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Look at / out / for / after / up / up to
Look out = watch out = be careful
Come across / up with / down with
Go up / on : The number of workers in this company went up considerably last year
Go off : He got up late this morning because his alarm clock didn’t go off
The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.( went off )
Take after / off :
Turn on / off / up / down
Turn up : arrive ( He never turns up on time for a meeting )
Get on well with = get along with = have good relationship with
-Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get on well with his boss
Calls on = visit (Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside. )
Stand for = be short for ( What does "www"stand for?- Is it short for “world wide web?” )
See someone off : ( My parents saw me off at the railway station. )

- account for
- blow out
- break into
- bring in = introduce
- burn down
- call in
- call on = visit
- carry on = continue
- catch up with
- close down
- come across
- come along / on
- come up
- cut down = reduce
- die out

- be fed up with
- fix up = arrange
- get down
- get on
- go over = examine
- hold on = wait
- leave out = omit
- look down on
- make up
- pick out
- put forward = suggest
- put out = extinguish
- run across
- run out of
- send for
- show around
- show up = arrive
- stand out
- take over
- talk over = discuss
- throw away / out
- turn down = refuse

do, vì
dập tắt lửa (thổi)
đột nhập
giới thiệu
thiêu trụi
ghé thăm

tiếp tục
bắt kịp
đóng cửa (doanh nghiệp)
tình cờ gặp ai
nhanh lên
xảy ra, xuất hiện
tuyệt chủng, mất hẳn
buồn phiền, chán
sắp xếp
làm thất vọng
len xe
xem xét, kiểm tra
bỏ quên, bỏ sót
coi thường
bịa đặt
chọn ra
đề nghị
tắt đèn, lửa
tình cờ gặp ai
mời đến, triệu tập
đưa đi tham quan
nổi bật
đảm nhiệm, tiếp tục
thảo luận
ném đi
từ chối

- bear out = confirm xác nhận
- break down
hư hỏng, phá vỡ
- break out
bùng nổ, bùng phát
- bring up = raise
nuôi nấng
- call for
ghé qua
- call of = cancel
hủy bỏ
- call up = telephone gọi điện
- carry out = execute tiến hành
- clear up = tidy
dọn dẹp
- come about = happen
xảy ra
- come off = succeed thành công
- come over
ghé nhà
- count on / upon
tin vào, dựa vào
- cut off
ngừng cung cấp
- drop in
ghé qua
- fill in
điền thông tin
- get by = manage

xoay xở
- get off
xuống xe
- give out = distribute phân phát
- hand in
- hold up = stop, delay
hoãn, ngừng
- look back on = remember nhớ lại
- make out
hiểu được
- make up for
bù, đền bù
- pull down
phá hủy, phá sập
- put in for
đòi hỏi, xin
- put up with
chịu đựng
- see off
tiễn ai
- sell off
bán giảm giá
- set off / out
khởi hành
- show off
phô trương, khoe khoang
- shut up
ngừng nói
- take on

đảm nhận công việc
- take up
chiếm (thời gian, sức lực)
- think over = consider
cân nhắc, nghĩ kỹ
- try on
thử quần áo
- turn into
trở thành, biến thành

- wear out

agree on ST đồng ý với
điều gì
agree with đồng ý với ai
answer to hợp với
answer for chịu trách nhiệm
attend on (upon ) hầu hạ
attend to chú ý
account for chiếm, giải
allow for tính đến, xem xét
ask after hỏi thăm sức khỏe
ask for hỏi xin ai cái gì
ask SB in/out cho ai vào/ra
back up ủng hộ, nâng đỡ
become of xảy ra vào

begin with bắt đầu bằng
begin at khởi sự từ
believe in tin có
belong to thuộc về
bet on đánh cược vào
to be over qua rồi
bear up= confirm xác nhận
bear out chịu đựng
blow out thổi tắt
blow down thổi đổ
blow over thổi qua
break away = run away
chạy trốn
break down hỏng hóc, suy
nhược, òa khóc
break in(to+ O) đột nhập,
cắt ngang
break up chia tay, giải tán
break off tan vỡ
bring about = result in
mang đến, mang lại
bring down = to land hạ
bring out xuất bản
bring up nuôi dưỡng
bring off thành công, ẵm
giải thưởng
burn away tắt dần
burn out cháy trụi
call in/on gọi cho

call at ghé thăm
call up gọi đi lính, gọi điện
thoại, nhắc lại kỉ niệm

mòn, rách

- work out = calculate tính toán

cut back on / cut down on cắt
giảm ( chi tiêu )
cut into cắt ngang, chen ngang
( = interrupt )
cut ST out off ST cắt cái gì tời
khỏi cái gì
cut off cô lập, cách li, ngừng
phục vụ
cut up chia nhỏ
cry for khóc đòi
cry for ST kêu đói
cry with joy khóc vì vui
consign to giao phó cho
count on SB for ST trông cậy vài
cross out gạch đi, xóa đi
die away / die down giảm đi, dịu
đi ( về cường độ )
die out / die off tuyệt chủng
die for thèm cái gì đến chết
die of chết vì
do away with bãi bỏ, bãi miễn

do up sửa lại,trang trí(=decorate)
do with làm được gì nhờ có
do without làm được gì mà ko
draw back rút lui
drive at ngụ ý, ám chỉ
drop in at SB’s house ghé thăm
nhà ai
drop off buồn ngủ
drop out of school bỏ học
delight in thích thú về
depart from bỏ, sửa đổi
do with chịu đựng
do for a thing kiếm ra một vật
end up kết thúc
eat up ăn hết
eat out ăn ngoài
face up to đương đầu, đối mặt
fall back on trông cậy, dựa vào
fall in with you mê cái gì
fall behind chậm hơn so vs dự
định, rớt lại phía sau
fall through= put off=cancel hủy
fall off giảm dần
fall down thất bại
fell up to cảm thấy đủ sức làm gì
fill in điền vào

give away cho đi, tống đi, tiết lộ bí mật

give ST back trả lại
give in bỏ cuộc
give way to nhượng bộ, đầu hang
give up từ bỏ
give out phân biệt, cạn kiệt
give off tỏa ra, phát ra(mùi hương)
go out đi ra ngoài, lỗi thời
go out with hẹn hò
go through kiểm tra, thực hiện công việc
go through with kiên trì bền bỉ
go for cố gắng dành được
go in for = take part in tham gia
go with phù hợp
go without kiêng, nhịn
go off đổ chuông, nổi giận, nổ tung
go off with = give away with cuỗm theo
go ahead tiến lên
go back on one’s word ko giữ lời
go down with mắc bệnh
go over kiểm tra, xem xét kĩ lưỡng
go up tăng, đi lên, vào đại học
go into lâm vào
go away cút đi, đi khỏi
go round đủ chia
go on tiếp tục
grow out of lớn vượt khỏi
grow up lớn lên, trưởng thành
hand down to = pass on to truyền lại
hand in giao nộp
hand back giao lại

hand over trao trả quyền lực
hand out phân phát (give out )
hang round lảng vảng
hang on= hold on = hold off cầm máy
( điện thoại )
hang up ( off ) cúp máy
hang out treo ra ngoài
hold off = put off trì hoãn
hold on cầm máy
hold back kiềm chế
hold up cản trở/ trấn lột
jump at a chance/ an opportunity chộp lấy
cơ hội
jump at a conclusion vội kết luận
jump at an order vội vàng nhận lời
jump for joy nhảy lên vì sung sướng
jump into ( out of ) nhảy vào ( ra )
K keep away from = keep off tránh xa
keep out of ngăn cản

call off =put off hủy bỏ
call for yêu cầu, mời gọi
care about quan tâm, để ý
care for muốn, thích
take care of quan tâm,
chăm sóc
carry away mang đi , phân

carry on = go on Tiếp tục
carry out tiến hành, thực
carry off = bring off
catch on trở nên phổ biến,
năm bắt kịp
catch up with = keep up
with= keep pace with theo
kịp ai, cái gì
chew over = think over
nghĩ kĩ
check in/ out làm thủ tục ra/
check up kiểm tra sức khỏe
clean out dọn sạch, lấy đi
clean up dọn gọn gang
clear away lấy đi, mang đi
clear up làm sáng tỏ
close down phá sản, đóng
close with tới gần
close in tiến tới
close up xích lại gần nhau
come over = visit đến thăm
come round hồi tỉnh
come down sụp đổ, giảm
come up xuất hiện
come up with nảy ra, lóe

come up against đương
đầu, đối mặt
come out with tung ra sản
come about = happen xảy
come across tình cờ gặp
come apart vỡ vụn, lìa ra
come along / on with hòa
hợp, tiến triển
come into thừa kế
come off thành công, long,
bong ra

fill up with Đổ đầy
fill out điền hết, điền sạch
fill in for đại diện, thay thế
find out tìm ra
get through to SB liên lạc với ai
get through hoàn tất (=
accomplish) , vượt qua (=get
get into đi vào, lên (xe)
get in đến, trúng cử
get off Cởi bỏ, xuống xe, khởi
get out of = avoid tránh, bãi bỏ,
hủy bỏ
get down đi xuống, ghi lại
get SB down làm ai thất vọng

get down to doing bắt đầu
nghiêm túc làm việc gì
get to doing bắt tay vào làm việc

get round…..(to doing ) xoay xở,
hoàn tất
get along/on with = come
along/on with hòa hợp, tiến triển
get ST across làm cho cái gì được
get at = drive at ngụ ý, ám chỉ
get back trở lại
get up ngủ dậy
get ahead vượt trước ai
get away with cuỗm theo cái gì
get over vượt qua ai
get along with: hòa hợp
get back: (1) return from a place;
(2) receive again
get out of: rời khỏi

keep SB back from ngăn cản ai ko làm gì
keep SB from = stop SB from
keep SB together gắn bó
keep up giữ lại, duy trì
keep up with Theo kịp ai
keep on cứ tiếp tục làm gì
knock down = pull down kéo đổ, sụp đổ,
san bằng
knock out hạ gục ai

look after: take care of
look into: investigate
look out for: be careful
look over: review or check carefully
look up: look for information in a
reference book
make up: (1) invent; (2) do past work
make off: go away
T take up bắt đầu một thói quen mới
take out chuyển cái gì đó ra ngoài
take after giống ai đó
take off tháo bỏ, cái gì
take over có được quyền lực

Bài tập: Điền từ vào chỗ trống
find out, get on with, hold on, get away, take after, cut down, look after come up with, add up, put through,
look for, get over, turn up, put off


Have you –---------if you won the competition yet?
I need to ---------from work and take a holiday.
She still hasn't ----------the death of her cat.
My daughter is a great cook, she really -----------her mother.
Could you ------a moment while I see if Marek is in his office?
Extension 28? I'll -------------you.
She promised to ----------her cigarette smoking to six a day.
He spent the entire night thinking and in the end ---------a brilliant idea.
I'm afraid your story is not believable. It just doesn't --add up.
Donata ---------my cats while I was away on holiday.
We're not ready yet, we are going to have to ----------the meeting until next week.
I'm -----------Simon's address. Do you know it?
Mary ----------twenty minutes late for the party.
14. I'm tired of waiting for Jacek. Can we ----------our work?

come across, blow up, make up, run out, tell off, break up, give up, take up, turn down, set off, take back,
take on, put up with, go over


If you really want to lose weight, you need to -----------eating desserts.
Let's ---------the grammar one more time before the test.
I was --------an old t-shirt when I --------this photograph of my high school class.
Look Magda, I've ---------your bad behaviour long enough!
There is just too much work to be done. We'll have to -------some new employees.
You don't think I believe that ridiculous story you ---------, do you?
I think you need to --------a new hobby to help you relax.
When the father saw what had happened he ---------and shouted at his son.
I had to ---------her offer of a job. The salary on offer was just not good enough.
We ----------at six in the morning on our drive to the coast.
Jacek and Gosia --------last week. They just weren't happy together.
We'd better stop soon. Otherwise, we'll ---------of gas.
I want you to --------every bad word you've said about my brother.
Unfortunately, I had to --------Bob because of his poor performance recently.
get into, give up, do away with, speed up, take on, settle for, take off, get together, run up to, come up to,
turn up, show up for, get away with, watch out for, go out
15. Our flight was delayed, but we finally -------shortly after midnight.
16. He -------cheating on his final exam!
17. I'm trying to ----smoking, but it's almost impossible for me.
18. Let's --------with Ted and Hania soon.
19. Unfortunately, I -------late for my meeting and lost the contract.
20. Finally, the lights ----------and we had a good night's sleep.
21. You won't believe who ----------the party! Simon Haines!
22. I'm afraid I had to ------eggs and bacon. I really wanted to have pancakes, but they were out of them.
23. He -----------the club on recommendation from his friend Radek.

24. I -----------and past the policeman doing 120 m.p.h.!
25. Unfortunately, our school had to ---------the music department because of lack of funds.
26. Make sure to ---------pick-pockets when you go to the market.
27. The boy -------------the man and returned his wallet.
28. Mary -------------me at the party last night and introduced herself.

Turn off : tắt ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc )
Turn on : mở ,bật ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc )
Turn up : xuất hiện
Go on : tiếp tục
Look after : trông nom ,chăm sóc
Look for : tìm kiếm
Take off : cởi ra ( quần áo ,giày dép ,nón ... ); cất cách ( máy bay )
Fill in : điền vào
Try on : thử ( quần áo ,giày dép ... )
Give up : từ bỏ
Keep up with : theo kịp
If you don't study hard ,you won't keep up with your classmates : nếu bạn không học tập chăm chỉ ,bạn sẽ không theo kịp các bạn
trong lớp
Run out of : cạn kiệt ,hết
See off : tiển đưa
She saw me off at the airport : cô ấy tiển đưa tôi tại sân bay
Break down : hư ( xe )
Look up : tra ( tự điển )
Get off : bước xuống ( xe )
Go off : hư ,thiu ( đồ ăn ) ; reng ( chuông )
Come off : bung ra ( giày dép ,đồ đạc )
Cut off : cắt
Bring on : dẫn đến

Drop out : xã rác ; bỏ học
Drop in : ghé thăm
Get over : khỏi bệnh
Look over : xem xét
Look into : nghiên cứu
Shut off : tắt
Show off : nỗi bật
Take after : giống ( ai )
She takes after her mother : cô ấy giống mẹ
Take in : thăm
Tear up : xé rách
Throw up : ói ,nôn
Think of : tìm ra
Put back : để lại chổ củ
Call off : hoãn lại
Get through with : làm xong
Turn off : tắt ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc )
Turn on : mở ,bật ( đèn, nứơc, máy móc )
Turn up : xuất hiện
Look after : trông nom ,chăm sóc
Look for : tìm kiếm
Look up : tra ( tự điển )
Look over : xem xét
Look into : nghiên cứu
Go on : tiếp tục
Go off : hư ,thiu ( đồ ăn ) ; reng ( chuông )
Take off : cởi ra ( quần áo ,giày dép ,nón ... ); cất cách ( máy bay )
Take after : giống ( ai )
She takes after her mother : cô ấy giống mẹ

Take in : thăm
Get off : bước xuống ( xe )
Go off : hư ,thiu ( đồ ăn ) ; reng ( chuông )
Get over : khỏi bệnh
Get through with : làm xong
Fill in : điền vào
Try on : thử ( quần áo ,giày dép ... )
Give up : từ bỏ
Keep up with : theo kịp
If you don't study hard ,you won't keep up with your classmates : nếu bạn không học tập chăm chỉ ,bạn sẽ không theo kịp các bạn
trong lớp
Run out of : cạn kiệt ,hết
See off : tiển đưa
She saw me off at the airport : cô ấy tiển đưa tôi tại sân bay
Break down : hư ( xe )
Come off : bung ra ( giày dép ,đồ đạc )
Cut off : cắt
Bring on : dẫn đến
Drop out : xã rác ; bỏ học
Drop in : ghé thăm
Shut off : tắt
Show off : nỗi bật
Tear up : xé rách
Throw up : ói ,nôn
Think of : tìm ra
Put back : để lại chổ củ
Call off : hoãn lại
1.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1) Your friend called but you were out. He said he would ________.

a. call in
b. call up
c. call back
2) People try to _____ the dirty and polluted beach.
a. clean out
b. clean up
c. clean with
3) Tourists usually ______ their waste on the beach
a. drop off b. drop out
c. drop in
4) Tom _____ her pneumonia and went back to work
a. got out
b.got off
c. got over
5) Her father _____ smoking last month
a. gave away
b. gave off
c. gave up
6) I have to _____ my grammar lesson before doing the test.
a. go in
b. go over
c. go off
7) She _______ the new words before using them in her writing a. looks up
b. looks out
c. looks into
8) I often ______ my younger sister when my mother is out a. look over
b. look after
c. look up
9) _____! Don't run too fast!
a. look over

b. look out
c. look up
10) My father was late for work because his car ______ of petrol. a. ran away
b. ran out
c. ran up
11.I stayed home from work because I _____________ with a bad cold.
A. came across
B. came forward
C. came to
D. came down
12.Paula applied for the post but she was………..
A. turned down
B. checked out
C. kept under
D. pushed ahead
13.There is an inflation. The prices __________.
A. are going on
B. are going down
C. are going over
D. are going up
14. Pasteur devoted all his life _______ science.
A. for
B. in
C. on
D. to
15. Is this type of soil suitable ___ growing tomatoes ?
A. for
B. about
C. in
D. at

16. Were you aware _____ the regulations against smoking in this area ? A. in
B. with
C. of
D. about
out b. The
up isc.going
d. Look
to fall. sentences.
Look out
c. Look
d. is

to complete
1. Our car ________ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
A. broke into
B. broke away
C. broke in
D. broke down
2. The firemen had to break _______ the room to rescue the children.
A. off
B. up
C. out
D. into
3. She _______ her father; everyone says how alike they are!
A. takes after
B. takes off
C. falls out
D. lets off
4. There was a power cut and all the lights _______.
A. went up
B. put up
C. went out
D. went ahead
5. The doctor asked me to _______ my shirt.
A. put off
B. take off
C. take out
D. put out
6.Everyone can _______ in this school activity.

A. take off
B. take on
C. take part
D. take
7. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work?

A. look for
B. look up
C. look after
D. look at
8. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. turn over
D. turn into
9. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.
A. look for
B. look after
C. look up
D. look at
10. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat.
A. Put on
B. Put down
C. Put off
D. Put into
11. Frank never turns up on time for a meeting.
A. calls
B. arrives
C. reports

D. prepares
12. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.
A. went on
B. went out
C. went off
D. went away
13. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.
A. take part in
B. take over
C. take place
D. take care of
14. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.
A. up to
B. on for
C. on well with
D. in with
15. Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?
A. keep on
B. give up
C. take after
D. stop by
16. My father gave up smoking two years ago.
A. liked
B. continued
C. stopped
D. enjoyed
17. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. turn out
B. carry out
C. carry on

D. keep on
18. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland.
A. grew up
B. raised
C. brought up
D. rose
19. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.
A. take after
B. take place
C. take away
D. take on
20. Why do they………. talking about money all the time?
A. keep on
B. side with
C. take after
D. work off
*Answer keys :
8.A 9.C 10.A
15.A 16.C

17.B 18.A 19.A 20.A
3.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. Gertrude takes……….her mother; she has blue eyes and fair hair, too.
A. in
B. up
C. after
D. down
2..Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on
B. keeps off
C. takes in
D. goes up
3.They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.
A. take up
B. turn round
C. put off
D. do with
4.I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.
A. get
B. fall
C. throw
D. make
5.They were late for work because their car _______ down.
A. got
B. put
C. cut
D. broke
6. If you want to join this club, you must__________ this application form.
A. make up
B. write down

C. do up
D. fill in
7. His son's death was a terrible shock and it took him a long time to__________ it.
A. get round
B. come through
C. go over
D. get over
8. The bus only stops here to __________ passengers.
A. alight
B. get on
C. get off
D. pick up
9. While driving to work, we ran out___________ gas.
A. up
B. of
C. in
D. to
10. He died ___________ heart disease.
A. from
B. because
C. of
D. in
11.Everything is _______ you. I cannot make _______ my mind yet.
A. out off / on
B. up to / up
C. away from / for
D. on for / off
12.The organization was established in 950 in the USA.
A. come around
B. set up

C. made out
D. put on
13.They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather.
A. get through
B. put off
C. keep up with D. go over
14.Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
A. calls on
B. keeps off
C. takes in
D. goes up
15.What does "www" ________ for?- Is it short for “world wide web?”
A. sit
B. stand
C. lie
D. point
16. One meter is approximately equal _____ a yard .
A. about
B. on
C. to
D. with

17. Jane doesn't spend much money _____ clothes.
A. over
B. about
C. at
D. on
18. She always takes good care _____ her children.
A. for

B. in
C. of
D. with
19. Congratulations _____ your success!
A. to
B. on
C. in
D. up
20. Mrs. Liz was accused _____ having stolen the car.
A. of
B. with
C. in
D. upon
*Answer keys :
4.C 5.D
11.B 12.B
16.C 17.D

4.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. We are here to provide you _____ the best service possible.
A. of
B. with
C. to
D. for
2. He has been absent _____ school very often lately.
A. from
B. on
C. in
D. with
3. Vehicles also account _____ air pollution in the cities.
A. on
B. at
C. for
D. in
4. The police blamed the mother_____ neglecting her child.
A. to
B. for
C. with
D. of
5. They prevented me _____ talking to that woman .
A. from
B. on
C. with
D. at
6. They were 30 minutes later because their car _______ down.
A. got
B. put

C. cut
D. broke
7. That problem is _______ them. We can’t make _______ our mind yet.
A. out off / on
B. up to / up
C. away from / for
D. on for / off
8. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. turn over
D. turn into
9.These policies ________ in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship.
A. recalled
B. succeeded
C. resulted
D. resigned
10. “Don’t forget to take _____ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.”
A. off
B. apart
C. in
D. up
11.The customer had tried ____ some blouses but none of them suited her.
A. at
B. with
C. in
D. on
12.Everyone in the village_______ about the plans for the new road.
A. contacted
B. took care

C. concerned
D. was concerned
13.I told him I'd prefer to walk, but he insisted _________ giving me a lift
A. about
B. on
C. to
D. for
14.Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he _________ up.
A. came
B. grew
C. brought
D. settled
15.After his mother died, he was_______ up by his grandmother.
A. grown
B. brought
C. taken
D. drawn
16.My uncle took _______ golf when he retired from work.
A. on
B. after
C. up
D. over
17.At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”.
A. watch on
B. watch out
C. watch up
D. watch at
18.I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _________ this morning.
A. come on
B. ring out

C. go off
D. turn on
19.UNESCO _____ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
A. stands for
B. brings about
C. takes after
D gets across
20.Don't forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.
A let
B . make
C put
D. fix
*Answer keys :
5.A 6.D
9.B 10.A
11.D 12.C
13.B 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C
5.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1.The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late.
A. took
B. turned
C. cut
D. made
2.I can’t _____ walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?

A go on
B. get on
C. go up
D. get up
3.When you are finished using the computer, can you please ______ it off.
A take
B . turn
C . do
D go
4.If you want to be healthy . you should ………….your bad habits in your lifestyles

A give up
B call off
C break down
D get over
5. She looks forward __________ seeing her mother coming back soon.
A. to
B. on
C. with
D. at
6.Mrs Nga forgot to . ……………. the faucet when she left for work.
A. turn off
B. turn on
C. turn up
D. turn down
7. When the party was _____ we helped them clear up the house.
A. up
B. off
C. out

D. over
8.I am late because my alarm clock didn’t ...........this morning.
A. come on
B. ring out
C. go off
D. turn on
9. When she heard the news, she burst ................. crying.
A. into
B. out
C. off
D. up
10.My parents saw me .............at the railway station.
A. in
B. for
C. up
D. off
11.I've looked........................ my pen everywhere and I can't find it anywhere.
A. at
B. for
C. up
D. on
12. I’m glad Sarah is coming to the party. I’m really looking ______ seeing her again.
A. up with
B. out for
C. forward to
D. back on
13. The football match had to be called ______ because of the bad weather.
A. on
B out
C off

D. by
14. He turned …… the light so as not to waste electricity.
A. off
B. of
C. on
D. down
15.The meeting had to be put………….. until a later day.
A. away
B. on
C. off
D. up
16.He spent the entire night thinking and in the end _________ a brilliant idea.
A. came up to
B. put up with
C. came up with
D. put through to
17. I've always got _____ well with old people.
A. off
B. on
C. in
D. through
18. I always run _____ of money before the end of the month.
A. out
B. back
C. up
D. down
19. The police have warned tourists to look________ for pickpockets in the town centre.
A. out
B. up
C. down

D. forward
20.Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.
A. take after
B. take place
C. take away
*Answer keys :
1.A 2.A
3.B 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B
12.C 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.A
6.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. He came ......... a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
A. in for
B. over C. out of D. off
2. She started the course two months ago but dropped .......... after only a month.
A. in B. back C. out D. off
3. I can't find my dictionary at the moment. I hope it will......... up soon.
A. turn
B. look C. clear D. come
4. The team were eager to make ........ the loss of the previous match.
A. off with
B. up with C. away with
D. up for
5. He is coming......... a cold after a night out in the rain.
A. away from
B. up with C. across with D. down with
6. I applied for the job but was ........
A. taken away.
B. got over.

C. turned down
D. turn off
7. It will be fine tomorrow. But if it should rain tomorrow, the match will be ..........
A. turned off. B. put off
C. sold off.
D. taken off
8. I could hear voices but I couldn't ........ what they were saying.
A. try out. B. turn up. C. make out.
D. bring about
9. You don't have to decide now, you can ......
A. put it aside. B. call it off
C. tear it up. D. think it over
10. Pat was caught by the police, but Martin .......
A. gave in. B. gave up C. got away. D. held up
11. After the quarrel, we kissed and .....
A. cleared up. B. look up. C. made up. D. put up
12. Why exactly did the war .....between the two countries.
A. break out. B. set in C. go off. D. call off
13. After a long day at work, many people felt ...................
A. broken down. B. worn out. C. knocked out.
D. turned down

D. take on

14. I've just been offered a new job! Things are .......
A. turning up B. clearing up C. making up D. looking up
15. In the end, I ......... the form in disgust, and threw it away.
A. filled in. B. worked out C. tore up. D. put off
16. I was interested in buying a car, but a friend ........

A. put me off
B. turned me down
C. showed me around. D. gave me away
17. The weather was fine, and everyone was..... the coast.
A. going in for. B. making for C. joining in. D. seeing about
18. I don't really ....... winter sports very much.
A. deal with B. face up to. C. go in for. D. get round to
19. Sheila's gone to ...... having a new phone installed.
A. see about. B. deal with. C. get round to
D. ask after
20. The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach ....... our disappointment.
A. got over. B. faced up to. C. saw to D. made up for

Đáp án chi tiết
1. A- đáp án đúng. Come in for a lot of criticism = bị nhận rất nhiều phê bình.
B. Come over: vượt biển, băng rừng/ sang theo phe ai.
C. Come out of: ra khỏi đâu
D. Come off: rời ra/ vượt khó khăn
2. C- đáp án đúng. Drop out= bỏ học giữa chừng
A. Drop in: ghé thăm
B. Drop back: tụt lùi lại
D. Drop off: giảm xuống/ ngủ lơ mơ
3. A - đáp án đúng. Turn up = xuất hiện.
B. Look up: tra từ điển/ tra lịch trình đi lại/ tình hình sáng sủa khả quan hơn.
C. Clear up: dọn sạch/ thời tiết đẹp hơn.
D. Come up: đến gần/ theo kịp/ nêu vấn đề
4. D- đáp án đúng. Câu dịch là: cả đội sẵn sàng thi đấu bù lại cho trận thua trước.
Lựa chọn A, B, C không phù hợp ý.
5. D- đáp án đúng. Come down with= mắc nhiễm bệnh.
A. Come away from: đi xa khỏi đâu

B. Come up with: đưa ra giải pháp
C. Come across with: tình cờ gặp, thấy ai/ cái gì
6. C- đáp án đúng. Tôi đã đi xin việc nhưng bị từ chối.
7. B- đáp án đúng. Put off= bị trì hoãn
A. Turned off: tắt thiết bị
C. Sold off: được bán hết
D. Taken off: máy bay cất cánh/ tháo cởi ra.
8. C- đáp án đúng. Make out = nghe hiểu được/ đọc ra/ nhìn thấy ai, cái gì từ xa.
A. Try out: dùng thử
B. Turn up: xuất hiện
D. Bring about: mang lại/ gây ra
9. D-đáp án đúng. Think it over = nghĩ kỹ.
10. C- đáp án đúng. Got away = chạy thoát.
A. Give in: nhượng bộ/ đầu hàng
B. Gave up: từ bỏ
D. Held up: chiếm nhà băng/ bị kẹt tắc đường
11. C- đáp án đúng. Sau khi cãi cọ, chúng tôi hôn nhau và lại làm lành.
A. Clear up: dọn sạch/ thời tiết đẹp hơn.
B. Look up: tra từ điển/ tra lịch trình đi lại/ tình hình sáng sủa khả quan hơn.
D. Put up: dựng lều lên/ tăng giá cả

12. A- đáp án đúng. Break out= bùng nổ ra. ( chiến tranh/ bệnh tật/ nạn đói)
B. Set in: kéo dài = to last.
C. Go off: súng cướp cò nổ/ pháo hoa nổ/ chuông reo/ thức ăn ôi thiu.
D. Call off: huỷ bỏ
13. B- đáp án đúng. Felt worn out= cảm thấy bị kiệt sức.
A. Broke down: người bị ngất/ máy móc hỏng hóc.
C. Bị đấm hạ gục
D. Bị từ chối

14. D - đáp án đúng. Tôi vừa được mời làm công việc mới. Tình hình đang khả quan tốt đẹp hơn.
15. C- đáp án đúng. Cuối cùng, tôi đã xé mẫu đơn trong sự ghê tởm và ném nó đi.
A. Filled in: điền vào
B. Worked out: tìm ra cách làm
D. Put off: trì hoãn
16. A- đáp án đúng. Tôi đã rất thích mua cái xe đó, nhưng một người bạn ngăn tôi lại, làm tôi nản chí không muốn mua nữa.
17. B- đáp án đúng. Making for= đi ra đâu.
A. Going in for: đam mê, yêu thích
C. Joining in: tham gia xây dựng bài
D. Seeing about: thu xếp việc gì
18. C- đáp án đúng. Tôi không thực sự yêu thích các môn thể thao mùa đông.
A. Deal with: giải quyết, làm việc với
B. Face up to doing st: đối mặt với cái gì, việc làm gì.
D. Get round to doing st: thu xếp được thời gian làm gì.
19. A- đáp án đúng. Sheila đã đi thu xếp để lắp đặt một chiếc điện thoại
B. Deal with: giải quyết, làm việc với ai/ cái gì.
C. Get round to doing st: tìm ra, có thời gian rảnh để làm gì.
D. Ask after: hỏi thăm ai
20. D- đáp án đúng. Khách sạn thật kinh khủng, nhưng bãi biển đẹp đã bù lại nỗi thất vọng của chúng tôi.
A. Got over: vượt qua khó khăn tài chính, ốm đau, cú sốc.
B. Face up to: đối mặt với
C. See to: thu xếp đồ ăn cho buổi tiệc, cho thú nuôi.

1.______the boss's plan is what my job is all about.
A.getting through
B.carry out
C.carrying through
D.get through
2.The factory paid _____nearly a million pounds to their employees who were injured in the explosion

3.Mankind has managed to wiped______many kinds of animals
4._____nowadays students are not hard-working makes their parents and teachers worried and depressed
A.instead of
B.in place of
C.with all
D.along with
1.______the boss's plan is what my job is all about.
A.getting through B.carry out C.carrying through D.get through
get through = complete
2.The factory paid _____nearly a million pounds to their employees who were injured in the explosion
A.off B.out C.back D.in
pay out sth: trả một số tiền lớn
3.Mankind has managed to wiped______many kinds of animals

A.off B.away C.out D.over
wipe out trong trường hợp này có nghĩa là tiêu diệt
4._____nowadays students are not hard-working makes their parents and teachers worried and depressed
A.instead of B.in place of C.with all D.along with
in place of = instead of: thay vì => loại A và B, vì cùng nghĩa
along with: song song với => không hợp nghĩa
Vậy chọn C. with all = that (trong trường hợp này)

Make up for : bù đắp, đền bù
Make up with : giảng hòa
Come up with : nảy ra , nghĩ ra
Come across : tình cờ gặp = Run into
Say against : chống đối
Fall back on : dựa vào, trông cậy
Carry out: thực hiện
Carry on : tiếp tuc
Bring about : đem lại, mang về
Put up with : chịu đựng
Stand in for : thay thế
Keep in touch with sb : giữ liên lạc với ai >< lose in touch with sb
Set up : thành lập
Put up : dựng lên
Make up : làm hòa, trang điểm, dựng chuyện
Catch up with = keep pace with = keep up with: bắt kịp với
Get on well with sb = get along with sb = be in good relationship with sb= be on good terms with sb :
quan hệ tốt với ai
Be on duty : đang làm nhiệm vụ
Call on sb= visit sb : ghé thăm ai
Look after = take care of : chăm sóc
Turn up = show up : xuất hiện
Turn into : hóa thành , chuyển thành
Turn out : hóa ra, trở nên ( phơi bày ... )
Go along with : đồng ý
Get by : đương đầu, xoay xở
Get over : vượt qua
Make out = take in = understand : hiểu
Pick up : nhặt, đón, hiểu

Look down on/upon sb : coi thường ai >< look up to sb
Get st across to sb : làm ai đó hiểu or tin
Try out = test : thử, kiểm tra
Turn back : trả lại
Put on : mặc vào

Put off : hoãn
Take off : cởi ra, cất cánh ( máy bay )
Go off: nổ( bom, súng ) , ôi thiu ( thức ăn) , kêu ( đồng hồ . )
Catch sight of : bắt gặp
Make allowance for: chiếu cố, để mắt đến
Put out : dập tắt
Put aside : để dành, tiết kiệm = save up
See sb off : tiễn ai
See sb through : thấu hiểu ai
Stand up for : hộ trợ
Cut down on : cắt giảm
Catch up on: làm cái mà bạn chưa có tgian để làm
Get dressed up to : ăn diện
Pull through : hồi phục ( sau phẫu thuật )
Come round : tỉnh lại, hồi phục ( sau ốm)
Come in for : phải chịu = be subjected to
Get away from : tránh xa
Go down with : mắc phải, nhiễm phải ( bệnh )
Go back on : nuốt lời
Take sb back to : gợi nhớ cho ai điều gì
Fall out : cãi nhau
Bring up : nuôi nấng, dạy dỗ
Tell apart : phân biệt

Catch on : phổ biến
Give up : từ bỏ
Give off: bốc mùi, tỏa ra mùi
Take in : lừa
On account of = because of
On behalf of : thay mặt ai
Go over = check : kiểm tra
Go on = carry on = keep on= come on: tiếp tục
Take up : bắt đầu 1 sợ thích , chơi 1 môn thể thao nào đó
Result in = lead to : gây ra
Result from : là do nguyên nhân từ...
Make room for : dọn chỗ cho...
Make up one’s mind : quyết định
Call off = cancel : hủy
Go by : đi qua, trôi qua
Go up : tăng lên
Break down : hỏng
Break into : đột nhập
Take after : giống = look like
Let sb down : làm ai thất vọng
Count on : tin tưởng, dựa vào = rely on = trust in
Be fed up with : chán
Be fond of = be interested in= be keen on : thích
Break up : tan vỡ
Breakthrough : đột phá

Get over : vượt qua ( bệnh tật )
Come over : vượt qua ( khó khăn)
Take over : nắm quyền , thay thế

Take on : tuyển người
Go through: đi qua, hoàn thành (công việc)
Get on : lên xe
Get off : xuống xe
Look into : điều tra
Run out of : hết
Get rid of : loại bỏ
Make use of : tận dụng
Out of the question = impossible : không thể
Out of order : hỏng
Out of date : quá hạn
Out of work : thất nghiệp
Out of the blue : bất ngờ
Out of control : ngoài tầm kiểm soát >< under control
Put down : đàn áp
Turn down : bác bỏ, từ chối, vặn nhỏ ( âm thanh )
A. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. The trouble with Frank is that he never .................. on time for a meeting. (arrives)
2.John, could you…………my handbag while I go to the toilet? (take care of)
3.What a lovely baby! He certainly ……….his father, doesn’t he? (resembles)
4. My father still hasn’t really ……………the death of my mother. (recovered from)
5. Because of an accident, my train was………….for several hours. (delayed)
6. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to………my new tape recorder.(test)
7.The bomb………..with a loud bang which could be heard all over (exploded)
1. turns up
2. look after 3. takes after
4. got over 5. held up
6. try out
7. went off
B.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1.If the person who broke the window doesn't own........ the whole class will be
punished (down/up/to/against)
2.Im sure he will jump....... the chance of earning some extra money( at/on/down/over)
3.I took Ray ...........his invitation and came to his party ( over on/ up on/up with/ on to)
4. She 's put ...... a lot of weight since i last saw her (up/down/off/on)
5.How could he get........... cheating in the exam? ( out of/ up with/ away with/ down to)
6. I was taken...... by her new look (over/on/down/aback)
7.When i decided to go ......... the contest, i didn't think i would win (in on/in for/away with)
8.He fooled most people into believing that he was a police man. I supposed they were taken ........ by the
uniform (on/over/in/off)
9. She finally got ......... her fear of ghost (away/off/over/out)
10. The shop usually takes......... more staffs for the summer (on/to/up with/over)
Answer keys :
1.If the person who broke the window doesn't own........ the whole class will be
punished (down/up/to/against)
own up: to admit that you have done something wrong
2.Im sure he will jump....... the chance of earning some extra money( at/on/down/over)
jump at sth :to accept something eagerly
3.I took Ray ...........his invitation and came to his party ( over on/ up on/up with/ on to)
take sb up on st: to accept an offer that someone has made
4. She 's put ...... a lot of weight since i last saw her (up/down/off/on)
put on : tăng cân

5.How could he get........... cheating in the exam? ( out of/ up with/ away with/ down to)
get away with st: to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
6. I was taken...... by her new look (over/on/down/aback)
take sb aback: to surprise or shock sb so much that they don't know how to behave for a short time
7.When i decided to go ......... the contest, i didn't think i would win (in on/in for/away with)
go in for: to take part in a competition

8.He fooled most people into believing that he was a police man. I supposed they were taken ........ by the
uniform (on/over/in/off)
take sb in: to cause so to believe st which is not true
9. She finally got ......... her fear of ghost (away/off/over/out)
get over: overcome
10. The shop usually takes......... more staffs for the summer (on/to/up with/over)
take sb on: to employ sb
C.Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. I planned to go for a walk but the rain put me ____ the idea.
A. of
B. off
C. against
D. on
2. It isn’t ____ worrying about the traffic. We’ll only be a few minutes late.
A. of value
B. important
C. worth
D. necessary
3. I remembered ____ up in that house with my brothers and sisters
A. to grow
B. to growing
C. grow
D. growing
4. After running up the stairs I was quite ____ breath.
A. beyond
B. from
C. out of
D. without
5. Has Tony’s book ____ yet?
A. brought out

B. come out
C. drawn up
D. published
6. The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach ____ our disappointment.
A. got over
B. faced up to
C. saw to
D. made up for
7. Jack has decided to ____ the time he spends watching television.
A. come up with B. cut down on
C. run out of
D. see to
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. D 7. B

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