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ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 7 Language focus 5

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Period 101

Language focus 5

A. Objectives
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to revise about: adjectives, adverbs,
modal verbs, likes, dislikes, because/ Why, simple past, simple present, present
progressive, simple future tense
T’s preparation:Lesson plan, text book, extra board.
SS’ preparation: foresee the lesson, look up the dictionaries, text book, notebook,
C. Procedure:
I. Organization
Date ...............................Class 7A. 34 Absentee .........................
Date ...............................Class 7B. 32. Absentee .........................
Date ...............................Class 7C. 32. Absentee .........................
Date ...............................Class 7E. 32. Absentee .........................
Teacher's activities
Ss' activities
II. Warm up and check.
while teaching
III. New lesson.
Ask ss to say again the way to change
from adj to adv
ask ss to do ex 1/ 162
adjs or advs

correct ss’ mistakes

Work individually

Adj + ly = adv
b/ A- quickly
C- good
D- dangerous
E- skillfully

Listen and record
a. work in pair to read the dialogue
b. work in pair to make up similar
Ex 2/ 162 – Modal verbs
+ S + can/ must/ should / may /
S1: Can I play soccer Mom?
might/will…+ V…
S2: No, you can’t
- S + can/ must/ should/ may/……+
S1: Please, Mom

S2: First you must pratice the piano .
? Can/ must/ should/ may……+ V.
Then you can go
+ …?
S1: Great! Thanks, Mom

Ex3/ 164
Expressing like or dislike
Ask ss to practice in pairs
What would you like to eat?
What would you like?
Would you like…..?
I’d like……
I prefer…..
I don’t really like….
I don’t know….
No, I don’t like….
Yes. That sounds nice
Correct ss’ mistakes
Ex4/ 166
Ask ss to remember the past tense,
present tense, future tense
Ex5/ 166
Question with why and answer with
Ask ss to make up the dialogue
Give the keys and correct ss’ mistakes
IV. Production.

Ask ss to remember well all grammar.
V. Homework
Ask ss to revise all knowledge to
prepare for the second term exam

. b. you ought to take a glass of water
c. you should put on a sweater
d. you should take a rest
S1: What would you like to eat?
S2: I’d like spring rolls
S1: Would you like beef salad?
S2: No, I don’t like beef salad
Work individually
a- present simple
b- ………..
c- Past simple
d- F s
e- P s
f- Pre s
g- …..
h- Ps
i- Pre s
j- F s
Work in pairs
Nam : What’s your favorite color, Lan?
Lan: Blue
Nam: Why?
Lan : Because It’s hopeful

