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A / AN / THE / Ø
Fill in the blanks with A / AN / THE / Ø
1. _______ couple was sitting on ______ bench. _________ man was reading ______ book
while _______ woman was knitting.
2. ________ cheetah is ________ fastest land animal.
3. What ______ nice view!
4. We went to ________ cinema and saw _______ very funny movie. We really had _______
good time !
5. You should take _______ umbrella, it’s going to rain.
6. My father is ______ vet and my mum is ______ teacher.
7. I need ______ new pair of _______ shoes.
8. What _________ lovely shoes you have!
9. I am against ___________ vivisection.
10. She dislikes __________ bananas.
11. _________ banana I ate this morning was ripe.
12. _________ dog is ________ pet she prefers; she thinks it is _____ faithful animal.
Personally, I prefer _______ cats.
13. How much ________ luggage do they have?
14. He went to ______ school by _______ bike.
15. Put ________ oil in the pan.
16. Go past ________ school and then it’s on your right. You can’t miss it!
17. ______ prices have gone up lately.
18. Would you like ________ cup of _______ tea?
19. They play ______tennis twice ______ week.
20. She has _______ shower every morning.
21. Ann and Rob met by ________ chance on ______ train.
22. ________ boy who is sitting in _______ last row is my brother.
23. Will you pass me _________ salt, please?
24. _______ French are said to be presumptuous _______ people.
25. They live in _______ Belgium but they were born in ______ USA.
26. _______ mount Everest is ________ highest mountain in ______world.

27. We had _______ romantic dinner cruise on ________ Seine.
28. _______ Himalayas form _____ border between ______ India and _____ rest of
________ Indian continent.
29. He is afraid of ________ death.
30. I want to know ________ truth.
31. Paul plays _________ soccer better than he plays ________ guitar.
32. _______ most boys are interested in ________ cars.
33. I heard on _______ radio that there had been ________ terrible earthquake in _____
California _______ last night.
34. Make _______ love, not ______ war!
35. Lynn goes to ________ university by ________ car; it takes her ______ hour to get

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