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Exercise 24 (Simple Past Tense)
1) The moon ____________________ (to come) out late last night.
2) Jessica ____________________ (to lose) her first tooth this morning.
3) My entire family ____________________ (to catch) the flu last winter.
4) The employees ___________________ (to do) a lot of work today.
5) The swimmers __________________ (to hold) their breath and jumped in the water.
6) The baker ___________________ (to make) a cake for my birthday.
7) They _______________________ (to take) a picture of the mountain.
8) The teacher _____________________ (to teach) the students chemistry last year.
9) I _______________________ (to wear) my jacket to work yesterday.
10) We ____________________ (to go) to the zoo last weekend.
10) Tom _____________________ (to write) his family a letter.
12) I ____________________ (to see) a movie last night.
Exercise 25 (Simple Past Tense)
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past or past progressive tense.
Example: Colleen (determine) determined (simple past tense) that she would go to law school
after speaking with her father.
Example: Our swim team (practice) was practicing (past progressive tense) the relay in an outdoor
pool when the storm (begin) began. (simple past tense)
Example: We (like) liked (simple past tense) the small Italian restaurant best because it (offer)
offered (simple past tense) delicious linguine Alfredo.
1) The beginning art students (decide) __________________ to make collages as their first project.
2) You (wear) ______________________ that shirt every time I saw you last week!
3) The speeding car (crash) _________________into a telephone pole last night.
4) The club members (walk) _____________________ for charity when the rain (begin)
____________________ to fall.
5) Joe (forgive) ______________________ his sister Carrie for telling her friends his secret.
6) The girls (want) ____________________to watch the old movie again after it (end)
7) Daniel and Katherine (make) _______________________ a big announcement at last Sunday's
dinner; they are having a baby!

8) The Smith family's ancestors (live) _____________________ in Virginia when the war started.
9) The inn (close) _____________________ after the Gold Rush (end) ____________________.
10) The company's CEO (introduce) ______________________ the keynote speaker when the
microphone suddenly (make)_____________________ a terrible noise.
II - Using Irregular Verbs in Simple Past Tense
Example: I saw the moon. You saw the moon. We saw the moon. They saw the moon.
He saw the moon. She saw the moon. It saw the moon.
Directions: Write the correct form of the irregular verb in simple past tense.
Example: He _______ (to drink) the coffee.
He drank (to drink) the coffee.
1) The moon _________________ (to come) out late last night.
2) Jessica ___________________ (to lose) her first tooth this morning.
3) My entire family _____________________ (to catch) the flu last winter.
4) The employees ______________________ (to do) a lot of work today.
5) The swimmers ____________________ (to hold) their breath and jumped in the water.

6) The baker ___________________ (to make) a cake for my birthday.
7) They ____________________ (to take) a picture of the mountain.
8) The teacher _____________________ (to teach) the students chemistry last year.
9) I _____________________(to wear) my jacket to work yesterday.
10) We ____________________ (to go) to the zoo last weekend.
10) Tom ______________________ (to write) his family a letter.
12) I ____________________ (to see) a movie last night.
Using Irregular Verbs that Stay the Same
1) She always (put, puts, putted) lots of cream in her coffee.
2) He (hit, hits, hitted) his head last night.
3) His head (hurt, hurts, hurted) after he hit it.
4) The children (play, plays, played) soccer last weekend.

5) The arsonist (set, sets, setted) fire to several houses in our neighborhood last year.
6) The door is (shut, shuts, shutted).
7) The audience (laugh, laughs, laughed) at the joke.
8) My father (split, splits, splitted) lots of wood so that we could make a fire.
9) The chef has (bake, bakes, baked) three wedding cakes.
10) The trip is (plan, plans, planned).
11) I have never (like, likes, liked) chocolate.
12) The boy (touch, touches, touched) the painting while it was still wet.
13) My mother (let, lets, letted) me stay up late last night.
14) The kitten (try, tries, tried) to drink the milk every time I eat cereal.
15) The men (bet, bets, betted) on horses at the racetrack last Monday.
16) Janet has never (spread, spreads, spreaded) butter on her bread before.
17) The bubble (burst, bursts, bursted) and soap got in my eye.
18) The work is (finish, finishes, finished).
19) I (visit, visits, visited) my mother last week.
20) The dog (want, wants, wanted) to go outside. Please let him out.
Directions: Now make your own sentences using irregular verbs that stay the same.
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
Exercise 26 (Simple Past Tense)
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past or past progressive tense.
Note: The word 'not' is used with some of the verbs to make a negative expression.
Example: The teenagers (joke) were joking (past progressive tense) around in the hallway when the
principle (tell) told (simple past tense) them to go to class.
Example: The sisters (plan) were planning (past progressive tense) a family reunion for spring, but
their brother (do, not, want) did not want simple past tense) to attend.
1) Claudia (learn) ______________________ to be a chef when she (win)____________________
a national recipe contest.
2) Aaron (enjoy) _____________________ the old car show so much, he (do, not, remember)
_______________________________ that he had an appointment.

3) The band members (play) ______________________ a concert when Adrienne's clarinet
(squeak) _____________________. She (feel) _______________________ embarrassed.
4) The Apollo 13 astronauts (prepare) ________________________ to land on the moon when

they (discover) __________ a problem with the spaceship. Unfortunately, they(do, not, land)
5) Caroline (try) _______________________ to find a job in Portland when she (hear)
______________________about a great opportunity in Orlando.
6) You (sail) _____________________ near Barbados when your ship (strike) ________________
a sand bar; you (do, not, like) _____________________________ waiting for help to come.
7) Cody and Matthew (sit) __________________________ on a rocky ledge when a snake
(crawl)________________ out of its hole nearby. They (do, not, see) ___________________
it until it (get) _____________________ very close to them.
8) Sue (take) ___________________ her medicine just as the doctor (order)___________________
when he (decide) ____________________ to add another drug to her plan.
9) The Johnsons (tour) ____________________ the Mediterranean when they (call) __________
us last November. They (do, not, want) _________________________ to come home.
10) I (look) _____________________ for information about my ancestors when I (find)
__________________ that some of them (be) __________________ aboard the Mayflower.

Exercise 27 (Review of simple past tense and past progressive tense)
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense or past
progressive tense.
Last week, as Karla (walk) ___________________ (1) in her neighborhood, a puppy suddenly
(appear) ___________________(2)and (run) __________________(3) between her legs!
This (be) ____________ (4) a surprise, and she (laugh) ________________ (5) out loud.
Karla likes dogs a lot, so she (stop) __________________ (6) to pet the puppy. He was very
playful. While she (try) ____________________ (7) to pet him, he (nip) __________________ (8)

her fingers.
To Karla, the puppy (look)_________ (9) like a terrier mix. He be)____________(10) wiry, white,
and fuzzy. He (have) ____________(11) big ears, and he (wiggle) _______ _______(12) and
wagging his tail without stopping.
Karla (begin) _________________ (13) walking again, and (notice) ____________________(14)
that the puppy (follow) ___________________(15) her home. He (seem) _________________(16)
happy that he (have) ___________________(17) a friend to walk with.
The puppy stayed with Karla until they (come) _____________________(18) to a yard where there
(be) _____________(19) some big dogs behind a fence. The dogs (bark) __________________(20)
and growling at the woman and the puppy.
The puppy (stop) __________________(21). He (tremble)___________________(22) and whining.
He (do, not, want) ________________________(23) to go any further. He (turn)
____________________(24) around and (run) _____________________(25) home quickly without
looking back. Karla hopes she will see her new friend again.


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