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Thì quá khứ đơn

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The Simple Past Tense (Thì Quá Khứ Đơn)
“Tobe” = was/ were.
 Cách chia: a.Thể khẳng định (Afirmative form) (+) S + tobe ………
b.Thể phủ định (Negative form ) (-) S+ tobe + not ………
c.Thể nghi vấn (Interrogative form )(?) Tobe + S …………..?
d.(Wh) Wh + tobe + S …..?
I, He ,She ,It -> was
You ,we, they -> were
Lưu ý :was not = wasn’t
were not = weren’t
Ex: I was in Da Lat last year. ( Tôi ở Đà Lạt năm ngoái)
He wasn’t at class yesterday. (Hôm qua anh ta không đi học )
Were you at school yesterday? ( Hôm qua bạn có ở trường không?)
- ……………………………………. ( không, tôi không ở trường. Tôi ở nhà)
Ordinary verbs ( Thì quá khứ đơn với động từ thường)
 Cách chia: : a.Thể khẳng định (Afirmative form) (+) S + V2
b.Thể phủ định (Negative form )
(-) S+ did not + V(infinitive)
c.Thể nghi vấn (Interrogative form ) (?) Did + S + V(infinitive) …?
d.(Wh) Wh + did + S + V(infinitive)
( did not = didn’t)
Ex: I met him yesterday.( Tôi gặp anh ta hôm qua.)
I didn’t watch TV last night (Tôi không xem TV hôm qua.)
Did you see Mr.Nam ? ( Bạn có thấy thầy Nam đâu không ? )
III .Use ( cách sử dụng)
 Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả 1 hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ,chấm dứt rồi và biết rõ
thời gian.
Ex: I met my friend yesterday. ( Tôi gặp bạn tôi hôm qua.)
 Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả 1 thói quen đã xảy ra trong quá khứ,chấm dứt rồi và biết rõ

thời gian.
Ex: I often went fishing when I was young.( Tôi thường đi câu cá khi tôi còn nhỏ )
 Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả 1 sự thật đã xảy ra trong quá khứ,chấm dứt rồi và biết rõ thời
Ex: I was 40 last year.( Năm ngoái tôi 40 tuổi )
 Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả 1 loạt các hành động xảy ra kế tiếp nhau trong quá khứ
Ex: I finished my exercise,turned off all the lights in my class and went home.
 Các phó từ đi kèm với quá khứ đơn:
- Last week/month/ year/ Monday/ Summer (tuần trước /tháng trước/năm trước/ thứ hai
trước / mùa hè trước.),ago (cách đây ), yesterday(hôm qua),In 1990/2016…(năm
1990/2016…),first (lần đầu tiên)…
 Lưu ý : Động từ của quá khứ đơn chia làm 2 loại:
- Động từ có quy tắc ( regular verbs) là những động từ dạng quá khứ thêm “ed”
Ex : Work-worked
watch -> ……………
Play- played
collect -> ……………….
- Động từ bất quy tắc ( irregular verbs ) là những động từ dạng quá khứ không thêm ed
Ex: Go - went
be -> ………………….
Do – did
buy -> ………………..

Exercise 1:Complete the sentences using: am, is, are, was, were.
1. I…………….a student now.
2. The homework………………….. very difficult yesterday.
3. The children……………………in the park five minutes ago.
4. Nha Trang …………………….a beautiful place.

5. I…………………….late for school yesterday.
6. Where………………..she yesterday?- She ……………………at home.
7. We …………tired today. Because we stayed up late last night.
8. She ………………..unhappy because doesn’t have any friends in the city.
9. …………………….your mother at home yesterday morning?
10. Mr Tan ……………….a doctor 10 years ago.
Exercise 2:Rewrite the sentences in the negative.
1. They collected postcards. → They didn’t collect postcards.
2. You jumped high. → ………………
3. Albert played squash. → ………………
4. The teacher tested our English. →………………
5. Fiona visited her grandma. →………………
6. He washed the car. →………………
7. You were thirsty. →………………
8. He had a computer. →………………
9. I bought bread. →………………
10. You saw the house. → ………………
Exercise 3: Write the past form of these verbs.
Ex: To have had ( có/ ăn)
To help - helped
( giúp đỡ)
1. To visit - …………
(thăm, viếng)
2. To arrive - …….……
( đến)
3. To remember - …………… (nhớ, nhớ lại)
4. To return - …………….. ( trở lại)
5. To receive - …………… (nhận)
6. To talk - ………… (nói chuyện, kể)
7. To look - …………..

( nhìn)
8. To play - …………
( chơi)
9. To watch - …………..
10. To rent - ………….
( thuê, mướn)
11. To go - …………. (đi)
12. To make - ……….
(làm, sản xuất, may)
13. To take - …………. ( cầm, đem theo)
14. To see - …………….. ( nhìn, thấy)
15. To think - ……………. ( suy nghĩ)
16. To wear - ………………. ( mặc)
17. To eat - ……………… ( ăn)
18. To give - ………………. ( đưa cho)

19. To teach - ………………. ( dạy)
20. To put - …………… (đặt, để)
Exercise 3 : Complete the sentences with the past simple :
1. I _________________ (work) in a bank for ten years.
2. Where _________________ (you / live) when you were young?
3. She _________________ (not / study) French at university.
4. He _________________ (travel) through the Middle East last year.
5. _________________ (they / visit) the Louvre in Paris?
6. She _________________ (not / watch) TV yesterday.
7. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.
8. Where _________________ (you / teach) before you came here?

9. He _________________ (not / think) that he was right.
10. I _________________ (cook) steak last night.
11. _________________ (Lucy / read) 'War and Peace' at school?
12. She _________________ (not / write) to her grandmother.
13. We _________________ (have) a computer when I was a child.
14. Where _________________ (you / go) on holiday?
15. I _________________ (love) ice cream when I was a child.
16. They _________________ (not / meet) yesterday.
17. _________________ (she / swim) in the sea in Greece?
18. We _________________ (not / play) tennis yesterday because it was raining.
19. He _________________ (try) to lift the box but he couldn't.
20. What _________________ (you / eat) for lunch?
Exercise 4: Underline the correct answer.
1. Did you (get up/ got up )late this morning?
2. We ( buyed / bought)some souvenirs from our holiday in Vietnam.
3. (Was/Were) your last birthday over six weeks ago?
4. Hoang (didn’t arrive/ not arrive)in the evening yesterday
5. Hoa (learned / learns) English 5 years ago.
6. (Was/Did) the Robinson return to Hanoi by train?
7. Was Mrs. Nguyet at the theater last night?- Yes, she (was/did).
8. Mr. Brown (went/go) to Ho Chi Minh city by plane.
9. I don’t know where (was he / he was) last night.
10. What film did you (see/saw) last night?
Exercise 5: Put question for the underlined words.
1. I saw her last night.
2. Her friend gave her a nice dress.
3. They returned to America two weeks ago.

4. Mr. Robinson bought a poster.
5. My father was in Ho Chi Minh City last month.
6. He traveled to Nha Trang by coach.

7. She went to the doctor because she was sick.
8. Nam left home at seven o’clock yesterday.


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