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Introduction to geothermal energy

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27- Geothermal energy


A natural form of renewable energy generated from the
heat in the earth’s core

Temperature of in excess of 6,000 degrees Celsius.

Available 24/7, it is a reliable provider of electricity and

Geothermal energy is not dependent on the weather.    

How it works

Geothermal heat pump GHP

Enhanced geothermal systems EGS

Large potential
along Ring of
Fire islands

Listed 39 countries around the world that could be powered solely from geothermal

Opportunities in Asia and the Pacific

Fiji, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga and

Broader capabilities in the

Further development of EGS technology could increase the potential for
electricity production in the region greatly by making electricity production

region with the development of

from geothermal plants more feasible and cost-effective outside of the Ring

enhanced geothermal systems:

of Fire nations

Trends in development

6/24 countries worldwide

Capacity 3,743 MW between 2008 and 2009

30% world’s geothermal electricity

Geothermal electricity generation

Entire world


The second-largest geothermal
capacity in the world after the


Generated 1,904 MW accounts
for 17% of country’s electricity
needs in 2010

 The view of the PNOC-EDC of the Leyte Geothermal Production Field in 
Tongonan, Leyte, Philippines

Strengths with thermal energy

Steady use


Low operation costs of geothermal

Challenges to using geothermal energy

High upfront capital and exploration costs 

Limited areas for resource extraction without enhanced geothermal systems

Implementing strategies

Strengthen geothermal systems to extend capacity

Further development of EGS technology is supported by a number of OECD countries.

Technology transfer

Cooperation and financial incentives for domestic and international private investment
