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28. Can you lend me some money? I'm very .................... of cash at present.
a. down
b. scarce
c. short
d. empty
29. She always asks me questions ……..... are too difficult for me.
a. which
b. who
c. where
d. who
30. The vice-president will ............. his intention to retire before the next election.
a. announce
b. tell
c. inform
d. promise
31. The terrorists ................ the pilot of the plane to change direction.
a. demanded
b. made
c. controlled
d. forced
32. The singer ...………. I admired is coming to my town next week.
a. who
b. which
c. whose
d. whom
33.After her long absence from school, she found it difficult to ................ up

with her friends.
a. catch
b. take
c. made
d. work
34. I'm going to ................ my shirt dry-cleaned.
a. have

b. make
c. send
d. take
35. I ................ do that if I were him.
a. won't
b. wouldn't
c. shan't
d. don't
36. My mother's application for a trading licence was ..................
a. held down
b. let down
c. put down
d. turned down
37. The man was ................ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the desk.
a. attracted
b. dragged
c. tempted

d. brought
38. Please go in. The manager is free ................ you now.
a. see
b. will see
c. to see
d. seeing
Test 33
1. a. my
--> b
2. a. hard
--> d
3. a. lane
--> a
4. a. sit
--> c
5. a. cave
--> b
6. a. bull

b. baby

c. spy

d. cry

b. yard

c. card

d. carry

b. man

c. can

d. fan

b. bit

c. tie

d. hit

b. have

c. slave

d. behave

b. pull

c. full

d. dull

--> d

Find the mistakes
7. After a carefully investigation, we soon discovered that the house was
infested with termites.
a. carefully
b. soon discovered
c. was
d. infested with
8. Water insects have multitudes of little branching tubes within them bodies
which are always full of air.
a. have
b. them
c. which
d. are
9. State university bears the name of their state, and its achievements are
recognized as state achievements.
a. bears
b. their
c. its
d. are
10.It was Vitus Bering, the Danish sea captain, who discovered Alaska on its
voyage to Russia in 1741.
a. the Danish sea captain
b. who
c. its
d. to
11. The color of the Red Sea is due to a minute alga, or sea plant, whose forms

a huge patch of blood red tint.
a. a minute alga
b. sea plant
c. whose
d. forms
Grammar and Vocabulary
12. Peter ..................... back in a few minutes.
a. has come

b. will come
c. comes
d. had come
13.Because of the heavy rain we had to ................ the dinner party until the
following weekend.
a. rearrange
b. postpone
c. reserve
d. give up
14. When my mother heard the terrible noise, she asked me what was ......... on.
a. happening
b. getting
c. coming
d. going
15. The patient ................ to take some medicine.
a. avoided

b. should
c. refused
d. had better
16. Go along this road and you will ................ at the hotel in five minutes.
a. arrive
b. come
c. find
d. reach
17. The weather was awful. I wish it ................ warmer.
a. was
b. were
c. had been
d. will be
18. That's where I ................ when I was young.
a. got used to live
b. used to live
c. was used to live
d. used to living

19. Peter's father ordered ................ not to stay out late again.
a. him
b. to him
c. that he
d. for him

20. We have ............... that we can't go out.
a. too cold a weather
b. so cold weather
c. very cold weather
d. such cold weather
21. Mary was offered the job ................ her qualifications were poor.
a. despite
b. in spite of
c. even though
d. whereas
22. We've always ................ you as our best friend.
a. regarded
b. thought
c. meant
d. supposed
23. The job offer was too good for her to turn .................
a. off
b. away
c. out
d. down
24. After a terrible argument with his colleague, he handed in his ................
a. reservation
b. reputation
c. resignation
d. responsibility

25.If you're going to our country next week, could you please ................ this
package to my family?

a. fetch
b. bear
c. bring
d. take
26.She ................ to her friends borrowing her money, they always forget to
return it.
a. disagrees
b. avoids
c. dislikes
d. objects
27. I believe that she'll do all she can ................ us.
a. for helping
b. to help
c. help
d. to helping
28. We tried to make the most ................ use of its limited resources.
a. financial
b. cheap
c. bargain
d. economical
29. She didn't have ................ in her suitcase for this camera.
a. room

b. place
c. size
d. area
30. A lot needs ................ to the room before our guests can move in.
a. doing
b. be done
c. to do
d. done
31.We had so many problems with the motorcycle that ................ we sold it
and bought a new one.
a. at the end
b. in the end

c. by the end
d. to the end
32. Mrs White had changed so much that ................ anyone recognized her.
a. almost
b. hardly
c. not
d. nearly
33. Their parents think it's time they ................ married.
a. will get
b. gets
c. got
d. would get

34. He is ................ his house because he needs more rooms.
a. increasing
b. extending
c. adding
d. growing
35. She will accept the job ................ the salary is satisfactory.
a. unless
b. so long as
c. as much as
d. so far as
36. He suffers ................ bad headaches.
a. in
b. about
c. from
d. of
37."Did anyone clean the windows?" "No, they should ................ but they
a. clean
b. have been cleaned
c. have cleaned
d. be cleaned

38. She told me that she ................ English literature.
a. has studied

b. has been studying
c. had been studying
d. would have studied
39. We delayed our departure ................ the weather condition.
a. on account of
b. on behalf of
c. in front of
d. ahead of
40.Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That's the third time he ................ her this
a. is phoning
b. phones
c. has phoned
d. will phone
41. It was difficult to ................ a date which was convenient for everyone.
a. elect
b. organize
c. arrange
d. provide
42. This composition needs ...........................
a. rewritten
b. to rewrite
c. being rewritten
d. rewriting
43.The boy always ................ the crossword in the paper before breakfast.

a. makes
b. writes
c. does
d. works
44.When they failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to cut ................
the gas supply to the flat.
a. down

b. out
c. across
d. off
45. His father agreed to ................ him his car while he was away on business.
a. borrow
b. lend
c. hire
d. let
46. Several items of ................ were found in the forest.
a. clothes
b. dress
c. costume
d. clothing
47. They had no ................ of selling the garden, it had belonged to their mother.
a. intention
b. meaning
c. interest

d. opinion
48. Cut the cake into four ................ pieces.
a. same
b. like
c. alike
d. equal
49. You can use my car ................ you bring it back tomorrow.
a. as long as
b. although
c. nevertheless
d. in spite of
50. Peter always ................ at cards. No wonder he won every game!
a. cheated
b. lied
c. tricked
d. deceived

Test 34
1. a. do
2. a. butter
--> a
3. a. brother
--> d

4. a. pretty
--> a
5. a. door
--> c
--> c

b. go

c. so

d. no

b. put

c. sugar

d. push

b. they

c. the

d. think

b. get

c. send

d. well

b. floor

c. start

d. small

a. close

b. chose

c. lose

d. rose

Find the mistakes
7. Ozone has his origin in a number of sources, a prime one being the automobile
a. his
b. a prime
c. being
d. the
8. The only bird known to shine at night is the barn owl of Western Europe, which
actually shines through a fungus sticking to their feathers.
a. the barn owl
b. which
c. shines
d. their feathers

9. Nero Claudius Caesar, to please themselves, killed his mother, his brother, and
all his advisers, and finally killed himself out of self-love.
a. themselves
b. his mother
c. his advisers
d. himself
10.Every student must make up their own study list of the classes he is going to
take at the beginning of the quarter.
a. Every student
