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798 lets talk about aliens

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Speaking Topics

Let’s talk about ALIENS
Conversation cards
Do you think there are aliens
somewhere in the universe?

Do you think we will ever see
aliens in our lifetime?
Why or why not?

What kind of possible alien life
forms can you think of?

What would you say to an alien if
you met one?

In movies, aliens are often seen
as enemies invading the Earth.
Do you think this is a likely

In your opinion, would aliens be
more intelligent and advanced
than humans?
If so, in what way?

Which three questions would you
ask an alien if you ever had the

Do you think aliens are likely to
be friendly or unfriendly?

How do you think aliens might

If aliens visited Earth, what
would they say about our planet
and people when they returned

Where do you think the idea of
aliens from outer space came

What is your favourite film
about aliens?

What would you do if a spaceship
landed in your garden or near
your house?

Have you ever seen a UFO?
Do you believe the people who
claim to have seen one?
Why or why not?

Do you believe people who say

they were abducted (=
kidnapped) by aliens?
Why would aliens do this?

If the government discovered
aliens, do you think they would
tell the public? Explain.

Do you think we will ever be able
to visit another planet populated
by alien life?

Have you ever heard of Area 51?
What is it?
Do research.

What would aliens look like?
Draw a picture.

How would they travel? Draw a picture of a spacecraft and
describe how it works.


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