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30215 health

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Healthy Lifestyle
So what does a healthy lifestyle mean? According to the
dictionary, lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that
the attitudes and value of a person or group. Health and
FitnessRegular exercise is an important part of a healthy
Aerobic exercise is good for your heart and your body.
Yoga has an essential part in our lives, as it helps to
your stress level. You cannot have a healthy lifestyle if
you are
depressed and unhappy. Alternative health options like
medicine, massage therapy, meditation, can benefit you
and help you have a healthier lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle takes discipline. You must make up your
mind and choose things that are good for you and your loved ones. Living a healthy lifestyle involves
taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. You need to arm yourself with appropriate
knowledge that will ensure that you get the result you want.
1. State whether the given statement is true (T), False (F) or Not mentioned (N)
Nr. Statement

The dictionary states that a healthy lifestyle displays person’s attitudes and
values of living.


There are only few exercises that help us to be in shape.


We need to do aerobics as it strengthens our frame and heart.


Many Americans are too lazy to do some kinds of sport activities.


If we feel some stress or we are unhappy, it is advised to meditate.


Herbal medicine, yoga, massage therapy are mentioned as alternative
health options.


In order to be healthy, we need to choose and do only those things that we


A lot of people try to follow their doctor’s advice and take care of their
spiritual health.


If we want to get some result, it is advised to furnish ourselves with
appropriate information.




1. 1. Rewrite the underlined sentences in the text using the past simple tense.
2. Read the text and fill the empty gaps with one of the appropriate phrase. Text begins with an example.
There are several benefits 0.___D___. Your 1._____from various forms of disorders and then you get a
longer life. In every sphere of your life, you will be able 2.______ of your ability. Doing excellent work helps you to

be a valuable member of 3.______. You should remember that 4.______ damage your health. In order to be healthy
you need to take care of your health, 5.______, and of course to have a good diet.
A: body becomes free
B: eat fruits and vegetables
C: a healthy society
D: of a healthy lifestyle
E: alcohol and drugs
F: to perform the best

3. Translate into your native language:
1. Healthy lifestyle -

6. to be depressed -

2. to reflect -

7. Alternative health -

3. value -

8. benefit -

4. essential -

9. to involve -

5. to reduce -

10. to ensure -

4. Choose two words from the previous task and include them in your own sentences:
5.Describe these pictures. Say as much as you can and identify what happened with a person in the picture




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