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43931 a an some on st valentines day

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Look at the pictures and complete with a, an, some or any:

He had
_____________ bouquet
of flowers.

He had
enormous present.

He had ___________
balloons and _________
teddy bear.

She gave _________
kiss to her friend.

He didn’t
have________ apple. He
had ________ flower.

Yesterday they had
________ date.

They were making
___________ Valentine’s

He had _________
funny present.

Tweety had _______
bow and

She gave
___________ kisses
on St. Valentine’s day.

She wrote
__________ Valentine
card to her boyfriend.

He had _________
flowers and _______
box of chocolates.

He made ___________

He didn't have
___________ egg.
He had _______

He had________
accident with the

He delivered

______________ letters
on St. Valentine’s.
