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61149 going to

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(plans & intentions)

✁ What are they going to do? Write sentences with going to .

1. It / be / a hot and sunny day.

5. Mr & Mrs Hill / ride / in a boat.



2. James & David / swim / in the sea.

6. Phyllis / read / a book.



3. The family / have / lunch in the beach.

7. Barbara & Susan / drink / some water.



4. Paul / fall over a bag.

8. I / finish / this activity.



✁ What are these people’s plans for the weekend?
Use the correct form of going to +

- I ........................................................................ my birthday.
- John & you ....................................................... ice skate.
- Mary ........................................................................ at the supermarket.
- Pete & Janet ...................................................... lunch in a restaurant.

- Morty ................................................................. computer games.
- Bob ............................................................. his bike.
- We ..................................................................... chess.
- Sarah .................................................................. a novel.
- Sean .................................................................. a plane.
- Mark ................................................................ a barbecue.
- Carol & John ......................................................... married.
- Jack ................................................................ some exercise

- You ................................................................... the plants.

✁ Fill in the sentences with the correct form of going to + a verb below.

1. Jim loves Jane

match the sentences to the pictures.
very much.
He ….
a …
make an apple pie
this evening.
2. Her dog died
last month but
we… 1. Tim isn’t
b …going to catch the ball.
buy his new CD.
2. What
3. I am
really____ Jake _________________? An ice-cream.
depressed today.
my homework soon.
I …. 3. I _________________________

learn some
4. ______ you _____________________ the dog?
4. Peter’s
5. He _______________________ in the swimming pool.
me The
Da Vinci Code. I …
6. Lucy _____________________________ the window.
d … ask
her to marry him

7. ____ Paul _______________________ some apples?
this weekend.
5. There
is ______________________ some flowers to Rose.
8. Pet
James Bond on
TV tonight. We...
e … drive

6. It’s
9. Linda’s
He __________________________. It’s for his mum.
birthday on
… boy __________________out the rubbish?
10. ____
f … give
reporter _________________________ Messi.
her 11.
a new
7. Diane adores
12. They ___________________________ in a hotel.
Timberlake. She

… 13. The
g … have
a _____________________ the school bus.
hot bath and eat
14. The man _________________________ the wall.
8. I have all the
15. He _____________________________ a photo.
ingredients I
need so I …
h … readthe
it two columns using going to .
✁ Match
as soon as I have
e.g. Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he is going to drive all the way to Valencia.
more time.
9. Jack is afraid
of flying. 1.
Jim loves Jane very much. He ….
a … make an apple pie this evening.
why he ... 2. Her dog died last month but we…
b … buy his new CD.
i …3.throw
I am really depressed today. I ….
c … learn some Spanish.
a surprise4.
Peter’s bought me The Da Vinci Code. I …
d … ask her to marry him this

for her. weekend.
10. Susan5.wants
There is James Bond on TV tonight. We...
e … drive all the way to Valencia.
to go to Spain
6. It’s Linda’s birthday on Saturday. We …
f … give her a new one.
this holiday
7. so
Diane adores Justin Timberlake. She …
g … have a hot bath and eat chocolate.
… I have all the ingredients I need so I …
h … read it as soon as I have more
watch it. time.
9. Jack is afraid of flying. That’s why he ...
i … throw a surprise party for her.
10. Susan wants to go to Spain this holiday so she...
j … watch it.

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