Listening TEST
In the listening les!, you will be asked to demonstrate how welt you understand spoken English. The
entire listening 1esl will lasl approximately 45 minutes. There are lour par1s, and directions are given
for each parI. You must mark your answers on the separa te answer sheet. Do not write your answers
in the tesl book.
Part 1
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a pictu re in yOUf test
book. When you hear Ihe statemen ts, you must select Ihe one statement thaI besl describes whal you
see in Ihe picture. Then find the number 01 the question on your answe r sheet and mark your answer.
The statements will nol be printed in your lest book and wit! be spoken only one lime.
Sample Answer
Statement (C) , "He is writing in a notebook.~ is the best description of the picture. so you should select
answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.
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Part 2
Directions. You will hear a quesHon or statement and three responses spoken In English They will he
spoken only one lime and will not be pnnted in your lest book. Select the best response to the
question or statement and mark the reller (A) (8), or (C) on your answer sheet
Exa mpl e
You Will hear.
You will also hear :
Sample Answer
Where did you buy your lie?
" Nexi lime we'll do beller
(Po At the dowl1lown st10PPIng center
(C We'll move to a new bUilding
5 0011.
The best response to the question HWhere did you buy your lieT IS choice (B). "At the downtown
shOPPing center," so (8) IS the correct answer You should mark answer (8) on your answer shee!.
11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
27. Mark your answer on your answer shee!.
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
16. Mark you r answer on your answer sheet.
31 . Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.
33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet .
20. Mark you r answer on your answer sheet.
35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
23. Mark your answer on you r answer sheet.
38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
39. Mark your answer on your answer shee!.
25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
40. Mark you r answer on your answer sheet.
Part 3
Directions: You will hem some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three
Questlons abou t wha t the speakers say In each conversation. Select the best response to each
qU£lStiOll and mark the leller (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The conversatJons will be
spoken only one lime and will nol be printed in your lesl book.
41. Where are the speakers most likely?
lA/ At a shopping mall
1,8) AI a convention center
1(;) AI a local hotel
In\ At a company warel10use
42. What will the woman give Mr. Dyson?
'\' An Information package
8' A guest list
Ie I A name tag
) An operattng manual
43. What does Mr. Dyson inquire about?
The name of the conference
81 The number of guests
'"'., Th e location of an event
cD' The dates of Ihe semmar
\',I'IW ph,lllir ivrf"
44. Who is the man speaking with?
A telephone operator
A hotel manager
A city tour guide
A company chent
45. What is the man unsure ol?
IA) The
(6) The
(C) Tile
(0) The
name of hiS tour guide
hotel's acldress
name althe holel
date he will be visiting
46. What will the woman most likely do next?
(A) Look for other local hotels
(8) Check tl1e hotel's faCIlit ies
~C) Make a reservation
(D) Connect the call
47. What did All ie bring?
53. What are the speakers talking about?
A mobile phone 0111
11 A gas InVOice
Ie An electnclty payment
([II A broken healing sys tem
\ A l Grilled vegetables
8) Sandwiches
('-, Beel kebabs
10\ FrUit
48. What does J im complimenl Allie on?
54. Why does th e man want to make a call?
L\) Her pretty hvmg room
\) To request maintenance slaH
(t. , To InqUire about gas rates
Ie"' To discuss seulI1g up a new accou nt
iOI To ask for an add itional InVOice copy
(8) Her lovely allife
IC) Her delicious lood
(0 ) Her kindness
49. What is Jim doing?
55. What would the woman like the man to do?
(AI Grilling beef
(S I Cu lling up fruit
fel Prepanng cocktail drinks
(O) Making desser1
(AI DISCUSS wUh her what he finds out
Ir) Ta lk 10 the compa ny about getting a
IG Help her With tile cost of her gas bill
\0, Ask ior belter customer servIce
50. Where is Mario now?
~ A)
At a chent's oU ,ce
(8) AI Kensmgton Markel
56. What IS th e woman 's problem?
("'-/ $11e IS late 101 an Important meeting
(H) Her e·mall account IS not working
., She misplaced an Important file.
(C She wasn't able to fmlsh the proposal.
At the post alltce
0) AI the downtown office
51. What issue is Mario dealing with?
, A I An office renovation
b A new contract
~\ A delIVery mistake
D.' A pnnllng error
52. How does the woman suggest getting in
contact with Mario?
,1\1 By gomg downtown
,8) By writing hun an e-mail
Ie) By sending him a fax
(0. By calling hiS mobile phone
Wllal will Ihe woman do at 1 o·clock
q Talk 10 her superviSal
!8) Hosl a presentation
(L Meet With a chent
(0) Contact the tecl)nlCal support learn
58. What will Bill most likely do next?
/' 1 Order some office supplies
If) Negotiate a new contract
I('l Delay a Illeetrng
) Make a phone call
I·' "11" 111) r.l II P
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59. Why are the speakers going to Toronto?
65. Where does lhe woman work?
(A) To attend a confe rence
(A) At a university
(S) To go 10 a Irade show
(B) AI a hospilal
(e) To take a vacatIon
IC) AI a slatlonary slore
(0) To speak with some investors
tD) At a recrUiting firm
60. How long will Sue slay in Toronto?
66. Who does the woman want 10 speak to?
(A) For one nigl1l
(AI Store manager
(8) For two nights
(C) For three nlghls
(0) For lour nights
(8) Sales representative
(C) Vice·presldenl
10) Secrelary
61 . What does Sue suggest the man do?
67. What will Ihe woman probably do?
(A) Go to the trade show on Thursday
(8) Res t before the presentation
(A) Leave a message on Luke Newberry's
Ie) Speak with hiS travel agency
(0) Make a reservation soon
(8) Complain to the store manager
(C) Order the bUSiness cards somewhere
(0) Speak 10 another sales representative
62. What time are dinner reservations?
(A) 7:45
(8) 8:00
Ie) 8:15
(0) 8:30
68. Who most likely are the speakers?
(A) BUSiness parlners
(8) Contractors
(C) Repair workers
63. What does the man say about Frank?
(AI He's away on vacat ion.
(8) He's unable to make It.
(0) Neighbors
69. What problem do Tim's neighbors have?
(C) He's meeling II"rem lor dinner.
(AI They have no electricity.
(D) He's working tale.
(8) Their ca r was sioten.
(C) Their air conditioner has slopped
64. Wily will the woman come late to the
(0) Their house IS on fi re .
\Al She has 10 walt tor a delivery
lBl She has 10 park her car.
[C) She has to make a pl10ne call.
(0) Slle has 10 IInlsh her 'Norte
70. What needs to be repaired?
(A) The driveway
(8) The window
(e) The power lines
(0) Tile fireplace
u.,I I ~·~· ".'
45 1
Part 4
Direction s: You WIll hear some Shalt talks givell by a single speaker. You win be asKed to answer
three questions about what ttle speaker says In each short talk. Seleci the besl response 10 each
questton and mark Ihe letter (A), (8). (C). or (D) on your answer sl1eet. The talks wUl be spoken only
one lime and WIll nOI be printed in your test book.
71 . Who is the message most likely directed at?
(A) Website designers
(8) Professional accountants
(C) Irisl1 sludents
(0) Bank customers
74. What is the purpose of this radio
(A) To inform people 01 a city event
B} To advertise a new project
(C) To announce the closure of a park
(D) To arrange a city counCil conference
72. What is inferred about the organization's
(A) TI1ey are curren tly on lunch break.
'BJ They are attending to other customers.
~C) They are presently not working.
(0) They are working at another branch
73. What information can customers obtain from
75. From when will 51. Paul Street be closed to
(A) November 9
(8) November 10
(e) Novembe, 12
0) Next weekend
76. Whal should people do if Ihey have
the website?
(A) A list of new available products
(8) A I'SI 01 company employees
(Al Send an c-mail to the mayor
IS) Fax the city council
IC) Cost oflhe GOmpany"S producls
(C) Calilhe tourrsm ofiice
{OJ E-mailihelf local police department
rO) The branch location and address
77. What type of event is being hetd?
A sportlllg event
A thealncal perlOfmance
A concen
An awards ceremony
7B. What will g uests be doing at nex t month's
charity event?
listening to an orchestra
! Making speeches
83_ What is the an nouncemen t about?
\/\) Vacam posillOns In a company
(B) A new financial report
HIring a new employee
10) Ways 10 enhance global marke ting
84_ How long did Ms. Reynolds work at The
Optic Group?
lA, 3 years
IB) 4 years
(e) 5 years
(0) 6 years
79_ What will happen immediately aller lunch ?
Award wmners Will be announced .
(h) A dance performance will take place.
,f Speecl1es are scheduled to begin
Photograplls will be taken
85_ Where is the main office of Jones & BUl'\vel1
(A) Madn,l
(8, London
(e) Los Angeles
101 SeaUie
BO. What is suggested about Thompson 's
86_ Why did the speaker leave a message?
They are inexpensive.
They are manufactured In
They are sty lish
01 They can be ordered online.
Bt What gift is be ing offered?
(AI To give d irections to a new reslaUlanl
18) To talk 10 her boss about the new clients
(e) To Intorm her colleagues Ihal she Will be
(D) To lellil er coworkers about a new
/I" A set oi pens
87. What was scheduled for one o'clock?
A new pair of shoes
A leather bnefcase
A pair of sunglasses
fA) A lunch meeling
(8) A mllslcal performance
(C) A chent's presentation
B2. Whal shou ld people do
10 receive a g.lI?
:.D) A meeting among coworkers
Make a phone call
I,) Con tact a store manager
88. Where is the speaker calling from?
V,sll the company website
(AI The office
Wnle a leHer
(6) A reslaurant
(ei Her home
(0) A hospital
47 1
89. What did the speaker decide at a young
fA) What profession he wanted to work In
(8) What university 118 wanted to attend
(C) What city '1e wanted to live in
(0, Whal Kind of fnends 11e liked
95. Who most likely is the speaker?
(A) A tlavel agent
lS) A hotel clerk
Ie) An airline pi iol
(0) A sales representative
96. What city has been added 10 Barbara's
90. Wha t did the speaker do al age twenty· five?
{A He taught politics al a university.
(0) He became school president.
He me t a famous pohHclan
\D I He slarted playing spons.
91. How many regulations did the speaker
(AI Calgary
lS) Honolulu
(CI Los Angeles
(0) Chicago
97. Why would the speaker like Barbara to
contact him?
fAI Twenty
(AI To
the difference
ill) Twenty·five
Ie) Thirty
In) Forty
(8) To arrange transporta tion to Ihe ai rport
(C) To confirm IIle locahon ot a meeling
10) To talk abOi l1 a hotel bookin g
92. Who most likely is the speaker addressing?
College professors
New employees
Technical support siall
Department managers
98. Where most likely is the talk taking place ?
(/1) In a hotel lobby
(8) In a convention hall
te) In a manufactUring facilily
(D) In a radio siudio
93. Why are not many employees taking
cou rses?
\A) They believe that they are 100 expenSive
(81 They Ihlnk that Ihe courses are bonng.
(C) They see no advantages In laking lI1em.
(0) H1ey are unaware thai the courses are
99. What topic is Ms. Dupont speaking aboul?
(II) Healthy lifestyle
\8) Training doctors
(C) Traveling 111 France
(D) Presentation skills
100. What has Ms. Dupont been invited to do?
94. What has Ihe speaker suggested the
company do?
Ai Hold lhe COlllses 111 the company olilces
18\ Make Ihe classes manda tory 101 all staff
Ie) Hire more profeSSional slaff
f 0) Implemen t a techillcal supparI learn
I Ai
Wrfte a medica l Journal article
(B~ DeSign a new Irall11119 program
Ie) J01l1 a medical profeSSional group
(OJ Open her own pr.::!cttce
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the ena Df the Listenlllg test.