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Red book atlas of pediatric infectious diseases 2013

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Red Book®


of pediatric infectious diseases
2nd Edition
Carol J. Baker, MD, FAAP

American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Blvd
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1019

American Academy of Pediatrics Department of Marketing and Publications Staἀ
Maureen DeRosa, MPA, Director, Department of Marketing and Publications
Mark Grimes, Director, Division of Product Development
Martha Cook, MS, Sr Product Development Editor

Carrie Peters, Editorial Assistant
Sandi King, MS, Director, Division of Publishing and Production Services
Theresa Wiener, Manager, Publications Production and Manufacturing
Kate Larson, Manager, Editorial Services
Peg Mulcahy, Manager Graphic Design and Production
Linda Smessaert, Manger, Clinical and Professional Publications Marketing

Library of Congress Control Number LOC 2012941376
ISBN: 978-1-58110-753-1
eISBN: 978-1-58110-795-1
The recommendations in this publication do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as a
standard of medical care. Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
The publishers have made every effort to trace the copyright holders for borrowed material. If they have
inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at first opportunity.
Copyright © 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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Printed in the United States of America.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................................ VII
1/Actinomycosis .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2/Adenovirus Infections ............................................................................................................................... 4
3/Amebiasis ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
4/Amebic Meningoence�phalitis and Keratitis (Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba
species, and Balamuthia mandrillaris) ................................................................................................. 12
5/Anthrax ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
6/Arboviruses (Including California Serogroup, Chikungunya, Colorado Tick
Fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Japanese Encephalitis, �Powassan,
St Louis Encephalitis, Tickborne Encephalitis, Venezuelan Equine
Encephalitis, Western Equine Encephalitis, and Yellow Fever Viruses) ........................................ 22
7/Arcanobacterium �haemolyticum Infections ......................................................................................... 29
8/Ascaris lumbricoides Infections ............................................................................................................. 31
9/Aspergillosis .............................................................................................................................................. 34
10/Astrovirus Infections ............................................................................................................................. 38
11/Babesiosis .................................................................................................................................................. 40
12/Bacillus cereus Infections ....................................................................................................................... 43
13/Bacterial Vaginosis ................................................................................................................................. 45
14/Bacteroides and �Prevotella Infections .................................................................................................. 47
15/Balantidium coli �Infections (Balantidiasis) ........................................................................................ 49
16/Baylisascaris Infections .......................................................................................................................... 51
17/Blastocystis hominis Infections ............................................................................................................. 54
18/Blastomycosis .......................................................................................................................................... 56
19/Borrelia Infections (Relapsing Fever) .................................................................................................. 58
20/Brucellosis ............................................................................................................................................... 60
21/Burkholderia Infections ......................................................................................................................... 62
22/Human Calicivirus Â�Infections (Norovirus and Sapovirus) ............................................................ 65
23/Campylobacter Infections ..................................................................................................................... 67
24/Candidiasis (Moniliasis, Thrush) ........................................................................................................ 70
25/Cat-Scratch Disease (Bartonella henselae) . ..................................................................................... 79
26/Chancroid ................................................................................................................................................ 84
27/Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) �pneumoniae ....................................................................... 86

28/Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) psittaci (Psittacosis, Ornithosis) ...................................... 87
29/Chlamydia trachomatis . .................................................................................................................... 89
30/Clostridium botulinum (Botulism and Infant �Botulism) ................................................................. 94
31/Clostridium diἀ cile . ........................................................................................................................... 99
32/Clostridium perfringens Food Poisoning .......................................................................................... 101
33/Clostridial Myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene) .......................................................................................... 103
34/Coccidioidomycosis ............................................................................................................................. 105
35/Coronaviruses, Including SARS ......................................................................................................... 111
36/Cryptococcus neoformans Infections (Cryptococcosis) ................................................................. 113
37/Cryptosporidiosis ................................................................................................................................. 116
38/Cutaneous Larva Migrans ................................................................................................................... 120
39/Cyclosporiasis ....................................................................................................................................... 122
40/Cytomegalovirus Infection ................................................................................................................ 125
41/Dengue .................................................................................................................................................. 130
42/Diphtheria ............................................................................................................................................. 132
43/Ehrlichia and Anaplasma Infections (Human Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis) ....................... 137



44/Enterovirus (Nonpoliovirus) and Parechovirus Infections (Group A and
B Coxsackieviruses, Echoviruses, Numbered Enteroviruses, and
Human Parechoviruses) ..................................................................................................................... 142
45/Epstein-Barr Virus �Infections (Infectious Mononucleosis) .......................................................... 147
46/Escherichia coli and Other Gram-Negative Bacilli (Septicemia and Meningitis
in Neonates) .......................................................................................................................................... 151
47/Escherichia coli Diarrhea (Including Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome) .......................................... 155
48/Fusobacterium Infections (Including Lemierre Disease) .............................................................. 160

49/Giardia intestinalis (�formerly Giardia lamblia and Giardia duodenalis) Infections
(Giardiasis) ............................................................................................................................................ 163
50/Gonococcal Infections ......................................................................................................................... 167
51/Granuloma Inguinale (Donovanosis) ................................................................................................ 173
52/Haemophilus influenzae Infections ................................................................................................... 175
53/Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome .................................................................................................... 179
54/Helicobacter pylori �Infections ............................................................................................................. 184
55/Hemorrhagic Fevers Caused by Arenaviruses ................................................................................. 186
56/Hemorrhagic Fevers and Related Syndromes Caused by Viruses of the
Family Bunyaviridae ............................................................................................................................ 188
57/Hepatitis A ............................................................................................................................................. 190
58/Hepatitis B ............................................................................................................................................. 193
59/Hepatitis C ............................................................................................................................................. 200
60/Hepatitis D ............................................................................................................................................ 203
61/Hepatitis E ............................................................................................................................................. 204
62/Herpes Simplex ..................................................................................................................................... 206
63/Histoplasmosis ...................................................................................................................................... 216
64/Hookworm Infections (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator �americanus) .............................. 220
65/Human Bocavirus ................................................................................................................................ 224
66/Human Herpesvirus 6 (Including Roseola) and 7 .......................................................................... 225
67/Human Herpesvirus 8 ......................................................................................................................... 229
68/HIV Infection ....................................................................................................................................... 230
69/Influenza ................................................................................................................................................ 246
70/Isosporiasis (now �designated as �Cystoisosporiasis) ........................................................................ 253
71/Kawasaki Disease ................................................................................................................................. 255
72/Legionella pneumophila Infections .................................................................................................... 262
73/Leishmaniasis ........................................................................................................................................ 265
74/Leprosy ................................................................................................................................................... 270
75/Leptospirosis ......................................................................................................................................... 273
76/Listeria monocytogenes Infections (Listeriosis) ............................................................................... 276

77/Lyme Disease (Lyme Borreliosis, Borrelia burgdorferi �Infection) ................................................ 280
78/Lymphatic Filariasis (Bancroftian, Malayan, and Timorian) ....................................................... 288
79/Lymphocytic �Choriomeningitis ........................................................................................................ 292
80/Malaria ................................................................................................................................................... 294
81/Measles ................................................................................................................................................... 300
82/Meningococcal Infections .................................................................................................................. 304
83/Human Metapneumovirus ................................................................................................................. 310
84/Microsporidia Infections (Microsporidiosis) .................................................................................. 312
85/Molluscum Contagiosum ................................................................................................................... 314
86/Mumps ................................................................................................................................................... 316
87/Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Other Mycoplasma Species Infections ........................................ 320
88/Nocardiosis ........................................................................................................................................... 326
89/Onchocerciasis (River Blindness, Filariasis) ................................................................................... 329
90/Human Papillomaviruses ................................................................................................................... 331



91/Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American Blastomycosis) ........................................................... 336
92/Paragonimiasis ..................................................................................................................................... 338
93/Parainfluenza Viral �Infections ........................................................................................................... 341
94/Parasitic Diseases ................................................................................................................................. 344
95/Parvovirus B19 (Erythema Infectiosum, Fifth Disease) ................................................................ 353
96/Pasteurella Infections .......................................................................................................................... 357
97/Pediculosis Capitis (Head Lice) .......................................................................................................... 359
98/Pediculosis Corporis (Body Lice) ...................................................................................................... 362

99/Pediculosis Pubis (Pubic Lice, Crab Lice) ........................................................................................ 363
100/Pertussis (Whooping Cough) .......................................................................................................... 365
101/Pinworm Infection (Enterobius vermicularis) ............................................................................... 370
102/Pityriasis Versicolor (Tinea Versicolor) .......................................................................................... 373
103/Plague ................................................................................................................................................... 376
104/Pneumococcal Infections .................................................................................................................. 380
105/Pneumocystis jiroveci Infections ....................................................................................................... 388
106/Poliovirus Infections ......................................................................................................................... 392
107/Prion Diseases: �Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies ................................................... 395
108/Q Fever ................................................................................................................................................. 399
109/Rabies ................................................................................................................................................... 402
110/Rat-Bite Fever ...................................................................................................................................... 406
111/Respiratory Syncytial Virus .............................................................................................................. 409
112/Rickettsial Diseases ............................................................................................................................. 412
113/Rickettsialpox ....................................................................................................................................... 413
114/Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever ........................................................................................................ 415
115/Rotavirus Infections ............................................................................................................................ 418
116/Rubella .................................................................................................................................................. 420
117/Salmonella Infections .......................................................................................................................... 426
118/Scabies ................................................................................................................................................... 431
119/Schistosomiasis .................................................................................................................................... 436
120/Shigella Infections ............................................................................................................................. 440
121/Smallpox (Variola) .............................................................................................................................. 443
122/Sporotrichosis ...................................................................................................................................... 447
123/Staphylococcal Infections .................................................................................................................. 449
124/Group A Streptococcal Infections ................................................................................................... 473
125/Group B Streptococcal Infections .................................................................................................... 488
126/Non–Group A or B Â�Streptococcal and Â�Enterococcal Infections ................................................ 493
127/Strongyloidiasis (Strongyloides stercoralis) ................................................................................... 498
128/Syphilis ................................................................................................................................................. 501

129/Tapeworm Diseases (Taeniasis and Cysticercosis) ....................................................................... 516
130/Other Tapeworm �Infections (Including Hydatid Disease) .......................................................... 521
131/Tetanus (Lockjaw) ............................................................................................................................... 526
132/Tinea Capitis (Ringworm of the Scalp) ........................................................................................... 530
133/Tinea Corporis (Ringworm of the Body) ........................................................................................ 534
134/Tinea Cruris (Jock Itch) ..................................................................................................................... 537
135/Tinea Pedis and Tinea Unguium (Athlete’s Foot, Ringworm of the Feet) ................................ 539
136/Toxocariasis (Visceral Larva Migrans, Ocular Larva Migrans) ................................................. 541
137/Toxoplasma gondii �Infections (Toxoplasmosis) .............................................................................. 544
138/Trichinellosis (Trichinella spiralis) .................................................................................................. 553
139/Trichomonas vaginalis Infections (Trichomoniasis) ..................................................................... 557
140/Trichuriasis (Whipworm Infection) ............................................................................................... 560
141/African Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness) ................................................................ 561
142/American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas Disease) .............................................................................. 564



143/Tuberculosis ......................................................................................................................................... 567
144/Diseases Caused by Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (Atypical Mycobacteria,
Mycobacteria Other Than Mycobacterium tuberculosis) ........................................................... 595
145/Tularemia ............................................................................................................................................. 601
146/Endemic Typhus (Murine Typhus) .................................................................................................. 605
147/Epidemic Typhus (Louseborne or Sylvatic Typhus) ...................................................................... 607
148/Varicella-Zoster Infections ............................................................................................................... 609
149/Vibrio cholerae Infections ................................................................................................................. 616
150/Other Vibrio Infections ..................................................................................................................... 619
151/West Nile Virus .................................................................................................................................... 620

152/Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudo�tuberculosis Infections (Enteritis and
Other Illnesses) .................................................................................................................................... 624
Index ............................................................................................................................................................ 627



The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Red Book® Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
2nd Edition, is a summary of key disease information from the AAP Red Book®: 2012 Report of
the Committee on Infectious Diseases. It is intended to be a study guide for students, residents,
and Â�practitioners.
Visual representations of common and atypical clinical manifestations of infectious �diseases
provide diagnostic information not found in the print version of the Red Book. The �juxtaposition
of these visuals with a summary of the clinical features, epidemiology, diagnostic methods, and
treatment information serves as a training tool and quick reference. The Red Book Atlas is not
intended to provide detailed treatment and management information but rather a big-�picture
approach that can be refined by consulting reference texts or infectious disease �specialists.
Â�Complete disease and treatment information from the AAP can be found on Red Book® Online
(www.aapredbook.org), the electronic version of the Red Book.
This Red Book Atlas could not have been completed without the superb assistance of Martha
Cook at the AAP and of those physicians who photographed disease manifestations in their
patients and shared these with the AAP. Some diseases rarely are seen today because of improved
preventive strategies, especially immunization programs. While photographs can’t replace handson experience, they have helped me to consider the likelihood of a correct diagnosis, and I hope
this will be so for the reader. I also want to thank those individuals at the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention who generously have provided many photographs of the etiologic agents,

vectors, and life cycles of parasites and protozoa relevant to these largely domestic infections.
The study of pediatric infectious diseases has been a challenging and changing professional life
that has brought me great joy. To gather information with my ears and eyes (the history and physical examination), place this into the context of relevant epidemiology and incubation, and then
select appropriate diagnostic studies is still exciting. Putting these many pieces together to arrive
at the correct diagnosis is akin to solving a crime. On many occasions, just seeing the clue (eg, a
characteristic rash, an asymmetry, a swelling) will solve the medical puzzle, lead to recovery with
the proper management, and bring satisfaction almost nothing can replace. It is my hope that the
readers of the second edition of the Red Book Atlas might find a similar enthusiasm for the field.
Carol J. Baker, MD, FAAP






Actinomyces israelii is the most common species causing human disease but at least 5 other
Actinomyces species are human pathogens. All
are slow-growing, microaerophilic or facultative anaerobic, gram-positive, filamentous
branching bacilli. Actinomyces species frequently are copathogens in tissues harboring
multiple other anaerobic and/or aerobic species. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is

a frequent copathogen, and its isolation may
predict the presence of actinomycosis.

Clinical Manifestations
Actinomycosis results from pathogen introduction following a breakdown in mucocutaneous protective barriers. Spread within the
host is by direct invasion of adjacent tissues,
typically forming sinus tracts that cross tissue planes.
There are 3 common anatomic sites of infection. Cervicofacial is most common, often
occurring after tooth extraction, oral surgery,
other oral/facial trauma, or even from carious
teeth. Localized pain and induration can
Â�progress to cervical abscess and “woody hard”
Â�nodular lesions (“lumpy jaw”), which can
develop draining sinus tracts, usually at the
angle of the jaw or in the submandibular
region. Infection also may contribute to
chronic tonsillar airway obstruction. Thoracic
disease can be an extension of cervicofacial
infection but most commonly it is secondary
to aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions. It
rarely occurs after esophageal disruption during or nonpenetrating trauma. Presentations
include pneumonia, which can be complicated
by lung abscesses, empyema and, rarely,
pleurodermal sinuses. Focal or multifocal
mediastinal and pulmonary masses may be
mistaken for tumors. Abdominal actinomycosis usually is attributable to penetrating trauma
or intestinal perforation. The appendix and
cecum are the most common sites; symptoms
are similar to appendicitis. Slowly developing
masses can simulate abdominal or retroperitoneal neoplasms. Intraabdominal abscesses and

peritoneal-�dermal draining sinuses occur with
chronic infection often forming draining sinus
tracts with purulent discharge. Other sites of
infection include liver, pelvis (which, in some
cases, has been linked to use of intrauterine
devices), heart, testicles, and brain (typically
associated with a primary pulmonary focus).
Noninvasive primary cutaneous actinomycosis
has occurred.

Actinomyces species occur worldwide, being
components of endogenous oral gastrointestinal tract and vaginal flora. Actinomyces species
are opportunistic pathogens (reported in
patients with HIV and chronic granulomatous
disease), with disease usually following penetrating and nonpenetrating trauma. Infection
is uncommon in infants and children, with
80% of cases occurring in adults. The male-tofemale ratio in children is 1.5:1. Overt, microbiologically confirmed, monomicrobial disease
caused by Actinomyces species is rare.
Incubation Period
Varies from several days to several years.
Diagnostic Tests
Microscopic demonstration of beaded,
branched, non-acid fast, gram-positive bacilli
in purulent material or tissue specimens suggests the diagnosis. Yellow “sulfur granules”
visualized microscopically or macroscopically
in drainage or loculations of purulent material
also suggest the diagnosis. A Gram stain of
“sulfur granules” discloses a dense aggregate
of bacterial filaments mixed with inflammatory debris. Immunofluorescent stains for

�Actinomyces species and 16s rRNA sequencing
and polymerase chain reaction assay are available for tissue specimens. Only normally sterile
site specimens should be submitted for culture,
and specimens must be obtained, transported,
and cultured anaerobically on special media
for greatest diagnostic sensitivity.


Initial therapy should include intravenous
�penicillin G or ampicillin for 4 to 6 weeks,
�followed by high doses of oral penicillin typically for a total of 4 to 12 months. Amoxicillin,
erythromycin, clindamycin, doxycycline, and

tetracycline are alternative antimicrobial
choices. Surgical drainage or debridement
often is a necessary adjunct to medical management and may allow for a shorter duration
of antimicrobial treatment.

Image 1.1

Tissue showing filamentous branching rods of
Actinomyces israelii (Brown and Brenn stain).
Actinomyces have fastidious growth
requirements. Staining of a crushed sulfur
granule reveals branching bacilli.

Image 1.2

A brain heart infusion agar plate culture of
Actinomyces sp, magnification x573, at 10 days
of incubation. Courtesy of Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention/Dr George.

Image 1.3

A 10-year-old boy with chronic pulmonary,
abdominal, and lower extremity abscesses
with€chronic draining sinus tracts from which
Actinomyces israelii was isolated. Prolonged
antimicrobial treatment and surgical drainage
were required for resolution of this

Image 1.4

Actinomycotic abscesses of the thigh of the
child€in Image 1.3. Actinomyces infections
are€often polymicrobial. Actinobacillus
actinomycetemcomitans, one of the HACEK
group of organisms, may accompany
Actinomyces israelii and may cause endocarditis.


Image 1.5

An 8-month-old infant with pulmonary
actinomycosis, an uncommon infection in
infancy€that may follow aspiration. As in this
infant, most cases of actinomycosis are caused
by Actinomyces israelii.

Image 1.7

The resected right lower lobe, diaphragm, and
portion of the liver in a 3-year-old previously
healthy girl with an unknown source for her
pulmonary actinomycosis. Courtesy of Carol J.
Baker, MD.

Image 1.6

Clubbing of the thumb and fingers of the
8-month-old boy in Image 1.5 with chronic
pulmonary actinomycosis. Blood cultures were
repeatedly negative without clinical signs of
endocarditis. Courtesy of Edgar O. Ledbetter,



Adenovirus Infections


Adenovirus Infections
Clinical Manifestations
Adenovirus infections of the upper respiratory
tract are common and, although often sub�
clinical, can result in symptoms of the common cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis
media, and pharyngoconjunctival fever. Lifethreatening disseminated infection, severe
pneumonia, hepatitis, meningitis, and encephalitis occur occasionally, especially among
young infants and immunocompromised
hosts. Adenoviruses occasionally cause a
�pertussis-like �syndrome, croup, bronchiolitis,
�exudative tonsillitis, hemorrhagic cystitis, and
gastroenteritis. Ocular adenovirus infections
can present as a follicular conjunctivitis or as
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. In epidemic
keratoconjunctivitis, there is an autoimmune
infiltration of the cornea in addition to the follicular conjunctivitis. In both cases, ophthalmologic illness frequently presents acutely in
one eye followed by involvement of the other
eye. In epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, corneal
inflammation produces symptoms including
light sensitivity and vision loss.
Adenoviruses are double-stranded, nonenveloped DNA viruses; at least 51 distinct serotypes
divided into 6 species (A through F) cause
human infections. Some adenovirus types are
associated primarily with respiratory tract disease, and others are associated primarily with
gastroenteritis (types 40 and 41). Adenovirus

type 14 is emerging as a type that can cause
severe and sometimes fatal respiratory tract
illness in patients of all ages, including healthy
young adults, such as military recruits.
Infection in infants and children can occur at
any age. Adenoviruses causing respiratory tract
infections usually are transmitted by respiratory tract secretions through person-to-person
contact, airborne droplets, and fomites, the
latter because adenoviruses are stable in the
environment. The conjunctiva can provide a
portal of entry. Community outbreaks of ade-

novirus-associated pharyngoconjunctival fever
have been attributed to water exposure from
contaminated swimming pools and fomites,
such as shared towels. Health care–associated
transmission of adenoviral respiratory tract,
conjunctival, and gastrointestinal tract infections can occur in hospitals, residential insti�
tutions, and nursing homes from exposures
between infected health care personnel,
patients, or contaminated equipment. Adenovirus infections in transplant recipients can
occur from donor tissues. Epidemic kerato�
conjunctivitis commonly occurs by direct
�contact, has been associated with equipment
used during eye examinations, and is caused
principally by types 8 and 19. Enteric strains of
adenoviruses are transmitted by the fecal-oral
route. Adenoviruses causing respiratory and
enteric infections circulate throughout the

year. Enteric disease primarily affects children
younger than 4 years. Adenovirus infections
are most communicable during the first few
days of an acute illness, but persistent and
intermittent shedding for longer periods, even
months, is common. Asymptomatic infections
are common. Reinfection can occur.
Incubation Period
Respiratory tract infection, 2 to 14 days; gastroenteritis, 3 to 10 days.
Diagnostic Tests
The preferred methods for diagnosis of adenovirus infection include cell culture, antigen
detection, and DNA detection. Adenoviruses
associated with respiratory tract disease can
be isolated from pharyngeal and eye secretions
and feces by inoculation of specimens into susceptible cell cultures. A pharyngeal or ocular
isolate suggests recent infection, but a fecal
isolate indicates either recent infection or prolonged carriage. Rapid detection of adenovirus
antigens is possible in a variety of body fluids
by commercial immunoassay techniques.
These rapid assays can be useful for diagnosis
of respiratory tract infections, ocular disease,
and diarrheal disease. Enteric adenovirus types
40 and 41 usually cannot be isolated in standard cell cultures. Adenoviruses also can be
identified by electron microscopic examination
of respiratory tract or stool specimens, but this


modality lacks sensitivity. Polymerase chain
reaction assays for adenovirus DNA rapidly are
replacing other detection methods because of
improved sensitivity and increasing commercial availability. Adenovirus typing is available
from some reference and research laboratories.


Treatment of adenovirus infection is supportive.
Randomized clinical trials evaluating �specific
antiviral therapy have not been performed.
However, the successful use of intravenous
cidofovir has been reported in immuno�
compromised patients with severe adenoviral Â�disease.

Image 2.1

Transmission electron micrograph of adenovirus.
Adenoviruses have a characteristic icosahedral
structure. Courtesy of Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention/Dr William Gary, Jr.

Image 2.3

Adenoviral pneumonia in an 8-year-old girl with
diffuse pulmonary infiltrate bilaterally. Most
adenoviral infections in the normal host are �
self-limited and require no specific treatment.

Lobar consolidation is unusual.

Image 2.2

Acute follicular adenovirus conjunctivitis.
Adenoviruses are resistant to alcohol, detergents,
and chlorhexidine and may contaminate
ophthalmologic solutions and equipment.
Instruments can be disinfected by steam
autoclaving or immersion in 1% sodium
hypochlorite for 10 minutes.


Adenovirus Infections

Image 2.4

Histopathology of the lung with bronchiolar occlusion in an immunocompromised child who died
with€adenoviral pneumonia. Note interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration and hyaline membranes.
Adenoviruses types 3 and 7 can cause necrotizing bronchitis and bronchiolitis. Courtesy of Edgar
O.€Ledbetter, MD, FAAP.

Image 2.5

Pulmonary histopathology of the immuno�
compromised child in Image 2.4 showing multiple
adenovirus intranuclear inclusion cells. Courtesy
of Edgar O. Ledbetter, MD, FAAP.

Image 2.6

A previously healthy 3-year-old boy who
presented with respiratory failure requiring
intensive care for adenovirus type 7 pneumonia.
He eventually recovered with mild impairment
in€pulmonary function studies. Note the pneuo�
mediastinum. Courtesy of Carol J. Baker, MD.



Clinical Manifestations
Clinical syndromes associated with Entamoeba
histolytica infection include noninvasive intestinal tract infection, intestinal amebiasis (amebic colitis), ameboma, and liver abscess.
Disease is more severe in young children, the
elderly , malnourished people, and pregnant
women. Patients with noninvasive intestinal
tract infection can be asymptomatic or can
have nonspecific intestinal tract complaints.
Patients with intestinal amebiasis generally
have a gradual onset of symptoms over 1 to
3 weeks. The mildest form of intestinal tract
disease is nondysenteric colitis. However,

�amebic dysentery is the most common manifestation of amebiasis and generally includes
diarrhea with either gross or microscopic
blood in the stool, lower abdominal pain, and
tenesmus. Weight loss is common, but fever
occurs in only about 8% to 38% of patients.
�Symptoms can be chronic and mimic those
of inflammatory bowel disease. Progressive
involvement of the colon can produce toxic
megacolon, fulminant colitis, ulceration of the
colon and perianal area and, rarely, perforation. Colonic progression can occur at multiple
sites and carries a high fatality rate. Progression can occur in patients inappro�priately
treated with corticosteroids or anti�motility
drugs. An ameboma may occur as an annular
lesion of the colon and may present as a palpable mass on physical examination. Amebomas
can occur in any area of the colon but are more
common in the cecum. Amebomas may be
mistaken for colonic carcinoma. Amebomas
usually resolve with antiamebic therapy and
do not require surgery.
In a small proportion of patients, extraintes�
tinal disease can occur. The liver is the most
common extraintestinal site, and infection can
spread from there to the pleural space, lungs,
and pericardium. Liver abscess can be acute,
with fever, abdominal pain, tachypnea, liver
tenderness, and hepatomegaly, or may be
chronic, with weight loss, vague abdominal
symptoms, and irritability. Rupture of a liver
abscess into the abdomen or chest may lead to


death. Evidence of recent intestinal tract
�infection usually is absent. Infection also can
spread from the colon to the genitourinary
tract and the skin. The organism rarely spreads
hematogenously to the brain and other areas
of the body.
The genus Entamoeba includes 6 species that
live in the human intestine. Three of these
�species are identical morphologically: E histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, and Entamoeba
moshkovskii. The pathogenic E histolytica and
the nonpathogenic E dispar and E moshkovskii
are excreted as cysts or trophozoites in stools
of infected people.
E histolytica can be found worldwide but is
more prevalent in people of lower socioeconomic status who live in resource-limited
countries, where the prevalence of amebic
infection may be as high as 50% in some communities. Groups at increased risk of infection
in industrialized countries include immigrants
from or long-term visitors to areas with
endemic infection, institutionalized people,
and men who have sex with men. E histolytica
is transmitted via amebic cysts by the fecal-oral
route. Ingested cysts, which are unaffected by
gastric acid, undergo excystation in the alkaline small intestine and produce trophozoites
that infect the colon. Cysts that develop sub�
sequently are the source of transmission,

�especially from asymptomatic cyst excreters.
Infected patients excrete cysts intermittently,
sometimes for years if untreated. Transmission
has been associated with contaminated food
or water. Fecal-oral transmission also can
occur in the setting of anal sexual practices
or direct rectal inoculation through colonic
irrigation devices.
Incubation Period
Variable, ranging from a few days to months or
years but commonly 2 to 4 weeks.
Diagnostic Tests
A presumptive diagnosis of intestinal tract
infection depends on identifying trophozoites
or cysts in stool specimens. Examination of


serial specimens may be necessary. Specimens
of stool can be examined microscopically by
wet mount within 30 minutes of collection or
may be fixed in formalin or polyvinyl alcohol
(available in kits) for concentration, permanent
staining, and subsequent microscopic examination. Biopsy specimens and endoscopy
scrapings (not swabs) can be examined using
similar methods. Polymerase chain reaction,
isoenzyme analysis, and monoclonal antibodybased antigen detection assays can differentiate
E histolytica from E dispar and E moshkovskii.
Commercially available enzyme immuno�assay

(EIA) kits for serum can diagnose amebiasis.
The EIA detects antibody specific for E histolytica in approximately 95% of patients with
extraintestinal amebiasis, 70% of patients with
active intestinal tract infection, and 10% of
asymptomatic people who are passing cysts of
E histolytica. Positive serologic tests persist
even after adequate therapy.
Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and
magnetic resonance imaging can identify liver
abscesses and other extraintestinal sites of
infection. Aspirates from a liver abscess usually
show neither trophozoites nor leukocytes.

kovskii infections are considered to be nonpathogenic and do not require treatment.
Corticosteroids and antimotility drugs administered to people with amebiasis can worsen
symptoms and the disease process. The following regimens are recommended:
• Asymptomatic cyst excreters (intraluminal
infections): treat with a luminal amebicide,
such as iodoquinol, paromomycin, or diloxanide. Metronidazole is not effective.
• Patients with intestinal tract symptoms or
extraintestinal disease (including liver
abscess): treat with metronidazole or tinidazole, followed by a therapeutic course of a
luminal amebicide (iodoquinol or paromomycin). An alternate treatment for liver
abscess is chloroquine administered concomitantly with metronidazole or tinidazole, followed by a therapeutic course of a
luminal amebicide.
Percutaneous or surgical aspiration of large
liver abscesses occasionally can be required
when response to medical therapy is unsatisfactory. In most cases of liver abscess, though,
drainage is not required.

Treatment involves elimination of the tissueinvading trophozoites as well as organisms
in the intestinal lumen. E dispar and E mosh-

Image 3.1

Trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica with ingested erythrocytes. Trichrome stain. The ingested
erythrocytes appear as dark inclusions. Erythrophagocytosis is the only characteristic that can
be€used to differentiate morphologically E histolytica from the nonpathogenic E dispar. In these
specimens, the parasite nuclei have the typical small, centrally located karyosome and thin, uniform
peripheral chromatin. Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Image 3.2

Cysts of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar. Line drawing (A), wet mounts (B; iodine C),
and€permanent preparations stained with trichrome (D, E). The cysts are usually spherical and often
have a halo (B, C). Mature cysts have 4 nuclei. The cyst in B appears uninucleate, while in C, D, and
E,€2 to 3 nuclei are visible in the focal plane (the fourth nucleus is coming into focus in D). The nuclei
have characteristically centrally located karyosomes and fine, uniformly distributed peripheral
chromatin. The cysts in C, D, and E contain chromatoid bodies, with the one in D being particularly
well demonstrated, with typically blunted ends. E histolytica cysts usually measure 12 to 15 µm.
Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Image 3.3

This amebiasis patient presented with tissue
destruction and granulation of the anoperineal
region due to an Entamoeba histolytica
infection.€Courtesy of Centers for Disease
Control€and Prevention.



Image 3.5
Image 3.4

This patient presented with a case of invasive
extraintestinal amebiasis affecting the cutaneous
region of the right flank. Courtesy of Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention/Kerrison Juniper,
MD, and George Healy, PhD,€DPDx.

Image 3.6

This patient presented with a case of invasive
extraintestinal amebiasis affecting the cutaneous
region of the right flank causing severe tissue
necrosis. Here we see the site of tissue
destruction, pre-debridement. Courtesy of
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/
Kerrison Juniper, MD, and George Healy,

Gross pathology of amebic (Entamoeba
histolytica) abscess of liver. Tube of “chocolatelike” pus from abscess. Amebic liver abscesses
are usually singular, large, and in the right lobe of
the liver. Bacterial hepatic abscesses are more
likely to be multiple. Courtesy of Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention/Dr Mae Melvin;
Dr E. West.

Image 3.7



Cysts are passed in feces (1). Infection by Entamoeba histolytica occurs by ingestion of mature cysts
(2) in fecally contaminated food, water, or hands. Excystation (3) occurs in the small intestine and
trophozoites (4) are released, which migrate to the large intestine. The trophozoites multiply by binary
fission and produce cysts (5), which are passed in the feces (1). Because of the protection conferred
by their walls, the cysts can survive days to weeks in the external environment and are responsible for
transmission. (Trophozoites can also be passed in diarrheal stools, but are rapidly destroyed once
outside the body, and if ingested would not survive exposure to the gastric environment.) In many
cases, the trophozoites remain confined to the intestinal lumen (A: noninvasive infection) of individuals
who are asymptomatic carriers, passing cysts in their stool. In some patients the trophozoites invade
the intestinal mucosa (B: intestinal disease) or, through the bloodstream, extraintestinal sites such as
the liver, brain, and lungs (C: extraintestinal disease), with resultant pathologic manifestations. The
invasive and noninvasive forms represent 2 separate species, respectively E histolytica and E dispar;

however, not all persons infected with E histolytica will have invasive disease. These 2 species are
morphologically indistinguishable. Transmission can also occur through fecal exposure during sexual
contact (in which case not only cysts, but also trophozoites, could prove infective). Courtesy of
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Amebic Meningoence�phalitis and Keratitis



Amebic Meningoence­
phalitis and Keratitis

Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba species, and
Balamuthia mandrillaris are free-living amebae that exist as motile, infectious trophozoites
and environmentally hardy cysts.

(Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba species,
and Balamuthia mandrillaris)

Clinical Manifestations
Naegleria fowleri causes a rapidly progressive,
almost always fatal, primary amebic meningoencephalitis. Early symptoms include fever,
headache, vomiting, and sometimes disturbances of smell and taste, then progresses rapidly to signs of meningoencephalitis including
nuchal rigidity, lethargy, confusion, personality changes, and altered level of consciousness.
Seizures are common, and death generally

occurs within a week of onset of symptoms.
No distinct clinical features differentiate this
disease from fulminant bacterial meningitis
or other causes of meningoencephalitis.
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE)
caused by Acanthamoeba species and Balamuthia mandrillaris has a more insidious onset
and progression of manifestations occurring
weeks to months after exposure. Signs and
symptoms include personality changes, seizures, headaches, nuchal rigidity, ataxia, cranial nerve palsies, hemiparesis, and other focal
deficits. Fever often is low grade and intermittent. Chronic granulomatous skin lesions (pustules, nodules, ulcers) may be present without
central nervous system (CNS) involvement,
particularly in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and lesions on the
midface may present for months before CNS
involvement in immunocompetent hosts.
The most common symptoms of amebic kera�
titis, usually attributable to Acanthamoeba
species, are pain (often out of proportion to
clinical signs), photophobia, tearing, and
�foreign body sensation. Characteristic signs
include radial keratoneuritis and stromal ring
infiltrate. Acanthamoeba keratitis generally
follows an indolent course and initially can
resemble herpes simplex or bacterial keratitis;
delay in diagnosis is associated with
poor Â�outcome.

N fowleri is found in warm freshwater and
moist soil. Most infections have been associated with swimming in warm freshwater, such
as ponds, lakes, and hot springs, but other

sources have included tap water from geothermal sources and contaminated and poorly
chlorinated swimming pools. Disease has been
reported worldwide but is uncommon. In the
United States, infection occurs primarily in
the summer and usually affects children and
young adults. The trophozoites of the parasite
invade the brain directly from the nose along
the olfactory nerves via the cribriform plate. In
infections with N fowleri, trophozoites but not
cysts can be visualized in sections of brain or
in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Acanthamoeba species are distributed worldwide and are found in soil; dust; cooling towers
of electric and nuclear power plants; heating,
ventilating, and air-conditioning units; fresh
and brackish water; whirlpool baths; and
�physiotherapy pools. The environmental niche
of B mandrillaris is not delineated clearly,
although it has been isolated from soil. CNS
infection attributable to Acanthamoeba occurs
primarily in debilitated and immunocompromised people. However, some patients infected
with B mandrillaris have had no demonstrable
underlying disease or disability. CNS infection
by both amebae probably occurs by inhalation
or direct contact with contaminated soil or
water. The primary foci of these infections
most likely are skin or respiratory tract, followed by hematogenous spread to the brain.
Acanthamoeba keratitis occurs primarily in
people who wear contact lenses, although it
also has been associated with corneal trauma.
Poor contact lens hygiene or disinfection practices as well as swimming with contact lenses

are risk factors.


Incubation Period
Incubation period for N fowleri is typically 3 to
7 days. Acanthamoeba and Balamuthia GAE
incubation periods are unknown but are
thought to range from several weeks to months
for CNS disease and within a few weeks for
Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Diagnostic Tests
In N fowleri infection, computed tomography
scans of the head without contrast are unremarkable or show only cerebral edema; contrast meningeal enhancement of the basilar
cisterns and sulci may be found. However,
these changes are nonspecific. CSF pressure
usually is elevated (300 to >600 mm H2O), and
CSF can have polymorphonuclear pleocytosis,
increased protein concentration, and a normal
to very low glucose concentration. N fowleri
infection can be documented by microscopic
demonstration of the motile trophozoites on a
wet mount of centrifuged CSF. Smears of CSF
should be stained with Giemsa, trichrome, or
Wright stains to identify the trophozoites, if
present; Gram stain is not useful.
In infection with Acanthamoeba species and

B mandrillaris, trophozoites and cysts can be
visualized in sections of brain, lungs, and skin;
in cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis, they also
can be visualized in corneal scrapings and by
confocal microscopy in vivo in the cornea. In
GAE infections, CSF indices typically reveal a
lymphocytic pleocytosis and an increased protein concentration, with normal or low glucose
concentrations. Computed tomography and
magnetic resonance imaging scans of the head
reveal single or multiple space-occupying,
ring-enhancing lesions that can mimic brain


abscesses, tumors, cerebrovascular accidents,
or other diseases. N fowleri and Acanthamoeba
species, but not Balamuthia species, can be
cultured on special media; B mandrillaris can
be grown using mammalian cell culture. Like
N fowleri, immunofluorescence and PCR assays
can be performed on clinical specimens to
identify Acanthamoeba species and Balamuthia species; these tests are available through
the Centers for Disease Control
and Â�Prevention.
Although an effective treatment regimen for
primary amebic meningoencephalitis due to
N fowleri has not been identified, amphotericin
B is the drug of choice. However, treatment
usually is unsuccessful, with only a few cases

of complete recovery documented. Two survivors recovered after treatment with amphotericin B in combination with an azole drug. Early
diagnosis and institution of high-dose drug
therapy is thought to be important for optimizing outcome. Effective treatment for infections
caused by Acanthamoeba species and B mandrillaris has not been established. Several
patients with Acanthamoeba GAE and Acanthamoeba cutaneous infections without CNS
involvement have been treated successfully
with a multidrug regimen consisting of various
combinations of pentamidine, sulfadiazine,
flucytosine, either fluconazole or itraconazole,
�trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and topical
application of chlorhexidine gluconate and
ketoconazole for skin lesions. Patients with
keratitis should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. Early diagnosis and therapy are
important for a good outcome.


Amebic Meningoence�phalitis and Keratitis

Image 4.1

Naegleria fowleri trophozoite in spinal fluid. Trichrome stain. Note the typically large karyosome and the
monopodial locomotion. Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Image 4.2

Naegleria fowleri trophozoites cultured from cerebrospinal fluid.
These cells have charac�teristically large nuclei, with a large,
dark-staining karyosome. The amebae are very active and

extend and retract pseudopods (trichrome stain). From a patient
who died of primary amebic meningoencephalitis in Virginia.
Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Image 4.3

Acanthamoeba keratitis. Courtesy of Susan Lehman, MD, FAAP.

Image 4.4

(A) Computed tomographic scan: note the right fronto-basal collection
(arrow) with a midline shift right to left. (B) Brain histology: 3 large
clusters of amebic vegetative forms are seen (hematoxylin-eosin stain,
x250). Inset: positive indirect immunofluorescent analysis on tissue
section with anti-Naegleria fowleri serum. Courtesy of Cogo PE, Scagli
M, Giatti S, et al. Fatal Naegleria fowleri meningoencephalitis, Italy.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2004;10(10):1835–1837.

