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Are parents best teacher6

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Are parents best teachers?
Whether parents are the best teachers is a prevalent topic undergoing
serious debate. After pondering it from several aspects, I totally
agree that parents, especially my parents, are the best teachers. They
help us to learn many things, tell us how to be a good person. And
obviously, they are very patient.
As infants, we learn how to speak, how to walk from our parents.
After that, they tell me what is this, what is that and teach us one,
two, three. Yes, what we can get before school is mostly learned
from our parents. They help us to get the basic abilities, and prepare
us for the following education.
Another important thing is that parents teach us to be a good person.
ou should be kind to every one. You should do more to contribute to
the society. ?We often hear these words from out parents. They tell
me the rule and point out the mistakes we make, so that they help us
to be good and useful persons.
As known to all, patience is important to a teacher. In front of their
children, parents always are the most patient. They can teach us a
word again and again until we learn it. When we make troubles,
with kind manner, they tell us how to correct the wrong things and
what should we do next time.
From what we discussed above, we can see parents have a strong
will to teach us more, and they really do it. then we can safely
draw a conclusion that parents are the best teachers.
Essay 38 Topic 2 Are parents best teachers?
In this world, parents are the best teachers. I am in favor of parents
being the best teachers of their children. Parents are guidance to us
throughout our lives and teach us the rules of life.
No matter what age a child is, he/she always needs guidance. The
most important aspect

taught by parents is proper manners. Parents teach their children to
respect adults and to be kind to small children. When I was a child,
my parents told me to always greet an adult and never speak
loudly. They taught me to be kind to small children and forgive
them if they did something wrong. If it were not for my parents, I
would never have learned discipline.
Parents are no less then angels. They guide us throughout our lives.
No one can better teach us how to judge if something is wrong or
right. My parents have always guided me through my hard times. In
my teen years, I had so much peer pressure on me. My friends
always argued with me because of my studies. They told me not to
study so much and enjoy life. When I told my problem to my mom,
she told me how much my studies are important and how they will
help me develop a career. She also told me that I should enjoy life
but I should make a timetable to organize myself. Now, I am going
to university and my dad is always there when I need to talk to him.
He helped me decide my career and also aided in picking the right
university. My parents have been there whenever I have needed
them and have guided me from my childhood up to now.
Throughout life we need someone to teach us the rules of life. We
cannot live in this world without learning the rules of life. My
parents taught me how to deal with strangers. One essential aspect,
which I learned from my parents, was self-respect. They told me
how important self-respect is and if one loses it; no one in this world
will respect that person. All that person will receive will be
humiliation and insult.
My parents have always been my ideal. They have taught me
everything I need to enjoy life and remain respected in this world.
There are no teachers better than our own parents because they live

with us our whole lives and help us walk through this world without
leaving our hand.

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