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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 5: The media

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9

Lesson 1:

(Period 27)

A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue for details
about the media and practice talking about them.
• Teaching aids:

Poster, tape, realia

• Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
1. Warm up.

(Using the picture from “Getting started” P.40)
Watching TV

listening to radio

reading newspapers
Means of communication

using the Internet

reading magazines

A: Which of these is your favorite activity in your free time?
B:Watching TV
A: What do you watch / read / listen?
B: …….
A: How many hours a week do you spend watching TV?
B: About 4 or 5 hours. I guess

A: With whom…?
-> What kind of media is most familiar to you?
Which one is popular in Vietnam?
- media (n) (trans/sit)
- interactive (adj)
- crier

phương tiện truyền thông

(trans) tương tác -> (to) interact (with): tương tác qua lại

(n) (picture)

người rao tin

- thanks to: (pre) (syn)

nhờ vào

- benefit

lợi ích, phúc lợi

(n) (syn)=profit

- remote control (n)

(realia) thiết bị điều khiển từ xa.

* Checking : What and Where
3. Pre- reading.
Facts & Events
Passange Letter
1. Remote controls are used to interact with TV
2. One of the most popular magazines
3. People of different ages like this magazine
4. Bennefits of TV
5. People got the news from town criers
6. Interactive TV is available now
- Ss predict the table with the passange letters in which these facts or events are
4. While− reading.
- 1st reading: Ss listen and read silentlly the passange, check their prediction.

- 2nd reading: Ss read and then give the correct their prediction (with table).
* Comprehension questions (P.42) Answer key:
1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a
bell to shout the lastest news (as he was walking).

2. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely
read by teenagers and adults.
3. People can get the lastest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive
local and international programs in a convenient way.
4+5. Students’s answers:
-> I read ….short stories, sports column: thao, comics, documentary, game show,
talk show.
5. Post− reading.
- Grammar point: LANGUAGE FOCUS 3,4 (P.46)
* Target language: (Eliciting from the dialogue and Ex6 (P.33)
a. The Vietnamses like reading newspaper and magazines (obj.of a verb)
b. The Vietnamses are interested in reading…
c. We care for reading

(obj.of a prep)
(obj.of a phrasal verb)

d. Reading is our favority activity
e. Our hobby is reading
f. Town crier would go through city streets ringing a bell

(appositive: ngữ đồng

* Uses of gerunds:

S + like / love / enjoy / hate / avoid /…. + V-ing….
be interested in / fond of / ….

* Practice:
Ex3: Ask and answer questions about each item in the box. (P.46)
- Ss practice in pairs.
Ex4: Write true sentences about your parents, siblings, relatives, friends and
yourself. (Remember to use regunds after the verbs in the box) (P.46)
6. Homework.

- Workbook: Do exercises 1,2,3 (P.35−38)
- Study questions in “SPEAK”(P.42) + Language focus 1,2
- Prepare lesson 1 Unit 5 Getting started + Listen and Read.
** variety

(n) (the noun of adj “various”?) Sự khác nhau, sự đa dạng

Unit 5:
Lesson 2:



(Period 28)

A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice talking about the
agreement and disagrement with somethings with Tag –questions.
• Teaching aids:

Poster, cue cards

• Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
1. Warm−up.
* Brainstorm:

folk Music, cartoon, wheel of Fortune

Who wants to be millionaire?

Children’s corner

weather forecast

safe traffic news

the road to the Olympia peak

the price is right

wildlife world

health for everyone

2. Vocabulary.
− violent
− opposite

(a) (tran)

bạo lực

(prep / a / n / adv) đối diện, ngược nhau/ điều trái ngược.

− informative

(a) cung cấp thông tin/ có tác dụng nâng cao kiến thức

− documentary (n) (sit)
* Checking:

phim tài liệu
R- O- R

I. Pre speaking:
1. Open prediction.


Trung: You like watching the news, ……………..? (don’t you)

Yes, ………. It’s very informative. (I do)

Trung: I enjoy it too. You don’t like foreign films, ……? (do you)

No, ……… (I don’t)

II. While speaking:
- 1st listening: Ss listen and read silently and check their prediction.
- 2nd listening: Ss read in pairs and give correct answer.
- Ss practice in pairs.
- Now base on the sample dialogue and the information in the table, you make
similar dialogues to talk about the programs you like and dislike.
III. Post speaking:
Model sentences:

(Eliciting from the dialogue)

You like watching sports, don’t you?
You don’t like foreign films, do you?
a) Form
b) Use:
** Note : I am ….., aren’t I?

- “S” in a tag part is often used a pronoun.
- “not” in the tag question is usually written in a short form: isn’t/don’t….
- If the main past contains the (following) negative word such as: seldom, hardly,
scarcely, rarely, never, no, nobody, nothing, none, neither, the tag part is always
Eg: You never get up late, do you?
- Anyone, noone, nobody, someone, somebody, none, neither of…→ they
Eg: Nobody liked watching that bad programs, did they?

- Nothing, something, everything, that, this → it
Eg: Everything will be ready, won’t it?
- Let’s → shall we? But: Let us .. , will you?
- Imparative → will you?
- Let me → will you/won’t you?
Eg: Look at your books, will you? Eg: Let me help you, will you?
Don’t talk, will you?
* Intonation:
- Falling intonation → the speaker expects an agreement from the listener
- Rising intonation → the speaker asks about information
- Do exercise1,2 (P.45)
Ex: Complete the following tag−questions:
1. Your mother enjoys watching The price is right,…?
2. He studies well,…?
3. You don’t like coffee,…?
4. I am a student,…?
5. The children prefer films to news,…?
IV. Homework:
- Make 5 – 10 sentences (question tags)

- Workbook: Do exercises 4 (P.38).

Find out new vocabulary in “Listen” (P.43) and information about

invention of newspapers, the telegram, the radio, newsreels, the Internet…

A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do the text again and correct the
wrong sentences that they did on the last test, revise some vocabulary and
grammatical structures after correcting the test and held them remind their
• Teaching aids:

sheets of paper

B. Content:
I. Presentation.
1. Hang out the paper tests / sheets to the Ss.
2. Call Ss to come to the board and redo the test.
- Call 3 Ss according to the test’s questions.
- Ask the class to correct.
3. Show some good ones / bad ones of advanced / week students.
4. Teacher’s comments.
+ Common mistakes
+ Language ones.
- T. explains.
+ Ask Ss to list the form used in the test.

a. Form:
II. Contents of the answer key.
I. (3 points)
1. A


(V-ing after “look forward to”)

2. B

hasn’t bought

(The present perfect tense with Yet)

3. D


(V(past) used after Wish)

4. B


(V-ing after V Such as love, like, enjoy…)

5. A


(The conditional sentenses Type 1)
If + S + V(simple present) + S + will +V(bare)

6. C


(V-ing after preposition tobe interested in + V-ing)

7. D


(tobe fond of + V-ing “thích”)

8. C


(for used in the present perfect tense)

9. A

is done

(the passive form with the simple present tense)
(S + am/is/are + P2)

10. C


(the simple past tense)

II. (2 points)
1. playing

(V-ing after V Such as love, like, enjoy…)

2. eats

(simple present tense)

3. listening

(V-ing after V Such as love, like, enjoy…)

4. to go

(to infinitive after V)

III. (2,5 points)
1. He said that he was having a wonderful time there.

Nam asked me When my school vacation started.


The man asked me What the name of my school was.


I asked him if/whether I could move the furniture


She asked me if/whether I had many friends.

IV. (2,5 points)
1. Nga is studying English in London.
2. Yes, she is.
3. She wants to improve her writing and speaking skills.
4. She Sometimes has to write letters in English and talks to people from all over
the world.
III. Copy down the students’ marks into marking school.

IV. Homework.
- Copy down the test into workbook.
- Prepare Lesson 3 LISTENING



Lesson 3:


(Period 30)
A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for details about some
intentions and complete the table on page 43 about important events of the means
of the madia.
• Teaching aids:

Tape, extraboard

• Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
1. Warm up.
* Guessing the word:


- This noun has 9 letters. It begins with “I”, and ends with “N”. It comes from the
verb of “ invent”. Or Ss read the gerund sentences
2. Vocabulary.



nghề làm báo


phim tài liệu


bài luận, nhiệm vụ được phân công


sức mạnh / lực lượng chính


phương tiện truyền thông

Major force

điện tín, điện báo

Printed newspaper

báo in

AD (Latin anno domini)

sau công nguyên

I. Pre - listening:

- Ss guess some informative media we will meet in the lesson.
* Thông tin chỉ thời gian: ………………………………………………… (a,c)
* Chỉ phương tiện thông tin: ……………………………………………… (b.d)
- We are going to listen to a dialogue about the brief history of some modern forms
of media. You listen to the conversation between Chau and her father and fill in the
table with the information you hear.
II. While - listening:
- 1st listening: Ss listen to the conversation between Chau and her father.
- 2nd listening:

Ss listen and share with partner.

- Ss complete the table.
1. Gap−fill.

a) The late 19th century

b) Radio and newsreels.

c) In the 1950s.

d) The Internet

7th or 8th century
Early 20th century
(c) ………………..
Mid and late 1990s

III. Post − listening:

What happened?
The first printed newspaper appeared in China
The telegraph was invented
Two new forms of news media appeared: (b)
Television became popular
(d) ……………. became a major force in journalism

*Answer questions: What’s the assignment about? Where and when did the 1 st
printed newspaper appear? When was the telegraph invented? What is two forms
of news media? And when did they appear? When did television become popular?
When did the Internet become a major force in the journalism?
- Retelling some inventions (from the listening text).

Eg: The assignment is about the important dates of the media. The first printed
newspaper appeared in the 7th or 8th century AD, in China. The telegraph was
invented in the late 19th century. Two new forms of news media appeared in the
early 20th century: Radio and newsreels. Television became popular in the 1950s.
The Internet became a major in journalism in the mid and late 1990s.
IV. Homework:
- Redo the exercises given above and retell the listening
- Find out new vocabulary in “Read” (P.43−44)
- Workbook: Do exercise 5 (P.39)


Dad, I’m doing an assignment. Can you help me with the

Chau’s father:

What’s the assignment about?


It’s about the important dates of the media. Where and when
did the first printed newspaper appear, Dad?


It first appeared in the 7th century AD, in China.


And when was the telegraph invented?


Perhaps it was the late 19 th century. Do you know two forms of
news media appeared in the early 20th century?


Radio and newsreels?


Excellent! And when did television become commercially
virable, can you guess?


In the 1940s?


No, it was in the 1950s.


When did the Internet become a major force in the journalism?


In the mid and late 1990s.


Thank you, Dad. Now I can answer all the questions for my

Unit 5:


Leson 4:


(Period 31)
A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about the
• Teaching aids: Tape + extraboard
• Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
1. Warm−up.
* Chatting:
a) Can you use the Internet?
b) Is the Internet useful? Why?
c) Does the Internet have any disadvantages?
d) What are they?
- As we know, the Internet has been a very important form of media in our modern
life. However, we may not know all its benefits. In today’s lesson, we will study
the benefits and the disadvantages of the Internet.
2. Vocabulary.
- forum (n) (trans/exp)

nơi hội thảo, diễn đàn (trờn mạng internet)

- (to) surf

lướt mạng in te net


- access (n)

(expl / trans)

sự tiếp cận,-> truy cập vào mạng

- (to) deny (trans)

phủ nhận -> spam (n) thư lạ

- junk mail (n)

thư mang nội dung xấu

- (to) communicate (with)

liên lạc, trao đổi thông tin (với),giao tiếp



I. Pre-reading:
1. True or False statement prediction.
a. Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life.
b. The Internet is available not only in city but also in the countryside.
c. People use the Internet for two purposes.

d. Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life.
- As you know, forum is a public meeting where a certain topic is discusssed.
Every participant can engage in the discussion. A forum on Internet is similar.
However, the participants don’t meet in person. They post ideas through a main
website or a mailing list.
II. While-reading:
- 1st reading: Ss read silently
- 2nd reading: Ss scan and give the answer key.

T: a, c, e. F: b, d, f

b. spends much → doesn’t spend much

d. can → can not

f. no → X

1. Matching.
- Ss match the English words and the Vietnamese meanings.
a) Increase

Khám phá

b) Convenient

Thư rác điện tử

c) Explore

Sự rủi ro

d) Risk

Tăng lên

e) Electronic junk mail

Tiện lợi

f) Time-consuming

Mất nhiều thời gian

- Now you read three responses in a forum about the Internet. You scan the text
and match the following main ideas and the responses.
a. Students in the countryside can’t access to the Internet.
b. Internet is a wonderful invention.

c. The Internet can be limited in some ways.
- Key: a. Response # 2

b. Response # 1

c. Response # 3

2. Comprehension questions. (P.44) Lucky lot game.
- Keys: 1, 4, 9 = Lucky Lot
2. Q.1→ He uses the Internet to get information and communication and to

communicate with her friends and relatives.
3. Q.2 → Because she lives in the countryside, where the Internet is unavailable.
5. Q.3 → People use the Internet for education, communication, entertainment and
6. Q.7→ (Students’opinion) Internet is a wonderful invention in the modern age,
but it also has lots of disadvantages, especially for small children b/c its bad
programs. Therefore, we should have a good control on the programs.
7. Q.5 → Yes, there are some disadvantages. It is time-consuming, costly,
dangerous because of viruses and bad programs.ect
8. Q.4 → The benefits of Internet: It is used for many purposes: for getting
information, for education, communication, entertainment and commerce.
10. Q.6→ I agree with the responses.


III. Post-reading:
1. Discusstion.
- Ss discussing about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet


- Fast and convenient to get information

It is costly

- To communicate with friends and….

It is time-comsuming

- It is useful for everyone

The user has many risks

- It is used for many purposes:………..
IV. Homework:

and personal information leaking

- Reread the text and answer questions about it (P.44)
- Work book: Do exercise 6 (P.40)

Unit 5:


Leson 5:


(Period 32)
A. Aim of the lesson:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice writing a passage
about the benefits of the Internet.
• Teaching aids:


• Anticipated problems:
B. Content:
1. Warm up.
* Brainstorm: Chatting:
a) How can you get information?
b) When was the Internet widely used?
c) Do you agree or disagree with the responses?
d) What is your response to this forum?
e) Do you often use Internet?
f) What do you often do when you are online?
g) How much time do you use the Internet a day?....
2. Vocabulary.
- update


mang tính hiện đại hoá

- article


bài báo

- (to) diversify


đa dạng hoá

- On–line school (n) (trans)

trường học trực tuyến

- On–line class (n)


lớp học trực tuyến

- Self–study (v)


tự học

* Checking:

R- O- R

I. Pre - writing:
1. Brainstorm:

entertainment: music, games, movies…

ordering tickets, trip….

of Internet

communicating with others
education: online schools,learning.

getting information: news articles, weather forecast,…
2. Some students talk about the advantages of the Internet.
* Students reread the text about the Internet (P.43+44)
- Students read it silently, individually
- Students add more ideas to the chart/net above
* Introduce the form: Reviewing how to write an argument: (about sth)
(Teacher asks students to repeat) ( same the form in Unit 2)
1. Introduction: (the writer’s opinion)

: I think,/…

2. Body (one idea in each paragraph)

: firstly/secondly/…

3. Conclusion (suming up the argument)

: conclusion/therefore…

- Use the cues to write a passange about the benefits of the Internet.
II. While- writing.
1. Write the benefits of the Internet:

Students work individually

Teacher monitors and helps some students if necessary

*For the weak Ss, teacher can give some cues for students to write.
– Fast / convenient / get information
– Cheap / fast/communicate / people

– Useful / learn / foreign language
*Suggested writing: (etc)
As we know, the Internet has widely developed recently and it has three main
Firstly, Internet can be a source of information at home, we can get information
such as news, articles, and weather forecast very fast and conveniently.
Secondly, the Internet is a very good way to entertain. We can listen to music,
watch films or play games on line. Besides, we can chat with friends and relatives
who live far away. It is a very cheap means of communication.
Lastly, the Internet provides a rich source of educational meterials and
convenient way to study. On the Internet, we can search a lot of websites which
contain useful guidelines and methods for study. In addition, we can do on-line
exercises and take on-line tests. We don’t need to go to school but we still can
complete the educational programs. In conclusion, the Internet brings us lots of
benefits which make our life more modern and convenient.
III. Post- writing:
- Students share their ideas (each groups of 3)/ share their writing
- Teacher asks some students to read out their writings for others to correct any
mistakes they find out.
- Teacher + whole class correct some common mistakes if there are.

– Way to write an argument (type of the writing)
– Language for each part of the argument writing
– Linking words
– Tense…(etc)
IV. Homework:
- Complete the writing.

- Write about the disadvantages of the Internet.
- Review the tag–question and Gerund after some verbs.
- Revision Unit 1 to Unit 3.
