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IELTS LEADER vocabulary list

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REGULATION (n) - Sự điều chỉnh,quy định, quy tắc - an authoritative rule
If you're trying to remember what a regulation is, think about the phrase "rules and regulations." regulations are
often set by governing bodies of a sport or other activity - thus, there is an accepted regulation-size soccer ball,
set by fifa, professional soccer's governing body.
Eg 1 : Other european countries, notably the netherlands, adopted stricter regulations.
Eg 2 : Many government agencies are in charge of regulating industries, setting up regulations that companies
need to follow to keep us all safe.
DIVERT (v) - Làm trệch đi, làm trệch hướng - turn aside; turn away from
To divert means to shift or turn from one thing to another. a magician might attempt to divert your attention as
he shoves the rabbit into the hat
Eg 1 : Russian president vladimir putin retaliated by saying moscow would divert more energy resources to asia.
Eg 2 : What heavy lifting it would take to divert wealth back downwards.

COMPLACENT (adj) - Tự mãn,bằng lòng, vừa ý, thoả mãn - contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions
Someone who is complacent has become overly content : the junk-food-eating couch potato might be feeling
complacent about his health
Eg 1 : If you go in complacent, you wind up on the losing end
Eg 2 : But mr. scaroni knows he cannot be complacent.
LEVY (v, n) - Thu thuế,tuyển quân - impose and collect,assemble or enlist in the military

Use the word levy as you would use the word tax: "when the state government imposed a levy on soft drinks,
thousands of citizens took to the streets in protest"
Eg 1 : A hefty tax is usually levied on cash brought back from overseas.
Eg 2 : Last fall, medicare began sharing the pain, levying financial penalties such as reduced reimbursements to
hospitals when too many recently released patients return.


ELIMINATE (v) - Loại ra, loại trừ,hủy - terminate, end, or take out
As eliminate means "get rid of or do away with," it has become used to refer to the end of a problem or even an
entire species. we need to eliminate sources of pollution in order to maintain a healthy world
Eg 1 : Others already have axed sports teams and even eliminated teaching positions, but still may have to tap
savings just to make it through year’s end.
Eg 2 : Officials this year eliminated high school math and science teaching positions and cut baseball, crosscountry and swimming.
PARAMETER (n) - Thông số, tham số, tham biến - a constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied to yield
a family of similar curves
A parameter is a limit. in mathematics a parameter is a constant in an equation, but parameter isn't just for math
anymore: now any system can have parameters that define its operation. you can set parameters for your class
Eg 1 : While setting some parameters is necessary, overly restricting social media use is counter-productive.
Eg 2 : The commissioner knew what parameters were acceptable and moved in that direction.
EXEMPTION (n) - Sự miễn (thuế...) - an act exempting someone
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When you get an exemption, you don't have to do something. in the sixties, some people got exemptions from
military service during the vietnam war.
Eg 1 : Tax exemption is a powerful tool, as the boy scouts of america are about to find out.
Eg 2 : Exemption can cover income taxes and property taxes too.

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BELATED (adj) - đến muộn, đến chậm - after the expected or usual time; delayed
Something belated comes after the fact. if you are late to deliver a birthday greeting, then make it a "happy
belated birthday" card
Eg 1 : He simply wanted the money, perhaps a belated birthday present after he turned 50 last month.
Eg 2 : Sixty years later, mr. brickman has helped to see belated justice done.
OBSOLESCENCE (n) - Sự mai một - the process of becoming obsolete; falling into disuse or becoming out of date
Fashion trends come and go, and often return after a time. but gimmicky fads quickly fall into obsolescence, losing
appeal and falling out of sight - do you know anyone who still has a pet rock?
Eg 1 : And in our own fallen times, when record stores are heading toward obsolescence?
Eg 2 : Under a strategy of planned obsolescence, consumers are being asked to discard their technology devices
long before their useful life has ended.
SPECIFICATION (n) - Ghi rõ, định rõ, chi tiết, đặc điểm - a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of
In the 17th century, the word specification emerged with the meaning of giving something a specific quality. the
technical meaning, applied to building and engineering plans, developed in the late 18th century. the meaning of
the word is precise, referring to specific plans, although just because it's a specification doesn't mean it is
Eg 1 : In the past, boeing had given its suppliers very detailed specifications.
Eg 2 : Qualcomm has not released any detailed specifications at this point.


CONCEPTUAL (adj) - Thuộc quan niệm, nhận thức - being or characterized by concepts or their formation
Something is conceptual when it deals primarily with abstract or original thoughts. a conceptual plan is one in an
early stage. to make it work, you'll need to flesh out the details.
Eg 1 : Some of this labor involves the french moving into conceptual space that was seen, not so long ago, as
indisputably american.
Eg 2 : If you're conceptual, writing down goals probably seems pointless.
REPLICATE (v) - Bản sao - make an exact copy of; reproduce
Did you just figure out how to make that excellent pizza you had in philadelphia? then what you've done is
replicate it, meaning you've been able to reproduce it.
Eg 1 : Graduate students could, in addition to learning the guidelines, train by replicating published studies.
Eg 2 : Energy and infrastructure loan programs first put into action in the last four years are being replicated by
numerous other countries around the world.

SOLDER (v, n) - Hợp kim (để) hàn, chất hàn - join or fuse with solder
If you want to be a metalsmith you'll have to become familiar with solder, which is the substance you use to fuse
two metal surfaces
Eg 1 : That meant lanza required special supervision when using soldering tools, for instance
Eg 2 : Solder these two pipes together
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RELIABILITY (n) - Sự đáng tin cậy - the quality of being dependable or reliable
It's nice when someone compliments your reliability because it means they think you are dependable. things that
are known for reliability? your best friend, sunrise, sunset and unfortunately also taxes.
Eg 1 : In the context of the electric power grid, resilience is not reliability.
Eg 2 : But reliability alone is not an adequate customer draw.


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MANUFACTURE (v) - Sản xuất - produce naturally
To manufacture something, is to make or construct it, usually for industry and sale. unless you make all your own
clothes, a company probably had to manufacture them.
Eg 1 : Across europe, surveys showed manufacturing contracting in every country except germany.
Eg 2 : The dog food, all manufactured at a plant in kansas city, kansas, was recalled across eight midwestern

COMPLIANCE (n) - Bằng lòng, ưng thuận - the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
Compliance is what you do when you try to fit standards set down by someone else. a restaurant chef's
compliance with a new sugar-free menu might inspire even the pastry chefs to follow the recipes
Eg 1 : We will be increasing both compliance and customer support staff in the coming weeks
Eg 2 : The compliance board rejected several arguments the regents advanced seeking to justify what happened.
INTEGRAL (adj, n) - Phần quan trọng - existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
Something that is integral is very important or necessary. if you are an integral part of the team, it means that the
team cannot function without you
Eg 1 : Seller financing is an integral part of today's business-for-sale marketplace
Eg 2 : In fact, they play an integral role in the city's vibrant informal economy.


LEGISLATION (n) - Lập pháp,pháp luật - the act of making or enacting laws

Legislation is the act or process of making or enacting laws. some people think there should be more legislation in
the area of education and some people think there should be less - governments debates the matter periodically.
Eg 1 : Call me cynical, but the legislation might have a marginal effect at best.
Eg 2 : The bonus rules will come as part of wider legislation setting higher capital standards for banks, increasing
their costs and curbing freedom to hike salaries.

VENDOR (n) - Người buôn bán - someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
If you are a vendor, it means you're a person selling something, whether it's hot dogs from a food cart or
computer software for a tech company
Eg 1 : Managers were authorized to make small purchase decisions and vendor selections.
Eg 2 : During strata 2013, i had nearly 30 vendor meetings in three days.

SUBSTANCE (n) - Chất,của cải - the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists
Any material that possesses physical properties is called a substance. the word also refers to the gist or main idea
of something. if you remember the main point of a lesson, you've got the substance
Eg 1 : He reportedly has been charged with possession of controlled substance, cannabis and paraphanalia.
Eg 2 : Sugar, salt and fat get lumped together in physiological terms as addictive substances.
AGITATE (v) - Lay động, rung động,xúi giục, khích động - move or cause to move back and forth
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Agitate means to stir up. if you watch a horror movie at bedtime, you may be too agitated to sleep. movies like
that can agitate all sorts of adrenaline responses in the body.
Eg 1 : The implication agitated him, but lewis said he was “too blessed to be stressed”.
Eg 2 : Unlike other republican leaders, walker doesn't have to worry about impatient conservatives agitating for

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CATHOLIC () - Rộng khắp; phổ biến;đạo thiên chúa, công giáo - free from provincial prejudices or attachments
When capitalized, catholic refers to the catholic church. with a lower-case "c," catholic means "universal" and
"inclusive." if you listen to anything from hip-hop to baroque, you have catholic taste in music
Eg 1 : He said his son started a music career in oakland after attending two catholic high schools.
Eg 2 : Roman catholic church hopes to name replacement for pope benedict before easter.

PROGENY (n) - Con cái, con cháu, dòng dõi - the immediate descendants of a person
A sing-song rhyme may help in remembering the word progeny: "all of you, all of me, together we make progeny."
the "you" and "me" can be a man and a woman making a baby, or trees and plants making little offshoots, or
progeny of their own.
Eg 1 : Mohammad is just a man; progeny of human beings.
Eg 2 : Natural selection might be expected to favour the progeny of men who enjoy bringing them up.

COMPATIBLE (adj) - Thích hợp, phù hợp - able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination
A word that comes up a lot in discussions of both food and people pairings, compatible speaks to a person or
thing's ability to exist agreeably with something or someone else
Eg 1 : But mobile devices are less compatible with one another.
Eg 2 : Rusu said the company looked at offerings last summer and liked that embrane's product was compatible
with any underlying hardware.


PROPAGATE (v) - Truyền bá, lan truyền - become distributed or widespread

To propagate is to be fruitful and multiply, by the usual routes of reproduction, or by spreading something around
- like a rumor
Eg 1 : "there are many chefs unintentionally propagating this phenomena," she said.
Eg 2 : In fact, the radio waves cannot propagate unless the tunnel walls are separated by more than half a

HYBRID (n) - Ghép ,lai - a composite of mixed origin
A hybrid is a mixture of two different things, resulting in something that has a little bit of both.
Eg 1 : It has been interesting see people inventing hybrid models.
Eg 2 : Even hybrids will have trouble reaching below 90 grams of co/km.

COAST (n) - Bờ biển - the shore of a sea or ocean
The noun coast describes the area where the land meets the sea - the seashore. when you're mom says, "we're
going to the coast," pack your bathing suit, because you'll be near the ocean
Eg 1 : There are typically 11 cyclones per season off australia northwest and northeast coasts
Eg 2 : The coast guard then lost communications with the caller, officials said.
PRESERVE (v) - Bảo quản, bảo tồn, duy trì - keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
When you preserve something, you maintain its condition, like trying to preserve your good health by exercising
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regularly and eating right
Eg 1 : Mass spectrometry identified organic molecules characteristic of creosote and frankincense, both used for
preserving tissue
Eg 2 : Royal decree has preserved this eloquent testimony of atrocity so that the people might no longer remain in

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ACCOMPANY (v) - đi cùng,kèm theo - go or travel along with
The verb accompany means to keep someone company, or to be their companion on a trip or journey. in a
musical sense, accompany means to play background music for the lead singer or soloist
Eg 1 : Obama wants cuts accompanied by closing tax loophole for the wealthy, in effect new taxes.
Eg 2 : Kids between 12 and 17 are welcome if accompanied by a parent.
GENUS (n) - Phái, giống,loại - group containing one or more species
A genus is a class or group of something. in biology, it's a taxonomic group covering more than one species
Eg 1 : There may be other such unique systems in this genus as well.
Eg 2 : Attapsenius, a distantly related genus found solely within the fungus gardens of leaf cutter ants in south
america, serves to demonstrate.

CONSIDERABLE (adj) - đáng kể, to tát - large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
Use the adjective considerable to describe something that is large in amount. things you probably spend a
considerable amount of time on: homework and laundry. things you'd rather spend time on: anything that isn't
homework and laundry!
Eg 1 : No experience or reservations required, but expect considerable exercise.
Eg 2 : Twelve months later, this past june, butte residents rejected the ordinance by a considerable margin.

UTILIZE () - Lợi dụng, sử dụng - put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent
or natural purpose
To utilize is to use what you have or what's available, and it's a three-syllable word meaning the same thing as the
one-syllable "use."
Eg 1 : Utilizing the human need to feel included has another added virtue.

Eg 2 : Utilize data whenever possible, and avoid logical fallacies at all costs.


PALATABLE (adj) - Có thể chấp nhận được - acceptable to the taste or mind
Something that is palatable is acceptable to one’s sense of taste-literally or figuratively. if it's palatable, then you
can put up with it - whether it's leftovers or a mediocre made-for-tv movie
Eg 1 : adaptation in brain reward circuitry underlie palatable food cravings and anxiety induced by high-fat diet
Eg 2 : Native peoples in both hemispheres seem to have considered beech oranges at least palatable.
FREQUENCY (n) - Tần suất - the number of occurrences within a given time period
Frequency measures how often things repeat over time. city buses often reach stops at a frequency of every 15
minutes, unless it's snowing or raining really hard. in that case, the frequency will slow
Eg 1 : Fishing for compliments.post frequency: daily.pet content: high, always dog
Eg 2 : Spins rotate around the applied magnetic fields with a distinct frequency
CONSUMPTION (n) - Sự tiêu thụ, sự tiêu dùng - the act of consuming something
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Consumption means using, buying or eating something. if we don't reduce our energy consumption, we will run
out of fuel. conspicuous consumption is buying something to show off
Eg 1 : He said increases planned in excise taxes were likely to have a bigger impact on consumption.
Eg 2 : She hopes to continue studying problematic alcohol consumption and drug abuse.

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MARINE (adj) - (thuộc) biển - of or relating to the sea
If it has to do with the ocean or sea, you can call it marine. your friend in us armed services who is a marine
probably spends a lot of time near the ocean
Eg 1 : Her research is on ecosystem-based management, ecosystem services valuations, and marine spatial
Eg 2 : The varied and widespread symptoms of nitrogen pollution are grassland changes, acidic soils, stressed
biodiversity, marine pollution, algal blooms and dying fish.

TERRESTRIAL (adj) - ở trên mặt đất,ở cạn - of or relating to or characteristic of the planet earth or its inhabitants
Not straying far from its latin root "terra" meaning "earth," terrestrial means "of the earth." if it's terrestrial, you'll
find it on earth. if it's extra terrestrial, you'll find it emerging from a ufo
Eg 1 : Changes in terrestrial plant and animal species ranges are shifting the location and extent of biomes, and
altering ecosystem structure and functioning
Eg 2 : Terrestrial species are moving up in elevation at rates 2 to 3 times greater than initial estimates
SUPPLANT (v) - Hất cẳng (ai) - take the place or move into the position of
Kate was out sick for a month with mono, and when she came back to school, jessie had supplanted her as the
funny girl at the lunch table. supplant means to take the place of.
Eg 1 : That prospect has receded, supplanted by talk of a bigger single currency area.
Eg 2 : The computer has supplanted the slide rule


ULTIMATE (adj) - Tối đa,tối cao - furthest or highest in degree or order
The last in a series can be described as the ultimate. a cheeky kid, when asked what she wants to be when she
grows up, might say, "i want to be an actress, a singer, and a veterinarian, but my ultimate goal is to be president
of the united states."

Eg 1 : The appeals court's ultimate decision after wednesday's hearing could be the final word on the matter.
Eg 2 : Grandma was recognized as the ultimate authority in the clark house.
COMMONPLACE (adj) - Tầm thường,cũ rích - completely ordinary and unremarkable

Eg 1 : The author and his family are not immune from the broken homes, drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution and
violence so commonplace in the city.
Eg 2 : Kids exposed to a commonplace chemical early in life are more likely to have asthma, according to a
published today.

COMPLEMENT (n) - Bổ sung,làm đầy - something added to complete or embellish or make perfect
A complement is something that makes up a satisfying whole with something else. those shiny red shoes you just
bought complement your shiny red purse.
Eg 1 : All the other mediums are being augmented and complemented by social
Eg 2 : A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner

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COLLEAGUE (n) - đồng nghiệp - an associate that one works with
A colleague is someone you work with at your job. when you are a teacher, the other teachers are your
colleagues. when you work as a cashier at 7-11, the guy at the deli counter is your colleague as well
Eg 1 : Nina kraus and her colleagues at the auditory neuroscience laboratory at northwestern university are doing
interesting work in this area
Eg 2 : More importantly, tucker and his colleagues said they were still keen on quantitative easing

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REVENUE (n) - Thu nhập - the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
Revenue is money earned by a business, or income received by the government from taxes. the government is
always interested in dreaming up new sources of revenue, and so is the average head of a company unless she
doesn't want to be the head anymore.
Eg 1 : Any new revenue gained from closing tax loopholes, he said, should now be put into lowering tax rates.
Eg 2 : Metropcs reported a 65 percent fall in quarterly net profit last week as revenue growth slowed for the
eighth straight quarter.

PRESENCE (, n) - Sự có mặt - the state of being present; current existence
Presence is the state of being somewhere. when you get an invitation that reads "your presence is requested,"
you are being asked to show up. your style of being there - your demeanor or bearing - is also your presence
Eg 1 : Despite a modest measure of charm in private conversations, louis never developed a compelling public
Eg 2 : The decline has been largely attributed to the increased presence of armed guard detachments on board
merchant vessels
INSURMOUNTABLE (adj) - Không vượt qua được (vật chướng ngại...) - not capable of being surmounted or
The adjective insurmountable describes some barrier that is incapable of being overcome. the great wall of china
was meant to be an insurmountable deterrent to would-be invaders
Eg 1 : There are two seemingly insurmountable obstacles plaguing solar manufacturers right now: silicon prices
and china.
Eg 2 : So long as standards are properly set, and enforced, these differences should not prove insurmountable.


ENHANCE (, v) - Cải thiện - increase
Many people use the expression "enhance your chance" to point out ways to increase your chances of winning or
earning a contest or prize. when you enhance something, you heighten it or make it better
Eg 1 : This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat
Eg 2 : This will enhance your enjoyment
IMMEDIACY (n) - Sự lập tức, sự tức thì - the quickness of action or occurrence
This word is a member of the "immediate" family
Eg 1 : Ms. jensen said these personal introductions were in keeping with the immediacy of his work
Eg 2 : Municipal debt may be much smaller, but sometimes immediacy counts more than size

CONSCIOUS (adj) - Tỉnh táo, có ý thức - intentionally conceived
Conscious is a latin word whose original meaning was "knowing" or "aware." so a conscious person has an
awareness of her environment and her own existence and thoughts. if you're "self-conscious," you're overly
aware and even embarrassed by how you think you look or act. but that sounds better than being unconscious, or
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totally unaware and out of it
Eg 1 : But many millennials did, in fact, become more conscious about conserving energy
Eg 2 : We kind of stopped doing that in later years, but this time, we made a conscious decision

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EFFICACY (n) - Tính hiệu quả; hiệu lực - capacity or power to produce a desired effect
Efficacy is a more formal way to say effectiveness, both of which stem from the latin verb efficere "to work out,
accomplish." the effectiveness, or efficacy, of something is how well it works or brings the results you hoped for.
Eg 1 : There is still only limited data on the device’s efficacy
Eg 2 : A scientist does research to determine the efficacy of a vaccine or medicine under development. if it is
efficacious, it will cure or prevent a disease.

DISPARAGE (v) - Chê bai; coi rẻ, xem thường - express a negative opinion of
If you haven't got anything nice to say, then it's time to disparage someone. it means to belittle or degrade a
person or idea.
Eg 1 : Usually the perpetrator turns up and he's very disparaging about the victim.
Eg 2 : This movement twisted historical events and wrote material brimming with native valour, disparaging to
other countries

COMPRESSION (n) - Sự ép, nén, cô đọng - applying pressure
Whenever something is squished together, compression takes place, like a tight bandage around your sprained
ankle - the compression helps protect it from further injury
Eg 1 : Most other image compression systems, such as the widely used jpeg format, are applied after an image has
been snapped
Eg 2 : While in the hospital, he sustained a compression fracture in his lower spine, then developed an infection in
that same area


OBSTACLE (n) - Sự cản trở,chướng ngại vật - something that stands in the way and harm your intention
When the road is blocked ahead of you, that blockage is an obstacle that keeps you from getting where you want
to go
Eg 1 : But security remains a major obstacle to rebuilding.
Eg 2 : There are formidable obstacles in the way of this particular scheme

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OPTIMISTIC (adj) - Lạc quan - expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds
An optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it's not likely. someone
who's a tad too confident this way is also sometimes called optimistic.
Eg 1 : With four days left on kickstarter, we are remaining optimistic that the community can pull this one out in
dramatic fashion
Eg 2 : Second sight said it was optimistic that insurance would cover it
IMPLEMENT (n, v) - Thi hành, thực hiện,bổ sung - pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue or apply in
a manner consistent with its purpose or design
The noun implement is a very useful word for just about anything you want to describe as a tool or a thing that
helps you do something. an implement can be as simple as chimpanzees using a stick to eat ants with or a
bulldozer that moves huge amounts of earth in building. the word relates to something that "fills up" a house, as
in all sorts of things that allow a house to work properly
Eg 1 : Patents were never intended to protect broad, abstract concepts that can be implemented in many
different ways

Eg 2 : A complete redesign could take around nine months to implement, he said

CONSULTATIVE (adj) - Tư vấn - giving advice
You’re probably familiar with the verb consult, which means "get advice." consultative is just the adjective form of
that verb. consultative can be used to describe anything or anyone in the business of providing advice or counsel.
It’s often used to refer to a formal group, such as a consultative committee that advises a government, or a
company that provides consultative services in a particular area of expertise.
Eg 1 : Denis bradley of the consultative group on the past said northern ireland had moved forward politically.
Eg 2 : In important matters, as well as in the smallest, she has both a consultative and deliberative voice


EXPLICIT (adj) - Rõ ràng, dứt khoát, nói thẳng - anything explicit is very clear, whether it's instructions or a dirty
Thanks to parental-advisory warnings about "explicit language" or "explicit violence," you might think this word
only applies to things that are dirty, naughty, or adult in some way. that is a common meaning of explicit, but it's
not the only meaning. this also means anything that is clear and easy to understand. explicit orders are easy to
carry out; explicit instructions are easy to follow. when someone is explicit, they're not beating around the bush
or being confusing
Eg 1 : Once again, the relationship between data and advertising is made explicit
Eg 2 : Flexible pay could increase to twice fixed salary, but only with explicit shareholder approval

SEGMENT (n, v) - đoạn, khúc, đốt, miếng - one of the parts into which something naturally divides
A segment is one of several pieces that together create a whole. you could offer a segment of your orange to your
girlfriend as a valentine's day gift. She’ll probably enjoy the orange, but she may break up with you.
Eg 1 : Woo believes the company will focus on more than just growing new segments of its business going forward
Eg 2 : Still, there are ways to wall off or split up the most critical segments of infrastructure-and to monitor further
efforts to break in
GEAR (n, adj) - Cơ cấu, thiết bị,lên số,đẩy nhanh - equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a
particular operation or sport etc.

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The noun gear refers to several things. first, it’s the equipment we need for a sport or event. a gear is also a wheel
with teeth that interlocks with another gear to transmit motion in a machine.
Eg 1 : As iran gears up for elections in june, the fanfare of vetting a presidential candidate list is once again in full
Eg 2 : He struggled mightily in his first month, with defenses geared up to shut him down

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INCENTIVE (n) - Sự khuyến khích,động cơ (thúc đẩy làm việc gì) - a positive motivational influence
If your mom wants you to mow the lawn but you don't feel like it, she might offer to treat you to ice cream after
as an incentive. an incentive is something that stimulates you to take action or work harder
Eg 1 : Government incentives, including taxes, rebates and guaranteed electric pricing, have propelled the solar
market's growth worldwide
Eg 2 : A sharp drop in inventories over the last year has given developers more incentive to build homes.
FUNDAMENTAL (n, adj) - Cơ bản, cơ sở, chủ yếu - the foundation,essential, principles
Fundamental has its roots in the latin word fundamentum, which means "foundation." so if something is
fundamental, it is a key point or underlying issue -the foundation, if you will - that the thing is built upon. teachers
argue that math fundamentals include memorizing the times tables and understanding long division. many people
would also argue that math fundamentals should include knowing how to use a calculator and knowing where the

calculator's extra batteries are kept
Eg 1 : At every level there are fundamental laws governing a particular system which we have to understand
Eg 2 : He said it was "fundamental" to discuss the american movie industry's ways of portraying iran in order to
prevent "an insane war."
CRITERION (n) - Tiêu chuẩn, tiêu chí - standard
A criterion is a category for judging, but can also be a prerequisite for an achievement. it might be an application
requirement for a teaching job that you have taught already for two years. if you haven’t, then we say you haven’t
"met the criterion" for job experience. likewise, if you establish the model for something, say you deliver an
exciting, profound graduation speech, we might say you "set the criterion" for future speakers
Eg 1 : Some products are changing to meet the criteria.
Eg 2 : There is no special selection criteria for the rental screenings


COMMITMENT (n) - Lời cam kết; điều ràng buộc - the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a
course of action
Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. before you make a
commitment, think carefully. a commitment obligates you to do something
Eg 1 : There is no funding beyond a two-year research and development commitment by tito
Eg 2 : As i made commitments and accumulated things, he remained devoted to his craft, never doubting his

CORRUPT (v, adj) - đút lót,đồi bại, thối nát - make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence
When you corrupt someone, you convince them to do something wrong or even illegal. if you talk your little
brother into stealing cookies from the cookie jar, you're corrupting him. something corrupt is rotten, spoiled, or
out of commission, like a file that makes your computer crash. a corrupt person a criminal, a crook, or a cookie
thief brings society down with immoral and dishonest behavior. corrupt goes back to the latin roots cor-,
"altogether," and rumpere, "break"
Eg 1 : Afghanistan's banking system is a corrupt mess and the country's financial institutions are not trusted
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Eg 2 : Corrupt practices
OPERATION (n) - Sự hoạt động;ca mổ;chiến dịch - process or manner of functioning or operating
Operation can refer to medical surgery, a military campaign, or mathematical methods, such as multiplication and
Eg 1 : I stopped being so involved in the operations and became more of an adviser.
Eg 2 : On an adjusted basis, earnings from continuing operations fell to $1.64 per share from $2.18 a year earlier.

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TRANSPARENT (adj) - Trong suốt, rõ ràng - able to be seen through with clarity
You can see right through something transparent. a window is transparent, but so are the intentions of a peeping
tom looking through that window.
Eg 1 : This team places great store in preparing properly, works hard on building team spirit and tries to be as
transparent as possible
Eg 2 : Instead, policies such as those promoted by labour - for transparent trading - should be supported

DIVERSITY (n) - đa dạng, phong phú - variety
To have diversity, you need a mix of whatever you're talking about. if you like science fiction, romantic comedies,
cartoons, and action movies, then you like a diversity of types of films. if you like nothing but kungfu films, then
you don't like a diversity of films. no matter what kind of diversity you're talking about, there needs to be a real

mix, kind of like a huge box of crayolas.
Eg 1 : Values such as diversity could mean one thing in the united states and another in south africa
Eg 2 : Did pop begin in uniformity and then explode into diversity?

WRENCH (n) - Vặn mạnh, xoắn; giật mạnh - to grab or pull something with a lot of physical force
Maybe you have a wrench at home, that is, a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or a pipe joint. if so, you
also have a great way to remember what wrench the verb means. just imagine you're twisting with a wrench,
except instead of using a tool, you’re using your hands. if something is heart wrenching, it makes you feel very
sad. if you wrench a part of your body, you strain, pull or twist it, injuring yourself in some way.
Eg 1 : Then came wrenching abdominal pain, which she said doctors dismissed as psychosomatic
Eg 2 : The facts of the current case are no less wrenching


SUPERIOR (adj, n) - Cao cấp - higher quality or performance
Superior comes from the latin word meaning above and it literally means something that is above others in
quality or status. sometimes being superior can be perceived as a negative, as in the woman who acts superior to
all of her friends, having a high opinion of herself just because she has millions of dollars in the bank after winning
the lottery
Eg 1 : The pennsylvania superior court is one of two appellate courts in the state.
Eg 2 : Viewers may also know her from channel 5's superior interiors

MODERATE (adj, v) - Vừa phải; phải chăng; điều độ - not extreme,make less strong or intense; soften
A moderate voter is someone who is politically speaking, in the center. in other words, they are not quite left or
right, but somewhere in the middle.
Eg 1 : A moderate amount of cushioning improves running efficiency, he has found
Eg 2 : Those are sensible deals - low risk, moderate reward - in keeping with alderson's pattern.
VERTICAL (n, adj) - Cực điểm,thẳng đứng - upright in position or posture
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Vertical can also describe the right angle at which something rises up from a baseline, like the walls of your house
- they're vertical to the foundation. you may hear the terms vertical and horizontal used in relation to each other
to describe directions. a vertical line goes up and down, and a horizontal line goes from left to right. an easy way
to remember which way vertical goes is by its first letter, "v," which points down
Eg 1 : In the personal computing landscape, apple is more vertical than any company right now
Eg 2 : Instead of banks of boxes, stock is held in a vertical grid system, with robots running across the top on rails

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TENSION (n) - Sự căng thẳng - the action of stretching something tight
When things feel so tight they might snap, that's tension. if you buy your girlfriend a vacuum cleaner when she
wanted diamonds, you will experience tension. just before she storms out of the room.
Eg 1 : Tensions are rising among various factions in the country
Eg 2 : Tension and anticipation is rising in the west bank a month before u.s

RELEASE (v) - Sự giải thoát,sự phóng thích - grant freedom to; free from confinement
To release something or someone is to set it free, like a caged animal or a prisoner.”i shall be released”• is a
famous refrain from a 1967 bob dylan song that has come to symbolize political freedom around the world.
Eg 1 : Two washington area residents were on the pardons list released friday.
Eg 2 : The white house did not comment immediately friday on the higher number of immigrants released.
COMPONENT (n) - Hợp thành, cấu thành - a part that can be separated from or attached to a system

It's not surprising that component is related to a latin word that means "to put together." you simply can't put
something together without all of the correct components. technically speaking, a component is an element of a
system or a part of a machine. but a component can also be a factor or ingredient, such as the components of a
decision or the components of a really good chocolate cake.
Eg 1 : However, what was once innovative is now looking like a standard component
Eg 2 : Soon he began building electrical gadgets from components harvested from junkyards


INFALLIBLE (adj) - Không thể sai được; không thể hỏng - incapable of failure or error
This word is often used to describe human capacity for error - no one is infallible. and yet, we are able to be
infallible in certain ways: children are infallibly curious, teenagers infallibly hungry. interestingly, infallible derives
from the latin in- "not" + fallere "deceive." when did making a mistake and deception become the same thing?
Eg 1 : Only if you believe that human judgment is infallible
Eg 2 : But no one is infallible, and mr. miller stumbled in 2008 by betting on a recovery in united states financial
stocks that never happened
BURGLAR (n) - Kẻ trộm - a thief who enters a building with intent to steal
A criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
Eg 1 : A burglar had broken into my car in spokane, so i was missing a front passenger window
Eg 2 : Ten convicted felons, mostly burglars, all on parole, who would each receive a warning

EXTEND (v) - Kéo dài,mở rộng - stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two
points or beyond a certain point
Extend, as a verb, is used in many ways. you extend (hold out) your hand when you offer to shake. you extend
(push forward) a deadline when you add a few days to it. your belly might extend (broaden) after a holiday dinner.
a telescope extends (expands) your range of vision. if the list of definitions for extend were infinite, you could
extend (add to) that list forever and ever. but your patience might not extend that far.
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Eg 1 : Outside, down the atlantic city boardwalk, the line extended into infinity
Eg 2 : It also extends to both published and unpublished works.

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APATHETIC (adj) - Lãnh đạm, thờ ơ, hờ hững - showing little or no emotion or animation
Apathetic is an adjective that describes the feeling of being bored with what's going on around you. if you don't
care one way or another, you're apathetic.
Eg 1 : South of the border in england, polls show people are largely apathetic
Eg 2 : Urban voters, traditionally considered apathetic, also turned out in large numbers
CORRESPONDENCE (n) - Sự tương ứng; phù hợp,thư từ; quan hệ thư từ - communication by the exchange of
letters or the relation of corresponding in degree or size or amount
Correspondence is a body of letters or communications. if you've ever had a pen pal or an email buddy, you’ve
written plenty of correspondence
Eg 1 : A scottish government spokesman said: "we will consider any correspondence and respond in due course."
Eg 2 : The einstein papers project aims at making accessible einstein’s writings and correspondence in a carefully
annotated, scholarly edition

ETHICAL (adj) - Thuộc đạo đức,đúng nội quy - conforming to accepted standards of social or professional
For someone who is honest and follows good moral standards, use the adjective ethical. an ethical teacher will
grade your papers honestly - even if she catches you sticking your tongue out at her.

Eg 1 : Ethical leaders, in business as well as in public service, are the future," he argues.
Eg 2 : The first is by leading their communities to make ethical choices, such as becoming energy efficient or
eschewing illegal wildlife products.

STIMULATE (v) - Kích thích, khuyến khích - cause to occur rapidly
If the economy is starting to stall, the president can't just sit there. he has to stimulate - turn it on, bring it to life,
perk it up. you can stimulate practically anything: a person, a conversation, a mind, or even the growth of a plant.
Eg 1 : The chip helps generate at least partial vision by stimulating intact nerve cells in the retina.
Eg 2 : In some sectors, the government is moving to stimulate investment


AGGRESSION (n) - Sự gây sự, sự gây hấn; - a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack
Aggression is hostile, purposely unfriendly behavior that can sometimes be violent. a motorist who shows
aggression for another may follow too closely, honk the horn, or otherwise try to intimidate.
Eg 1 : "usually they ask with aggression, or are exploitive," mr. maltz said
Eg 2 : Do you believe current scientific studies have conclusively proven a causal link between video games and
aggression in children?

MANIFEST (v, adj) - Rõ ràng, hiển nhiên - reveal its presence or make an appearance,clearly revealed to the mind
or the senses or judgment
Choose the verb manifest when someone shows something for everyone to notice. you might manifest your
dislike of school food by stirring it around into a big pile of slop on your tray.
Eg 1 : Sometimes this manifests in sketchnoting, also known as scribing, or graphic recording.
Eg 2 : In younger women, the disposition to blood clotting can manifest during pregnancy
EPIDEMIC (n) - Dịch - an epidemic is a disease that spreads rapidly among many people in a community at the
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same time.

Epidemic can be used figuratively to refer to something that spreads or grows rapidly: an epidemic of laziness has
taken over the tenth grade. this word is from french epidemique, ultimately from greek epidemia "staying in one
place, among the people." the related word pandemic refers to a disease that spreads throughout an entire
country or throughout the world.
Eg 1 : He was accused of causing a measles epidemic
Eg 2 : The number reflects an epidemic of diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure and bad diets

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MIGRATE (v) - Di trú; ra nước ngoài - move from one country or region to another and settle there
When we think of the word migrate we think of movement from place to place. sometimes that movement is
seasonal, as when birds migrate north in summer and south in winter. but sometimes a person or group will
migrate from one place to another with the intention of settling there. in both cases, there is a definite shift in
locales, one temporary, the other permanent.
Eg 1 : Best buy has come under pressure as shoppers have migrated online
Eg 2 : "pollen from the olive tree is wind-transported, so it can migrate long distances" he said.
PERCEIVE (v) - Hiểu, nhận thức - to become aware of through the senses
When we perceive something, we become aware of or notice it. sometimes we perceive things by using our
senses of sight, hearing, and smell.
Eg 1 : It is based on how consumers perceive each brand in seven categories: quality, safety, value, performance,
design, technology and green attributes.
Eg 2 : Happy things are perceived to be cynical commercialism

PERMEABLE (adj) - Thấm được, thấm qua được - allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
A permeable surface allows materials like liquids to pass through - either in or out.
Eg 1 : Wish i hadn't worn my permeable sweater to the picnic when the weatherman called for thunderstorms.
the rain seeped right through the fabric, soaking me to the skin
Eg 2 : The equipment within needs ventilation, so the facade must be permeable


IMPERVIOUS (adj) - Không thấm,không bị ảnh hưởng, không bị tác động - not admitting of passage or capable of
being affected
An impervious surface is one that can't be penetrated. the word is often followed by "to," as in "his steely
personality made him impervious to jokes about his awful haircut."
Eg 1 : Yet video games have proved nearly impervious to this anxiety
Eg 2 : Despite the continued boom in psychoanalysis, argentina is not impervious to global treatment trends

PROFOUND (adj) - Sâu sắc, uyên thâm, thâm thuý - situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have
been sounded or plumbed
When you need a word that's deeper than "deep," consider profound.
Eg 1 : These details will have profound effects on the model's output
Eg 2 : Longer naps have an even more profound impact than shorter ones

INSUFFICIENT (adj) - Không đủ, thiếu - if something is insufficient, it isn't enough
Something adequate is sufficient, and something inadequate is insufficient
Eg 1 : He said there was insufficient funding available to carry out extensive and meaningful trials to prove the
worth of alternative therapies
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Eg 2 : A lot of people are getting insufficient sleep

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INSULATOR (n) - Chất cô lập, chất cách ly - a material such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical or
thermal conductivity
Any material that keeps energy such as electricity, heat, or cold from easily transferring through is an insulator.
Eg 1 : Wood, plastic, rubber, and glass are good insulators. swiss cheese... not so much.
Eg 2 : Objects made of rubber, such as the balloon, are electrical insulators, meaning that they resist electric
charges flowing through them
CUSHION (v, n) - Cái đệm,làm nhẹ bớt, làm yếu đi - to protect from impact or a soft bag filled with air or a mass
of padding such as feathers or foam rubber etc.
The noun cushion can also refer to anything that is used to soften an impact or absorb shocks. in modern cars, for
example, sometimes in a crash or accident, air bags will deploy and act as cushions for the passengers to prevent
them from injuring themselves on hard surfaces like the dashboard or steering wheel. a cushion isn't necessarily a
physical one, however, as you may want to keep an emergency fund as a cushion in case of unexpected expenses.
as a verb, cushion means to protect from the impact of negative information so if you have bad news, you'll want
to cushion the blow as much as possible.
Eg 1 : But as to whether cushioning prevents injuries, he said, "i doubt that there are good data"
Eg 2 : Last month's hiring should cushion the impact of the higher social security taxes that most consumers are
paying this year.

INTIMATE (v, adj) - Thân mật,riêng tư - being close,marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
This adjective can mean very friendly, or very personal or private. the original spelling was intime, from french,

from latin intimus "innermost," from intus "within." the related verb intimate means to hint or suggest. intimate is
also a noun meaning a close friend or associate. and when you get intimate with someone, it can mean that
you're sexually involved.
Eg 1 : A small restaurant is called intimate because you're sitting close to the other people
Eg 2 : And your best friends are considered your intimate friends


AVENUE (n) - đại lộ - a wide street or a line of approach
An avenue is a street, especially a wide one lined with trees. an avenue is also any approach to doing something.
for example, this web site might be a new avenue you have found for learning words.
Eg 1 : Walking out of the parsons building on seventh avenue, mr. pinault inquired about some of the works on
Eg 2 : The boy was pronounced dead at the scene in haybridge avenue after going into cardiac arrest.

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TREACLE (n) - Nước mật đường - writing or music that is excessively sweet and sentimental
Use the noun treacle to describe a book or a song that is so sweet and sappy that it makes you feel a little sick
Eg 1 : I've just about given up using it, because it runs like treacle.
Eg 2 : For the same distressing, disabling disease, some people spread treacle on brown paper, and apply hot to the part
GRATITUDE (n) - Lòng biết ơn, sự nhớ ơn - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation
Gratitude means thanks and appreciation. it's the warm feeling you get when you remember the person who told you to
drop your 1980s hairstyle and get with the new millennium already
Eg 1 : Their gratitude is genuine, and i like living on the road tethered to my phone
Eg 2 : Israel would provide the united states iron dome know-how for its own potential use in gratitude for u.s. funding,
the official said
PSYCHOLOGIST (n) - Nhà tâm lý học - a scientist trained in psychology
A psychologist is a scientist who studies the mind. unless specified, you should assume the psychologist studies the
human mind -as opposed to, for example, a pet psychologist
Eg 1 : Chess involves a lot of reasoning, so some kids might boost their reasoning skills by playing chess, a hypothesis
psychologists are now investigating
Eg 2 : In the laboratory, psychologists often measure narcissism using the narcissistic personality inventory
VOLUNTARY (n) - Tự ý, tự nguyện, tự giác - a person who freely enlists for service
Voluntary is an adjective that describes something you do because you want to, without being influenced or forced into
it. usually a voluntary act is something you consciously choose to do, like going into work even on a snow day
Eg 1 : Voluntary evacuation orders were issued on thursday but lifted as of friday, they said
Eg 2 : More recently, the agriculture department has published voluntary guidelines for grading olive oil.


CLUMP (n, v) - Lùm, bụi (cây);cục, hòn (đất) - a grouping of a number of similar things
A clump is a "bunch" or a "cluster." if you're a gardener, the last thing you want to see is a clump of weeds growing in
the middle of your newly groomed lawn
Eg 1 : Clumps of ragged grass sprouted from the muck, cutting the waterway into a thousand braided channels
Eg 2 : We see clumps of woodland sedges as well, now bearing tiny triangular fruits favored by many songbirds

DEVISE (v) - Sáng chế, phát minh - come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
To devise is to figure out a plan. men twirling long mustaches might devise a plan to tie someone to the railroad tracks.
Eg 1 : You are devising a system that will make price spikes and disruptions worse
Eg 2 : The white house let congress devise a complicated and ineffectual set of new banking regulations
CONDUCT (v) - Chuyển hướng - to carry out
Conduct is about how you behave "conduct unbecoming" and also about carrying something through - "the survey was
conducted in may and june."
Eg 1 : Department of justice also advised sands it was conducting an investigation, the company said in its annual report
Eg 2 : I can fail at conducting an interview, writing an essay or making a video

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POLARIZE (v) - Phân cực - cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions
To polarize is to divide. something that's been polarized has been split into two sides that are so different, it seems as
though they're from opposite ends of the earth - like the north pole and the south pole
Eg 1 : In politically polarized washington, debt reduction is about as bipartisan as apple pie and the sun rising in the east
Eg 2 : Mr. kennedy said he was used to polarized reactions to his work

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BOUNDARY (n) - đường biên giới, ranh giới - the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
If you play a sport you are familiar with the term "in bounds," which refers to the boundary, or limits of the playing field
that the players must stay within. it is also the outer limits of any space
Eg 1 : Even though disciplinary boundaries are observed, some departmental barriers have been broken down
Eg 2 : Crossing disciplinary boundaries is acceptable at some german universities but frowned on at others, says
ISOLATE (v) - Cô lập - place or set apart
When you remove or set apart one thing from others, you isolate it. you could isolate yourself from people by living in a
remote hut or, if you're a biologist, you could isolate a chromosome.
Eg 1 : Eight years ago, researchers isolated another strain called lactobacillus hammesii from a french sourdough starter
Eg 2 : Outback aboriginal communities were evacuated and isolated schools closed
INTEGRATE (v) - Hợp nhất - make into a whole or make part of a whole
To integrate is to make parts of something into a whole. it also means to become one unit, or to make a place (like a
school) open to people of all races and ethnic groups
Eg 1 : What does a more integrated approach look like
Eg 2 : While other teams integrated new players early in a shortened season, the familiar hawks arrived with instant
COLLIDE (v) - Va chạm - crash together with violent impact
It could be protons bouncing around in a particle accelerator, two cars failing to stop at an intersection, or the priorities
of two people with very different goals. when things crash together, they collide
Eg 1 : Two passenger trains have collided in south africa near the capital, pretoria, injuring at least 100 people
Eg 2 : Police said it struck another vehicle before colliding with the cyclists


PARALLEL (adj) - Song song - being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting
In math, parallel means two lines that never intersect - think of an equals sign. figuratively, parallel means similar, or
happening at the same time. a story might describe the parallel lives of three close friends
Eg 1 : This is not completely parallel, but think about
Eg 2 : There are connections and parallels, of course, but also wild variations in tone and effectiveness

SYMMETRICAL (adj) - đối xứng - having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts
If you can draw a line down the center of something and get two similar halves, it's symmetrical. shapes like squares and
circles are symmetrical. unless you've had a serious injury like losing a limb, the human body is symmetrical. some
people think that faces that are more perfectly symmetrical are more beautiful than other faces.
Eg 1 : Essentially, the two ways of doing so are symmetrical
Eg 2 : In other words, drawing a line down the center results in symmetrical halves
MAGNET (n) - Nam châm - a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field
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This also means a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts
Eg 1 : Neodymium is used in the magnets of motors in electric cars
Eg 2 : The magnet can be thought of as a tiny loop of wire in which negatively charged electrons run through stationary
positive ions

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CREST (n, v) - Mào,đỉnh nóc, chỏm, ngọn - the top or extreme point of something,reach a high point
A crest is a showy tuft of feathers on the head of a bird. it's easy to identify a male cardinal by its bright red color and
the tufted crest on its head.
Eg 1 : Though the head crests of domesticated pigeons can vary quite a bit, their presence is due to the same mutation.

Eg 2 : The river crested last night
HUNCH (n, v) - Linh cảm,khom xuống, gập cong, uốn cong - an impression that something might be the case
When you pose for pictures with short friends, you hunch over so you don't tower above them - you scrunch up your
shoulders, bend your knees, and try to look smaller.
Eg 1 : I was hunched over my laptop, adult swim playing in the background
Eg 2 : I looked around nervously, and hurried on my way, head down, hunched over a little
RIDGE (n, v) - Chóp, chỏm, ngọn, đỉnh - a long narrow natural elevation or striation or throw soil toward (a crop row)
from both sides
A ridge is a long, narrow, elevated strip of land or any raised strip or band. a ridge is a line that rises above what it is
attached to
Eg 1 : On my aborted expedition i was going to take five different measurements of every ridge i crossed
Eg 2 : Dashboard of pickup truck located on ridge top about 14 km north of mount st. helens
CONVECTION (n) - Sự đối lưu - the transfer of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by molecular motion
Convection is the circular motion that happens when warmer air or liquid - which has faster moving molecules, making it
less dense - rises, while the cooler air or liquid drops down
Eg 1 : Convection is the mass movement of a fluid: hot water rising, for example
Eg 2 : That means that convection heaters are the only horse left in this race


RIDICULE (n) - Nhạo báng,chế nhạo - language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate
When you ridicule someone, you mock or make fun of them. they become the object of your ridicule or mockery. your
bad behavior might bring ridicule on your parents, who raised you to know better
Eg 1 : Aerospace enthusiasts ridiculed the problems on message boards
Eg 2 : Central park had become so dangerous it was ridiculed by late-night comedians

FAME (n) - Tiếng tăm, danh tiếng - the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
"fame puts you where things are hollow" sang bowie, reflecting the increasing darkness of his personal life, the sense of
alienation that celebrity had amplified
Eg 1 : A spot in the maryland hall of fame, given grudgingly no doubt

Eg 2 : Though ms. young is known for dressing celebrities, that fame may be rubbing off

HONOR (n) - Vinh dự,danh dự - a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
Honor has many uses, all of them good. if you are called a man of honor, you are respected. if someone honors you, they
recognize and award you for your achievements
Eg 1 : It is an honor to be nominated as central bank governor
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Eg 2 : Post office released a postage stamp honoring her
PROSPECT (n) - Cảnh, toàn cảnh, viễn cảnh - the possibility of future success
A prospect is the possibility that something fabulous will happen. after you graduate top of your class at harvard, for
example, your job prospects look great.
Eg 1 : His prospects as a writer are excellent
Eg 2 : But attacks by washington politicians may have damaged its prospects at the academy awards

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VIGOROUS (adj) - Mãnh liệt, mạnh mẽ - characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
Anything vigorous is done with force and energy. vigorous exercise makes you sweat, and a vigorous denial makes
someone else sweat
Eg 1 : America has turned to younger, more vigorous people

Eg 2 : Business leaders have previously said the welsh government has not been vigorous enough in assessing the impact
the law may have on firms
ASSIGN (v) - Phân công,ấn định,nhượng lại - select something or someone for a specific purpose
To assign is to specify something or someone for a specific purpose. if your sisters fight over whose turn it is to sit in the
front seat, your parents may have to assign turns.
Eg 1 : The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise
Eg 2 : The ministry of defense was assigned to make sure all u.s. special forces are out of the province within two weeks
DRIFT (v, n) - Sự trôi giạt,mục đích, ý định - be in motion due to some air or water current,the pervading meaning or
If you get my drift, you get the basic meaning of what i'm saying. or, if you move around without a seeming fixed
destination, you are said to drift - whether you're a snowflake or a homeless person.
Eg 1 : Since last year's second quarter, staffing levels have drifted lower
Eg 2 : Anglers wading the river, casting from shore and drifting it had pretty good success


CONTINENT (n) - Lục địa, đại lục - one of the large landmasses of the earth
A continent is one of the seven largest landmasses found on earth. asia, australia, and africa are three continents. can
you name the other four?
Eg 1 : No inhabited continent will be more affected by it than africa
Eg 2 : Deadly droughts, flash floods and falling water tables are recurring themes in conversations across the continent
EMERGE (v) - Nổi lên, hiện ra - come out into view, as from concealment
To emerge means to come out into view or come forth. you might hope to emerge from an epic perming session looking
like a beauty queen, but chances are it will just look like you got electrocuted
Eg 1 : "it's an emerging civil rights issue that we'll need to address," he says
Eg 2 : It's a problem those focused on emerging markets say they already have solved.

GENERATE (v) - Phát ra,sinh ra - bring into existence,give or supply
Generate as well as other similar words such as generation and genesis come from a greek word meaning "origin" or
"creation." let's say you have two siblings. in that case, your parents' marriage has generated three children

Eg 1 : In a hydroelectric power plant, water generates power
Eg 2 : Last year, trackleaders generated $80,000 in revenue tracking 60 events, including u.s

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HOSTILITY (n) - Sự thù địch - the feeling of a hostile person
Hostility is the state of ill will and bad feeling. if a teacher embarrasses you in front of the whole class, you will probably
regard him or her with hostility for the remainder of the school year
Eg 1 : My work looks specifically at hostility, not necessarily violence
Eg 2 : Meantime, hostilities continued at the final whistle and players had to be separated

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DEPRESS (v) - Làm giảm,làm chán nản - press down
Depress means to lessen the activity or power of something. if you want to depress the spread of poverty, you need to
find ways to slow it down, like by bringing education and skill-building resources into the poorest communities.
Eg 1 : Despite its slightly depressing subject matter, ask is the smiths at their most upbeat
Eg 2 : But the increases are coming from depressed levels as sales plummeted to a record low in 2011
INVESTIGATE (v) - điều tra nghiên cứu - conduct an inquiry or investigation of
To investigate is to look into something systematically. if you don't understand how tornadoes work, for example,
investigate the forces of wind and find out

Eg 1 : Texas child welfare authorities also are investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect
Eg 2 : Chicago police are investigating the death as a murder
SUFFER (v) - Chịu đựng - undergo or be subjected to,endure
The verb suffer means to feel pain or something equally unpleasant. you'd probably do anything you could to be sure
your beloved cat didn't suffer when she got old and sick
Eg 1 : He suffered very much through being victimised and demonised
Eg 2 : She suffered a grave head injury and her life support was turned off several days later
DEPLOY (v) - Sự dàn quân, sự dàn trận, sự triển khai - place troops or weapons in battle formation
The word deploy is mainly used in military contexts and to refer to the strategic arrangement of fighting forces
Eg 1 : An army spokesman in dhaka said two platoons of troops had been deployed in the town
Eg 2 : Security forces in riot gear patrolled in pickup trucks and deployed on street corners on saturday


RIGOROUS (adj) - Nghiêm khắc,khắc nghiệt - rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard
If you are rigorous when you do something, you do it strictly by the book and leave nothing to chance. a rigorous
inspection of your tax records has revealed the government owes you money. congratulations!
Eg 1 : Both papers are rich and rigorous studies of growth hiccups
Eg 2 : Rigorous application of the law
COUNTENANCE (n, v) - Sự tán thành - the appearance conveyed by a person's face
The noun countenance means the face or its expression. if you're a great poker player, you probably have a calm
Eg 1 : Like rodgers, tom werner refuses to countenance cashing in on suárez
Eg 2 : His opponent in the american election, mitt romney, has at times seemed more willing to countenance a unilateral
israeli strike
ENVISAGE (v) - Dự tính, nhìn thẳng vào - imagine something that does not yet exist
Martin luther king jr. envisaged a time when black and white americans would no longer be segregated by race.
Eg 1 : About 30 patients have used the envisage programme so far
Eg 2 : Designers envisaged users working with several papertabs simultaneously, brotman said
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NEUROLOGIST (n) - Nhà thần kinh học - a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
Eg 1 : He saw a pediatric neurologist, who ordered an mri scan that found nothing amiss
Eg 2 : Campbell said he recently underwent testing in houston at the urging of his neurologist

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DELEGATE (n, v) - đại biểu,người được uỷ nhiệm - a person appointed or elected to represent others,transfer power to
A delegate is also an elected official, or the person who is doing the task you delegated them to do. in presidential
primaries in the united states, you do not vote for a candidate, you vote for a delegate whose job it is to vote for that
candidate at a convention.
Eg 1 : Southern delegates wanted to count the whole slave population, which would have given the south greater
influence over national policy
Eg 2 : American foreign policy can only be delegated so far, and crises only wished away for so long
STATISTIC (n) - Thống kê - a datum that can be represented numerically
A statistic is a numerical piece of information. if you are trying to prove a point, and you want your argument to have a
sense of authority, you might want to use a statistic to back up your claim.
Eg 1 : This statistic is even worse for state-run or -funded homes, activists said.
Eg 2 : However, one telltale statistic showed how showy lifestyles are out of fashion in bailed-out greece
ASSUAGE (v) - Làm dịu bớt - provide physical relief, as from pain

If you assuage an unpleasant feeling, you make it go away. assuaging your hunger by eating a bag of marshmallows may
cause you other unpleasant feelings.
Eg 1 : Gun rights supporters said the president was evidently trying to reach out to gun owners to assuage their concerns
about his legislative proposals
Eg 2 : Maybe the new management wanted to assuage fans by putting their most familiar work forward first


APPROPRIATE (adj, v) - Thích hợp, thích đáng - suitable for a particular person or place or condition
Something appropriate is correct and fits the situation. a sweater-vest with reindeer on it is appropriate holiday apparel,
even if it's totally embarrassing
Eg 1 : With so many artists picking up brushes or at least a pencil, is the idea that real things can be appropriated as art
Eg 2 : When we are looking at what further regulations may be appropriate we will want to consider the impact on
EMPHASIZE (v) - Nhấn mạnh - to stress, single out as important
To emphasize is to make something important, or stress it, like when you were little and your parents would always
emphasize the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street. they told you again and again and again. and
Eg 1 : Internally, they emphasize that people have individual personalities and all are accepted
Eg 2 : He emphasized that he really wanted a job
CONFERENCE (n) - Hội nghị - a prearranged meeting
A conference is a formal get-together where people talk (or "confer") about a chosen topic, like when your office holds a
conference to talk about the problem of snoring during meetings.
Eg 1 : Federal travel, conferences and training classes could first be canceled, he said, as could worker bonuses and new
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Eg 2 : A conference can also be a public meeting arranged for discussion, such as a press conference or a national

conference for a particular group

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INJECT (v) - đưa vào, tiêm - force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing;to introduce
To inject is to give an injection, or a shot. when your doctor tells you that you need a flu shot, she wants to inject you
with a vaccine that will help keep you from getting sick.
Eg 1 : Oscar organizers are trying to inject more verve into a show whose awards generally play out by the numbers
Eg 2 : Challenging this view are economists who argue the central bank should inject more money into the economy to
improve lending conditions
ENTERPRISE (n) - Việc làm khó khăn; việc làm táo bạo - a purposeful or industrious undertaking or an organization
created for business ventures
Enterprise describes a readiness to act boldly to get something started, like the enterprise it takes to start a charity with
only a dream and a few dollars.
Eg 1 : Enterprises that consider the big data is too nascent and immature can no longer rely on that excuse
Eg 2 : Osborne challenged pickles over the slow pace of setting up enterprise zones in december
PRESUMABLY (adv) - Có thể được, có thể cho là đúng - by reasonable assumption
Presumably you are reading these word blurbs because you're interested in learning some useful words. you can add
presumably to any statement that you think is true - it indicates a logical conclusion for which you don't have definite
Eg 1 : Caro is working on the fifth, and presumably last, volume
Eg 2 : "closed curtain" is set in an empty villa in iran, presumably beside the caspian sea

APPARENT (adj) - Hiển nhiên - clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
Apparent means obvious, but - and this is confusing - it can also mean something that seems to be true but isn't definite.
"the train's arrival is apparent - it's in the station - but apparently my friend missed it because she is not getting off."
Eg 1 : In apparent reference to libya, north korea said it never backed down
Eg 2 : In that context, his apparent crime is not as surprising


PROOFREAD (v) - Sửa lỗi - read for errors

Eg 1 : I should proofread my manuscripts
Eg 2 : Many writers proofread their words carefully but are less careful with their figures

INSOMNIA (n) - Mất ngủ - an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness
You are suffering from insomnia if you usually have trouble falling or staying asleep. there's no cure, but people with
insomnia are told to go to be at the same time every night, and try to clear their mind of stress.
Eg 1 : Other drugs already are under review, for conditions including insomnia and hardening of the arteries
Eg 2 : He began drinking heavily, developed chronic insomnia, became a literary figure in seoul

POLISH (v) - đánh bóng - make (a surface) shine
Bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state
Eg 1 : They spend their days gathering information, weighing, revising, polishing, and perfecting
Eg 2 : I found five excellent stories that readers of weird would love, and a few dozen rough diamonds in need of further
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ILLITERACY (n) - Nạn mù chữ - the inability to read
You can help someone overcome illiteracy by reading together, or even by sharing your knowledge of vocabulary
Eg 1 : American advisors have been struggling with illiteracy among afghan army troops

Eg 2 : The railway station sits in a densely populated muslim neighborhood where poverty and illiteracy rates are very

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EDITORIAL (n, adj) - Bài xã luận - an article giving opinions or perspectives
An editorial is an article that expresses the opinion of the person who or organization that wrote it.
Eg 1 : "the worst is going to happen," the newspaper said in an editorial
Eg 2 : An editorial accompanying the hip replacement study said "there is no justification" for the huge cost variation the
researchers found
ENCLOSE (v) - Bỏ kèm theo, đóng vào - surround completely, to introduce
To enclose something is to surround it or cover it up. an envelope encloses a letter
Eg 1 : Any outdoor colonies that remain should be enclosed, he said
Eg 2 : They feed on rodents and often hide in enclosed spaces to ambush their prey

ENDEAVOR (v, n) - Sự cố gắng, sự nỗ lực - attempt by employing effort
An endeavor is an earnest effort to achieve some goal. as a verb, the word means "to try hard at something."
Eg 1 : Every climb is a redline endeavor, with the heart rate often topping 180 beats a minute
Eg 2 : Coral farming is not only a business endeavor
COLLABORATION (n) - Cộng tác - act of working jointly
When you join a group of friends to build a huge sandcastle on the beach, your impressive structure is the result of
collaboration, or working together toward a common goal.

Eg 1 : He said he only knew of one other similar collaboration in seattle that began 15 years ago
Eg 2 : Each collaboration will evoke unique perspectives on the civil war in each region


ABHOR (v) - Ghê tởm; ghét cay ghét đắng - hate
Abhor is from latin abhorrere "to shrink back in horror." it is the strongest way in english to express hatred, even
stronger than loathe. we only use abhor in formal contexts; you might say "i abhor that man," but you would be less
likely to say "i abhor spinach" unless you tend to express yourself in highfalutin terms no matter what the occasion.
Eg 1 : He abhorred art that dwelt on aesthetics at the expense of social problems
Eg 2 : In reality, they abhor any government regulations that cut into profit
ATTEMPT (v, n) - Sự cố gắng - make an effort
The word attempt can also be used as a noun. it's an honest effort to do something. your attempt to bake a birthday
cake may look like a disaster, but the birthday boy will appreciate the effort anyway. the noun attempt can also mean an
attack on a person or place, but in this case, it's best to hope that the attempt is not on your life. and never, ever
attempt that sort of thing at home!
Eg 1 : The police attempted to stop the thief
Eg 2 : Major u.s. stock indexes will make another attempt at reaching all-time records, but the fitful pace that has
dominated trading is likely to continue

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APPROACH (n, v) - Cách thức, phương pháp tiếp cận - move towards
To approach is to get near something. an airplane is cleared for a final approach just as the wheels approach the landing
Eg 1 : However, unlike the current emotional debate surrounding gun control in the united states, the swiss approach is
more dispassionate and pragmatic.
Eg 2 : Do college basketball refs use the same approach when making charge/block calls?
AUTHORITY (n) - Nhà chức trách, - the power or right to give orders or make decisions
If you have the authority to do something, you have the right or power to do it. you are the big cheese. or, if you know
more about a topic than most, you are an authority on that topic
Eg 1 : Authorities said 33 militants were killed by security forces in february
Eg 2 : She told authorities that johnson later raped her.
PROPERTY (n) - Quyền sở hữu, tài sản, của cải - something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned
by someone
What you own or have, like a car or clothes, is your property. the qualities that a thing has are its properties. aloe is a
plant with medicinal properties - it soothes burns.
Eg 1 : Asian stock markets also fell, as worries that china would tighten its grip on the property sector hurt sentiment
Eg 2 : That hat is my property
ENTRANCE (n, v) - Cổng vào, lối vào - something that provides access
As a noun, entrance means an act of entering or something that provides a way to enter something. you can make a
grand entrance when you arrive at a party, as long as you can actually find the entrance
Eg 1 : Maybe a half dozen more women's coaches might gain entrance over the next few years
Eg 2 : After enlisting i reported to the fort meade military entrance processing station on 1 october 2007.


LICENSE (n) - Giấy phép,bằng - a legal document giving official permission to do something
The word license can also means freedom. "seniors should have certain freedoms, but when they aren't even required
to come to class, that is excessive license. also, they shouldn't have the option, every time they misspell a word, to claim
"poetic license."
Eg 1 : Are there any licensing issues that might hamper mod accessibility
Eg 2 : Depending on the findings, the pharmacies could face fines and possible suspension of their licenses
CONFLICT (n) - Cuộc xung đột - an open clash between two opposing groups
A conflict is a struggle or an opposition. if you and your best friend both fall in love with the same person, you will have
to find some way to resolve the conflict
Eg 1 : Uncovering those values is key to resolving complicated conflicts
Eg 2 : But cattle rustling, conflicts between communities and raids by rebel groups continue to hamper farming, the
report said

SCHEME (n) - Kế hoạch, sơ đồ - an elaborate and systematic plan of action
A scheme is an elaborate plan or plot. it's going to take a really solid scheme, probably involving teleportation or some
sort of temporary cloning, to make an appearance at both parties at once
Eg 1 : Instead, banks will introduce higher fixed salaries and convoluted pay schemes
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Eg 2 : The beneficial impact of the funding for lending scheme is countered by still difficult economic conditions

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SKETCH (n) - Tóm tắt,phác hoạ - preliminary drawing for later elaboration,short descriptive summary
A sketch is a rough or brief outline of something. if you hand in a sketch, instead of your full paper, don't expect to get a
very high grade
Eg 1 : Practice playing with ideas mainly through drawing and sketching, constantly seeing from different views, creating
Eg 2 : Fusing song, poetry, sketches, jazz, dance and theatre, cabaret demolished boundaries between high and low
culture, artists and audience
POTENTIAL (adj) - Tiềm tàng,tiềm năng - existing in possibility
If you can describe something as possible but not yet actual, choose the adjective, potential. companies try to reach
potential customers through advertising
Eg 1 : Cherished, perhaps, but not necessarily free from potential threats
Eg 2 : There has been no contact from any potential investors
AUCTION (n, v) - Bán đấu giá - the public sale of something to the highest bidder
In an auction, items are sold without price tags - whoever bids the highest gets to buy it, whether it’s a painting, a car, or
a set of old dishes
Eg 1 : Under scottish law a verbal offer is binding, like a bid at auction
Eg 2 : The people involved in the auction process said bids are unlikely to live up to the expectations of the authorities
CONTEMPORARY (adj) - đương thời,cùng thời - occurring in the same period of time
Things that are contemporary are either happening at the same time or happening now. contemporary art is recent art
Eg 1 : The composer salieri was contemporary with mozart
Eg 2 : Palmer is not making a contemporary cruise ship that happens to look like the titanic


TRAJECTORY (n) - Quỹ đạo - the path followed by an object moving through space
If you stay on your current trajectory of constant partying, dining out, and yacht rentals, you'll end up broke. a trajectory
is the path of an object through space, or the path of life that a person chooses
Eg 1 : Later,scientists calculated its trajectory, based on a few plot points of its movement

Eg 2 : I predict aging will follow the same trajectory as cancer research.
HAZARDOUS (adj) - Mạo hiểm; nguy hiểm - involving risk or danger
The noun "hazard" means something dangerous, and the adjective hazardous refers to anything that involves danger. a
golf course with lots of sand traps is especially hazardous for golfers. that's why those traps are called hazards
Eg 1 : Skydiving is a hazardous sport
Eg 2 : Air quality levels in beijing have regularly been labeled as unhealthy or hazardous

PRELIMINARY (adj, n) - Sơ bộ,mở đầu - something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
Preliminary means something that comes before something else. if you want to run in the race, you have to place in the
top third of the preliminary round. it can also mean "early" - the preliminary results are in, and you've won!
Eg 1 : Training is a necessary preliminary to employment
Eg 2 : Whatever the competition commission decides, the preliminary findings will be put out to public consultation, and
there will likely be global repercussions

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