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Never, never give up3

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Never, never give up
I agree with the expression “ Never, never give up”. It`s not
necessary that we get success after first try, so we should try that
thing at least once more. Let me explain my point of view.
There is always another opportunity. First time I appeared for the
pre pharmacy test, I could not get through. I realized that I did not
cover all the topics and I was so nervous during the exam. Lack of
confidence and improper preparation were the reason of my failure.
But I did not give up; next year again I appeared for the
examination. This time I got through and got admission in one of
the top universities. The reason for my success was correcting my
mistakes and proper preparation for the examination.
There is always another goal. After graduating, I thought of
pursuing my studies in aboard. But due to financial restrains, I
could not do this. I realized that only reason for studying in abroad
was to pursue research. I changed my goal from doing research to
helping in research. Now I am working as research assistant in a
firm. I am gaining the knowledge, which I wanted.
There is always another option. Once I wanted to watch a movie. I
could not go to theater for movie, due to the shortage of money. My
cable operator told me that he cannot show movie on cable at least
for one more week. Since I really wanted to see the movie, I went to
near by rental movie shop and got the movie. So you can always
look for options before giving up.
If you give up, you might not be able to succeed in your life. I
think one should always look for another goal, another option, or
another opportunity. I think this is the way life goes on.

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