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Từ vựng và bài tập tiếng anh lớp 11 hk1

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Unit 1

Grammar points:

Infinitive with / without “to”

1. recite (v) /ri'sait/
đọc to, ngâm(thơ, văn,.), kể lại
2. bright (a) /brait/
sáng, tươi
 brighten (v) /'braitn/
: làm rạng rỡ, vui vẻ.
3.acquaintance(n) /ə'kweintəns/ : sự quen biết
 be acquainted with /ə'kweintid/: quen với
4.intimate (n)/' intimit/
: bạn thân, thân mật, thân tình
 intimacy (n) /'intiməsi/ :sự quen thân, sự thân tình
5.common(a) / 'kɔmən/
: phổ biến, chung
6.last (v) /la:st, læst/
: kéo dài
 lasting (a) 'la:stiη/
: lâu dài, bền vững
7.quality (n) /'kwɔliti/
: chất lượng, phẩm chất
8.essence (n) /'esns/
: thực chất, bản chất
 in essence
: điều cơ bản, cốt yếu
9.selfish (a) /'selfi∫/
: ích kỷ ≠ unselfish

 selfishness (n)
≠ unselfishness
10. affair (n) /ə'feə/
: việc, công việc, vấn đề
11. constancy (n) /'kɔnstənsi/ : tính kiên trì, kiên định,
constant (a)
12. enthusiasm (n) /in'θju:ziæzm/ :sự nhiệt tình
 enthusiastic (a) /in,θju:zi'æstik/
13. loyalty (n) /'lɔiəlti/:
lòng trung thành
 loyal (a) /'lɔiəl/ loyal to sb: trung thành với ai
14. suspicion (n) /sə'spi∫n/: sự nghi ngờ
 suspicious (a) /sə'spi∫əs/
15. rumour (n) /'ru:mə/
: tin đồn, lời đồn, tiếng đồn
16. gossip (n) /'gɔsip/
: chuyện ngồi lê đôi mách
17. mutual (a) /'mju:t∫uəl/ : lẫn nhau, chung
18. sympathy (n)/'simpəθi/ : đồng cảm, thông cảm,
 sympathetic (a) /,simpə'θetik/
19. pursue /pə'sju:/(v)
: theo đuổi (1việc gì)
 pursuit (n) /pə'sju:t/
20. exist /ig'zist/
: có thật, tồn tại
 existence (n) /ig'zistəns/
21. benefit (n) (v)/'benifit/
: lợi ích, phúc lợi
22. characteristic (a) (n) /,kæriktə'ristik/: tính cách, đặc trưng, đặc điểm
23. pants (n) /pænts/

: quần dài
24. crooked (a) /'krukid/
: cong, khúc khuỷu
 crooked nose
: mũi khoằm
25. hospitable (a)/'hɔspitəbl/
: hiếu khách
 hospitality (n) /,hɔspi'tæliti/
26. generous (a) /'dʒenərəs/
: rộng lượng
 generosity (n) /,dʒenə'rɔsiti: sự rộng lượng
27. modest (a) /'mɔdist/
: khiêm tốn
 modesty (n)
28. personality (n) /,pə:sə'næləti/ :nhân cách, tính cách
29. humour (n) /'hju:mə/
: sự hài hước, sự hóm hỉnh





 humourous (a)
30. quick-witted (a) /'kwik'witid/

31. good-natured (a)/'gud'neit∫əd/
32. capable (a) /'keipəbl/
 capable of ≠ incapable of
33. be concerned with

: nhanh trí, ứng đối nhanh
: tốt bụng, hiền lành
: có khả năng, thạo
: có liên quan đến

Exercise 1: Fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box

personalities loyal sympathy
suspicious pursuit
humour rumour

mutual selfish

1. Although our ...............................are quite different, Kathy and I have become close friends over
2. She has always remained.................................to her political principles.
3. The president has sent a message of ..................................to the relatives of the dead soldiers.
4. Tom always makes us laugh. He has a good sense of ................................
5. ............................ people do not want to share anything with anyone.
6. .................................. is the best policy.
7. Mary is .............................. of solving this matter herself.

8. She devoted her life to the .............................. of pleasure.
9. It’s very ............................. that she was in the house when the crime happened.
10. It was very............................. of you to share your food with me.
Exercise 2: Supply the correct form of the word in brackets
1. …………........................people cannot keep a secret (talk).
2. Many.. ................................. of the older generation were in the meeting (represent).
3. I found his manner extremely.......................................... (please).
4. He is to her by marriage (relation).
5. She wasn’t entirely............................. when she said she liked me (sincere).
Exercise 3: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. I hear you are preparing………………………….(leave) for Australia.
2. They let their children…………..…….. (stay) up late at weekends.
3. The children were eager……………….………….(see) their parents.
4. I’d rather……………………………… (stay) at home.
5. Peter is very funny. He makes me………..…………….(laugh) a lot.
6. He refused …………….. (allow) her……….………(think) for herself.
7. They noticed him………………… (hesitate)………………….…
(sign) the agreement.
8. Daniel doesn’t know how…………….…….……… (repair) the video.
9. It’s important for her…………………….……. (ring) the office.
10. Mother warned her……………………… (not/touch)the electric plug.
11. She pretended…………………………… (not/hear) him when he called her.
12. My doctor advised me……………..……… (get) up early in the morning.
Exercise 4: Sentence transformation:
My parents do not let me do everything I want.
 I am not allowed………………………….………….……………..
Would you mind opening the door?
 Would you please ………………..…………..……….…………..?
Some kinds of metals are used for making coins.
 Some kinds of metals are used to………………………………….

My car needs washing.
 My car needs to ……………………………………….………….


Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this.
I saw Jimmy…………………………….………….……………..
“If I were you, I wouldn’t solve the problem that way”
 Mary advised me……………………………………………….
7. “Let’s go to the cinema”
 Tom suggested……………………………………….…………...
8. The teacher made us do our homework.
We were made…………………………….………….…………


Pretest 1

A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced from differently from the rest
1.a. gender
b. gear
2.a. chain
b. choke

3.a. deputy
b. depute

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others

4.a. conquest
5.a. acquaintance

b. campground c.resource d.constant
b. campaign
c.influence d.indeed

Vocabulary, grammar and structure

6.The teacher made us__________ the homework ourselves.
b.to do
7.His parents do not allow him____ out at night.
b.to go
8.We used

close friends.
b.to be
c.to being
d.have been
9.The first quality, which is the very essence of friendship, is unselfishness.
10.She’s busy
out the wedding invitations.
a. write
b.to write
11.Where mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossible.
a. knowing
12.I think that public opinion is going ____the government on this issue.
a. to
13.I need you _______ me choose an outfit.
a. help
b.to help

d.will help
14.She sat
waiting for her turn.
a. patient
c. patiently
15.Don’t tell Nam because I don’t want
a.him to know
b.he to know
c.he knows
d.him know
16.I have nothing in _______ with Tim.
a. together
d. altogether
17.The local people are very
to strangers.
18. A(n)
person is unlikely to keep a secret long.

19. The weather is very_________, so you should take an umbrella.
b. mutual
c.changeable d.unbelievable
20. Too much wine can make us
of thinking clearly.
21. Everyone needs a close friend to their joys and sorrows.
b. present
c.communicate d. feel
22. “I don’t like strong coffee”. “
a.I don’t too
b.Either do I
c.Me either
d.Neither do I.


23. Please try to be ________to our guests.

24. He was arrested
b.on/ of
25. She explained ____________
a.how to make it
b. me how to make it
c.me to make it
d. me make it
26. I
in Da nang before I moved to this city.
b. had lived
c. have lived
d. had been living
27. He said he would visit me, but he
me yet.
a.has not visited
b.had not visited
c.is not visiting
d. not visit
28. “Loyalty” is one of the most important qualities of friendship.
b. faithfulness c.strength
29. He is the kind of person to
one can talk about anything.

b. whom
30. My father hasn’t smoked for 3 years.
a.My father started smoking 3 years ago.
b.My father stopped smoking 3 years ago.
c.My father quit smoking for 3 years .
d. My father will continue smoking in 3 years’ time.
III. Decide which part is incorrect
31. She would never forget to see the Himalayas for the first time.
32. We spent a week to prepare for our concert.
33. Let your shoes drying completely before putting them on.
34. The teacher told the students not discuss the exam questions with
each other.

35. There was a very interesting news on the radio about the earthquake
in Pakistan.
Reading comprehension .
A. Choose the best option
Dear Mary,
How are things with you? Since I saw you last, I’ve been very ill.
By the time I arrived home after seeing you on Monday, I (36) ___ an awful headache. I thought that
perhaps my eyes were tired (37) ____I’d been working so hard, so I took some aspirins and went to
bed. However, when I woke up the next morning, the headache was (38)___than ever, and my throat
was sore. I tried to get up but my arms and legs (39) ___stiff. I saw the doctor and she (40) ___me I
had a temperature. She said I probably had flu. She advised me to take some medicine and (41) ___in
bed. The medicine tasted horrible and it didn’t make (42) ___feel any better. I felt sick and I didn’t
want to eat anything at all although I was very (43) ___I have almost (44)___ now, and I’m going to
start work again tomorrow, I still have a slight cold and a cough but my chest doesn’t hurt when I
(45)__. Can we meet on Saturday? I’m looking forward to seeing you.
36. a. left
b. had
c. was
37. a. as
b. though c. while
38. a. worse
b. hard
c. more

39. a. sensed
b. moved c. felt

40. a. examined
b. told
c. denied
41. a. stay
b. stayed c. staying
42. a. some
b. me
c. them
43. a. ill
b. heavy
c. hungry
44. a. improved
b. decided c. recovered
45. a. breathe
b. ache
c. cure
B. Read the passage then choose the best answer.
In the last few weeks I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting

than work at home, read the newspapers, and watch television. I had begun feeling bored with this and
so, last weekend I thought I would do something different. I phoned several of my friends and we
decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn’t been to London since I was ten.
We decided to go by coach as this was the cheapest means of transport. In London we decided to take
a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour, we bought some
sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon some of us went shopping and the others
went to the theater. We met up again at 6.30 pm and went to a small restaurant in Sotho. The meal was
really good, but unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to
the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left.
1. According to the passage, the writer ____________.
a. has lived in London for ten years
b. usually spends his weekend in London
c. went to London with some of his friends
d. feels bored with his tour
2. He felt so excited about going to London because __________.
a. he went there ten years ago
b. he hadn’t been there before
c. he hadn’t been there for ten years d. he hadn’t been there for a long time
3. Why did they decide to go by coach?
a. Because other means of transport were more expensive
b. Because it was expensive
c. Because they wanted to start early
d. Because they were excited about taking it to London.
4. Which of the following is true?
a. They all went shopping before going to the theater.
b. They had lunch in a small restaurant
c. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch
d. They left the city at 6.30 pm.
5. Why did they have to catch a taxi?
a. Because they were too tired to walk there.

b. Because they didn’t have enough time to walk to the coach station
c. Because the coach station was very far from the restaurant.
d. Because it was raining heavily then.

Unit 2
Grammar points:

Present simple indicating past time
Tense revision: the past simple, past progressive and past perfect
1. experience [iks'piəriəns](n)
: kinh nghiệm
 experience (v)
: trải qua; kinh qua
2. embarrassing [im'bærəsiη] (adj.) : lúng túng
3. floppy ['flɔpi] (adj.)
: mềm, nhe
4. glance at [glɑ:ns] (v)
: liếc nhìn
5. sneaky ['sni:ki] (adj.)
: lén lút, giấu giếm
 sneaky look
: cái nhìn lén lút
6. a wad of
: a number of
7. make a fuss over/about(exp.)
: làm ầm ĩ, om xòm
8. teenager ['ti:neidʒə] (n)

: thanh thiếu niên (từ 1319 tuổi)
9. appreciate [ə'pri:∫ieit](v)
: đánh giá cao.
10. turtle ['tə:tl] (n)
: con rùa
11. memorable ['memərəbl] (adj.)
: đáng ghi nhớ
12. terrified ['terifaid](adj.)
:khiếp sợ, kinh hãi
13. scream [skri:m] (v),(n)
:la thét, tiếng la
14. replace [ri'pleis](v)
: thay thế
15. gas stove [gæs stouv](n)
: bếp ga
16. embrace [im'breis](v),(n)
: ôm, cái ôm
17. escape [is'keip](v)
: trốn thóat
18. rescue ['reskju:](v)
: giải thóat, cứu nguy
19. cottage ['kɔtidʒ](n)
: nhà tranh
Choose the best option:
1. Water boils / is boiling at 100 degrees Celsius.
2. Look! That man steals / is stealing your bike!
3. We didn’t see / haven’t seen any interesting film lately.
4. They started / have started running their own company in 1980.

5. The film began / had begun before we arrived at the cinema.
6. The phone rang / was ringing suddenly while Jenny was doing the housework.
7. Dicky studies / is studying very hard at the moment.
8. I don’t mind babysitting for you. Your baby never cries / is crying.
9. When she saw a snake at her feet, she screamed / was screaming.
10. Your eyes are red. Did you cry / Have you cried?

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses:

Would you mind if I asked you some ……..… (person) questions?
I’m ……………………..…….. (extreme) sorry for being late again.
I think it’s …………..… (sneak) of the police to use unmarked cars.
Do you agree or …………………..………..……. (agree) with her?
All the students were ……………. (involve) in making customers.
Rap is a kind of music which is very popular with ………………….…..……….. (teenage).
She was ……………….………….….. (serious) ill, so she didn’t go to school yesterday.
Don’t put too much …………………….……..……… (confident) in what the papers say.
The task needs the skill of a suitably……... (experience) engineer.
You are not allowed to look at the answers. That’s……………………….…………. (cheat)

Correct the sentences if necessary:
1. My mother washed the dishes while my father was watching TV.
2. It sounds a marvelous idea.


She’s studying hard for her exams at the moment.
Are you understanding what the lecturer said?
We were having dinner when the telephone was ringing.
The children played football in the schoolyard at 5 p.m. yesterday.
The police aren’t knowing why he came here.
They’ve lived in London from 1999 to 2005.
She jogs around the park three times a week.
They closed the school gate before I arrived.

IV.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses:
1. It (snow) ………………..…..when I (leave)………..…….………home this morning.
2. I (not watch) ………………..………. the film because I (see)…………………….it before.
3. A lot of people (wait)………………….for the 7.30 bus last night.
4. When I got home, I (switch)…………..……on the answer phone. Several people (leave)
……………… messages for me.

5. He (talk)…………………..….on the phone when I (arrive)…………..…………..
6. I (not hear)………………….…….the joke before; I (laugh)…………..…………….. a lot.
7. It was a sunny afternoon and people (sit)………..……..on the grass in the park. Then it suddenly
(start)……………….to rain.
8. When we (come)…………..……….out of the restaurant, we saw that our car (disappear)
9. What (you/ do)…………………at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
10. After I (finish)……our meal, we (go)…………….…….for a walk.

V. Use the words given to complete the 2nd sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the 1 st one:
1. Jack left the office before I arrived.
 When …………………………………………………………….
2. During lunch, someone rang the bell.
 While I …………………………………………………………..
3. I haven’t been to the dentist for six months.
 The last time ……………………………………………………
4. She has studied Japanese for 5 years.
 She began ………………………………………………………….
5. He did all his work and then he went home.
 After ………………………………………………………………….
6. Steven bought a new motorbike, but first he saved enough money.
 Before ………………………………………………………………
7. The guests left and then we tidied the house.
 When …………………………………………………………………
8. I haven’t heard from them for ages.
 It’s ages ……………………………………………………………..
9. Marc Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty.
 By the age of twenty,Marc …………………………………………
10. Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks.
 Sue went …………………………………………………………….

A. Choose the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from the other.
1. a. think
b. blanket
c. hungry
d. snow
2. a. finger
b. English
c. solemn
d. thing
3. a. decided
b. laughed
c. stopped
d. talked

B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
4. a. affect
b. embrace
c. idol
d. protect
5. a. experience
b. memorable c. embarrassing d. appreciate

Vocabulary and structure:

6. I think that pop star is the ______ of countless teenagers.
a. image
b. figure
c. sample
d. idol
7. I’m sorry for making such a ______ about the noise.
a. trace
b. mark
c. fuss
d. emphasis
8. That was a _____ trick!
a. sneak
b. sneaky
c. sneaking
d. sneaked
9. Her remark was followed by an _____ silence.
a. embarrass b. embarrassing
c. embarrassed d. embarrassment
10. Pasteur _________ in the 19th century.
a. was living
b. lived
c. had lived
d. has lived
11. My friend, Mary, arrived after I ________for her about half an hour.
a. was waiting
b. had been waiting
c. have been waiting
d. have waited
12. I _________ in Nha Trang before I moved to this city.

a. have been living b. have lived c. had lived
d. had been living
13. I only had time to ______ at the newspapers.
a. look
b. stare
c. investigate
d. glance
14. There were tears and _______ as they said goodbye.
a. embrace b. embraces
c. embraced
d. embracing
15. Eric ______ a flat yet, so he’s still living with his parents.
a. found
b. didn’t find
c. is finding
d. hasn’t found
16. When the match was over, the spectators ___________ home.
a. went b. had gone
c. were going
d. have gone
17. Did you see John yesterday? He ______ a very old pair of jeans.
a. wears
b. didn’t wear
c. was wearing
d. wore
18. I saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones my father had given
a. a bunch of
b. a number of
c. a pile of

d. a lot of
19. Can you imagine how I felt?
a. know
b. picture
c. guess
d. paint
20. I took the notes out of my pocket and gave them to my younger brother.
a. the notebooks b. the books
c. the paper
d. the money
21. When I arrived at his house, he __________ a phone call.
a. answers b. answered c. has answered
d. was answering
22. The doctor advised _____________ late.
a. me not staying up
b. me not stay up
c. me not to stay up
d. I did not stay up
23. My father usually helps me ______ English.
a. to learn
b. learn
c. to learning d. a and b are correct
24. ____________ to rain before you woke up this morning?
a. Did it begin
b. Has it begun
c. Had it begun
d. Would it begun
25. They made a great fuss __________ the baby.
a. of
b. about

c. at
d. to
III. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:

Why didn’t you came to my party last night?
As soon as John will finish his thesis, he will leave for Boston.





After being entered the new school, he began to make friends more easily.

When he was coming, we were having dinner.
The banks have closed to customers, so I couldn’t get any money out.
IV. Reading comprehension:
A. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks:
A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Butler, (31)_______ sixty-six days in a life-raft in the seas of
Central America after their yacht sank. They survived in a very good (32)_________.
Twenty one days after they left Panama in their yacht, Siboney, they met some whales. “They started
to hit the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then (33)________ we heard water.”
Two minutes(34)______, the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft and watched the boat
go (35)______ the water.
For twenty days they had (36)_____ of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They also had a fishingline and a machine to make salt water into drinking water- two things which (37)______ their lives.
They caught eight to ten fish a day and ate them raw. Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish
(38)_____ something very strange happened. Some sharks came to feed, and the fish under the raft
were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my hands.”
About twenty ships (39)_________ them, but no one saw them. After fifty days at the sea their liferaft was beginning to break up. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and
(40a)________ them (40b)________. They couldn’t stand up, so the captain carried them onto his
boat and took them to Costa Rica. Their two months at sea was over.
31. a. took up
b. went
c. spent
d. occupied

32. a. condition
b. way
c. manner
d. state
33. a. occasionally b. suddenly
c. quickly
d. clearly
34. a. later
b. after
c. soon
d. passing
35. a. in
b. down
c. under
d. below
36. a. containers b. tins
c. boxes
d. packages
37. a. rescued
b. helped
c. maintained
d. saved
38. a. until
b. when
c. as
d. that
39. a. went round b. moved near
c. traveled along d. passed
40. a. took-on
b. pulled-on

c. picked-up
d. moved-up
B. Choose the best answer for these following questions:
This is a story about my grandmother. She was my favorite grandmother, and the best grandmother
in the world.
Everyone I used to know loved my Grandma because she was kind to everyone. She kept the house
in very nice order and whenever one of my uncles or aunties got married or something they could
leave all the arrangements for my Grandma. She made everything look so easy and perfect.
But a very, very sad thing happened round about August 1974. She started to get sick. My
grandfather, aunties, and uncles were really worried about Grandma’s health, and every day they
used to feed her, pray for her and they did everything but one day in November she died in
hospital. It was a shock to everyone because they all loved her so much. When my Grandma was
dead, everything seemed to change. And when Christmas came that year, it was quieter than other
Christmas because Grandma wasn’t there and everything was different. Whenever my Grandpa
was by himself, he used to stay in his room and cry to himself and sometimes when Mum sees my
Grandpa unhappy, she invites him to stay over at our place. But still nothing will ever be the same
without our beloved grandmother whom everyone loved. I will always remember her.
41. Why was her grandmother loved by so many people?
a. Because she was kind enough to lend money to everyone
b Because she was kind and helpful.

c. Because she always kept the house in nice order.
d. Because she was the best grandmother in the world
42. How did her family take care of her Grandma when she was ill?
a. They did everything to help her.
b. They spent their last penny on her.
c. They only prayed for her.
d. They gave her good food to eat before she died.

43. How was Christmas greeted in the year Grandma died?
a. There was no Christmas because everybody was upset.
b. Everyone cried on Christmas that year.
c. The family didn’t dare to keep Christmas in the house.
d It was not so good as compared with those before
44. What did her grandpa use to do when he was alone?
a. He used to wander in the woods.
b He used to drink, trying to forget the past.
c. He talked to himself.
d. He retired into his room, crying to himself.
45. How was life to her without her Grandma?
a. She felt something missing without her Grandma.
b. She felt somewhat bored without her Grandma
c. Life was meaningless without her Grandma.
d. Everything remained the same without her Grandma

Sentence transformation:

46. When they arrived, the bus had left.
a. They arrived late enough to catch the bus.
b. They didn’t catch the bus because they arrived too late
c. They had to catch another bus.
d. They couldn’t catch the bus although they arrived early.
47. It’s two years since he last went home.
a. He hasn’t gone home 2 years ago.
b. The last time he went home was for 2 years.
c. He didn’t go home 2 years ago.
d. He hasn’t gone home for 2 years
48. The children were doing their homework when we came back home.

a The children did their homework and then we came back home.
b. While the children were doing their homework, we came back home.
c We came back home at the same time the children did their homework.
d We didn’t come back home until the children did their homework.
49. My father hasn’t smoked for three years.
a. My father started smoking three years ago.
b. My father stopped smoking three years ago.
c. My father quit smoking for three years.
d. My father will continue smoking in three years’ time.
50. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
a. He tested his eyes the last time ten months ago.
b. He didn’t have the optician test his eyes ten months ago.
c. He had not tested his eyes for ten months.
d. He has not had his eyes tested for ten months.




Grammar points: Infinitive & Gerund / Passive infinitive & gerund

1 to celebrate ['selibreit]
: tổ chức lễ kỉ niệm
=> celebration (n) [,seli'brei∫n]
2 anniversary (n) [,æni'və:səri]
: ngày kỉ niệm
3 joke (n & v) đùa giỡn
4 silver (n & a) ['silvə]
: bạc, bằng bạc
5 gold (n) [gould] vàng => golden (a) : bằng vàng
6 mark (v) [mɑ:k]
: đánh dấu
7 milestones (n) ['mailstoun]
: cột mốc (lịch sử)
8 lasting (a) ['lɑ:stiη]
: bền vững
9 occasion (n) [ə'keiʒn] = chance (n)
: dịp, cơ hội
10 decorate (v) ['dekəreit]
: trang trí
=> decoration (n)
11 budget (n) ['bʌdʒit]
: ngân quỹ
12 formal (a) ['fɔ:məl]
: trang trọng
≠ informal (a)
: thân mật, thỏai mái
convince (v) [kən'vins]
: thuyết phục
= persuade

to organise (v) ['ɔ:gənaiz]= to hold : tổ chức
gather (v) ['gæđə]= assemble [ə'sembl]: tập trung, tập họp
to tidy up (v) = to clean up
: dọn dep
mess (n)
: tình trạng bề bộn
to operate (v) ['ɔpəreit]
: giải phẫu
=> operation (n)
accidental (a) [,æksi'dentl] by chance : tình cờ
=> accidentally (adv)
finance (n) ['fainæns; fi'næns]
: tài chính
=> financial (a) [fai'næn∫l; fi'næn∫l]
Ex: financial difficulty.

I. Fill in each blank with a suitable form of the words in brackets:
1. Paul and Mary …................their marriage in a small restaurant this
afternoon. (celebration)
2. I met her .......... on street when going shopping yesterday. (occasion)
3. She is so worried about the son who has been in the…............room.
4. She refused to join us without giving any reason but I understood
…………..difficulty. (finance)
5. We are going to ................. the wedding room. The ....…… may
take us 3 hours.
6. Tomorrow is my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary.

I’m eager to attend a happy “…………………. anniversary”. (gold)
7. I think they are going to divorce soon. They have an unhappy
………………. . (marry)

II. Which verb form is correct?

Passing the kitchen, he stopped drinking / to drink a large glass of water.
They stopped talking / to talk when the teacher walked into the class.
Although she asked him to stop, he went on tapping / to tap his pen on the table.
Dr. Harris welcomed the members of the committee and went on introducing / to introduce the subject
of the meeting.
I regret telling / to tell you that the model you want is out stock.
It cost me a fortune, but I don’t regret spending / to spend a year traveling
around the world.

Remember to check / checking your answer before handing in your exam
I remember putting / to put the money in the top drawer, but it is not there
Have you forgotten meeting / to meet me years ago?
Don’t forget to find out / finding out how many people are coming on Saturday.
I tried getting / to get the table through the door, but it was too big.
I tried taking / to take some aspirin, but the pain didn’t go away.
He needs working / to work harder if he wants to make progress.
It’s a difficult problem. It needs thinking / to think about very carefully.
I think Nick meant breaking / to break the glass. It didn’t look like an accident.
If we want to get there by 7:00, that means getting / to get up before 5: 00
15 Can you help me getting / to get the dinner ready?
16 He looks so funny. Wherever I see him, I can’t help smiling / to smile.
17 I’d advise taking / to take more exercise.
20. I’d advise you taking / to take more exercise.
III. Fill in blanks with suitable form of the verbs in brackets:


If I were you, I’d buy that book. It’s worth ____________ (read).
She couldn’t answer the phone because she was busy (wash) _____________ her hair.
He hates (answer) ___ the phone, and very often lets it (ring) ______
I advise you (wait) __________ before (decide) __________ (accept) _________ the job.
5. I’d love (have) ________ an opportunity of (meet)___ you again.
Don’t keep me (wait) ________ so long before (answer) _______ my questions.
Please (begin) ________(eat) _________now without (wait) ________ for the others to come.
I prefer (drive) ________ to (be) _________ driven.
Have you ever watched people (try)___ (catch)_____ fishes by hand?
I have decided (allow) ___________ my wife (do) _____________ as she pleases.
He was busy (take) _____________ care of his wife.
Our teacher has promised (help) ____________ us (prepare) ______ for the examination.
Would you mind (show) _________ me how (operate) ___________ this machine?
I’d like him (start) _______ (take) _________ more English lessons.
We can’t consider (buy) _____________ that house before (sell) ____________ the old one.
I wonder why he is trying (avoid) ________ (meet) __________ me.
The manager lets us (watch) _______ the actors (rehearse) _______.
I had to ask the boy (stop) _____________ (play) ______________
If you dislike (peel) _______ onions, try (hold) ________ them under water while (do) _______


We regret (say) __________ that the lecture was very dull and wasn’t worth (listen)
I know you’ll mind (say) _____________so, but you keep (give) ___________us too many hard
words (spell) ________ in English.
I arranged (meet) ______________ them here .


It’s no use (wait) ________________ for his return.
24. Please go on (write) _____________. Don’t start (think ) _________ of anything else.
Would you mind (shut) ___________ the windows? The wind makes me (feel)__________
I’d like him (start) _________ (take) ________ more English lesson.
She is incapable of (work) ____________ today because she spent a sleepless night (finish)
____________the report last night.
He was too angry (speak) ____________ anything.
The telephone is ringing, so she has to stop (cook) __________ the dinner (answer)

He finally gave up (gamble) _______ after (spend) ____________all the money he had earned.

IV. Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words provided:
1. If I were you, I would try again.
=> He advises me …………………………………………..
2. Tom told me: “I can’t help you because I have to do my homework”.
=> Tom couldn’t help me because he was busy ……………………….
3. “Why don’t we go out for a drink”?
=> He suggests that …………………………………………………
=> He suggests ……………………………………………………….
4. “I’m sorry but I can’t help you solve this problem”.
=> Jack refused ……………………………………………………..
5. I shouted at Tracy yesterday. I regret about it.
=> I regret …………………………………………………………..
6. One way of improving your English speaking is to practise it every day.
=> You should practise ...........................................................................
7. You haven’t cleaned the floor for weeks. It looks dirty.
=> The floor needs ……………………………………………………..
8. “ I didn’t draw on the table”, the boy said.
=> The boy denied ………………………………………………….
9. Parents shouldn’t make children study hard after school time.
=> Children shouldn’t be made ………………………………………..
10. My boss didn’t let me leave early.
=> My boss refused …………………………...........…………………
11 I haven’t contacted him for 2 years.
=> I last …......................……………………………………………….
12 They haven’t written to me for 4 months.
=> They last ………………………………………………………..
13 My mother last came there 2 weeks ago.
=> My mother hasn’t ………………………………………………..

14 My father no longer smokes.
=> My father used ………………………………………………………
15 They aren’t friends any more.
=> They used ………………………………………………………..
16 They don’t love each other anymore.
=> They used ...……………………………………………………..
17 They told me about the girl. They had an interesting talk with her.
=> They told me about the girl ……………………………………..
18 “I didn’t know the truth”, said Mary.

=> Mary said that …………………………………………………..
19 “This chair was made by my father”, said Tom
=> Tom told me ……………………………………………………
20 They no longer work here.
=> They used ………………………........................………………..
A. Pick out the word that is stressed differently from the rest:
1 A. anniversary B. celebrate
C. dictionary D. government
2 A. milestone
B. organize
C. convince
D. operate
3 A. decorate
B. serious
C. situation
D. physical
4 A. accidental

B. embarrassing C. anniversary D. disadvantage
5 A. cosy
B. assemble
C. convince
D. affect
C. Choose a, b, c or d which has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the rest:
6. A. anniversary
B. dictionary C. elementary D. literary
7. A. milestone
B. marriage
C. convince
D. silver
8. A. celebrate
B. decorate
C. never
D. budget
9. A. embarrassing B. balloon
C. assemble
D. formal
10. A. laughed
B. seemed
C. wrapped
D. roofed
C. Choose the best option:
11. The 60th anniversary of a wedding is called _______anniversary.
A. silver
B. golden
C. ruby
D. diamond

12. Lam: “Bye!” - Lan “_________.”
A. See you lately
B. See you later
C. Thank you
D. Meet you again
13. She shows me the picture in which she’s blowing ______ the
candles on her birthday cake.
A. up
B. out
C. away
D. off
14. It’s not worth ________ for the tickets because you can book
them by telephone.
A. to queue
B. queue
C. queuing D. queued
15. Everyone helped me _______ up after the party.
A. to clean
B. cleans
C. cleaning D. cleaned
16. We need a big ________ to hold the party of 200 guests.
A. place
B. budget C. contribution D. finance
17. The room _____ with balloons, flowers, colour electric lights.
A. decorated
B. decorating C. decorates D. is decorated
18. At last we succeeded _____ him not to leave early in her wedding.
A. in convincing
B. convinces
C. convince D. to convince

19. I closed the door. I don’t want ________
A. to disturb
B. to be disturbed
C. anyone disturb me D. disturbing
20. I can’t stand _________ with such a rude man.
A. looking
B. working
C. meeting
D. keeping
21. She had a cold, she couldn’t help ________ all the time.
A. to sneeze
B. sneeze
C. sneezing
D. sneezed
22. My father decided to stop ________ for the reason of health.
A. to smoke
B. smokes
C. smoking
D. smoke
23. It’s a difficult problem. It needs ________ about very carefully.
A. think
B. to think
C. thinking
D. being thought

24. The manager suggests that _____ a party to celebrate the success.
A. we will organise
B. we should organise

C. organising
D. to organise
25. I regret ______ you that your application has been unsuccessful.
A. to inform B. Informing
C. Inform
D. that I informed
26. You shouldn’t swim in this river. It ____ with chemicals from
A. serious is polluted
B. seriously polluted
C. is serious polluted
D. is seriously polluted
27. My brother lives 8 km far from school but _____late for school.
A. is he never
B. never he is C. he is never D. he never
28. John said that he was looking forward ________ you soon.
A. to see
B. to seeing
C. seeing
D. for seeing
29. He stopped ________ to have some coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. while driving
B. to drive
C. driving
D. drive
30. Mary likes this car but her husband is not ______to buy it for her.
A. rich enough
B. enough rich C. too rich
D. so rich


D. Choose a, b, c or d that is incorrect:
31. When I came in, everyone were watching a film.
32. I wonder why did she try to avoid answering these questions.
33. Get up early can be very difficult for some people.
34. The fine weather helped making it a very enjoyable holiday.
35. While I was looking for my keys, I remembered I left them at home.
E. Choose the best option to fill in the blank:
A 50th anniversary gift commemorates a (36) ……. most married couples wish to reach.What
can you possibly give a couple after 50 years of (37) ……….? The most meaningful wedding
anniversary gift is one that comes from the (38) ……..: to express your love and appreciate towards
all that they mean (39) ……….. you. How their staying married through the thick and thin of life

has influenced you, to tell about the warm and loving (40) ……….. you shared with them
throughout the years.
The 50th anniversary is commemorated by (41) ……… and the flower is violet. A gift
certainly doesn’t have to be gold, (42) ………. a gift in gold paper or paper (43) ………… with
The best 50th anniversary gift is one that helps them (44) ………. life more. Many couples
don’t (45) ……. want to receive gifts. Just give a gift of your time and help.
36. A. stage
B. time
C. years
D. milestone
37. A. marriage B. living
C. staying D. marry
38. A. heart
B. head
C. Sympathy D. understanding
39. A. to
B. with
C. for
D. at
40. A. duration B. memory
C. memories D. experiences
41. A. rubby
B. wood
C. silver
D. gold
42. A. put
B. take
C. wrap
D. hold

43. A. decorating B. which is decorated C. decorate D. to decorate
44. A. enjoy
B. have enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyed
45. A. ever
B. never
C. even
D. always
F. Choose a, b, c or d that has the same meaning with the sentence printed before:

46. “I think I have made a mistake.”
A. He admits to make a mistake.
B. He admits to have made a mistake.
C. He admits having made a mistake.
D. He admits of making a mistake.
47. I last went shopping 2 months ago.
A. I haven’t gone shopping for 2 months.
B. I haven’t gone shopping since 2 months.
C. I haven’t gone shopping for 2 months ago.
D. I didn’t go shopping 2 months ago.
48. I have been here for 2 hours, and I’m still waiting.
A. I had been waiting for 2 hours.
B. I have waited for 2 hours.
C. I have been waited for 2 hours
D. I have been waiting for 2 hours.
49. The detective discovered the secret accidentally.
A. The detective happened to discover the secret.
B. The detective didn’t discover the secret.
C. The secret was discovered.

D. The detective happened discovering the secret.
50. He doesn’t like people criticizing him.
A. He hates to criticize.
B. He hates being criticize.
C. He hates being criticized.
D. He hates criticizing.

Unit 4

Points of Grammar: -Gerund and present participle
& Perfect gerund and perfect participle

1. voluntarily (adv)
: tự nguyện, tình nguyện
=>voluntary (a) ['vɔləntri]
: tự nguyện, tình nguyện
=> volunteer (n) [vɔlən'tiə]
: người tình nguyện
=> volunteer (v)
: tình nguyện, tự nguyện
2. mow (v [mou]
: cắt (cỏ)
3. lawn (v) [lɔ:n]
: bãi cỏ
4. disadvantaged (a)[,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒd] : thiệt thòi
5. handicapped (a)['hændikæpt]
: khuyết tật tàn tật
6. participate (v) [pɑ:'tisipeit]
: tham gia

=>participation (n)
7. disaster (n) [di'zɑ:stə]
: tai họa, thảm hoạ
8. remote (a) [ri'mout]
: xa xôi
9. mountainous (a) ['mauntinəs]
: miền núi
10. invalid (n) ['invəli:d]
: người tàn tật
11. martyr (n) ['mɑ:tə]
: liệt sĩ, người tử vì đạo
12. overcome
: vượt qua
13. provide s.o with sth
: cung cấp cho ai cái gì
14. intersection (n) [,intə'sek∫n]
: giao lộ

15. fund-raising (n)
: việc quyên góp tiền
16. annually (adv) ['ænjuəli]
: hàng năm
17. expand (v) [iks'pænd]
: mở rộng, phát triển
18. sponsor (n) ['spɔnsə]
: nhà tài trợ
19. gratitude (n) ['grætitju:d]
: lòng biết ơn

20. receipt (n) [ri'si:t]
: giấy biên nhận
21. donate (v) [dou'neit]
: tặng, đóng góp
=> donation (n)
: tiền đóng góp, sự đóng góp
=> donor (n) [‘dounə]
: người đóng góp
22. co-operate (v) [kou'ɔpəreit]
: hợp tác, cộng tác
=> co-operative (a)
: sẵn sàng hợp tác
=>co-operation (n)
: sự hợp tác
I. Vocabulary and structure:
1. Filling each blank with one suitable word from the box:
donated , overcame , disadvantage , handicapped , suffers ,
martyr , cleared , organizations
a. What’s the best way of improving theater access for people who are
b. She ____________ terribly in the winter when it’s cold and her joints
c. One ____________of living in the town is the lack of safe places for
d. The article was about some famous international ___________ in the
e. A ______is a person who suffered very much, or is killed because of
f. It was several hours before the road was ______after the accident.
g. All ______________blood is tested for HIV and other infections.
h. In the final game Sweden easily _________________ France.

get stiff.
children to play.
their religious or political

2. Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses
a. We would like to see closer ______________between parents and
school. (cooperate)
b. ________________activity is essential to effective community work.
c. The work of the charity is funded by ________________donation.
d. In Vietnam there are laws protecting the rights of ethnic _________________. (minor)
e. They went hiking in a ______________________ area. (mountain)
f. All donations will be______________________ received. (grateful)
g. She is looking forward to __________________ him again. (meet)
h. I understand ___________________ what you are saying (perfect)
3. Combine these pair of sentences, using present participle, past participle, or perfect
a. I know that he was poor. I offer to pay his school fees.
b. She became tired of my complaints about the program. She turned it off.
=> ___________________________________________________
c. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and asked for some.
=> ___________________________________________________
d. The little boy was bitten by a dog. He cried a lot
=> ___________________________________________________
e. She asked me to help her. She realized that she couldn’t move it alone.

=> _________________________________________________
f. He didn’t want to hear the story again. He had heard it before.
=> ___________________________________________________
g. Nam had failed the exam three times so he felt disappointed.
=> ___________________________________________________
h. He got up early. He had enough time to have coffee before leaving
=> ___________________________________________________
i. The child listened to music. He began to dance
=> __________________________________________________
j. When the baby saw me, he smiled happily. (reduce the underlined part)
k. The man who is standing next to our teacher is the new headmaster.
(Reduce relative clause)
=> __________________________________________________
l. The table which was sold last week belonged to me. (Reduce
relative clause)
=> __________________________________________________
III. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. Prepositions have to be learnt __________ heart.
2. She spent a lot of money
3. He was accused
____ stealing a car.
4. She walked out of the hospital and waited
the bus top.
5. Some students are particularly keen
college education.
6. Most young people are ill-prepared

7. Any airplane approaching the airport must ask Air-Traffic Control
landing instructions.
8. The plane will take
at six o’clock.
9. She is not much good
__ tennis because
__her weak
You’ll be responsible
the manager
what you have done.
A. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. a. alike
b. sign
c. bill
d. hire
2. a. losing
b. close
c. open
d. hold
3. a. decided
b. stopped
c. admitted
d. protected
B. Pick out the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the rest

4. a. martyr
b. damage
c. receipt
d. answer
5. a. different
b. tendency
c. value
d. disaster
6. If you give me a fish, I will eat it today.
a. pronounc
b. produce
c. publish
d. deliver
7. Sometimes they just visit them, play games with them or listen to their problems
a. wait on
b. hold on
c. call on
d. depend on
8. Young volunteers go and work in the home of people who are sick or old
a. unhealthy
b. delicate
c. disgusted
d. cold
9. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others
a. optionally
b. willingly
c. freely
d. consciously
10. It’s no ____________ doing those things

a. useful
b. useless
c. use
d. used

11.The farm is famous _______ its production of coffee
a. for
b. in
c. at
d. with
12. He has ______ talent nor the desire to learn
a. either
b. both
c. not only
d. neither
13.The driver felt asleep so he stopped ____ a coffee.
a. has
b. have
c. to have
d. having
14.One of my________ interests is to watch advertisements on TV
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article
15.After_____her lecture, she invited the audience to ask questions
a. she finish b. finished c. having finished d. she will finish
16.This is _________ way to do.

a. a quickest b. quick
c. as quicker d. the quickest
17.Turn ___________ the radio please. It sounds loud
a. on
b. up
c. over
d. down
18.The cinema was full of people
a. keen on b. fond of
c. familiar with d. crowded with
19. How is thing getting__________?
a. up
b. on
c. in
d. ove
20. An umbrella is what I need now, it’s raining. I’ll give it_________ tomorrow.
a. up
b. away
c. back
d. over
21. Those who _________for the Revolution are highly respected.
a. blooded b. bled
c. fed
d. dead
22. She is _________with her present job.
a. satisfy
b. satisfied
c. satisfaction d. satisfactory
23. Our work _________yet.
a. wasn’t done

b .hasn’t been done
c .doesn’t make
d .hasn’t been made
24. I regret_________ my friend to my party. I forgot it.
a. not to invite
b. inviting not
c. I didn’t invite
d. not inviting
25. She does _______work for the Red Cross two days a week
a. volunteer b. voluntarily c. volunteering d. voluntary
26. I feel so ___________ because there’s nothing I can do to make the children better.
a. help
b. helpful
c. helpless
d. helping
27. My brother……………in that school from 1998 to 2002.
a. has studied b. studied
c. had studied d. will study
28. The job was more difficult than I _____ expected it to be.
a. would
b. had
c. have
d. <>
29. We all _______forward to our summer holiday
a. think
b. see
c. wish
d. look
30. An eight-hour ________ is still typical for many people
a. work

b. working
c. worker
d. workhous
31. We admired his way of do the job very much.
32. He is interested at collecting shells on the beach.
33.Although she is not very rich but she often helps the poor.
34. A new house will build right away if they can earn enough money.
35. I was not aware of the place where he will spent his holiday.


A. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
I was with Overseas Volunteers for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an
isolated village in Chad, about 500 km from the capital N’Djamena. Coming from a (36)____
country, I got quite a shock, as conditions were much harder than I had (37)____. But after a few
days I soon got used to (38)___ there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon
I began to appreciate how (39)_____ the countryside was.
One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long walk away. And the
women used to (40)_____a long time every day (41)______heavy pots backwards and forwards.
So I contacted organization and arranged to (42)____ some pipes delivered. We build a simple
pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time. It wasn’t perfect_ there were a few (43)___ but it
made a great difference to the villagers, (44)_____had never had running water before, and
not(45)____ did we have running water, but in the evening it was hot, because the pipe had been
lying in the sun all day.
36. a. rich
b. comfortable c. well-paid
d. luxurious
37. a. felt
b. planned
c. found
d. expected
38. a. live
b. lived
c. living
d. lives
39. a. beautiful
b. good-looking c. handsome d. sweet
40. a. spend

b. spent
c. spends
d. spending
41. a. fetching
b. wearing
c. carrying
d. holding
42. a. make
b. let
c. have
d. allow
43. a. breaks
b. leaks
c. splits
d. punctures
44. a which
b. that
c. they
d. who
45. a. hardly
b. scarcely
c. only
d. also
46. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad
a.. The weather was so bad but we went out
b. If the weather were fine, we could go out
c. Whatever weather we had, we couldn’t go out
d. It was such bad weather that we couldn’t go out
47. How do people make carpets?

a. How are carpets make?
b. How do carpets made?
c. How are carpets made?
d. How do carpets make?
48. “We must be there on time” means:
a. It is importance to be there on time
b. It is important to be there on time
c. Being there on time seems importantly
d. It is not important to be there on time
49. You look tired and pale. You should go to see the doctor
a. Why don’t you go to see the doctor?
b. Why do you go to see the doctor?
c. What’s the matter with you and your doctor?
c. Do you want to go to see the doctor?
50 .When he saw the woman, he waved his hand hurriedly
a. Saw the woman
b. When see the woman
c. When seeing the woman
d. When seen the woman


Unit 5
Grammar point: Reported speech with infinitive(s)

Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the word in bold.


The new speed limit on this road becomes
from 1st June.
She is a much loved and highly _______________ teacher. (respect)
He criticized the recent poor ____________of the company. (perform)
They went hiking in a ______
_____ region. (mountain)
The students _________________spent their Summer vacations teaching
illiterate people to read
and write. (volunteer)
The changes were made with ____________ little difficulty. (surprise)
We try to make these training courses as _________ as possible. (real)
Most people said that pay was their main __
__for working. (motivate)
We took a ________________ more direct route. (slight)
10.The company’s exports have been increasing ____________(steady)
Exercises 2: Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
ethnic / steadily / enthusiasm / eradicated / effectively /
primary / illiterate / in /
campaigned / decrease



We have _____
_____ against whaling for the last 15 years.
You dealt with the situation very ____
Polio has been virtually _____________ in Brazil.
When you do not know very much about computers, you become computer __
She has shown _
______ in the performance of her duties.
How many ___
___ communities are there in your city?
The situation got _
A __
___ school is a school for children between the ages of 5 or 11.
How many countries took part _
_________ the last Olympic
People should _
_____ the amount of fat they eat.
Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

1. “Would you like to go to the movies this evening, Mary?” said Bob.
 Bob invited _________________________________________
2. “Why don’t you book a package holiday, Peter?” said Frank.
 Frank advised _______________________________________
3. “Don’t forget to get up at five tomorrow, Mary,” Bill said.
 Bill reminded ________________________________________
4. “Don’t go near the water, children,” said the mother.
 The mother warned ____________________________________

5. “I’ll make you a nice birthday cake.” Tina’s mother said.
 Tina’s mother promised ________________________________
6. “Get out of my way,” He told the girl.
 He ordered ___________________________________________
7. “You should give up smoking,” said the doctor.
My doctor advised _____________________________________
8. “Please do as I say,” she said to him.
 She begged _________________________________________
9. “Could you lend me your bicycle for a day?” Nam said to Lan
 Nam asked __________________________________________
10. “Don’t miss your train, Susan,” said her mother.
 Susan’s mother reminded _______________________________
11. Bill said, “Don’t touch the hot pot”
 Bill warned me ______________________________________
12. The secretary said to the customer, “Please fill up this form.”
 The secretary asked the customer _________________________

Exercise 4. Write the sentences in reported speech, using the right form of the verbs in brackets.


“ You’d better take a short holiday, Susan,” said David. (ADVISE)
 David ______________________________________________
“ Don’t argue with me,” the teacher said to the boy. (ORDER)
 The teacher __________________________________________
“Do you want to go out for dinner with me, Kate?” Peter said. (INVITE)
 Peter ______________________________________________
“ I’ll follow you wherever you go,” Mary said to Peter (PROMISE)
 Mary________________________________________________
“ If I were you, I wouldn’t accept his invitation,” Kim said to Lynn. (ADVISE)
 Kim ______________________________________________
“ Remember to put your dirty clothes in this basket, boy,” said the mother (REMIND)
 The mother___________________________________________
“Follow that car,” The detective said to the taxi-driver.(ORDER)
 The detective _________________________________________
“Go on, send your short story to the magazine,” Mrs. Brown said to Tom. (ENCOURAGE)
Mrs. Brown__________________________________________
“Shall I make you a cup of tea?” Mai said to me. ( OFFER)
 Mai_________________________________________________

10. “Why don’t you ask for a pay rise, Mary?” Peter said. (ADVISE)

 Peter_______________________________________________
Exercise 5. Sentence transformation

Mrs. Brown said, “ You may use the phone.”
 Mrs. Brown permitted me .......................................................
The Smiths said,” Would you like to come to our house for dinner?”
 The Smiths invited us …………………………………………..
The woman who manages this bookstore used to be a publisher. (using participial phrase)
 The woman ……………………………………………………..
He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
 He regretted ……………………………………………………
He started investigating the case a week ago.
 He has .............................................................................................

I. Pronunciation.
A. Choose the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. provinces B. cities
C. programmes
D. highlands
2. A. asked
B. reached C. considered
D. promised

3. A. campaign B. eradicate C. expand
D. rate
B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
4. A. relevant
B. struggle
C. village
D. eradication
5. A. mountainous
B. volunteer C. literate
D. constancy
II. Choose the best answer
6. The company must reduce costs to compete _______.
A. effect
B. affect
C. effective
D. effectively
7. It is believed that the number of illiterate people in the remote areas _______ gradually decreasing.
A. is
B. are
C. have been D. were
8. “Would you like ________ lunch with us?”. “Yes, I’d love to.”
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. had
9. When you see John, remember ________him my regards.
A. to have given
B. giving
C. give
D. to give

10. _______dinner, they continued their journey.
A. Have
B. Having had
C. To having D. To have
11. “Did you have a good journey?” Lisa: “ ___________________”
A. Yes, I have B. Yes, it was great C. Yes, it did D. Yes, I was
12. My parents don’t let me ______out alone.
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. to be going
13.The teacher doesn’t allow ______ dictionaries in the final examination.
A. being used
B. use
C. using
D. to use
14.“Let’s go to the movie now.” – “Oh, ________”
A. Good idea
B. I don’t
C. Why's that?
D. I need it
15.If people drove more carefully, _______ fewer accidents.
A. there will be B. there are
C. there would be D. there have been
16.It _____ a long time since I last saw you.
A. is
B. was
C. will be
D. has been
17.This school is only for children _______ first language is not English.

A. of whom B. whose
C. who is
D. who
18.You will become ill _______ you stop working so hard like that.
A. until
B. when
C. if
D. unless
19. I don’t think that dress suits _______ .
A. her
B. hers
C. she
D. herself
20.He wasn't ________________the job.
A. experienced enough to do
B. experienced enough doing
C. enough experienced to do
D. experienced to do enough
21.“ Let me carry your suitcase, Pamela.”
A. Harry said that let him carry Pamela’s suitcase.
C. Harry suggested to carry Pamela’s suitcase.
B. Harry offered to carry Pamela’s suitcase.
D. Harry promised to carry Pamela’s suitcase.
22.Paul’s drunkenness made him lose the job. Unless he ______ so often, he ______ sacked.
A. drank; wouldn't be
B. had drunk; wouldn't have been
C. hadn't drunk; would have been
D. would drink; hadn't been
23. “ If I were you, Dick, I’d buy a mountain bike.”

A. Bill made Dick to buy a mountain bike.
C. Bill advised Dick to buy a mountain bike.
B. Bill reminded Dick to buy a mountain bike.
D. Bill accused Dick of buying a mountain bike.
24.“ Why don’t we go sailing this weekend?”
A. Jack offered to go sailing that weekend.
C. Jack denied going sailing that weekend.
B. Jack refused to go sailing that weekend.
D. Jack suggested going sailing that weekend.
25.“ Yes, all right, I’ll share the bill with you, David.”
A. Sharon refused to share the bill with David.
B. Sharon apologized for sharing the bill with David.
C. Sharon agreed to share the bill with David.
D. Sharon promised sharing the bill with David.
26.The doctor advised me ________up late.
A. not to stay B. to not stay
C. don’t stay D. didn’t stay
27.Malcolm told me that he _______to lock the door that morning.
A. was forgetting B. would forget C. had forgotten D. has forgotten
28.Martha _______me to phone the police.
A. suggested
B. said
C. spoke
D. advised
29.I ______my friends about my party, and they _______they would come.
A. told – told
B. said – told
C. told – said D. said – said

30. He struggled __________ cancer for two years.
A. against
B. over
C. off
D. to
31. “Shall I bring you a cup of coffee?” Jane said to me. Jane _______to bring me a cup of coffee.
A. asked
B. offered
C. promised
D. ordered
32.Paul: “Mary, this is Mr. Baker”. Mary (to Mr. Baker): “ ________”
A. How are you?
B. How do you do
C. Hello.
D. Hi
33.The club ________ last year.
A. had been opened
B. was opened
C. has been opened
D. was being opened
III. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
34.Maud advised me going by train for it was less tiring than driving.
35.Stella told the teacher she has forgotten to do her homework.

36.Vera encouraged Kevin ran in the race, although she didn’t think he
would win.
37.My car, that I have owned for five years, is a Ford.
38.I don’t know what time does she gets up every morning.
IV. Reading comprehension: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely
more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but (41) __________ a child could be
counter-productive if she isn’t ready. Wise parents will have a relaxed attitude and take the lead from
their child. What they should provide is a selection of (42) _____________ toys, books, and the other
activities. Nowadays there is plenty of good (43) ____________available for young children, and of
course, seeing plenty of books in use around the house will also encourage them to read.

Of course, books are no longer the only (44) ______________ of stories and information. There is
also a huge range of videos, which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and
are equally valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad (45)

___________as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time
watching programs not intended for their own group.
41. A. insisting B. forcing
C. making
D. starting
42. A. bright
B. thrilling
C. energetic D. stimulating
43. A. material B. sense
C. produce
D. amusement
44. A. source
B. site
C. style
D. basis
45. A. review
B. press
C. criticism
D. result
V. Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D:
Galileo was born in 1564 in the city of Pisa, Italy. About twenty years later he attended the
University of Pisa. At first he wanted to become a doctor, but while he was there he became interested
in science and decided to become a scientist. In 1592, a year after his father's death, the University of
Padua invited him to be a professor of mathematics. He stayed there for 19 years, where he became
interested in the stars. He made an instrument which made far-away things look larger and easier to
examine. This was called the telescope. When he was studying the stars, he discovered that the "stars"
which moved were not really stars, but worlds like the earth. He proved the Copernicus was right; the
earth and the planets indeed moved around the sun.
46.Galileo attended the University of Pisa in ________ .

47.Galileo's father died __________ .
A. in 1591 B. in 1592 C. in 1593 D. when he was studying the stars.
48.He made the telescope because he wanted ___________ .
A. to become a good professor of mathematics
B. to prove that Copernicus was right
C. to discover some new planets
D. to study the stars
49.The telescope helped him ___________ .
A. to examine far-away things easily
B. to look everything around him early
C. to see the earth
D. to discover new planets
50.Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Galileo was interested in the stars
B. Galileo made an instrument to study the stars
C. Galileo proved that the earth and the planets moved around the sun.
D. Galileo discovered that the stars which moved were not really stars

Unit 6:
Grammar point: Reported speech with gerunds.
1. competition [,kɔmpi'ti∫n] (n)
: cuộc thi, cuộc tranh tài
