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4828 green quiz

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (50.61 KB, 2 trang )

Take this quick quiz to see how well you’re doing.
1. * Do you use bio-degradable cleaning products?
2. * Do you consistently recycle all your household rubbish you can?
3. * Do you walk short distances rather than using the car?
4. * Do you switch your computer off over night?
5. * Do you have a vegetable garden?
6. * Do you avoid buying highly packaged products?
7. * Do you intentionally buy locally produced products where possible?
8. * Do you use a cold water cycle to wash your clothes rather than hot?
9. * Do you reuse the other side of photocopy paper for rough prints or drafts?
10. * Do you hang your washing out when possible rather than using the dryer?
11. * Have you put a notice on your letterbox to stop junk mail?
12. * Do you turn the tap off when you brush your teeth?
13. * Do you donate good, unwanted clothes and possessions to charities?
14. * Do you turn the lights off when you leave the room?
15. * Do you ride a fuel efficient car?
16. * Do you car pool when it is possible to do so?
17. * Do you keep pockets of your home warm in the winter by keeping the doors closed?
18. * Do you compost you food scrapes and/or garden waste?
19. * Do you use energy saving light bulbs?
20. * Do you use recyclable bags for your shopping?
21. * Do you recycle your computer print cartridges?
22. * Do you wipe up spills with a reuseable cloth rather than paper towels?
23. * Do you reuse plastic shopping bags for other things?
24. * Do you cook two or more meals at the same time to save power?
25. * Do you dispose of any hazardous waste (EG paint) appropriately?
26. * Do you switch appliances off at the wall rather than leaving them in the stand by mode?
27. * Do you choose your home appliances based on their energy efficiency rating?
28. * Do you pass magazines on to others when you have finished reading them?
29. * Do you keep yourself informed about issues effecting our environment?
30. * Do you belong to an organization that actively supports green living ideals and practices?

The Score:
For every question you said ‘Yes” to give yourself a point.
YOUR SCORE: …............
Here are the ratings:
25 – 30 – Well done! You’re doing your bit to save resources. Keep up the good work!

10 – 25 – Room for improvement here. A few habit changes will make a big difference over time.
10 or less – Maybe it’s time for a rethink? Of course it’s up to you, but if you would like to practice
green living try introducing these behaviors into your life one by one.
Remember it only takes 28 days to create a new habit. This means that is we make a conscious
effort to practice a new behavior for 28 days after that we will find ourselves doing it automatically.

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