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58747 food for brain body

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The average American child spends more than 20 hours a week in school. That means kids are doing
a good part of their daily eating there as well. Here’s an update on changes that state and federal health officials are making to
ensure that kids are feeding their bodies as well as their brains.
Better Breakfast
The first part of the updated School Breakfast Program will start this year. The program will allow students to get low-fat milk
and proper portions for their age. Fifty percent of the breakfast grains served are required to be whole grains. By the next
school year, 100% of them should be whole grains.
Healthier School Lunch
During the last school year, new school lunch standards limited the calories at lunch. Lunch calories had to be between 550 and
650 for elementary schools, 600 and 700 for middle schools, and 750 to 850 for high schools. Full-fat milk was cut from the
menu and more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables were added. Many students complained that the low calorie meals left them
hungry. In response, the USDA allowed schools more flexibility in meat and grain servings. For now, schools continue to have this
leeway as health officials work on the lunch requirements.
“The hope is that now that schools have had a year with the new standards, there will start to be more innovation and variety in
the offerings,” says Jessica Black, project director for The Pew Charitable Trusts Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project.
No-Guilt Snacks
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act recognized that students have access to unhealthy snacks, both in school cafeterias and
vending machines. Last June, the USDA issued new nutrition standards for snacks that include more fruits, vegetables, low-fat
dairy, whole grains, and lean proteins as the central ingredients. The new requirements also limit the calories, sugar, fat, and
sodium these snacks contain. The change applies to all foods and beverages sold on school grounds during the school day. These
snacks can’t contain more than 200 calories per item, for example, and sodas and sports drinks sold in high schools must contain
fewer than 60 calories in a 12-ounce serving. Elementary and middle schools can only sell water, 100% fruit or vegetable juice,
and low-fat or fat-free milk.
These changes aren’t expected to be in place until next year but many schools will start to follow the requirements this fall.
“Although the snack food changes are not required this year, we are encouraging schools to start towards them so by next year
it’s easy,” says Black. “It is great for everyone to know the standards are out there, and better prepare for them.”
From: Times for Kids

-Read the text and look up any word you don’t

-How do you feel about the new standards in American
schools when it comes to food?
-Do low calorie meals leave you hungry? What is your
-What do you think about sodas and sports drink sold
at schools?
-What kind of food can you get at your school? Would
you like it to be different? Why/ why not?
-Give examples of healthy meals, healthy drinks and

Describe the meal you either bring to school for
lunch or buy:


-Search the internet for a recipe on a healthy snack
and write it down.
Healthy Snack Recipe


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