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Business Entertainment

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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

Group Meeting
Classes section:
I.Date, location
1. Date:
2. Location:
II. Meeting content
1.Members:Number of participants:
2. Discussions:
-The team members meet and exchange personal information contacts
-Group members in the same subject analysis, suggested building a unified
-Based on the protocol
-leader assignments for each member.
3.The end of the meeting
Evaluation meetings: meetings pretty good, everybody actively participate,
Hanoi, April 20, 2016 Secretary


Business-entertaining is an important measure in front of business
activities, in order to build relationships with business partners of ours.
There are many forms of entertainment but more popular gifts,
entertainment, travel and feast. When companies have methods consistent

customer reception will be good conditions for the development of relations
between the two sides. It is also an opportunity for the parties to be able to
contact, direct dialogue, creating comfortable spaces, make your work more
effective while working at the negotiating table. However, the businessentertaining also encountered some difficulties. Now, as we learn about the
topic: "Advantages and Disadvantages of business-entertaining" to better
understand this problem
a. The trust and the long relationship with partners.
Every one knows in business, customer relationship is a very important
factor, which is greatly affects the success or failure of a business. However ,
there are very few companies that know how to maintain good customer
relationship. But no worry, if you want to have the lasting relationships, i'm
sure that entertainment will be one of the best and most effective ways for
your company.
Entertainment is defined as hospitality of any kind. The following are
- Provision of food and drink
- Provision of theatre and concert tickets
- Entry to clubs and night clubs
- Entry to sporting events and facilities
- Payments made to third party business
- Business gift.
So, why entertainment helps to create the lasting relationship?
First of all, your partner can see you are very generous, friendly, hospitable,
and willing to spend a large sums to invite them to a luxurious meal or
valuable concert tickets and business gifts.
Therefore, this action will create the confidence for your customer. This will
show your company is not only reputable, charismatic but also professional

-which not every company have. And of course , it will make a good
impression on their minds.
Your entertainment will show the business is always interested in benefits of
customers. Because your business is always interested in benefit of
customer.Because your business always knows what the customer likes and
needs as well as has a good after-sales service after using their product
I'm sure when a business has appropriate entertainments, enterprises can not
only maintain good relationship but also cooperate with new better ones.
b. Close to clients, understand your personality.
As we know to build good relationships with clients is very important
strategies for your company. To get this goal, companies always look up for
new ideas, new services in order to attract the clients.
And entertaining is known as good service that brings about many
advantages. One of the advantages is closer to clients and understands their
Firstly when you get in touch with your clients , you can collect many
useful information such as: hobbies, habit, personality, demands ....
Therefore we use to create client's profile...., choose potential clients for
company and have products that suit all tastes clients. The financial results
significant rise in profits.
Secondly Communicating not only bring about information but also make
a new relationship that that is the best and fastest .... In a close relationship,
you and your clients have a strong emotional bond, know a lot about each
other, and feel connected .You communicate and build up trust and improve
clients satisfaction. In addition, you have clients loyalty that is the main key
of a succeeding company .
Finally , To keep a close relationship close takes some efforts. You need
many qualities such as : professionalism , knowledge ,sincerity , friendliness

,opendness and so on.a long lasting relationship is built up. Thereby , you
have new friends, valuable experiences, skill communication and your
company have loyal clients.
c. Increasing the number of product yield.
Business- entertaining is essential for any company or business. The
reception could have several ways, such as eating lead partner, there are

special offers for customers, ... These things help a lot for business. Special
it make the work place more favorable, increasing the number of product
If we Receptions their customers by giving away food, cafe is where
private space to share, we will have the opportunity to learn more about
partner more, know their interests, wants, needs their needs so that
appropriate strategies to implement business policies, higher profitability, in
addition, we also learned a partner character to behave properly with the
customer satisfaction goods.
Besides, the partners will be receptions more sympathetic, they will feel
respected and I also have the feeling to be respected again. The relationship
will be based on cooperation and mutual respect .Each comfortable things no
gap. Such relations.
Furthermore, the receptions will make customers more confident partner,
raising the prestige and quality of customer service. I will have a good
business partner for investment
Thus, not only increases the number of sales, increase revenue, but also
increase the amount invested in the company. Partners might introduce
another partner or invest in other products.
To sum up , business- entertaining contributed in no small part to the
success in business. it make the work is more convidient , increasing the

number of product yield. therefore , companies should find some ways to
recept partner
a. Time wasting

Business entertaining can be a serious drain on company productivity.
When staff has to spend time in this, then that's action that is not being taken
to meet company goals and objectives. And the more staff involved in
entertaining, the more this lack of productivity can affect the company's
output on any given day. For this reason, many companies try to limit the
amount of time that employees spend in entertaining, unless such gatherings
are meant to generate new revenue for the company -- think sales

prospecting entertaining or client interactions.
b. Finance and healthy of employee
Everything has its 2 sides. I think the negative side of invitation in
business is finance.We have to spend a large amount of fee for this.
Sometimes the realistic cost may be higher than the estimated one. Beside,
there are some bad effects on the company employee, the one that represents
the company to join the invitation activities. The quality of an enterprise is
sometimes rated by the enthusiasm in parties. Every overtime party badly
affects to businessman's company. Otherwise, they will miss the contracts,
lose benefits or even lose their job.
c. Forget main target
If you don't have a proper plan, the entertainment will not only waste time
or your budget. Seriously, it can drive you far from your initial objective.
Usually it is very difficult to swap roles between business and entertainment
and sometimes the objective will be forgotten. Such as the overemphasis on

entertainment purposes makes both you and your customers forget the
original purpose. The groom on the luxury parties, the best horse in the race
but the projects which are the target towards first is lack of thorough
investment. You take your customer go to a trip, a stylish restaurant,
drinking wine but forget to introduce the quality of the goods, the items of
the contract or the project ideas. Not to mention the subjectivity of
customers, some customers have excessive demands on entertainment, if you
do not satisfy their needs, they will discourage you. According to their
thinking, the entertainment is the prerequisite of cooperation. Moreover, if
you can’t decide exactly when you get down to business in a recreational
occasion, the entertainment will even be counterproductive. the contrary
effect that entertainment bring to business sometime not only the failure to
cooperate but also the loss of credibility with customers.
What things are too much and also not too good, you should always
determine what you need and what to do.


To sum up, we can not deny that entertainment business benefit rather than
harm. The corporate hospitality is sometime more important than the quality
of the goods. Companies force their people to sale as more products as
possible, and even the employees’ payments are dependent on how many
products they sold. Therefore, in order to get more clients, employees try
their best to entertain their clients or prospects. The company that has a
better strategic business entertaining always retain more customers. The
benefits that it brings is impossible to mention them all. Of course,
everything has two it's faces, it's hard to balance between business and
entertainment without confusing them together. In conclusion, the key to use

the way of mixing business with pleasure is definite the objective and
control the time to swap the role.


Advantages and Disadvantage of Business-Entertaining

a. Close to clients, understand your personality.
b. Increasing the number of product yield.
c. The trust and the long relationship with partners.

a. Time wasting
b. Finance and healthy of employee
c. Forget main target



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