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15 tips for designers to remain open

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15 Tips for Designers to Remain OpenMinded
As a designer, it is important for you to be open-minded especially in this technological world.
It is important to keep an open mind to gain new knowledge and to keep up with the trends in
design. Also, it is a vital factor to make you a better designer in dealing with clients. It can also
make you a better person for you will be able to accept things easily. You should also be willing
to change your views when you are given facts.
Being open-minded is also being tolerant, fair and receptive of different ideas, traits and
attitudes. If you possess these qualities, you will surely be successful in your chosen field. This
can even make you humble and patient. To make sure that you will remain open-minded, here
are some tips to help you.

1. Accept that you are not always right.

Image: shutterstock
No matter how much you will insist this, you cannot be right all the time. Some people are really
obsessed with being right and would not accept corrections from other people. But no matter
what you do, you really cannot be right all the time. So it won’t be hard for you, you need to
accept the fact that there are instances when you are wrong. This is one of the best ways to have
an open mind.

2. Look at ideas in different angles.

Image: shutterstock
Do not immediately judge an idea just because you think it isn’t right. You can have a better
understanding if you look at it in different perspectives. Do some research so you will know
more about it. Things can be explained in many different ways. Also, remember that a single
object has different angles, too.

3. Recognize people’s differences.

Image: shutterstock

Every individual is different and possess diverse traits and characteristics. When dealing with
your client, you have to bear in mind that they see things differently as you do. There might be
certain things that they want which you disagree of. But if you have prepared yourself for this, it
would not be hard for you to deal with different people especially if you are working online. You
will be able to develop a good working relationship with them if you will recognize differences.

4. Accept criticisms.

Image: shutterstock
Express receptivity when you are told to alter your work and tasks. Do not be angry when you
are asked to repeat things. Accept criticism, too. This will help you to improve yourself if you
could accept criticisms positively.

5. Learn to listen carefully.

Image: shutterstock
Listening is important. For a designer like you, you have to possess good listening skills in order
to get the right details for a project. Instead of immediately jumping into conclusions, listen to
what the person is saying first. Then understand and clarify the ideas from the person you are
listening to. If there are things that you did not understand, clarify in a respectful manner. It
would even be good if you repeat the things they said to make sure you heard them right.

6. Put yourself in other people’s shoes.

Image: shutterstock

This way, you will find it easier to understand different situations. You will also be able to see
and understand what other people could see. This could also result to better understanding
towards your clients.

7. Exchange ideas and brainstorm.

Image: shutterstock
This will make your mind active if you are involved in brainstorming. But in the process, you
have to respect other people’s ideas and opinions. If you are being criticized, accept it also with
respect. Let them know that you are open to what they will say and will take it seriously.

8. Try new things.

Image: shutterstock

You will surely have an open mind if you will try new things. Do not be afraid to explore for this
can also help you discover new skills to make you a better designer. Learning new skills will
expand your thinking and perception on things. You will even feel happy and fulfilled.

9. Learn to handle arguments.

Image: shutterstock

Instead of freaking out and be involved in heated discussions, stay calm. Situations like this will
lead to a closed mind. You have to learn how to handle these situations so that you wouldn’t end

up shouting at someone. You wouldn’t want to hurt other people especially if they are your
clients and fellow designers.

10. Face your fears.

Image: shutterstock
If you are afraid to do something, this is now the time to start doing it. You cannot be hiding in a
nutshell all the time. Break it and face your fears. You will not lose anything if you will do that.
Be brave enough to come out and discover new things.

11. Leave your comfort zone.

Image: shutterstock
Every individual has different comfort zones. Your life seems perfect while you are in it without
the need to adjust. In order for you to do more, leave your comfort zone and try things that seem
hard for you. Do not be afraid to adjust and do new things.

12. Research and ask questions.

Image: shutterstock
Open-mindedness comes when you are equipped with enough knowledge. Do not just be
contended with the information on hand. Ask questions and seek for answers by doing in-depth
research. Life is an unending learning process. So, keep on seeking for answers.

13. Know the reliability of evidence.

Image: shutterstock
Once you are open-minded, you will be able to accept evidences but make sure to see to it if it is

good or bad evidence. Good evidences are gathered through controlled conditions and are done
by using a particular tool. Bad evidences doesn’t have good basis like rumours and opinions.

14. Have an interest to know the truth.

Image: shutterstock

You will be able to gain the truth about something if you will show interest to get it. You might
even need to do some steps in order to know the truth. Realities are important for it will help you
determine the good things in life which will be one of your armours in achieving a good work.

15. Be able to tolerate uncertainty.

Image: shutterstock
Despite your continuous search for truth, there are still questions that might be left unanswered
or the answers you will find will be uncertain. You have to learn to accept that. Do not feel bad
that despite the long process of looking for answers, you will still end up with an unsure answer.

It’s Your Turn Now
Indeed, being open-minded will surely give you many advantages but you also have to see to it
that you don’t easily open your mind to everything. Think well and determine those that need it.
You also should learn to stand for your principles even if you are open for other’s principles.
There is nothing wrong with sticking to the things you believe in. How about you? What do you
do in order to remain open-minded?
