to develop a thick skin as a female referee in the men’s game. In spite of all this, Macintosh says that

being a woman on the field can have its advantages too. Many men consider it wrong to use bad language in front of
women. ‘Sometimes you get the odd idiot who shouts something, but usually they use less colorful language. They
behave better.
The confusion, she adds, also has its comic moments. Fans have not updated their vocabulary to take account of
female officials. Macintosh says she finds it funniest when spectators suddenly become aware that she is a woman and
become tongue-tied. ‘A voice in the crowd will shout, “Oi, linesman! Erm, I mean lineswoman. Erm, I mean assistant
referee.” While it is likely that a woman footballer will have the physical strength to compete at the top level in a
men’s team, there is no similar obstacle to women referees, believing it helps increase women’s interest in football
In Brazil, Gisele Fablo says the path to becoming a referee has been about breaking down cultural rather than
legal barriers. ‘For as long as I’m aware there have been no rules against women refereeing the men’s game. It was just
that none did.’ Fabio agrees that footballers treat female referees differently. ‘In principle they treat you with more
respect. They are scared that you will give them a card more readily. This is an advantage for us.’ Most impressively,
Fablo has been top of the referee rankings published by daily sports papers. ‘I think I was the first because I am a
novelty. But I don’t think I am better than the others. My refereeing is the same’
Question 71: The word “high-profile” in paragraph 1 can be best explained as _______.
A. having a highly valued profile
B. attracting a lot of public attention
C. causing a lot of controversies
D. having better personalities than other people
Question 72: The football player was punished because ________.
A. he hit an opponent
B. he was aggressive during the game
C. he insulted the female referee
D. he shouted loudly
Question 73: What point is made to show that times are changing in British football?
A. Managers who don’t like women referees can lose their jobs
B. Women are no longer expected to stay at home
C. Scotland now has a woman referee
D. A man cannot criticize a woman referee today.

Question 74: The word “this” in the phrase “An attitude like this” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. the attitude towards the place of a woman in the society
B. the attitude of the manager of the Scottish team towards women
C. the attitude towards the changing times in British football

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D. the attitude of other people towards the manager of the Scottish team
Question 75: Which phrase best describes Macintosh’s reaction to the manager’s words?
A. angry and hurt
B. sad and depressed
C. calm and confident
D. bitter and resentful
Question 76: What does ‘In spite of all this’ in paragraph 4 suggest?
A. Although women referees are often criticized
B. In spite of the fact that there are so few women referees
C. Even though men tend to behave better with a woman referee
D. Despite the difficulty of getting work as a woman referee
Question 77: The comic aspect mentioned is based on ________.
A. the idea that fans are nervous about women referees
B. the confusion fans feel when they don’t know what to call a female official
C. the embarrassment people experience when they see the official is a woman
D. the fact that fans don’t have a big vocabulary
Question 78: Why are women referees being encouraged?
A. They have to face a lot of obstacles
B. There is a shortage of men referees
C. They don’t have to be as physical strong as men

D. They will attract more women spectators
Question 79: What does Gisele Fabio say about the barriers to women becoming referees?
A. They may be connected with social attitudes not laws B. They do not exist in developed countries
C. The legal barriers are being removed
D. The women themselves have removed these barriers
Question 80: According to Gisele Fabio, ________.
A. men referees do not deserve as much respect as women referees
B. footballers thank that women referees are stricter than men referees
C. women usually make better referees than men
D. she is at the top of the rating because women referees are unusual
----------THE END----------

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