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Data com connect presents josh krafchin how to write prospecting emails that get meetings

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How to Write Prospecting Emails that Get
Tips, tricks, and a/b test results

The Bottom Line

1. The fewer words the better
2. Replies are better than links
3. Sell the meeting, not the company
4. Bullet points are better than paragraphs
5. Personalization works

Subject Line A/B Test



We’ve got to talk

Take 20 minutes to talk
conversion rates with us. It’s
worth it.

If you only chat with one
marketing agency ...

{Company} + Clever Zebo: Let’s

Work Together


Subject Line A/B Test





We’ve got to talk



Take 20 minutes to talk







conversion rates with us. It’s
worth it.

If you only chat with one
marketing agency ...

{Company} + Clever Zebo: Let’s
Work Together

Body Copy Key Elements
Personalized greeting

Hi {Name},

Forge a connection

I'm writing because we like what your team at {Company} are up to and have some thoughts on how we can work together.

Clever Zebo does online marketing strategy & hands-on conversion rate optimization, and we do it well. Very well. We set up a rigorous, fast-moving A/B testing plan and help companies build revenue quickly by optimizing the way customers find, experience and re-engage a business' website.

What's it to you? Well, we're a boutique marketing optimization shop and have some extra capacity. We identified {Company} as a business we believe we can help significantly.

About us

Here's what I'm proposing:

1) A 20-minute call to look closely together at your conversion path -- how you attract customers to your website, compel them to buy and re-engage them.

We ask questions, you help us understand what you've tested so far and where you're headed.

Sell the meeting,
2) We present our findings and show you the weakest link(s) in your conversion path. We make recommendations.

not the company

3) If (and only if) you feel our recommendations offer a strong chance of improving conversion rates, we discuss what a pilot project looks like that would quickly demonstrate results.

Everyone's time is valuable. Please only take us up on this if you'd consider hiring Clever Zebo, given our ideas and experience seem like they could mesh with your team.

Any interest in setting up a conversation?

Qualify (optional)


Accounts Ace, Clever Zebo

Email marketing is about clicks.
Email conversations are about replies.

P.S. Learn more about what levels of service are available here.


Subject line (recommended)
Greeting (must)
Company mention in body (must)
Prospect-specific detail (recommended)

Forge a Connection

Immediately answer WHY you’re writing
Compliment the prospect
Demonstrate familiarity

“I'm writing because we like what your team at {Company} are up to and have
some thoughts on how we can work together.”

About Us


Provide a simple link to your website (maybe)
Be brief
Focus on benefits

Zebo does online marketing strategy & hands-on conversion rate optimization, and we do it well. Very well. We set up a rigorous, fast-

moving A/B testing plan and help companies build revenue quickly by optimizing the way customers find, experience and re-engage a business'

Sell the Meeting, Not the Company

NO ONE is going to buy from a cold email alone
It’s only useful as a way to set up the next step
Explain why it’s worth the prospect’s time
Be honest

“1) A 20-minute call to look closely together at your conversion path -- how you attract customers to your website, compel them to buy and re-engage them.

We ask questions, you help us understand what you've tested so far and where you're headed.

2) We present our findings and show you the weakest link(s) in your conversion path. We make recommendations.

3) If (and only if) you feel our recommendations offer a strong chance of improving conversion rates, we discuss what a pilot project looks like that would quickly demonstrate results.”

Qualify (Optional)

Value your time and theirs
Make it clear this is also a sales convo
Set the precedent of direct communication

“Everyone's time is valuable. Please only take us up on this if you'd consider hiring Clever Zebo, given our ideas
and experience seem like they could mesh with your team.”

Email Conversations Are About Replies

This ain’t email marketing
People tend to mistrust links in emails (for good reason)
This is a conversation with a human. Start and end it that way.

“Any interest in setting up a conversation?”

Other Keys:

Make sure your ad copy is tuned into a highly targeted list
No typos!
Test, test, test before pressing send
It’s a numbers game
Follow ups are important but be respectful

Post-webinar email optimization consult

5 webinar participants will receive a free post-webinar email optimization

Let us know if you’re interested!

Contact Me

Josh Krafchin
