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63903 phrasal verbs conversation questions k to w

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Has anybody ever let you
down when you needed
him/her most?

Do you know somebody who
has to look after an elderly
person? How does this
affect his/her life?

Do you know somebody who
looks after other people for
any particular reason (lower
social class, race, etc.?

What are you looking
forward to doing in the near

A murder case the police
are looking into

The last word you had to
look up in a dictionary.
Where did you see it? Why
were you interested in
finding out its meaning?

A person you look up to. Can
you explain why?

The last time you had to

make up an excuse

Have you ever passed out?

A person you know who
doesn’t normally pay back
the money he / she borrows

What do you do to pick up
some English outside the

Is there a building in your
neigbourhood which is being
pulled down? Why?

What puts you off your

A moment when somebody
put you up in his/her house

A person you know who can
put his/her ideas across
very easily

Something you can´t put up

Somebody you know who´s

always running down other

Have you run out of
something lately?

An occasion on which you
run up against a problem
when planning your holidays

The last time you had to see
someone off at the station /
airport… Where was he/she
going? What for?...

Would you like to set up a
business of your own if you
could? What kind of

Are you one of those who
shops around a little before
buying something?

Who do you take after in
your family?

Are you impulsive or do you
think things over before

making a decisión?

Something you have to buy a
lot of because somebody at
home always uses it up

A person you know who is
always showing off. What

An area in town where you
always have to slow down
because it´s very dangerous

An activity you would like to
take up if you had enough

Are you often told off at
home? Why?

Is there anything you always
forget to turn off?

an occasion you had to meet
somebody and he/she didn´t
turn up
