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Luyện tập: Các phép so sánh trong Tiếng Anh Comparison Exercises

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* Easy

Rewrite the sentences so that their meanings stay the same

1. That chair is more suitable than this one.
-> This chair is ....................................................................................................................................................
2. Nobody in my class is as tall as George.
-> George is ........................................................................................................................................................
3. I’ve never met anyone who is more beautiful than my mother.
-> My mother is .................................................................................................................................................
4. There is no better teacher than Mr. John in this school.
-> Mr. John is .....................................................................................................................................................
5. Do you have any pair of shoes which is bigger than this one?
-> Is this ............................................................................................................................................................?
6. Is Tom the tallest student?
-> Is there .........................................................................................................................................................?
7. The red box is smaller than the green one.
-> The green box is .............................................................................................................................................
8. She is a better cook than me.
-> I cannot ..........................................................................................................................................................
9. Mary is the prettiest girl in my class.
-> No one ...........................................................................................................................................................


Choose the best answer to fill the gap

1. It is _________________ today than it was yesterday.
A. much more colder
B. much colder

C. colder very much
D. colder much
2. My car is _________________ than yours.
A. more faster
B. much faster
C. many faster
D. less faster
3. My most favorite sport is basketball. There is no other sport that is _________________ than this
A. more interesting
B. the most interesting
C. less interesting
D. the least interesting

4. I think my father is _________________ person in the world.


more talented
most talented
the most talented
the talented

5. Our hotel was one of _________________ in town.
A. the cheaper hotel
B. the cheapest hotel

C. the cheaper hotels
D. the cheapest hotels
6. Summer is undoubtedly _________________ season of the year.
A. the hotter
B. the hottest
C. much hotter
D. hottest
7. I think Hanoi is _________________ cities in Vietnam.
A. the most beautiful
B. more beautiful than
C. one of the most beautiful
D. the less beautiful than
8. I have heard of many famous restaurants in the city, but Citréna is _________________.
A. the larger
B. the largest
C. large
D. much larger
9. Most students think that it is _________________ to have a cafeteria in building D than in other
A. well
B. good
C. better
D. best

10. ‘When do you plan to start the trip?’
‘I’m not sure, but the _________________ the _________________’
A. soon – good
B. sooner – better
C. soon – well
D. sooner - best


Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the given

1. John is the most intelligent student in my team.


No one in the team is more intelligent than John.
John is one of the most intelligent people I’ve met.
John is less intelligent than me.
There are intelligent people in my team.

2. I think Mary isn’t good at Math, but Fiona is.


Fiona is better at Math than me.
Fiona likes learning Math.
Mary hates Math.
Fiona is better at Math than Mary.

3. They are the best students here.


The students here are bad.
They are very good at Math and English.
They are better students than others.
They are very intelligent.

4. I love the shirt my mother bought. It’s one of the most beautiful gifts from my mother.
A. My mother often buys me gifts.
B. The shirt is one of the most beautiful gifts my mother gave me.
C. I love the shirt because my mother gave it to me.
D. The shirt is more beautiful than other gifts my mother gave.
5. My most favorite song is ‘Gold River’
A. Of all songs, I like ‘Gold River’ the most.
B. I don’t like ‘Gold River’
C. I like listening to music
D. ‘Gold River’ is the name of a song.

* Difficult
I. Choose the best answer to fill in the gap
1. The ____ you study for these exams, the ____ you will do.
harder - good
harder - more successfully

much - better
more - worse

2. She doesn't really like vodka, so the ____ a bottle you find, the ____ it will be for us!
small - cheaper
smaller - cheap
smaller - good
smaller - cheaper

3. My neighbor is extremely annoying! It seems that the ____ it is at night, the ____ he plays his music!
later - more loud
late - louder
later - louder
more late - loud

4. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. The ____ the food is, the ____ he likes it.
hotter - more
hot - much
hotter - much
hot - more

5. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The ____ she knows about it, the ____.
more - better
less - better

worse - worse
worse - better

6. He has 6 large dogs to protect his house. The ____ the dog, the ____ he feels.
big - safer
biger - safer
bigger - safer
more big - more safe

7. He loves earning money. The ____ he becomes, the ____ he is.
more rich - happier
richer - more happy
richer - happier
more money - happier

8. You must drive slower in built up areas. The ____ you drive in the city, the ____ it is that you will have an
faster - probable
quicker - probably
faster - more probably
quicker - more probable

II. By using the words given, rewrite the sentences:

1. I think the best solution is to put that chair here.
-> I don’t think ..........................................................................................................................................................................

2. Mary became angrier and angrier as the baby kept crying.
-> The more ..............................................................................................................................................................................

3. Linda is more munificent than her sister.
->.................................................................................................................................................................. of the two sisters.

4. John is the most handsome friend I have.
-> No friend ..............................................................................................................................................................................

5. The red shoes cost 45$ and the black ones cost 90$.
-> The black shoes cost twice ....................................................................................................................................................

6. I’m taller than most of my classmates.
-> I’m ........................................................................................................................................................................................

7. ‘The heart thief’ is the book which impresses me the most.
-> I am ......................................................................................................................................................................................

8. As he becomes older, he loses more and more friends.
-> The older ..............................................................................................................................................................................

9. He is believed to be the best teacher in town.
-> No one ..................................................................................................................................................................................

10. I have to learn more English words so that I’ll get higher grades.
-> The more ..............................................................................................................................................................................


Choose the right answer: Is the sentence Correct or Wrong?

1. Much less water flooded into the house than I expected.
A. Correct
B. Wrong
2. There are less people here than promised to come.

A. Correct
B. Wrong
3. Tennis is a far harder game than football.
A. Correct

B. Wrong
4. The more you protest, more guilty you look!
A. Correct
B. Wrong
5. This house is twice as big as the other one we saw.
A. Correct
B. Wrong
6. Your dog is so friendlier than my one.
A. Correct
B. Wrong
7. That's by far the largest dam I've ever seen.
A. Correct
B. Wrong


Choose the sentence that has the same meaning with the given one

1. I like Mary. She is as humorous as Charlie Chaplin.
A. Mary is more humorous than Charlie Chaplin.
B. Charlie Chaplin is not as humorous as Mary.
C. Mary has a lot of annoying jokes.
D. Mary is very humorous.
2. Phoebe is one of the most cheerful friends I’ve met.

A. I often make friends with tiring people.
B. Phoebe knows how to make others happy.
C. Most of my friends are not as cheerful as Mary.
D. The best thing about being a friend of Phoebe’s is that she is always cheerful.
3. I have read many books, but the best one which I would recommend is ‘The tale of two sisters’
A. ‘The tale of two sister’ is definitely one of the most recommended books all over the world.
B. Of the vast number of books I’ve read, ‘The tale of two sisters’ is the most enjoyable one to me.
C. There are books I’ve read which are as good as ‘The tale of two sisters’
D. I’ve never read ‘The tale of two sisters’ although it’s recommended by many people.


For each question, choose one word from the word list to complete
the sentence. You may need to change the form of the word.
less - loud - severe - convoluted - cheap - more - good - few

1. On our bus service, the later you catch a bus, the
2. Harry's always so stressed about work and the

it is.
time he has for his family, the more

miserable they are.
3. The boss made it clear that the later the project was finished, the

4. We have a special offer on at the moment. The


5. This party is a disaster! The
6. James in an awful liar. The

shoes you buy, the cheaper they are per

people come, the more embarrassing it's going to be.
his stories are, the more ridiculous he looks.

7. I want these t-shirts to be black. Really black, the blacker the
8. What a crazy couple. The more he shouts, the


the punishments would

1. not as suitable as that one.
2. the tallest student/ person in my class.

she screams!


3. the most beautiful people I’ve ever met.
4. the best teacher in this school.
5. the biggest pair of shoes?
6. any student (who is) taller than Tom?

7. bigger than the red one.
8. cook as well as her/she does.
9. in my class is as pretty as Mary.

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B


1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A



1. B

2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D


1. there is any better solution than to put that chair here.
2. the more the baby cried, the angrier Mary became.
3. Linda is the more munificent
4. of mine is more handsome than John.
5. as much as the red ones.
6. one of the tallest students in my class.
7. most impressed by the book named ‘The heart thief’
8. he becomes, the more friends he loses.
9. in town is believed to be a better teacher than him.
10. English words I learn, the higher grades I’ll get.


1. Correct
2. Wrong
3. Correct
4. Wrong
5. Correct
6. Wrong

7. Correct

1. D
2. C
3. B


1. cheaper
2. less
3. more severe
4. more
5. fewer
6. more convoluted
7. better
8. louder
