Speciality: International Law
Ref. Code No.: 62 38 01 08
HÀ NỘI - 2014
The thesis was completed at:
1. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, (2011), Identifying principal legal
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Hoang Phuoc Hiep
features of anti-dumping disputes within the WTO, Jurisprudence
Journal, No.8/2011, p. 38-43 & p. 24.
Reviewer 1: Prof., Dr. Le Hong Hanh
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tang Van Nghia
Reviewer 3: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Dinh Ngoc Vuong
2. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, (2012), Historical development of the
Rules on the Resolution of Anti-dumping disputes within the WTO,
Jurisprudence Journal, No.10/2012, p. 24-30
Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, (2013), Anti-dumping disputes settlement
within the WTO – a comparison with dumping disputes settlement at
national level, State and Law Review , No.6(302)/2013, p. 61-67.
The thesis is upholding at the University Doctoral thesis
Examination Board, meeting at Hanoi University of Law.
The last (hour) on (date/month), 2014
The thesis can be found at:
1) The National Library
2) The Library of Hanoi University of Law
Following the guidelines set forth by the Political Party,
considering Vietnam’s recent participation in anti-dumping
1. Rationale of the research paper
cases as well as the exigent requirements of Vietnam, etc., there
In current international trade practice, anti-dumping
is clearly a highly urgent need for the doctoral research
disputes have become increasingly popular and complex.
"Settlement of anti-dumping disputes within the WTO
Facing this phenomenon, in addition to finding ways to deal
framework and the participation of developing countries and
with anti-dumping investigation and imposition of anti-
Vietnam – Theoretical and practical issues”, which is both
dumping duties overseas, Members of the World Trade
theoretically and practically valuable.
Organization (WTO) actively resort to appropriate mechanisms
2. The subjects and scope of research
to protect their legitimate rights and interests. The Dispute
Subjects of the thesis include: the formation and
Settlement Mechanism (DSM) of the WTO is thought to be one
development history and the application of international law in
of the most effective mechanisms at present.
anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO; the WTO's
On 11/01/2007, Vietnam officially became the 150th
current conceptions on anti-dumping issue, anti-dumping
Member of the WTO. Studying the WTO law and actively
disputes and international law applicable to the anti-dumping
participating in international economic integration as well as in
dispute settlement; the content of general and specific legal
resolving international disputes become a key task set out by
issues of the international law applicable to anti-dumping
the Political Party and the State in various documents. In fact,
dispute settlement at the WTO; the practices of the WTO anti-
by the end of 12/2013, Vietnam has participated in nine out of
dumping dispute settlement; the practices of participation of a
nineteen anti-dumping lawsuits involving Vietnam at the WTO.
number of developing countries, and Vietnam, in anti-dumping
In each dispute, Vietnam, at a certain level, actively
dispute settlement at the WTO.
participated in the DSM of the WTO. However, Vietnam’s
Issues on anti-dumping disputes and the settlement
participation has been limited due to the complexity of the
mechanism within the WTO framework are complex, therefore,
disputes as well as its ineffective coordination mechanism. This
require a wide scope of research. Within the limited length for a
reality puts out an urgent request on the need for a
thesis, the author may only focus on some issues such as: (1)
comprehensive study on the practice of law applicable to anti-
the formation and development history and the application of
dumping dispute settlement within the WTO framework as well
international law in anti-dumping dispute settlement at the
as the coordination mechanism among Vietnam’s agencies at
WTO; (2) current conceptions of the WTO on anti-dumping,
home and overseas in this field.
anti-dumping disputes and international law applicable to antidumping dispute settlement; (3) general and specific legal
issues of international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute
developing countries as well as their practices of participation
settlement, focusing on distinctive characteristics of anti-
in anti-dumping dispute settlement, and of Vietnam in
dumping dispute settlement and the scope of anti-dumping
particular; on that basis, suggests solutions that can help
dispute issues referred to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).
improve the effectiveness of participation of Vietnam in the
Although all dispute settlement methods within the WTO
WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement.
framework will be mentioned, the author will focus on
discussing anti-dumping dispute settlement at the DSB/WTO;
To accomplish such objectives, the thesis proposes the
following tasks of research:
(4) the WTO’s practices of anti-dumping dispute settlement in
- Analysing various views on anti-dumping issue and
general and the in-practice participation of India, China,
anti-dumping dispute settlement, and fundamental theoretical
Thailand and Vietnam in this field.
issues of international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute
3. Methodology and research methods
settlement within the WTO framework;
To further clarify the above-mentioned issues, the thesis
- Synthesising, analysing and evaluating practices of anti-
is done on the basic of using scientific research methods such
dumping dispute settlement at the WTO; focusing on the
as: the method of dialectical materialism, historical materialism
analysis of a number of cases and identifying shortcomings of
combined with systematic approach, synthesis methods,
the current regime; analysing and assessing the participation of
analytical methods, statistical methods, methods of comparison
India, China, Thailand and Vietnam in anti-dumping dispute
and contrast, combining theoretical with practical studies to
settlement at the WTO to present the experience lessons;
provide specific and feasible solutions. In this thesis, the
- Analysing fundamental views and guidlines to suggest
comparative method is utilized in most of the chapters,
solutions that can help improve the effectiveness of
especially in Chapter 2 whenever related legal terms are
participation of Vietnam in anti-dumping dispute settlement at
compared . Similarly, the method of combining theoretical with
the WTO.
practical research is used throughout the entire content of the
5. New research findings of the doctoral dissertation
thesis. Methods of synthesis and analysis are used to
- The thesis further clarifies the WTO’s current conception
complement comparative method.
on anti-dumping disputes by distinguishing these disputes
4. The objectives and tasks of research
within the WTO framework with: (i) "dumping disputes" and
The objectives of the thesis is to further clarify the
"anti-dumping disputes" under the national law of a Member
theoretical and practical issues through a comprehensive and
country, and; (ii) "anti-subsidy disputes" and "safeguard
systematic research into issues relating to anti-dumping dispute
disputes". These terms are often easily confused, therefore, the
settlement within the WTO framework, the position of
thesis helps to clarify and distinguish them;
- The thesis contributes to clarifying the content and
recommendations for Vietnam as either a plaintiff, defendant or
distinctive characteristics of the international law applicable to
third party in WTO anti-dumping cases.
anti-dumping dispute settlement in comparison with the law
6. The structure of the thesis
applicable to the settlement of international trade disputes at the
- The thesis contributes to clarifying the interactive
relationship between anti-dumping dispute settlement under the
WTO law and dumping dispute settlement under the national
law of a Member country;
The thesis consists of an introduction, main content,
conclusion, bibliography and appendices. The main content of
the thesis is organized into four chapters, each ends with a subconclusion, namely:
Chapter 1: Overview on researches abroad and in
Vietnam regarding to the doctoral dissertation topic.
- The thesis further clarifies the scope and characteristics
Chapter 2: Theoretical issues of anti-dumping disputes
of the four anti-dumping dispute issues referred to the DSB,
and of international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute
including disputes over definitive anti-dumping duties, disputes
settlement at the WTO.
over the acceptance of a price undertaking, disputes over
Chapter 3: The WTO’s practices of anti-dumping dispute
provisional measures, and disputes over the inconsistency of the
settlement and the participation of developing countries and
national law of a Member country with the WTO Anti-dumping
Agreement (ADA);
- The thesis speculates trends in the development of
international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement
Chapter 4: Direction and solutions for improving the
effectiveness of Vietnam's participation in anti-dumping dispute
settlement at the WTO.
at the WTO;
- The thesis analyses the practices of anti-dumping dispute
settlement at the WTO; draws participating experiences of
India, China and Thailand; and points out the current reality and
reasons for the limited participation in resolving these disputes
of developing countries in general and that of Vietnam in
- Based on theoretical and practical analyses, the thesis
presents lessons and suggests new feasible solutions that can
help improve the effectiveness of participation of Vietnam in
WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement, especially specific
1.1. Researches in other countries
In other countries, there have been many studies on the
can help improve the effectiveness of participation of Vietnam
issue of anti-dumping dispute settlement within the WTO
in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement.
framework and the participation of developing countries. Some
1.2. Researches in Vietnam
authors and publications are: (i) J.G. Merrills (2011),
Before, at the time and after Vietnam joined the WTO, in
International Dispute Settlement, 5th ed., Cambridge University
Vietnam, there have been many studies related to the issue of
Press; (ii) James P. Durling (2002), Matthew R. Nicely,
anti-dumping dispute settlement within the WTO framework
and the participation of developing countries and of Vietnam
Negotiating History and Subsequent Interpretation, Cameron
taking both theoretical and practical approaches, which includes
May Ltd.,; (iii) David Palmeter, Petros C. Mavroidis (2004),
Bui Anh Thuy’s Ph.D. thesis "International trade dispute
Dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization: Practice
settlement mechanism of the WTO " and Vu Thi Phuong Lan’s
and procedure, 2nd ed., Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.,; (iv)
Ph.D. thesis "Law on anti-dumping in international trade and
Peter Van den Bossche (2008), The Law and Policy of the
the problems posed for Vietnam". Additionally, there have been
a number of master theses and researches that addressed this
Cambridge University Press; (v) Terence P. Stewart (1993),
issue. Moreover, in terms of reference books, there are: (i) Dr.
The GATT Uruguay Round: A negotiating history (1986-1992),
Nguyen Vinh Thanh and MSc. Le Thi Ha (2006), Developing
Volume II: Commentary, Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation
countries and the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO,
Publishers, etc. In addition, there are other materials posted on
Social Labor Publishing House; (ii) The Multilateral Trade
various websites and some have been translated into
Assistance Project Period II (EU-VIETNAM MUTRAP II)
Vietnamese such as the book "Handbook of WTO Dispute
(2007), The position, role and mechanism of the WTO in the
Settlement", a translation of the National Committee for
multilateral trading system; (iii) VCCI (2010), Anti-dumping
International Economic Cooperation (2006), etc.
disputes in the WTO; (iv) Faculty of Law, Can Tho University
World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials, 2
Although the issue of international trade dispute
(2010), Summary of typical WTO disputes - Report of the
settlement in general and anti-dumping dispute settlment within
Panel and the Appellate Body from 1995 to 2010 year, etc.
the WTO framework in particular have been mentioned in
Among studies in smaller scale, there are (i) Article "WTO’s
many studies abroad, so far there is yet an academic research
dispute settlement mechanism: from the perspective of
that looks into both the theoretical and practical aspects of the
developing countries" by Ly Van Anh on the Journal of
issue of anti-dumping dispute settlement under the WTO and
International Studies, issue 2 (61), 2005; (ii) Article "WTO’s
the participation of developing countries, and that addresses the
dispute settlement mechanism and some suggestions for
specific case of Vietnam to propose new feasible solutions that
Vietnam" by Nguyen Vinh Thanh and Pham Thanh Ha on the
Journal of Africa & Middle East Research, Issue 8, 2006; (iii)
countries and Vietnam; combined and analysed the experiences
Article "Anti-dumping cases and WTO’s dispute settlement
of some developing countries participating in anti-dumping
mechanism " by Bui Anh Thuy on the Journal of State and
dispute settlement to identify the causes and propose specific
Law, Issue 2, 2007; (iv) Article "Anti-dumping dispute
settlement within the WTO framework" by Nguyen Linh Giang
participation in anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO.
on the Journal of State and Law, Issue 3, 2008; (v) Article
Especially, there is not yet any research at the doctorate level
"Preferences for developing countries on the WTO trade
that analyses both theoretical and practical aspects of the issue
disputes settlement mechanism to that lawyers should pay
of anti-dumping dispute settlement within the WTO framework
attention" by Nguyen Thi Thu Hien on the Legal Professions
and the participation of developing countries in which the case
Review, Issue 3/2009; (vi) Article "Agency in charge and the
of Vietnam is specifically focused.
1.3. Issues that require further research and tackling
experiences for Vietnam" by Nguyen Thanh Tu on the Journal
of State and Law, Issue 10/2012, etc. Also, there are numerous
Firsly, regarding the theoretical aspects:
postings on various websites, etc.
- Analysing and assessing of development trends of
Overall, the studies in Vietnam, either focus mainly on
analyzing anti-dumping issue or anti-dumping law in general;
or focus on the general dispute settlement mechanism of the
WTO, taking into consideration cases of other developing
international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement
within the WTO framework;
- Clarifying the WTO’s current conception of antidumping disputes;
- Clarifying the content and distinctive characteristics of
comprehensively anti-dumping disputes; concepts, content and
international law applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement
development trends of international law applicable to anti-
within the WTO framework;
dumping dispute settlement within the WTO framework;
- Clarifying the interactive relationship between anti-
attitudes of different groups of countries towards anti-dumping
dumping dispute settlement under the WTO law and under the
disputes; the interactive relationship between anti-dumping
national law of a Member country;
dispute settlement under the WTO law and under the national
law of a Member country; concepts, nature and characteristics
- Clarifying the concept and characteristics of the four
types of anti-dumping dispute issues referred to the DSB.
of the four specific types of disputes that can be resolved at the
Secondly, regarding the practical aspects:
DSB; updated on the practices of anti-dumping dispute
- Analysing and evaluating comprehensively the practices
settlement at the WTO, the participation of developing
of anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO;
- Clarifying how developing countries are participating in
anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO in reality;
- Specifically studying the participation of India, China
and Thailand;
Anti-dumping means that the competent authorities of the
importing country impose appropriate measures that directly
impact imported dumping products in order to remove the harm
that such products cause for the domestic industry producing
- Studying the participation of Vietnam.
Thirdly, making proposals and suggesting solutions:
like products.
According to the national law of a Member on anti-
- Clarifying the basic views and directions to improve the
dumping, there are two different types of disputes related to
effectiveness of Vietnam's participation in anti-dumping dispute
anti-dumping: (1) "dumping disputes" are disputes between
settlement at the WTO;
businesses exporting dumping products and domestic producers
- Suggesting new feasible solutions that can help improve
of the importing country producing products that are similar to
the effectiveness of participation of Vietnam in the WTO anti-
the imported dumping products; and (2) "anti-dumping
dumping dispute settlement.
disputes" are disputes between private businesses (foreign
exporters) with the government (the importing country that
imposes anti-dumping measures) on the application of antidumping measures.
Within the WTO framework, an anti-dumping dispute is
a disagreement among WTO Members on issues relating to the
legal rights and obligations in the field of anti-dumping under
2.1. The history of formation and development and the
application of international law appicable to anti-dumping
the WTO agreements.
Anti-dumping disputes that are resolved at the WTO have
dispute settlement at the WTO
the following basic characteristics: (i) Being secondary
2.1.1. The period before 1947
disputes; (ii) Being disputes among WTO members; (iii) Being
2.1.2. The period from 1947 to 1995
limited in scope to four disputing issues related to either
2.1.3. The period from 1995 to date
definitive anti-dumping duties, the acceptance of a price
2.2. The WTO’s current conception of anti-dumping, anti-
undertaking, provisional measures, or the inconsistency of the
dumping disputes and international law applicable to anti-
national law of a Member country with the ADA; (iv) the legal
dumping dispute settlement
basis for anti-dumping dispute settlement, both substantive and
2.2.1. The WTO’s current conception of anti-dumping and
procedural, will comply with the international law applicable to
anti-dumping dispute
anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO.
"Anti-dumping dispute" under WTO law has some
2.3.3. The interactive relationship between anti-dumping
fundamental distinctive features comparing with "dumping
dispute settlement under the WTO law and under the national
disputes" and "anti-dumping disputes" under the national law of
law of a Member country
In theory as well as in practice, the anti-dumping dispute
a Member country, as well as comparing with "anti-subsidy
disputes” and "safeguard disputes ".
settlement under the WTO law is the subsequent process of
2.2.2. The WTO’s current conception of international law
anti-dumping dispute settlement between businesses under the
applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement
national law of a Member country, which subsequently
becomes a dispute between governments. This leads to overlaps
substantively, will be based primarily on WTO rules, in
and close link between the two types of dispute settlement.
particular Article VI of GATT 1994 and the ADA, along with
However, despite the existence of such a relationship, there are
other sources such as international practices; general principles
still fundamental differences between them.
of law; WTO practices and reports of Panels and the Appelate
2.4. The content of specific issues regarding international
Body on dispute settlement; practices of GATT 1947 and
law applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement at the
Panel's reports; documents issued by the WTO bodies; other
international agreements; doctrines suggested by reputed
2.4.1. The scope of dispute referred to the DSB
scholars. Meanwhile, regarding the proceedings, dispute
Anti-dumping disputes referred to the DSB are limited to
settlement will comply with the DSU, and additionally, special
four types: disputes over definitive anti-dumping duties, the
rules and procedures stipulated in Article 17.4 to 17.7 of the
acceptance of a price undertaking, provisional measures, and
ADA as well as other relevant procedural provisions of the
the inconsistency of the national law of a Member with the
ADA. The above mentioned disputes must be identified clearly
2.3. The content of general issues regarding international
in complainant’s request for establishment of a panel under
law applicable to anti-dumping dispute settlement at the
Article 17.4 of the ADA and Article 6.2 of the DSU.
2.4.2. The content of some other specific issues regarding
2.3.1. The DSM of the WTO –Fundamental applicable law for
anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO
anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO
2.3.2. Special and differential treatment in the DSM of the
WTO for developing countries
3.1. The WTO’s practices of anti-dumping dispute
3.2.3. Practices of Thailand’s participation in the WTO anti-
dumping dispute settlement
Thailand officially became a member of the WTO from
3.1.1. The WTO’s practices of anti-dumping dispute
settlement in general
Practices of anti-dumping dispute settlement shows that
anti-dumping dispute is the most common type of disputes
01/01/1995. In DSM under GATT, Thailand did not have much
experience. Only in the WTO, Thailand increasingly utilizes the
WTO’s DSM to protect its interests.
resolved within the WTO framework. While some developing
From the practices of participation of India, China and
Members participate very actively in resolving international
Thailand in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement, it shows
trade disputes as well as anti-dumping ones, many other
developing Member do not participate or only participate very
- Participating as a third party is a clear demonstration of
the capacity building strategy and of the policy "learning by
3.1.2. Practices of anti-dumping dispute settlement in
different stages of DSM proceedings
- Being confident and well-prepared when participating
3.2. Practices of participation of some developing countries
in resolution of complex anti-dumping disputes is essential for
in anti-dumping dispute settlement at the WTO and
noteworthy lessons
- Forming linkages and support among developing
3.2.1. Practices of India’s participation in the WTO anti-
countries, while taking advantage of the support of other
dumping dispute settlement
countries will increase the leverage in the WTO anti-dumping
India is a founding member of both the GATT and the
dispute settlement;
WTO, therefore, while most developing countries take a rather
- Utilizing effectively a team of international experts in
reserved approach to the WTO’s DSM, India has participated
fields related to the anti-dumping disputes. However, in the
very actively in DSM under both GATT and the WTO.
long run, it is necessary to develop a team of national experts in
3.2.2. Practices of China's participation in the WTO anti-
order to maximize the advantages as well as protect nation’s
dumping dispute settlement
confidentiality while participating in the WTO anti-dumping
After officially joining the WTO, with a most rapidly
dispute settlement;
developing economy in the world, China quickly becomes a
- Increasing the capacity of the government’s and private
"main player" in the WTO’s "playing field". China also quickly
sector’s experts to participate general international trade
becomes a frequent participation in WTO anti-dumping cases
disputes, and anti-dumping disputes in particular; training and
both as plaintiff and defendant.
appointing qualified individuals to the relevant bodies in the
WTO’s DSM; increasing the capacity and participation of trade
- Vietnam has also been developing domestic human
associations and chambers of commerce in resolving WTO
resources for future disputes although it still relies heavily on
disputes, including anti-dumping disputes.
foreign lawyers.
3.3. Practices of Vietnam’s participation in the WTO antidumping dispute settlement
By the end of 12/2013, Vietnam has participated in nine
anti-dumping cases at the WTO, of which in seven cases
Vietnam participated as a third party, in the two cases as a
plaintiff and not yet involved in any disputes as a defendant.
From the practices of Vietnam's participation in the WTO
4.1. Fundamental views and direction for improving the
anti-dumping dispute settlement, following remarks can be
effectiveness of Vietnam's participation in the WTO anti-
dumping dispute settlement
- Vietnam has participated gradually, proactively,
The solutions to improve the effectiveness of Vietnam's
positive in the WTO’s DSM. However, Vietnam has not yet
participation in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement are
fully taken advantage of WTO privileges for developing
proposed consistently with the views and guidelines of the
Party and the State on proactive participation in international
- Vietnam has rightly identified the scope and issues to
economic integration, and in resolving international disputes
sue on. However, timing selection was not effective in some
and also with specific conditions of Vietnam
situations, which was one of the reasons for Vietnam’s
4.2. Solutions and specific suggestions for improving the
incomplete victory in case DS404;
effectiveness of Vietnam's participation in the WTO anti-
- Vietnam has actively participated as a third party in
other WTO members’ cases to gain valuable experience;
- Vietnam has succeeded in seeking and taking advantage
of other members’ support;
- Vietnam has made active preparation, efforts came from
dumping dispute settlement
4.2.1. General solutions for improving the effectiveness of
Vietnam's participation in the WTO anti-dumping dispute
General solutions mainly focus on three important
both the private sectors, trade associations and from state
groups, include: taking
advantages of preferences
agencies in a number of recent disputes;
developing Member within the WTO; building and improving
the capacity on participation of dispute settlement; taking
advantages of other Members’s and the ACWL’s support.
General solutions are ones that can be applied as Vietnam
development with the GATT 1947 and the WTO. It includes
participates in the DSM/WTO regardless of its role as a
both law on general WTO dispute settlement and specifically
plaintiff, defendant or third party, in which, besides improving
tailored provisions for anti-dumping disputes over definitive
the effectiveness of currentlyimplemented measures, it is
anti-dumping duties, the the acceptance of a price undertaking,
important to increase the effectiveness of coordination
provisional measures and the inconsistency of the national law
mechanism between domestic ministries and agencies with the
of a Member country with the ADA.
Vietnam’s delegation in Geneva in resolving international trade
Developing Members have been establishing their role
disputes in general and the WTO anti-dumping disputes in
and position in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement.
When they participate in the settlement process of the WTO
4.2.2. Some specific suggestions to Vietnam when participate
anti-dumping disputes, developing Members have many
in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement as a plaintiff,
opportunities but also face great challenges. Anti-dumping
defendant or third party
In addition to the general solutions, Vietnam also needs
developing Member should study thoroughly the WTO’s
to develop specific solutions and strategies when participating
applicable law and practices as well as learn from the other
in WTO anti-dumping disputes settlement at the WTO as a
Members’ experience to develop an effective approach and to
plaintiff, defendant or third party.
participate proactively in the WTO anti-dumping dispute
settlement system.
Practices of the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement
show an increase in both the quantity and the complexity of the
Anti-dumping dispute is one of the most common types
disputes. Additionally, it also shows the active participation
of disputes at the WTO. The settlement of such disputes must
some developing countries, namely India, China and Thailand.
comply with WTO applicable law, including both substantive
The experience of three countries is valuable for Vietnam when
and procedural rules. Sources of law applicable to the WTO
participating in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement.
anti-dumping dispute settlement correspond to the sources of
After more than seven years of joining the WTO,
the WTO law, which is basically based on traditional principles
Vietnam's participation in the DSM of the WTO is still limited.
set forth in Article 38 (1) of the Statue of the International
Obviously, Vietnam needs to put more effort, and actively learn
Court of Justice.
from the experience of other Members to set out feasible
International law applicable to anti-dumping dispute
settlement at the WTO has a parallel history of formation and
solutions to improve the effectiveness of its participation in the
WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement.
Solutions to improve the effectiveness of Vietnam’s
- Participating more actively in the DSM of the WTO as
participation in the WTO anti-dumping dispute settlement must
well as take advantages of the WTO’s preferences for
be built consistently with the views and guidelines of the
developing countries;
Political Party and the State which encourage proactive
- Preparing by obtaining knowledge relevant to the WTO
participation in international economic integration, and in
anti-dumping dispute settlement, proactively learn from the
resolving international disputes, and also consistently with
experiences of other countries;
basic orientations as follow:
- Being based on results of objective and comprehensive
assessment and predictive studies of trends and development of
anti-dumping dispute settlement within the WTO framework;
- Encouraging the active role of enterprises and promote
collaboration between enterprises, associations and competent
state agencies;
- Establishing an effective mechanism of cooperation
- Responding to specific conditions of Vietnam;
between domestic agencies and the Vietnam’s delegation in
- Being comprehensive and systematic, including both
preventive and corrective solutions to deal with anti-dumping
- Establishing a training strategy to develop the
disputes once they arise settlement within the WTO framework,
workforce, allowing Vietnam nationals experts to participate
placing the focus on preventing such disputes from arising;
more comprehensively in WTO bodies as well as in panels and
- Being built on the foundation of an effective
the AB;
cooperation mechanism between the State, enterprises and
- Enlisting other members’ support;
business associations; between domestic agencies and the
- Utilizing more effectively the consultancy and
Vietnam’s delegation in Geneva;
assistance from the ACWL.
- Combining legal measures with other supportive
When participating in a WTO anti-dumping case as a
measures such as lobbying or forming alliance with same sided
plaintiff, Vietnam should adopt some specific solutions as the
parties, while at the same time taking induce the public to
support Vietnam’s position;
- Combining utilizing internal human resources with
enlisting external supports, including the consultancy and
assistance of the ACWL.
- Identifying the scope and timing of petition and chose
the right issues;
- Paying attention to and utilizing consultation more
When involved in a WTO anti-dumping case, either as a
- Preparing proactively and focus on the panel stage, from
plaintiff, defendant or third party, Vietnam should adopt the
preparing the request for the establishment of a panel to the
following solutions:
entire proceedings at the panel stage;
- Preparing in advance for appealing the case as
- Taking advantage of defendant’s rights in resolving
necessary, as well as for the posibility that the case will be
dispute at the WTO; extending the deadlinesas far as allowed if
appealed, to pursue the lawsuit until last win;
necessary, while at the same time negotiating with or pressuring
- Proactively coming up with a scheme to oversee the
implementation the DSB's decisions by the losing party,
including the posibility of imposing retaliatory measures if
Vietnam is in the wining side;
- Actively preparing both the finance and human
the opponent or rapidly
the anti-dumping
investigation being conducted at home;
- Preparing a plan for implementation of the DSB’s
decisions in a reasonable manner in the situation of Vietnam
loses the case.
resources for a long way pursuing a case; being active in
If Vietnam participates as a third party in a WTO anti-
presentation and debate at the meeting of the Panel; analysing
dumping dispute: it should engage with a serious and proactive
and identifying the situation and anticipate possible requests
attitude, considering it a real experience as the disputing parties,
and proposals of defendants to be able to respond effectively,
not just a game with no string attached. Vietnam should
thus maximizing Vietnam’s legitimate interests.
establish groups of experts and/or lawyers, including lawyers of
If Vietnam participates as a defendant in a WTO anti-
private law firms, to represent Vietnam and building strategy
dumping case, Vietnam should adopt some specific solutions as
plans to participate effectively. In addition, Vietnam should
the following:
establish an effective reporting mechanism, update information
(1) To prevent being sued:
of other partners, collect lessons and experiences after each
- Regularly conducting periodical and spontaneous
anti-dumping dispute in which Vietnam participates as a third
review of the implementation of the ADA and Vietnam’s antidumping legislation to ensure the conformity of Vietnamese
law with the ADA;
- Actively participating in the improving the WTO’s law
and DSM, including issues related to anti-dumping dispute
- Confidently imposing anti-dumping measures on
imported dumping products.
(2) If being taken to the DSB:
- Willingly participating in the proceedings;
party ./.