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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 unit 12: Let’s eat

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Giáo án Tiếng anh 7.

Unit 12 : Let’s eat
Period 73: Lesson 1: A-1
I. Objectives.
After the lesson Ss will be able to know more about the food . Such as: chicken,
beef, pea, carrot , cucumber............
-To drill Ss the structure : let’s, neither/ either/ so/ too.
II. Teaching aids.
Tape+ cassette+text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:

Ask Ss to retell the symptom of the common cold and the way to prevent the
common cold ?

3. New lesson.
A. Warm up.
Ask Ss to work in pair to list the name of the food they learnt.
-Which group is quicker will the win group.
- Ask Ss to read again the words.
Introduce the topic of the lesson and Ask Ss to look at the picture of the text book ,
and guess the places of Hoa and her aunt are.
- Where are Hoa and her aunt?

- What are there on the stalls ?
- Introduce the meaning of the new words.
Chicken ; thịt gà.

Beef : thịt bò.

Pork : thịt lợn.

Pea : đậu

Carrot: cà rốt

Spinach : rau chân vịt

Cucumber : Quả dưa chuột

Durian : Quả sầu riêng.


: Quả đu đủ

Pipeapple : Quả dứa.

-Read the new words aloud in chorus.
-Ask Ss to make the sentences with the new words.
+ I like chicken, but I don’t like beef.
+ I can’t smell the durian.
C. Practice.
- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen to the tape one time.

- Explain the meaning of the new words :
Meat stall : quầy bán thịt

A selection of : sự sưu tầm

on display : trưng bày, bán

hate : ghét

what about : còn thì ... sao

Ripe : chín

Smell: ngửi

Neither/ either: cũng thế ( dùng trong câu phủ

định )
+ Explain the use of neither/ either.
( Dùng để diễn tả sự đồng tình phủ định ).
Ex: I am not a student.
Neither is she./ She isn’t, either.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue in silence.
A. Production
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to roleplay the dialogue.
- Read the dialogue aloud.

-Ask Ss to name the food they learnt in the dialogue.

5.Home work.
- Write the new word and list the things they bought in the market.


Unit 12 :

Let’s eat

Period 74: Lesson 2: A-1 + 2
I. Objectives.
After the lesson Ss will be able to know more about the food . Such as: chicken,
beef, pea, carrot , cucumber............
-To drill Ss the structure : let’s, neither/ either/ so/ too.
II. Teaching aids.
Tape+ cassette+text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:
- Write the food that have in the last period ?
3. New lesson.
A. Warm up.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to list the food that Hoa and her aunt bought at the
- Write on the BB, and read aloud those things
- Call Ss to role play the diologue in turn.

- Ask Ss to retell the use of Neither / either.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the food which you like or you
dislike. - Express the agreement using :so, too, either, neither.
- Provide more words :
Grapefruit : Quả bưởi

Lemon : Quả chanh

Strawberry: Quả dâu tây

Water-melon : Quả dưa hấu

Pear : quả lê.

Longan: Quả nhãn

Mango: Quả xoài
-Ask Ss to read the new words in chorus.
C. Practice.
- Ask Ss to practice in pairs to talk about the food.
- Call some pairs to talk in front of the class. The rest listen and practice in turn.
+ S1 : I like pipeapples. Do you like them?
S2: Yes, I like them ,too/ so do I.
+ S1 : I don’t like durians. Do you like them ?
S2 : No, I don’t like them, either/ neither do I.
- Check if necessary.
D. Production.
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences by using:

either / too.

a) I am hungy .He........................
b) I am not thirsty. I........................
c) I like potatoes and peas and they.........................................
d) Nam doesn’t like chicken and Hoa.........................................
e) They love papaya and we...........................................
f) These fruits aren’t ripe and those fruits...........................................
- Make sentences using so/ neither.
a. I eat a little in the morning. ( they )


b. They don’t like pork. ( I )


c. I eat bread for breakfast. ( my sister )


d. He doesn’t have a big lunch. ( They )


e. These vegetables aren’t fresh.( those fruits).........................................
4. Consolidation

- Retell the main content of the lesson.

5. Home work
- Do exercise 1+2+3+4 in the work book ( page : 74-74 )

Pre: ..................

Unit 12 : Let’s eat
Period 75: Lesson 3: A3,4,5

I. Objectives.
After the lesson Ss will be able to know how to prepare a meal and write the
-To drill Ss the structure : first, next, then, cook, boil, heat, stir- fry.
II. Teaching aids.
Text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:
- Do exercise 1 in the work book.
3. New lesson:
A. Warm up.
-Ask Ss to make the sentences using the structures: either, neither, so , too.
-Write the sentences on the BB.And read the sentences aloud.
- I love to eat fruits, and so do my parents
-She didn’t eat breakfast this morning and neither did her friends.
B. Pre- reading.
- Introduce the lesson by asking the questions :
 Do you always cook meals?

 Do you like this work ?
 What do you have to do when you cook meals?
-Ask Ss to read the text in silence and give the meaning of new words:

Slice: thái thành lát mỏng.
Heat: đun nóng

Boil: luộc

Stir- fried: xào

Add: thêm vào

-Ask Ss to read the new words in the chorus after teacher.
- Ask Ss to read the reading and answer the questions :
What did Hoa’s aunt do ?
What did she do first?
How did she boil the spinach?
What did she do last?
What did Hoa do?
C, While –reading.
-Ask Ss to read the reading and answer the questions.
-Ask Ss to share the answer the correct answer to the partners.
-Give more new words:
Green pepper: ớt xanh

Onion: hành

Salt: muối

Vegetable oil: dầu thực vật

Soy sauce: nước xì dầu.
-Ask Ss to look at : “ Answer the questions” and answer the questions.
A) Menu:
- Cucumber salat with onions.
- Boiled spinach.
- Stir- fried beef with green peppers and onions.
- Rice
-Ask Ss look at part b) and do the followings: look at the passage again and add the
missing verbs to complete the instruction and then matsh the instructions to the
-Write the answer on the BB , and read aloud.
1. Slice.


5. Add

3. heat.

6. Boil

4.stir- fry.

7. Add.

1) C , 2) F ,3) A , 4) D ,5) B , 6) E ,7 ) G

D. Post –reading.
- Ask Ss to look at the book and write the thing they ate in the morning /
- Retell the recipe and the food you ate.
5. Home work
- Do exercise B4 in the work book .


Unit 12 : Let’s eat
Period 76: Lesson 4: B -1.

I. Objectives.
After the lesson Ss will be able to know how the unhealthy food cause disease to
people : stomachache .............
-To drill Ss the structure : It must be ..../ It was probably....., make sb + Vinfinitive.
II. Teaching aids.
Tape + cassette +Text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:
- Do exercise 3 in the work book (page 78).
3. New lesson.
A. Warm up.
-Ask Ss to write the recipe for stir -fried beef.
-Write the recipe on the BB.

-Read the recipe aloud.
+ Slice the beef.
+ Slice the green pepper and onion.
+ Heat the pan and stir - fried the beef and green pepper.
+ Add the soy sauce.
B. Presentation.
-Ask Ss to look at the picture and then answer the questions :

Where is Ba ?
Can you guess what ‘s wrong with Ba ?
- Introduce the lesson and ask Ss to listen to the tape to find the cause that make
him worry.
C. Practice.
- Play the tape twice and ask Ss to find the answer for the question.
+ Why did Ba have a stomachache?
-Call some Ss to answer the question.
Introduce the tructure and the new words:
It must be : chắc hẳn là.
It is / was probably..........: Chắc có thể là
Make sb + adj / do smt: Làm cho ai đó thế nào/ bắt ai đó thế nào.
Have an awful headache: bị đau đầu kinh khủng.
Wash smt well/ carefully: Rửa cái gì sạch/ kỹ.
Dirt( n) -> dirty ( adj)
-Ask Ss to read the structure and make the sentences with the structure.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the story by using the information in the
conversation .
-Write the answers on the BB.
-Read the story aloud.
Ba went to the doctor because he was sick. The doctor asked Ba some questions.

Ba said he had some spinach last night. The doctor said he must wash the spinach
more carefully.
Vegetables can be dirty. The dirt can make people sick. She gave Be some
medicine to make him feel better.
-Check if necessary.
D. Production.

-Read the dialogue, and call some pairs to role play the dialogue.
- Ask Ss to give the food that cause diseases. And tell them what should we do to
prevent ?
- Wash the food carefully .
- Eat the fresh food.
- Eat the ripe food.
- Eat the food sensibly.
- Stop eating sweet.
- Wash the hand before meals.
4. Consolidation
-Retell the main content of the lesson and the way to prevent the diseases caused
by food.
5. Home work
- Do exercise B4 in the work book ( page: 78).

Unit 12: Let’s eat


Period 77: Lesson 5: B -2 .
I. Objectives.

- After the lesson Ss will be able to know the importance of the food to the
health , and the balanced diet: unhealth/ healthy food , body building food,
mordarate amounts, energy, dairy products, cereals. .............
II. Teaching aids.
Tape + cassette +Text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:
- Do exercise B4 in the work book (page 78).
3. New lesson.
A. Warm up.
-Ask Ss to give the way to prevent the disease from unhealthy food , and the bad
-Write the sentences on the BB.
- Wash the food carefully .
- Eat the fresh food.
- Eat the ripe food.
- Eat the food sensibly.
- Stop eating sweet.
- Wash the hand before meals.
B. Presentation:

* Pre- reading.
- Introduce the importance of the food in our daily life, especially food give us the
main energy for body development. So abalance diet is very important.
- Ask Ss the food they like best and list the food they often have for breakfast/
lunch/ dinner?

* While - reading.
- Play the tape twice and answer the questions .
-Introduce the new words:
Unhealthy food: thức ăn không bổ dưỡng.
Moderate amounts: khối lượng ăn hợp lý cân bằng ,vừa phải
Energy: năng lượng.
Balance diet: chế độ ăn cân bằng , hợp lý.
Fatty food: thức ăn giàu chất béo
Body- building food: Thức ăn giúp phát triển cơ bắp
Dairy products: thực phẩm bơ , sữa
A variety of : đa dạnh , nhiều loại.
Cereals: ngũ cốc
Advantage: Sự có lợi.
-Ask Ss to read the new words in chorus after teacher.
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice answering the questions in the text book.
-Write the answers on the BB.
- Read the answers aloud.
a) Sugar add taste to food and it gives you energy.
b) A balance diet is not enough, all people need exercise to keep a healthy life.
* Post- reading.
Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the question” About you “.
Do you think your diet is balanced? Why/ Why not?

-Give the answer in turns.
-Ask Ss to read the reading aloud in front of the rest.
4. Consolidation :
- Retell the importance of sugar , and the balance diet.
5. Home work:
-Read the reading and draw the food pyramid.

Unit 12 : Let’s eat


Period 78: Lesson 6: B3, B4, B5 .
I. Objectives.
After the lesson Ss will be able to know how to write the ricipe for the healthy
and balance meal.
-To drill Ss listening and writing skills.
II. Teaching aids.
Tape + cassette +Text book , work sheet.
III. Teaching procedure.
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........
2. Oral test:

Read the reading and answer the questions

3. New lesson.
A. Warm up.
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to list the food they often have for breakfast/ lunch/ and
for dinner.
-Write the food on the BB.
Bread, milk, eggs,chicken, fish, rice, honey, pipe apple, potato, cheese, butter,
- Ask Ss to read the food aloud and ask Ss to divide the food into three groups:

Body building, Protective,and energy giving.
Body building: Bread, fish,milk, chicken....
Energy- giving: honey, candy, cake.....
Protective: pipeapple, spinach...........

-Ask ss to write the menu for yourself to have a healthy meal.
B. Presentation
* Pre- listening.
-Ask Ss to list the name of the food in the pictures.
- Rice:
- Noodle:
- Fish:
- Vegetable:
- Fruits:
- Juice:
- Water:
-Read the words aloud.
* While - listening.
-Play the tape three times and ask Ss to listen to write the name of the food that
Lan ,Ba, Nga, and Hoa ate and drank .
-Write the words on the BB.
Lan: b,d,f,g.
Ba: c,a,e,f.
Nga: a,d g.
Hoa: b,e,g.
-Provide the new words:
choose: chọn lựa
* Post- listening.
-Ask Ss to do the exercise in the work book.

Slice, orange, pork, heat, oil, papaya, boil, spinach, banana, lunch, beef, fry,
chicken, cucumber, pipeapple, carrot, soup, lamb, eat, pea,

4. Consolidation :
- Retell the main food that they learn in the lesson.
5.Home work:
Write the food you often eat in breakfast/ lunch/ dinner.
-Prepare for the new lesson: Language focus.

Period 79 : Language focus 4

Pre: ................
I. Objectives.

- After the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammar and revise all the
structures and then do all the exercises.
-To drill Ss the writing and speaking skills.
II. Teaching aids.
Text book, work book.
III. Teaching procedure
1. Organization:
- Date : ................7A:...........

2. Written test:
- Ask Ss to do the exercise :Complete the sentences using: either , neither, so ,too.
1. Hoa and Nga didn’tgo to the library and Nam ....................
2.My mother likes chocolates and...............................I.
3.Mr Tam will come to the party tonight and his wife............................
4. I’m not a teacher and ..............................he.
5. He can speak chinese. ...................I
6.His father doesn’t drink wine and ....................his brother.
3.New lesson:
A. Warm up.
-Ask Ss to list the grammar structures that they learnt in the last periods.
-Work in pairs to do the exercises and then write the main structures on the BB.
+ Topic : Vacation or holiday.
Personal hygiene

+ Structure: Past form.
Neither , either, so, too.
More, less, a few, alittle
B. Presentation:
1. The simple past form.
- Ask Ss to give the form and the use of the past form.
Form: S + V-ed + O.
The use: Express the action that happened in the past.
Ex : I watched TV last night .
- Make sentences with the simple past form.
b) practice.

- Ask Ss to do the exercise in the work book.
- Write the answer on the BB.
a) No , I didn’t. I watched TV.
b) No , I didn’t. I had dinner in a restaurant.
c) No , I didn’t, I went to the movie theater yesterday.
d) No , I didn’t, I read a book on the weekend.
e) No , I didn’t, I played football yesterday.
- Check the answer if necessary.
c) Production.
-Ask Ss to give the examples again.

I didn’t play soccer yesterday.

I played tennis yesterday.

What did you play yesterday?

2.Indefinite quantifiers.

a) Presentation
-Ask Ss to give the theory of the indefinite quantifiers:
Alittle, alot of / lots of, too much.
b) Practice.

- Ask Ss to complete the exercise in the text book.
-Write the answers on the BB.
B) a lot of tea.
C) A little sugar.
D) Alot of salt.
E) Too much coffee
c) Production.
-Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs.
3. Too/ Either/ so / neither.
a) Presentation
- Ask Ss to give the theory of these words and ask Ss to work in pairs to do the
exercise in the text book:
+ So, too: dùng tronh câu khẳng định.
+ Either / neither: dùng trong câu phủ định
b) Practice.
- Work in pairs to complete the exercise.
c) Production.
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the instructions of making cucumber salat.
- A) Peel, B) Wash

C) Slice

D) Mix E) Add

- Ask Ss to retell the main contents of the lesson.
5.Home work:
- Learn your lesson and prepare for the written test.

F) Stir

G) Wait.
