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daily routine

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Miss Zarfishan and Miss
Miss Zarfishan and Miss Gundega are support teachers at a small school in England. Let’s have
a look and see what they do every day. We will see what they do from Monday till Friday.
Miss Zarfishan and Miss Gundega always have a shower in the morning. Miss Zarfishan has her
shower before breakfast and Miss Gundega has hers after breakfast. Miss Zarfishan drives to
school and Miss Gundega catches a bus. They both arrive early. They go to the hall and have a cup
of tea with their students. Sometimes, Miss Zarfishan has a slice of toast and occasionally Miss
Gundega drinks hot chocolate. They talk with their students for about ten minutes and then they go
to lesson one. Lesson one starts at 8.20 am. They both work with their students in class. Miss
Zarfishan helps in English and Science and Miss Gundega helps in Maths and history. They never
help with Art because they think they are not good at it. At break, Miss Zarfishan goes to the
library and Miss Gundega stays in class. At lunchtime, they go to the staffroom. Miss Zarfishan
brings sandwiches to school and Miss Gundega buys a school lunch. They usually sit together and
sometimes, other teachers join them. After school, they hold a homework club for their students.
They stay most days until about 4pm. At home, Miss Zarfishan prepares lessons for the next day
and Miss Gundega goes to night class to learn Spanish.
I wonder what they do at the weekend? Many students ask them this question, but Miss Gundega
and Miss Zarfishan always give the same answer: ‘That is top secret!’

Answer TRUE or FALSE
1) They never have a shower in the morning ___
2) Miss Zarfishan has a shower before breakfast.___
3) Miss Zarfishan walks to school.___
4) Miss Gundega travels to school by train.___
5) They always arrive late to school.___
6) They go to the hall and have a cup of tea and a chat
with their students,___
7) Occasionally Miss Gundega drinks a caffe latte.___
8) The first lesson begins at 8.20
9) Miss Zarfishan helps in English and maths ___

10) Miss Gundega helps in maths and history.___
11) The teachers don’t work in the Art department
because they don’t think they are good at Art.___
12) At break, Miss Z stays in the staffroom.___
13) At lunchtime, they both go to the staffroom.___
14) Miss Z brings her own lunch and Miss G buys her
lunch at school. ___
15) They never sit together in the staffroom.___
16) After school, they like their students to go straight
home ___
17) Miss G is learning Spanish ___
18) Miss Z prepares lessons in the evening.___

You must ALWAYS do
your homework!

So many students asked these two
teachers about their weekends, that
eventually they agreed to talk about
what they did. They agreed to talk
about what they did on Saturdays,
but insisted that their Sunday must
be kept secret. Let’s have a look and
see what this dynamic duo do every

OK, I will tell you what I do on Saturdays! I always get up late and my servant brings me my breakfast
in bed. She brings me caviar and she feeds me it with a spoon. After that, I get dressed and I take a
taxi to the airport. I get on a special jet plane and it takes me directly to my Mum’s house in Latvia. I

have coffee and a chat with my Mum and then I get back on the plane. It’s cold in Latvia at the
moment, so I need some sunshine! The plane takes me to Torremolinos in Spain. I walk along the beach
and I feed the cats who live there. This makes me very happy. Then, I have a light lunch at a nice bar
on the seafront. I have fried anchovies or a tuna salad. The staff all know me and they all greet me
nicely. ‘Miss Gundega!’ they exclaim. ‘My word, Saturday already! How the weeks fly by!’
After that, I call my private helicopter driver and he comes to collect me. Sometimes, I go straight
home and I watch a bit of TV (I’m quite ordinary, you know!) Sometimes, at night, I meet Elvis Presley
and we go to a karaoke club. I only meet up with Elvis if he is in town, of course!
All this is quite ordinary really and I save my Sundays for my really fun
I do hope you understand that teachers need a bit of privacy and so I
will be keeping my Sundays secret!

OK, I will spill the beans about my Saturday!

Miss Z or Miss G?

I get up very early in the morning and I go to the gym.
I always do three workouts and I lift 50 kg weights –
with my little finger!

a) Is a strong swimmer? ________

In the afternoon, I am usually ready for a real
challenge! I take the fast train to Dover and I swim
across the English Channel. I need a short rest after
that, so I take the ferry back. Then I am ready for my
lunch. After all that exercise, I can eat a lot! I magic
myself to Madras in India and I go to the best
restaurant there. They know me well, of course and

they serve me a wonderful meal. In the evening, I
sometimes receive a call from Barack Obama and I
advise him about world peace.

c) Meets up with a famous singer? ______

‘Thank you so much, Miss Zarfishan,’ he often says.
‘When you are next in Washington DC, be sure to give
me a call. You must come by and see me and Michelle
and the girls!’ He is such a nice man!
Unfortunately, he doesn’t always
listen to me!
Oh well, that’s a typical Saturday for
me! As for my Sunday, no; that is
none of your business!

b) Enjoys lifting heavy weights? _______

d) Advises a world leader? ______
e) Has caviar for breakfast? ______
f) Has a hot curry for lunch? ______
g) Meets her mother? ______
h) Goes to Latvia for lunch? _____
i) Is well known to Spanish restaurant
staff? _____
j) Occasionally watches TV? _______

Frankly, these teachers were joking!
Write up a similar imaginary Saturday for
yourself. You must include at least SIX

activities. Remember to use TIME
phrases: in the morning/in the
afternoon/in the evening…Later/after
that/next/Finally and so on.

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