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12 advertising trends you should know

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12 Advertising Trends You Should Know
Salesforce Advertising Team

1: Digital Ad Spend Grows Faster Than Traditional
2015 Global Media Segment Growth Rate % at Current Prices

“Marketers to Boost Global Ad Spending This Year to $540 Billion,” AdAge, 3/24/15.

2: Share Of Mobile In Digital Ad Spend Rises
Percentage of Mobile Ad Spend out of Total Digital Ad Spend (2013-2017)

“Mobile Ad Spend to Top $100 Billion Worldwide in 2016, 51% of Digital Market,” eMarketer, 4/2/2015.

3: Social Apps Lead In Time Spent On Mobile
Percentage of Mobile Time Spent is Through Apps

“Apps Solidify Leadership Six Years into the Mobile Revolution,” Flurry Insights, 4/1/2014.

4: Facebook And Twitter Dominate Mobile Ad Spend
US Net Mobile Display Ad Revenue by Company (2013-2017)

“Facebook and Twitter Will Take 33% Share of US Digital Display Market by 2017,” eMarketer, 3/26/15.

5: Percent Of Facebook Mobile DAU Of Total DAU Soars

Q3’12 56%

Q4’12 61%

Q1’13 64%

Q2’13 67%

Q3’13 70%

Q4’13 73%

(% Mobile DAU of Total DAU)

“Facebook Quarterly Earnings Slides Q3 2014,” Facebook, 10/28/2014.

Q1’14 76%

Q2’14 79%

Q3’14 81%

Q4’14 84%

Q1’15 85%

6: Most Facebook Users Visit The Platform Everyday
80% of Facebook users visit the site at least once a day and . . .

“Half of Facebook’s users visit multiple times per day,” Global Web Index, 5/12/2015.

. . . 54% of users do so multiple times throughout the day

7: Time Spent On Twitter Surpasses Five Billion Per Month
5.3 billion minutes per month is spent on twitter
in the US alone
That’s 5x the number of minutes since Rome fell,
at 850 million minutes.

“Social Media Engagement: The Surprising Facts About How Much Time People Spend On Major Social Networks,” BI Intelligence, 1/5/2014.

8: Combining TV And Twitter Advertising Strengthens Brand
Combining TV and Twitter advertising creates a:

95% stronger message association
58% higher purchase intent

“Always on Twitter: #TVxTwitter,” Twitter, 4/14/2014.

9: LinkedIn Is Comprised Of Decision Makers And Influencers

4 out of 5 LinkedIn members impact

LinkedIn audience has 2x the buying power of

business decisions in their Company

the average web audience.


“comScore Media Metrix Ranks Top 50 U.S. Web Properties for September 2012,” comScore, 10/24/2012.
“LinkedIn Audience 360 Survey” LinkedIn, 8/1/2011.

10: Mobile Advertising In The US Increase Year-Over-Year
110% increase in mobile advertising YoY
from$3.4 billion in 2012 to $7.1 billion in

“IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report,” IAB, 4/1/14.

11: Mobile Has Achieved First Screen Status

Americans spend 78 minutes
more per day on mobile digital
and media than TV

“Why Mobile is Essential for Brand Marketing,” Altimeter Group, 8/13/2014.

Video Ad Revenue Will Continue to Explode
Share of online display ad revenue claimed by video ads

Online display ad revenue will grow 13.7% by 2019,

. . .This is largely thanks to Video ads, which will be responsible for

from $20B in 2014 to $38B in 2019.

55% of that $38 billion total ad revenue by 2019.

“Video Growth Drives Display Advertising Spending To $37.6 Billion In 2019,” Forrester, 10/6/2014.

What is social.com?
A true self-service platform, that’s powerful but easy-to-use and helps run efficient and effective social ad campaigns at scale. It powers the largest agencies and advertisers globally including the biggest social media advertisers in gaming, retail, CPG,
finance and entertainment. We also provide premium, migration and support service options to help customers optimize, manage and scale their advertising teams and spend.
Who uses the platform?





Manage thousands of clients at scale

Direct Response, Reach, Collaboration

Mobile Publishers

Drive mobile app installs & engagement

App Installs


Drive app installs & revenue

Direct Response, LTV

Brand In-House Teams

Magnify brand message & conversions

Reach, Direct Response

What is Active Audiences?
Active Audiences helps marketers harness data from email, mobile, and social engagement along with the powerful automation and segmentation capabilities of Salesforce Marketing Cloud to create targeted audiences for paid media campaigns that drive
Why use it?
Agencies and advertisers can build highly targeted campaigns quickly and easily, with sophisticated tools to optimize and automate every dollar invested. Teams can share and collaborate around campaign assets, to allow scalability across social ad buying
and strategy.

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