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Genius Pay Days Review(GIANT) bonus discount

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/>Genius Pay Days is a one of a kind software that allows you to become a reseller of 100 products
instantly upon login. After simply just logging in and entering your name payment info you are set up
as a reseller with 100 sites up and hosted for you. It also comes with an In-depth training sequence
and a TON of AMAZING features built-in

Genius Pay Days Review - Genius Pay Day Overview:

Homepage: Genius Pay Days Official Site

Product Name: Genius Pay Days

Type of Product: Cloud-Based All-In-On Selling Software

Authors: Dwayne Golden Sr. and Dwayne Golden Jr

Target niche: Make Money Online With PreMade Products, Done For You 100 Products
That You Can Sell Instantly.

Official Price: $197

Special Discount: 60%-OFF here! (It's only $47 here! Limited Only)

Bonuses:Yes! You will get 2 extremely giant bonus packs. Click to see $12700 Bonuses pack
and $9700 Bonuses pack!

It's very huge - You will get 2 wonderful bonus bundle that could help you earn +$135,000
in 18 months.

Genius Pay Days Review - What's Genius Pay Day:
Done For You Products Used to Be a HUGE Pain. . .
If you've ever tried purchasing prefabricated products, you've had to:

Download and unpack a zip file

Figure out what the heck to do with all those page components

Mess with setting up a sales page and hosting

Integrate with PayPal or preferred payment system

Watch tutorials on YouTube to figure out anything you get stuck on (which is everything!)

Cross your fingers and hope your customers receive their product

Finally PAY someone boatloads of money to put all the pieces together for you. . .

And that's just for ONE Done For You Product. What if you want to sell FIVE ? Or 100 ?

But There Is a Simpler Way.
What if i told you there is a solution, which lets you INSTANTLY become a reseller for 100
products, that you can promote and sell, and keep 100% of the profits.

Genius Pay Days is a one of a kind software that allows you to become a reseller of 100
products instantly upon login. After simply just logging in and entering your name payment
info you are set up as a reseller with 100 sites up and hosted for you. It also comes with an

In-depth training sequence and a TON of AMAZING features built-in, including:
1. Video
2. Seo
3. CopyWriting
4. E-Books

5. Software
6. Web Design
The Special feature of Genius Pay Days is: This Software Includes every tool you need to sell your 100
Done For You Products

Genius Pay Days review - What you will get with Genius Pay Days:
1/ 100 Done For You Products
Product creation costs a lot of money, and TIME. While you're trying to write the perfect ebook, or
fix every bug in your new software, someone else is beating you to the punch! Don't let those other
marketers get those sales!
"Genius Pay Days" gives you 100 Done For You Products so you can IMMEDIATELY get 100 Buy Now
Buttons up and running.

2/ Sales Pages

Who has time to mess with creating Sales Pages, when you're trying to run a business? "Genius Pay
Days" includes100 Done For You Sales Pages, which you can activate to IMMEDIATELY start selling
your new Done for You Products.
PLUS: You have complete access to our Banner and Marketing Graphic Library

3/ Coupons & Countdown Clocks

We want you to make as many sales as possible so we included these tools to help you create
scarcity during your promotions. Easily add coupons and countdown clocks with just a few clicks.

4/ Hassle Free Payment Integration

Finally free yourself from trying to figure out payment codes, or being stuck with limited payment
options. "Genius Pay Days" is Paypal / Stripe / Merchant Link / credit card ready. The easiest
integration you'll find anywhere is right here inside "Genius Pay Days."

5/ Create A Buyers List

Our system will automatically add your buyers email addresses into your autoresponder. This alone
can take your business to another level by having a list of qualified buyers with out having to do a
bunch of technical stuff.

6/ Integrates with Most Autoresponders
1/ Aweber, MailChimp, Dex Responder, and more.

Integrating with your AutoResponder software is a snap. You have detailed tutorials to walk you
through every step if you get stuck.

2/ Real Time Stats

Sleek, user friendly dashboard provides unique visits, cost per sale, conversion rates, and more.

3/ Lead Magnet Pop-Overs

A strategic tool you use on all of the Done For You product sites to collect leads. Grow your list as
well as make sales.

7/ You're in the Driver's Seat

You can set your own pricing, customize your coupon codes, countdown timers and overlays. You
control every aspect of the customer experience. See Return on Investment with just a few sales!
Everything else is sheer profit!

Genius Pay Days Review - Genius Pay Day Bonuses:

CLICK HERE TO GET Genius Pay Days Now!
You will also get 2 giant bonus packs that value over $21,300 from us.

Hurry Up... Take Action Right Now!

But it just limited to the first 20 fastest people!
Don't waste your precious time! Take action right now! Right Here!!
Click here to see more detail of:
7. Giant Bonus Pack at $12700
8. Special Bonus Pack at $9700
Don't believe us! Here is some kind-truth words we happily got from our customers support along
the way...^^!

Three simple steps to claim these massive bonus packs!
Step 1: Press (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) Or Clean/Delete all cookie and cache of your internet browser.

Step 2: Click Here to get Genius Pay Days
Step 3: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to our email at:
or The contact page of this site.
You will receive 2 bonus packs (Giant Pack at $12700 + Special Pack at $9700)
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