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how to forgive ..............

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How to forgive
" To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold
peace and happiness." Robert Muller said. If forgiveness is something you do for yourself and
if can help you heal, why is it hard? Below you will find four simple ways to embark upon the
journey of forgiveness in order to release yourself from past hurts. The first important thing you
need to do is define what forgive is. When you know thoroughly it, you will be easy to carry
out following steps. Someone usually thinks forgiveness implies you are excusing the other
person's actions, and this is totally true. You should remember that forgiving does not mean you
have to go on including them in your life and, of course, is not something you do for the other
people, but it prevents their behavior from destroying your heart and is about choosing security
and happiness over resentment. Next, your negative feelings should be put aside. Temper and
an inability to communicate are the impetus of many hurtful behaviors. Therefore, you must
keep calm and make an effort to understand what happened and why the person acted the way
he did. You should be relaxed as much as possible, having revenge sticks in your mind, instead.
The best revenge is a good life . Forgiveness is about taking back your power. Then, you try to
recall the image of them in a perfected state. When you think of a good relationship between
you and him before and acknowledge that everything did happen and no one does not make a
mistake, you will find out one reason to condone. Finally, decide whether or not you want to
tell the other person that you have forgiven him. If you decide not to express forgiveness
directly, then do it on your own. When you are ready, say the words "I forgive you" and add as
much explanation as you feel is merited. The pardon for a person puts the final seal on what
happened that injures you and is a wonderful way to honor yourself. Trying to carry out above
steps carefully, you will have a successful forgiveness.

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