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22058 firefighters key included

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Match the parts of the equipment!

Name the parts of the equipment!
A firefighter …….
1 has a pair of leather
boots with steel toe ..…
2 wears ..…
3 wears a fire-proof
jacket and trousers with

Fill in the missing words
from the word bank!
put out – clean - save - rescue build - evacuate – often visit rescue - help - rescue - make sure

Firefighters ……

__ fire-proof gloves.
__ It has also got a neck
__ so he can be seen
better in the dark.
This protective gear
protects from water,
heat and cold.
__ can be fastened. A
small axe is used for
opening doors and
__ needs a respirator.
__ that covers his face.
__ which protect him

from things lying on
the ground and falling
down wreckage.

strip signals on jacket
and trousers, ..…
4 wears a helmet which
protects against falling
parts. …..
5 has got a mask ..…
6 sometimes ..…
7 has got a belt on which
different objects,
for example a small
axe, ..…
Put the sentences into the correct order!!
Firefighters need to be alert and self-disciplined.
be self-disciplined. /need to /Firefighters
Firefighters should be brave and strong.
Firefighters must be in and maintain top physical form.
fire /fighting skills./ practice /They
They practice fire fighting skills.
They also learn how to use axes, chain saws,
strong/ be brave/ and. /should/ Firefighters
fire extinguishers, ladders, and other tools.
Firefighters must clean and repair their equipment.
clean /Firefighters/their /repair /and/ equipment. /must

fire extinguishers. /learn/ They /axes/ use/ and/ how to

…………….. fires.
…………….. to protect people
and property.
…………….. people or animals that
are trapped in burning
…………….. buried victims.
…………….. injured people
2 fire-proof gloves.
in a car ccident.
4 It has also got a neck
…………….. at a flooding.
Some fire fighters work atprotector.
airports or in factories. Others work in forests
the streets
a storm. called smoke jumpers, fight forest
rural areas.
3 so fighters,
he can be seen
and pumps

to dark.
remote areas.
in the
spilt oil.
This protective gear
…………….. the belongings of the
protects from water,
Name the parts of the equipment!
residents at a fire.
heat and cold.
…………….. that laws about fire
7 can be fastened. A
safety are followed.
small axe is used for
…………….. schools to teach fire
opening doors and
6 needs a respirator.
5 that covers his face.
1 which protect him
from things lying on
the ground and falling
down wreckage.




neck protector


Firefighters ……
put out fires.
help to protect people and
save people or animals that are
Firefighters need to be self-disciplined.
trapped in burning buildings.
practice fire fighting skills.
rescue buried
rescue injured people in a car
Fire fighters should be brave and strong.
evacuate at

a flooding. must clean and repair their equipment.
clean the streets after a storm.
They also learn how to use axes and fire extinguishers.
build booms and pump off spilt oil.
rescue the belongings of the
residents at a fire.
make sure that laws about fire
safety are followed.
often visit schools to teach fire

2 fire-proof gloves.
4 It has also got a neck
3 so he can be seen
better in the dark.
This protective gear
protects from water,
heat and cold.
7 can be fastened. A
small axe is used for
opening doors and
6 needs a respirator.
5 that covers his face.
1 which protect him
from things lying on
the ground and falling
down wreckage.

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