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Chapter prepositions

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Chapter : prepositions
Giới từ là những từ được dùng với danh từ (hoặc đại từ,danh động
từ)để chỉ sự liên hệ các từ ấy với các từ khác trong câu
1/ AT:
* Cho thời gian : - at 4 c’clock/5 p.m/night/christmas/Easter/once(ngay lập
tức)/the moment/present/weeken.
* Cho nơi chốn : - at home/the seaside/school/the coner of the street/the
top/the beginning/the end/
2/ON :
* Cho thời gian:
- on được dùng trước thứ(ngày trong tuần) on Sunday, on Monday…
- on được dùng đứng trước ngày tháng on June 10th …
- on time (đúng giờ-chính xác)
* Cho nơi chốn :
- on (ở trên) there is a book on the table
- on food, on radio, on TV, on the beach …
3/ IN :
Cho thời gian :
- Năm : in 1990
- Tháng : in June, in May
- Mùa : in spring, in summer ..
- Buổi : (trừ at night) in the morning, in the afternoon..
- In time (đúng giờ)
* Cho nơi chốn :
- in (ở trong) in the box, in the living roon…
- in đứng trước các thành phố, đất nước, miền, phương hướng .. in London, in
Viet Nam, in the East …
4/BY :
- By được dùng trong câu bị động (có nghĩa là bởi)
- By được dùng để chỉ phương tiện đi lại by bike, by car …

- By the time (trước khi), by change(tình cờ), learn by heart (học thuộc
5/TO :
- thường đi sau theo động từ GO go to (đi đến)
- lưu ý : Go home
6/INTO :

- into (vào trong) được dùng sau các động từ GO, PUT, GET, FALL(ngã)
JUMP(nhảy), COME ….
- Out of (ra khoỉ) he comes out of the house
8/WITH : (với)
9/UNDER: (ở dưới)
1/ OF :
- ashamed of (xấu hổ về ) – afraid of (sợ, e sợ ..) – aware of (nhận thức) –
capable of (có khả năng) – confident of(tin tưởng) – doubtful of(nghi ngờ)
– fond of(thích) – full of(đầy), hopeful of(hy vọng) – independent of(độc
lập) – proud of(tự hào) – jealous of(ghen tị) – guitly of(có tội) – sick
of(chán nản) – joyful of(vui mừng) – quick of(nhanh chóng về)
- acceptable to(có thể chấp nhận) – accustomed to(quen với) – addicted to
(đam mê) – delightful to(thú vị đối với ai) – familiar to sb(quen thuộc với
ai) – clear to(rõ dàng) – contrary to(trái lập) – similar to(giống,tương tự) …
3/ FOR:
- late for (trễ) – famous for(nổi tiếng) – necessary for(cần thiết) – greedy
for(tham lam) – perfect for(hoàn hảo) – suitable for(phù hợp) – sorry for
(xin lỗi) – good for(tốt cho) – useful for(co ích) – ready for(sẵn sàng) –

convinient for(thuận lợi) – responsible for(chịu trách nhiệm)…
4/AT :
- good at(giỏi về) – bad at(kém về) – clever at(khéo léo) – skilful at (có kĩ
năng) – quick at(nhanh) – amazed at(ngạc nhiên) – amused at(vui về) –
excellent at(xuất xắc về) – present at(hiện diện) – surprised at(ngạc nhiên)
– angry at(giận về điều gì) – annoy at(khó chịu về)….
5/WITH :
- bored with(chán) – fed up with(chán) - busy with(bận) – crowded with
(đông đúc) – angry with (giận dữ) – friendly with (thân mật) – acquainted
with (làm quen) – popular with (phổ biến) – satisfied with (thỏa mãn )- …
- excited about(hào hứng về) – happy about(hạnh phúc về) – sad
about(buồn) – serious about(nghiêm túc) – upset about(buồn) – worried
about(lo lắng) – anxious about(lo lang) – disappointed about(thất vọng) –
confused about(bối dối)…

7/ IN :
- Interested in(quan tâm đến) – rich in(giàu về) – successful in(thành công)
– confident in (tin cậy vào ai)….
8/ FROM :
- isolated from(bị co lập) – absent from(vắng mặt) – different from(khác) –
far from(xa) – safe from(an toàn) – divorced from(ly dị)
9/ON: keen on (hăng hái về)
Lưu ý: sau giới từ thường dùng V_ing hoặc N

PREPOSITIONS FOLLOWING VERBS (Giới từ theo sau các động từ)
- apologize sb for sth : xin lỗi ai về
arrive at : tới nơi nhỏ
- arrive in

: tới nơi lớn
wait for sb : chờ
- admire sb of sth
: khâm phục ai về
change/turn into :
hóa ra
- belong to sb
: thuộc về ai
insist on : khăng
- accuse sb of sth
: tố cáo ai
join in : tham gia vào
- blame sb for sth
: đổ lỗi cho ai
escape from :
thoát khỏi
- congratulate sb on sth
: chúc mừng ai về
- introduce to
: giới thiệu ai với ai
- give up
: từ bỏ
- look at
: nhìn
- look after
: chăm sóc
- look for
: tìm kiếm

- look forward to
: mong đợi
- put on
: mang vào, mạc vào
- put off
: hoãn lại
- stand for
: tượng trưng
- call of
: hủy bỏ
- object to + V-ng
: phản đối
- infer from
: suy ra từ
- participate in
: tham gia
- succeed in
: thành công
- prevent sb from
: ngăn cản


provide with
: cung cấp
agree with
: đồng ý
beg for
: van nài cho

borow sth from sb : mượn cái gì của ai
depend on
: phụ thuộc vào
die of
: chết vì bệnh tật
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions of time
1. He was born in a small village ___ 1957
2. Tell me where you were ___ Friday,27 october
3. He used to work as a fashion designer ___ 1960 and 1970
4. ___1785___1790, the capital of the US was located in New York
5. Author Susan Glaspell won a pulitzer prize ___ 1931 for her play
Alison’s house
6. He goes to his office everyday except Sunday. ____ Sunday he
stays at home and works in his garden
7. I’m returning to England ____ the end of this term
8. He started going to school ____ the age of 5.so now he’s been in
school ___ ten years
9. ____ first I found the work very tiring, but ___ a few weeks I got
used to it
10. I’m going to Paris ___ Monday morning with Tom
11. Children get presents ____ chritmas and ___ their birthday
12. Children are very fond of swimming ____ the summer
13. My father works ____ 7am____5pm
14. _____ my birthday there will be a party ____7pm and 10 pm
15. _______years afterwards,people stil remember that terrible now
16. They arrived ___ 3 o’clock yesterday
17. I’ve been waiting for her ____half past six
18. I watched TV ____9____12 last night
19. He lived in Paris ____ three years

20. She’ll be at home ____ Friday morning
21. Our football season often begins_____ August every year
22. _____ the end of the holiday,I needed anotherholiday
23. We met ____ Easter day and went for a walk across the hills
24. The church was built ____ 1910
25. Tom and Peter came here _____ the same time

1. Translate this article .. .. .. ..English for me, please.
2. You remind me .. .. .. .. my sister.
3. We can see many stars .. . .. .the sky at night.
4. Children like to go to the circus .. . .. . sunday
5. Who is talking .. . .. . the phone, my dear?
6. when I saw Lan. She was talking .. .. ..a friend .. .. ..hers.
7. My wife has been .. ... ... Ho Chi Minh city several times
8. he is very interested .. .. .. football.
9. Do you go to school .. .. .. car or .. .. .. foot.
10. She is good .. .. .. English.
11. They have only been there ............. a few minutes.
12. The canoe overturned and evryone fell ............the deep water.
13. Do you mind if I sit ..........the front seat .............the car?
14. Donna is thinking ...........importing flowers ............Vietnam.
15. Would you mind if I had a look .............your luggage?
16. How ..........going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon?
17. You can use dictionary to find .........new words
18. They are very proud ..........their new house.
19. They named their daughter ............their favorite singers.
20. The passage is written ...............English
21. I'll come ........to pick her ...........at 8 o'clock

22. Mrs Lan called ..........her newspaper delivery.
23. He worked very hard and finally came ........... ...........a very important
24. I couldn’t meet Mrs Chi because she's ..............
25. Tam had high marks ...........exams ..........working very hard
26. To be remember of our organization, you can register ...........today
27. That's very kind ........you to help me ............this math problem.
28. It has rained ..........two o'clock.
29. Try to learn the meaning of new words ............heart.
30. Please wait ...........me a few minutes.
31. In this respect, french differs .............English
32. This restaurant is famous ...............its Chinese dishes.
33. She enjoys participating ..........raising funds for the poor.
34. The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it .........ages.

35. My

grandmother prefers living in the countryside ..........living in the
36. My parents are tired ..........living in the city.
37. She’s looking forward .........seeing her sister
38. I’m grateful...........him ...........a wonderful evening
39. Thank you ..........advising me not to smoke
40. Jacson was late because he was not aware ..........the time
41. Mary is sitting ................her father and mother
42. She’s looking forward .........seeing her sister
43. I’m grateful...........him ...........a wonderful evening
44. Thank you ..........advising me not to smoke

45. Jacson was late because he was not aware ..........the time
46. Mary is sitting ................her father and mother
47. Pasteur devoted all his time .............science
48. Are you jealous ................his success.
49. He is so busy ..............his work
50. They spend much time .............reading books
51. They were excited ...............the TV programme
52. We buy it ............a low price
53. A raincoat keeps you..........being ill
54. He asked ............some money
55. His teacher believes................his improvement
56. Three prisoners escaped ...........the prison in May
57. He’s very good ............telling jokes
58. Better methods of refrigeration depend ..............engineers
59. That’s very kind .........you to help me
60. What is the reason..............your absence?
61. I’m really proud ..................my mother
62. Did Mr John succeed................selling his old car?
63. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry...........
64. Why did those fellows insist .............doing everything themselves?
65. The teacher divided the class .............two groups
66. We will provide you .............plastic bags.
67. We're afraid to say that we don’t agree ........your project.It causes many
bad things ......environment.
68. Tom's parents was disappointed ..........him because he failed final test.

69. Take

an umbrella with you. It will save you ........getting wet on the

way home.
70. The boys keeps .......asking his father ..........protecting the environment.
71. The street are full ......garbage.
72. We are all responsible .........keeping the environment clear and clean.
73. There’s no point ...............arguing
74. She’s famous ...............her intelligence
75. if you earn a good salary,you can be independent ...........your parents
76. She was quite satisfied ..........your anwser
77. This story is similar ................that one
78. He often borrow money...............his friends
Correct the mistakes where necessary
1. Lan is a very good student.She always comes to class in time
2. His birthday falls in 23 july
3. Always take a short nap in the afternoon before you start working
4. We have class meeting on Saturdays
5. We were very lucky not to miss the first part of the play .We
came to the theater just on time
6. At the end of the day studying,he felt a pain in his chest
7. Ho Chi Minh city appears extremely beautiful in night
8. We moved into this city on 2009
9. since 1975 to 2009,I studied at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai high
10. What are you doing at the time being?
Choose the best answer
III.Choose the best answer
1. She was very surprised________ the grade she received.
a. at
b. on
c. of

d. about
2. We might need more food, depending____ how many people turn up.
a. for
b. on
c. at
d. wit
3. Jane doesn't spend much money______ clothes.
a. over
b. about
c. at
d. on
4. She always takes good care_______ her children.
a. for
b. in
c. of
d. with
5. A sign warned motorists______ dangers.
a. of
b. for
c. about
d. a and c



They translated the letter ______ French.
a. for
b. with
c. into
d. about
I was disappointed________ the grade I received on my last essay.
a. for
b. about
c. to
d. a and b
The medical center is close ________ campus.
a. to
b. for
c. up
d. with
We went there_______ car and stayed there for the whole day.
a. in
b. on
c. with
d. by
We started our journey ______ foot.

a. with
b. by
c. on
d. in
He always prevents me_______ doing my duty.
a. of
b. from
c. with
d. against
I write letters _______ my right hand.
a. in
b. by
c. with
d. at
The war victims suffered terribly______ cold and hunger.
a. with
b. from
c. through
d. of
She is absent_______ class
a. at
b. from
c. to
d. away
It is very nice__of___ you to take so much trouble.
a. of
b. to
c. for
d. from
She arrived ……..two o’clock…….. the morning.

a. at/ on
b. in/ in
c. at / in
d. on/ in
Brown and yellow hair is fashionable………the moment.
a. in
b. at
c. over
d. on
They see each other ……..lunchtime and ……..night only.
a. in/ in
b. on/ on
c. at/ at
d. in/ at
Remember the meeting will be ……..Tuesday, ……..9 am and 11am.
a. on/ at
b. on/ from
c. on / between d. at/ at
I know Jane. I first met her ……Christmas……1990.
a. in/ in
b. at/ in
c. at/ at
d. on/ in

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