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Relative clauses ....

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Relative clauses
A/ Objectives : - To help Ss to know more about the tag questions and do exersices.
B/ Procedures:
Chức năng
Chỉ ngời
Chỉ vật
Chủ ngữ
Tân ngữ
Sở hữu
Of which
1. Which ( Cái mà, điều mà ...)
* Đại từ quan hệ which thay thế cho danh từ, đại từ chỉ vật làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong
mệnh đề quan hệ.
Eg1. The pencil is mine.The pencil is on the desk.
S (vật) -> which is on the desk
=> The pencil which is on the desk is mine.
- Which đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
Eg2/ The dress is beautiful. She is wearing that dress.
O (vật) -> which she is wearing
=> The dress which she is wearing is beautiful.
- Which đóng vai trò là tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
Eg3 : - This is the book. I bought it yesterday.= This is the book which I bought yesterday.( Đây là
cuốn sách mà tôi mua ngày hôm qua)
- Which đóng vai trò là tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.

- Mệnh đề quan hệ which I bought yesterday làm nhiệm vụ xác định cho danh từ đứng trớc nó.
* Notes : - Nếu which đóng vai trò là tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ thì ta có thể bỏ which đi.
Eg : This is the book which I bought yesterday = This is the book I bought yesterday
Eg 4 : The book which is on the table belongs to our teacher. ( Cuốn sách ở trên bàn thuộc về thầy
giáo của chúng tôi)
- Which đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ
- Which có thể thay cho cả một câu, lúc đó ta phải dùng dấu phẩy trớc which.
Eg : - He often goes out at night. This makes his wife angry.
= He often goes out at night, which makes his wife angry.( Anh ta thờng đi chơi vào buổi tối, điều
đó làm cho vợ anh ta rất bực mình)
2. Who (Ngời mà)
* Who là đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ chỉ ngời làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề
quan hệ.
Eg/ I saw the woman. She wrote the book.
S (ngời)-> who wrote the book.
I saw the woman who wrote the book
3. Whom
* Đại từ quan hệ whom thay cho danh từ hoặc đại từ chỉ ngời làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan
Eg1/ I know the man. You want to meet him.
O (ngời) -> whom you want to meet.
=> I know the man whom you want to meet.
Eg2 : - The man comes from China. My father is talking to him = The man whom my father is
talking to comes from China.( Ngời đàn ông bố tôi mà đang nói chuyện với đến từ Trung Quốc)
* Ta có thể để giới từ đứng trớc whom.
Eg : - The man to whom my father is .......
- Ta có thể bỏ " whom" đi.
Eg : - The man my father is talking to comes from China.
* Ta có thể thay whom = who trong văn nói khi giới từ đứng sau.

Eg : - The man who my father is talking to comes from China.
4. That

* That là đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho danh từ chỉ ngời hoặc vật làm tân ngữ hoặc chủ ngữ trong
mệnh đề quan hệ.
Eg : The book that I bought yesterday is interesting.
The man that came to your house yesterday is Nam's brother.
* That thay thế cho cụm từ chỉ ngời và vật
Eg : - We saw many people and cows that went to the forest.
* Notes : Không dùng that để thay cho danh từ đã đợc xác định.
Eg : Không nói : Mr Pike, that is old , is my teacher.
*Không dùng that để thay thế cho cả câu.
Eg : Không nói : He often goes out at night, that makes ......
* Không dùng giới từ trớc that.
Eg : Không nói : The man to that my father is talking to ...
* That đợc dùng trong câu nhấn mạnh
It + to be +( cụm) danh từ / cụm từ / mệnh đề + that .......
Eg : - It's this book that makes me happy. ( Chính là cuốn sách này đã làm tôi vui)
- It's in Ha Noi that we met each other. ( Chính tại Hà nội chúng tôi đã gặp nhau)
5. Whose
Whose là đại từ quan hệ chỉ sở hữu thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu (his, her, their) hoặc danh từ sở
hữu cách. Sau whose là danh từ.
Eg. The girl is my sister. You took the girls picture.
whose picture you took
=> The girl whose picture you took is my sister
Eg : - The man has just phoned the police. His car was stolen near the market.
= The man whose car was stolen near the market has just phoned the police. (Ngời dàn ông mà xe
của ông ấy bị đánh cắp gần chợ vừa mới gọi điện cho cảnh sát)
- The house is on sale. Its doors are green. = The house whose doors are green is on sale. (Ngôi

nhà có cửa màu xanh đang đợc rao bán)
* Khi dùng với danh từ chỉ vật, ta có thể thay whose = of which
Eg : - The house the doors of which are green is on sale.
II/ Relative Adverbs ( Trạng từ quan hệ)
1. Where ( Nơi mà)
- Trạng từ quan hệ where thay thế cho trạng từ trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn there, in this house, at the
beach ...
Eg : - The house is very old. He was born in this house.
= The house where he was born is very old.( Ngôi nhà nơi ông ấy sinh ra rất cổ kính)
Or = The house in which he was born is very old.
where = in / at which
2. When ( Khi mà )
* Trạng từ quan hệ when thay thế cho trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian.
Eg : - The day was nice. They met on that day.
= The day when they met was nice.( Cái ngày mà họ gặp nhau thật là đẹp)
Or = The day on which they met was nice.
when = on/ in which
Ta có thể thay when bằng that hoặc bỏ when đi.
Eg : The day when they met was nice. = The day that they met was nice. = The day they met
was nice.
3. Why ( Lý do mà)
Eg : - The reason why he refused to go with us was unknown. ( Lý do mà anh ta từ chối di với
chúng tôi thì không đợc biết)
Or = The reason for which he refused to go ..........
why = for which
Ta có thể thay why bằng that hoặc có thể bỏ why đi.
Eg : - The reason why he refused to go with us was unknown. = The reason that he refused to go
with us was unknown. = The reason he refused to go with us was unknown.
III. Trờng hợp dùng dấu phẩy với mệnh đề quan hệ
Ta dùng dấu phẩy với mệnh đề quan hệ khi đại từ, trạng từ quan hệ thay cho danh từ, cụm từ đã đợc xác định (Mr Pike, my father, Hanoi, their ball, in his house ....)

Mệnh đề quan hệ trong trờng hợp này không làm nhiệm vụ xác định cho danh từ đằng trớc (vì đó
là danh từ đã đợc xác định) mà chỉ để cung cấp thêm thông tin. Nếu ta bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ đi thì
câu vẫn có nghĩa.
Eg 1 : - His car, which is very expensive, has just been stolen.
Eg 2 : - My younger brother , who is only 7 years old, can play the piano very well.
Eg 3 : - Mr Hoa, whose daughter is a famous singer, has just bought a house here.
Eg 4: - I'm going to Ha noi, where my father is working.
Eg 5 : Thanh Lam, who is a famous singer , has just come here.
= Thanh Lam, a famous singer , has just come here.
* Notes : Đại từ quan hệ that không đợc dùng trong trờng hợp này.
1/Exercise1: Chọn từ thích hợp trong số A, B, C hoặc D
1/ What was the name of the girl .............. passport was stolen ?
A. whose
B. who
C. which
D. when
2/ The bed ..................... I slept in was too soft.
A. which
B. who
C. where
D. what
3/ Nora is the only person ............... understands me.
A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. what
4/ The man ............. she is married to has been married twice before.

A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. what
5/ The hotel ........... we stayed was not clean.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. what
6/ The last time.............. I saw her, she looked very beautiful.
A. when
B. which
C. whom
D. what
7/ The stories ....... Tom tells are usually very funny.
A. that
B. who
C. when
D. what
8/ Have you seen the money ........ was on the table ?
A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. what
9/ The factory ................... John was working is the biggest in town.
A. which
B. who
C. where
D. what
10/ Jim passed his driving test, .............. surprised everybody.

A. that
B. which
C. whom
D. what
11/ Do you remember the day............. we first met ?
A. when
B. which
C. whom
D. what
12/ Thank you for your letter, .................... I was very happy to get.
A. that
B. which
C. whose
D. what
13/ The reason ................ he failed was obvious.
A. that
B. why
C. whom
D. what
14/ Ann has a lot of books, most of .... she hasn't read.
A. that
B. who
C. which
D. what
15/ The mother ............. son was killed in the accident was very sad.
A. that
B. whose
C. whom
D. what
2/Exercise2 : Nối hai câu thành một câu sử dụng đại từ, trạng từ quan hệ

1/ The student is from China. He sits next to me.
2/ I thanked the woman. This woman had helped me.
3/ The professor is excellent. I am taking his course.
4/ I recently went back to Paris. It is still as beautiful as a pearl.
5/ Nam knows the man. We talked to him this morning.
6/ The house is very old. My grandfather used to live there.
1/ EX1:
1. A
4. C
7. A
10. B
13. B
2. A
5. C
8. A
11. A
14. C
3. B
6. A
9. C
12. B
15. B
2/ Ex 2:
1. The student who sits next to me is from China.
2. I thanked the woman who had helped me.
3. The professor whose course I am taking is excellent.

4. I recently went back to Paris where is still as beautiful as a pearl.

5. Nam knows the man whom we talked to this morning.
6. The house which my grandfather used to live is very old.
IV/ Một số trờng hợp khác
1. All/ some / many ...of whom
Eg : - The children are coming into my house. All of them are very tired.= The children, all of
whom are very tired are coming into my house.
( Bọn trẻ mà tất cả trong số đó rất mệt đang đi vào nhà tôi)
Ta có thể thay all = some , many , few ...
2. All/ some / many/ most ... of which
Eg : - The hats have been taken away. Some of them are very expensive = The hats, some of which
are very expensive, have been taken away.( Những cái mũ, mà một vài trong số đó rất đắt tiền đã
bị lấy mất)
3. What ( Những gì, điều mà)
Eg : - My mother was very happy when she saw what I had done. ( Mẹ tôi rất vui khi bà thấy
những gì tôi đã làm)
- What surprised us was the way he behaved.( Điều làm chúng tôi ngạc nhiên là cái cách mà anh
ta c xử)
4. How
Eg : - We don't know how to get there.
( Chúng tôi không biết làm thế nào để tới đó)
5.Whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however
a. Whatever ( Bất cứ cái gì)
- You can do whatever you like here.
- Whatever you do, don't touch this. (Cho dù bạn làm gì thì cũng đừng động vào cái này)
- Whatever the reason, we can't forgive her. ( Dù lý do gì đi chăng nữa, chúng tôi cũng không tha
lỗi cho cô ta)
- When you are older you can watch whatever programme you like. ( Khi con lớn hơn con có thể
xem bất cứ chơng trình gì mà con thích)
b. Whoever ( Bất cứ ai)
- Whoever hears his voice loves it at once ( Bất cứ ai nghe thấy giọng của anh ấy đều mê liền).

c. Wherever ( Bất cứ nơi nào)
- They are rich, so they can go wherever they like.
d. Whenever ( Bất cứ khi nào)
- I get angry whenever she comes.
= Every time she comes, I get angry.
e. However ( Cho dù ..... thế nào chăng nữa)
- However + adj / adv
Eg : - However rich you are, you can never win her heart. ( Cho dù cậu có giàu nh thế nào đi
chăng nữa, cậu cũng không thể chinh phục đợc nàng) = No matter how rich you are, you can
never win her heart.
- However hard I worked, my boss was never satisfied = No matter how hard I worked, my
boss ......
However = No matter how
6. Which or that ?
* Cả which và that đều thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật nhng which không đợc sử dụng sau all,
everything, little, much, none, no hay dạng so sánh nhất. Ta sử dụng that trong các trờng hợp này.
Eg : - All of the apples that fall are taken away by the girls.
- This is the most intesting book (that) I've ever read.
- Everything (that) he told me is not true.
1/ Exercise1 : Chọn từ thích hợp trong số A, B, C hoặc D
1/ She gives her children everything ....... they want.
A. that
B. who
C. whom
D. what
2/ Tell me ........ you want and I will try to help you.
A. that
B. who
C. which
D. what

3/ This is an awful film. It is the worst film............. I have ever seen.
A. that
B. which
C. whom
D. what
4/ I don't agree with ............. you have just said.

A. that
B. who
C. which
D. what
5/ Ann has a lot books, most of ........ she hasn't read.
A. that
B. who
C. which
D. what
6/ The mother ............. son was killed in the accident was very sad.
A. that
B. whose
C. whom
D. what
7/ The house was full of boys, ten of .............. were his own grandchildren.
A. that
B. who
C. whom
D. what
2/ Exercise2 : ViÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau, gi÷ nguyªn nghÜa
1/ Could you tell me the way to the nearest post-office.
→ Could you tell me...........................................................................................................

2/ Every time I phoned her, she was out.
→ She was out ........................................................................................................
3/ No matter what you do, don't touch this.
→ Whatever .....................................................................................................
4/ You can use it as long as you like, and it won't wear out.
→ No matter .....................................................................................................................
5/ No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open the door.
→ However .......................................................................................................................
6/ I''ll find that man, no matter how long it takes.
→ However ...............................................................................................
7/ I can't go to the cinema tonight because I don't have a car.
→ The reason why ............................................................................................................
8/ I lent my car to that man.
→ That's the man............................................................................................................
9/ I tried hard as I could, but I just couldn't get the money.
→ No matter ................................................................................
10/ Driving fast is dangerous, whether you are an experienced driver or not.
→ However ...........................................
1/ Ex1:
1. A
3. A
5. C
7. C
2. D
4. D
6. B
2/ EX 2:
1. Could you tell me where the post – office is.
2. She was out when I phone her.

3. Whatever you do, don't touch this.
4. No matter how as long as you like, it won't wear out.
5. However hard I tried I couldn't open the door.
6. However long it takes, I'll find that man.
7. The reason why I can't go to the cinema tonight , I don't have a car.
8. That's the man who I lent my car.
9. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the money.
10.However experienced you are, driving fast is dangerous.
- Learn by heart the grammar.
- Consolidate the knowledge for revision on the next period.


The house is used as the library now . It was built in 1960.
The children were talking about the lion tamer. They admired the lion tamer most of all.
The book are used for reference. Do you want to read them?
The dictionary is on the table. You borrowed it from our school library this morning
The women is a librarian. You saw her yesterday on the way home.
The man is living next door to us. Do you want to meet him?

7- She told me about the book. She read it in the library yesterday.
8- I saw several houses. Most of them were quite good.
9- They are talking about the clowns. The clowns made them feel excited.
10-MayDay is a day. the working people show their friendship and solidarity on that day.
11-Mr Green thought Ann looked tired. She gave her a day off.
12- Is that the restaurant? We had dinner in that restaurant last Saturday.
13-I will never forget the day. I entered this class on that day.
14- You must tell me that thing. You promised to tell it to me.

15- John is the man. We are going to recomemmend him for the job.
16- The small city is being widened now. I was born in that city.
17- The cottage is theirs.It's roof has been damaged in the recent storm.
18-The Olympic Games are important international sport events. They took place every four years
in different cities.
19- May Day is a day. Marches and demonstrations are held on that day.
20 -The circus is a place. Most children are attracted there.

Date of preparing:16/ 11/ 2010
Date of teaching :23/ 11/ 2010

A/ Objectives : - To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge that they've learnt by doing exercises.
B/ Procedures :
1/ Exercise 1: Using the words given and other words , complete the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Do not change the word given.
1 - If she doesn't hurry, she will miss the last train. ( UNLESS )
2 - Whose bag is this ? ( BELONG )
3- " You should enroll ( §¨ng ký) in this college " said my father. ( ADVISED )
4- Work hard or you can't pass the exam. ( IF )
5- " Where are you working now, Nam ? " said Peter. ( THEN )
6- Let's attend the Brighton Language Center. ( DON'T )

7- I 'd rather read newspapers than watch TV ( PREFER ...... TO )
8-I' m sorry. I can speak English perfectly. ( WISH )
9-- Waking among the green trees gave Liz pleasure. ( ENJOY )
10- It's a pity the weather isn't better today. ( IF ONLY )
11- Mai began singing when she was eleven. ( SINCE )
12- Peter is fourteen years old. Van is fourteen years old. ( AGE )
13- They first introduced the new style of Jeans in 2000, didn't they? ( IN )
The new style ............................ ..............................................................................
14- "Are you leaving for Hanoi tomorrow? " he said to me . ( WAS )
15- She last wrote to me seven months ago. ( FOR )
2/ Exercices 2- Rewrite the following sentences :
1-Jane's a better cook than her sister.
Jane’s sister ..............................
2- You can’t visit Moscow unless you get a visa.
If you .......................

3-It might rain , so take an umbrellar with you.
-Take an umbrellar ......
4- It was such a hard cake that I couldn’t eat it.
- The cake was ..............
5- His parents made him study for his exam.
- He was .............................

6- I am very pleased that we shall meet again soon.
- I am looking ...........
7. It was such good weather that we went swimming.
- The weather ...........................................................................................................
8. It's very difficult to leave here after such a long time.
- It isn't ..............................................................................................................
9. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
- It is such ..................................................................................................................
10. Reading scientific books is one of my interest.
- I'm .............................................................................................................................
11. Jane is the tallest girl in her class.
- Nobody ............................................................................................................................
12. Peter said he wasn't feeing well .
- Peter said " I ............................................................................................................"
13. I have never met a famous person before.
- It is .................................................................................................................................
14. That old keyboard is not worth repairing.
- It is pointless to................
15. Your little brother's hair is so long that he can't see through it.
- Your little brother ought to ..........................
5/ Exercises 5: Give the correct form of the words in parentheses :(2ps)
1-She has a large ( collect ) of stamps .
2- Welcome all ( visit ) to our city.
3-I had ( difficult ) in starting my car this evening.
4- He works very well. he is a good ( work ) .
5- Their ( friend ) has lasted a life time.
6- If it doesn’t rain soon, there ‘ll be a ( short ) of water.
7- You must be ( care ) when you open that door.
8- Air and water are ( necessary ) in our life.
9, In her ............................... she was a well known athlete ( young )

10. I believe you because I know you are ..................... ( truth )
11. The house is large but it is terribly ................... to live in ( comfort )
12. I fell so ........................... that I am going to bed ( sleep )
13. It's a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and very ................. ( help )
14. Thousand of people have been made .................. by the war ( home )
15. When Pele retired , it was a great ............... to the Brazilian soccer ( lose )
16. We have had a lot of ...................... from customers to day ( complain )
17. All of his ....................... are about love ( poet )
18. The ...................... of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt ( arrive )
6/ Exercices 6: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1, I never wear yellow because it doesn't ( math / fit / like / suit ) me
2, It's Grandmother's birthday tomorrow , so don't forget to wish her many happy ( days / returns /
years / anniversaries )
3, Always ( to be / be / being / are ) honest in whatever you do.
4, A prisoner ( is hanged / is hung / was hanged / was hung ) this morning.
5, Scientists are doing their research work in the ( museum / office / library / laboratory )
6, If we use her house , we must pay ( fee / fare / rent / tip )
7, The Browns have moved into a huge ( two-storey house / house of two storey / two- storeys
house / house two-storey).
8, Many of us feel ( frighten / frightened / frightening / to frighten ) of the dark.
9, The sun is ( independent / modest / slight / distant ) from the earth.
10, Your composition is ( more / much / very ) better than her.

11, Do you often get your motorbike ( washing / to wash / washed )?
12, He speaks slowly ( so that / in order to / because ) the pupils may understand him.
13.Viet Nam is .......( separated/ known/ divided/ consisted) into three parts.
14, The letter arrived ( by / with / from / though ) post.
15, I wish you ( should / would / will / shall ) stop correcting every word I say.
16, Her mother wouldn't ( allow / permit / accept / let ) her ride a bicycle.

1/ EX1:
1. Unless she hurries, she will miss the last train.
2. Who does this bag belong to?
3. My father advised me to enroll in that college.
4. If you don't work hard, you can't pass the exam.
5. Peter asked Nam where he was working then.
6. Why don't we attend the Brighton Language Center.
7. I prefer reading newspaper to watching TV.
8. I wish I could speak English perfectly.
9. Liz enjoyed walking among the green trees.
10. If only the weather were better today.
11. Mai has been able to sing since she was eleven.
12. Peter is the same age as Van.
13. The new style of Jeans was first introduced in 2000, wasn't it.
14. He asked me if I was leaving for Hanoi the following day.
15. She hasn't written to me for seven months.
2/ EX2:
1. Jane’s sister can cook as well as Jane ( can) .
2. If you don't get a visa, you can’t visit Moscow.
3. Take an umbrellar just in case it might rain.
4. The cake was so hard that I couldn’t eat it.
5. He was made to study for his exam.
6. I am looking forward to meeting you again soon.
7. The weather is so good that we went swimming.
8. It isn't easy to to leave here after such a long time.
9. It is such a dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there.
10. I'm interested in reading scientific books.
11. Nobody in the class is taller than Jane./ Nobody in Jane's class is as tall as him.
12. Peter said,'' I am not feeling well.''

13. It is the first time I have met a famous person.
14. It is pointless to have that old keyboard repaired.
15. -Your little brother ought to get/ have his hair cut.
3/ EX3:
1. While Donald was eating dinner, his brother was watching his favourite televison show
2. Donald’s brother ask him '' where was William Shakepeare born ?''
3. No, he couldn't
4. Yes, he does.
5. Donald has known Bill Jones for more than ten years.
6. No, they don't
7 . They used to leave the office at about 12 noon.
8. Donald answered two questions.
4/ EX4:
1. Second
5. wrong
9. through
2. same
6. it
10. computer
3. information
7. learn
4. people
8. the
5/ EX5:
6. shortage
11. uncomfortable
2. visitors
7. careful

12. sleepy
17. poem

3. difficulty
4. worker
5. friendship

8. necessaries
10. true

13. helpful
14. homeless
15. loss

18. arrival

6/ EX6:
1. suit
2. days
3.to be
4. was hung

5. laboratory
6. rent
7. two-story house
8. frightened

9. distant

10. more
11. washed
12. so that

13. divided
14. with
15. would
16. allow

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